InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Night... ❯ Wimpy Wolf, Running Down the Trail ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: My New Year’s resolution: To somehow own Inuyasha and YuYu Hakusho. Though sadly, as of yet, I do not own them… sigh…

AN: I have no excuse for not updating in so long. I’d just like to say that I’m sorry and I’ll try not to do it again anytime in the near future.

**Hie i**

*** = Stupid thing I do when changing POV, places, or any other thing I can think of.

Chapter Ten: Wimpy Wolf, Running Down the Trail

Last Chapter:

Kagome quickly jumped out of her shocked state and did just as he commanded. After she washed her hair and body she made her way out of the stream and was just about to grab her towel when she found herself already dry. Looking up she saw Hiei glancing at her from over his shoulder. She blushed again as he turned away from her then she quickly finished changing into her night clothes before he could turn around again.

This Chapter:

“Hiei! I mean it! I’m fine! Put me down!” Kagome kicked and screamed as Hiei carried her over his shoulder on their way back to the camp.

“So you can trip again? I don’t think so, Onna.” Hiei smirked at her and continued walking. Kagome had been trying so hard not to look at Hiei on their way back to camp that she failed to notice the tree branch sticking out of the ground. Needless to say, Hiei took it upon himself to make sure it didn’t happen again. He had promptly swung her over his shoulder, causing Kagome even more grief.

“Hiei, PLEASE just put me down! I don’t want to go back to camp looking like this! What do you think your team members will say? What about MY team members?! Miroku is the most per-”

“Why, Lady Kagome, I didn’t think you thought so highly of me.” Miroku said coming out from behind a tree. “And what were you two doing, hm?” He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

“AH! MIROKU! Shippo! AH! Hiei put me down!” Kagome screamed as she wiggled even more and slapped him on the butt to make sure he knew that she was serous. Hiei just snorted and slowly set her on the ground, making sure their bodies rubbed against each other as he did so.

Kagome looked at the ground, blushing a dark red. Oh she would get him back for this! And the smirking hentai too! “Miroku… what are you doing out here?” She asked though gritted teeth.

“Oh… just taking a walk… and what were you doing, Lady Kagome? You still haven’t answered my question.” She glared at the young man that came to be known as her older brother.

“Miroku…” She gritted out before taking a step towards him. Her hands clinched at her side ready to hit him. Seeing this Miroku held up his hands.

“I meant no ill will, Lady Kagome! It’s just we hardly know this demon from the future! How would I know if he had other thoughts in mind then just seeing to your health?”

“And I’m sure you’d know ALL about those thoughts too, wouldn’t you, Mi-ro-ku?” After Kagome was certain she had glared long enough at the monk she sighed and walked past both men, heading back towards the camp. They were both hentai in her book, in one way or another. “You two are going to be the death of me!” She sighed out grasping her hair. A second later Hiei was at her side with his hand around her wrist.

“Don’t do that. I like your hair long.” **It’s fun to grab in more intimate situations.**

“AK! Hiei!” She hit him in the side, shoving him away from her. “Do you want me to die from blushing too much?!”

“You won’t die from it; it will just make your face permanently red.” **Besides, you look cute when you blush.**

Kagome stopped walking all together and held her hands to her face. This was NOT happening. Just when did Hiei get so bold? She sighed and shook her head. If this is what he was like now… she’d hate to find out what he was like when they actually DID something! He’d probably make her walk around with no clothes on! Wait! Scratch that! He’d just carry her around naked and every time he got honey he’d just strip down and fuck her! AHG! She shook her head again. This was NOT something she needed to be thinking about right now!

Hiei smirks at her obvious discomfort. He knew just what she was thinking about, and frankly, it didn’t sound like a bad idea… as long as no other male’s looked at her, that is.

“Come on, Onna. We wouldn’t want to keep your friends waiting, now would we?” He smirked as she blushed deeper as her gaze snapped up to meet his eyes. She then let out a small shriek of surprise as he picked her up in his arms again. ‘So much for walking back…’ she thought to herself as she blushed even darker.


When they neared the camp, the first thing they saw was Yusuke and Kuwabara fighting and making their way into the forest. Kagome doubted they would have noticed them if Miroku hadn’t stepped on a stray tree branch.

“There you guys are! We were just about to go out looking for you!” Yusuke said as he lifted his eyebrow in a suggestive way. “What were you two doing?” He asked inclining his head in Kagome’s direction, who was still held tightly in Hiei’s arms.

“Oh no! Kagome you’re not hurt, are you?” Kagome sighed and rolled her eyes. The second the words ‘Kagome’ and ‘hurt’ were out of Kuwabara’s mouth the four of them were surrounded by two worried demon’s and two VERY pissed off half-demon’s.

“WHAT!? Kagome, who hurt you? I swear if they touched just one hair on your head-!”

“Ka-chan, are you ok? Are you hurt really badly? Should we go back to Kaede’s village and get you help?” Shippo asked as he jumped up wrapping his arms around Inuyasha’s shoulders, causing Inuyasha to lose his balance and stop talking. Kagome sighed again. Really now, how did she get stuck with all the stupid over-protective demons? She could take care of herself… kind of…

“It’s ok, Shippo. I’m not hurt. I just tripped on my way back from the hot springs and Hiei over-reacted…” Glare. “Just like some other demon’s I know of.” She glared at all the demons around her and started pushing against Hiei’s chest as an indication to be let down.

“How do I know you won’t hurt yourself again if I let you down?” Hiei asked in her ear.

“Oh please.” Kagome scoffed and elbowed him in the stomach. “With six males around with over-protective demon blood in them, do you really think I’ll get too far even if I DID want to hurt myself?” Hiei nodded at her logic and slowly let her down.

“Thank you.” She said brushing the imaginary dust off her pajamas. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go see how the sane people are doing… in other words, the girls.” She glared at all the men around her before she strolled into camp, right over to the two resting females’. The men all shared a look before slowly trickling back into the camp site.

“How is she doing?” Kurama asked coming to sit beside his mother who was checking over a sleeping Rin. Kagome smiled up at him in a knowing way.

“She’s doing fine. She just scrapped her knee from being pushed out of the way of an attack. I’m sure she’s suffering more from the shock then anything else right now. But don’t worry; I’m sure Shippo can help her get her mind off it.” She gave Kurama another knowing look then glanced in Shippo’s direction. He was currently pestering Kuwabara and Inuyasha, but every now and then he would sneak a glance of the sleeping girl.

“Well, I’m off to bed… I’m sure even though Sango’s injured Inuyasha’s going to make us get up early and go off shard hunting. You know how he is.” She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek before she stood and make her way over to her bag. But, as she retched into her bag for her sleeping bag she realized it was already out and lying off to the side of the camp with an irritated Hiei standing next to it.

Kagome sighed and made her way over towards the glaring demon. ‘Wonder what pissed him off THIS time.’ She wondered to herself. “So this is the norm then? Sleeping with you?” She shook her head and slowly slid down into her sleeping bag. Hiei was close to follow, pulling her body close so that he could feel her heart beating through both of their thick clothing.

**Why did you kiss him?** He asked as soon as he had settled in.

‘He’s my son. Why wouldn’t I kiss him goodnight?’ She shot back.

** Yes, that’s true. But you only kissed the older one and not the younger one that you just adopted.** He shot back.

‘I would have kissed him too but he looked busy to me. And you know how little boy’s get when their mothers kiss them in front of their friends.’ She was wrong; he didn’t know what it was like, but he could take a good guess at it having something to do with male pride and not looking weak. He knew about that last topic a little too intimately for his tastes.

“Hn.” Was all he said before he nuzzled his nose into her hair, and slowly let himself fall asleep.


All too soon Kagome was woken up by the first rays of the sun shinning through the leaves. So it was basically a normal morning for the shard hunting group. Kagome would wake up early, make breakfast, and then everyone else would slowly start to wake up… with the exception of Sango, of course. Though this morning, unlike most other mornings, she found herself to be exceptionally hungry. ‘That’s right!’ She thought to herself as she sat up, almost hitting herself in the head. ‘I was so worried about my arm last night that I forgot to eat dinner!’

She blushed and looked around the clearing as her stomach gave off a loud growl. Sesshomaru was looking at her with one of his eyebrows raised and Kurama was hiding a smirk behind his hand. It was then that she turned to look at angry red eyes.

“Onna…” Hiei growled out as he glared at her. She blushed and look away from his heated gaze. The next second Hiei shot out an arm and grabbed her chin so that she would look at him. “Go start heating up your pan thing. I’ll go hunting for some food… and this time I’ll make sure you eat.”

“Eh? Um… what?” Kagome managed to get out before Hiei disappeared into the forest for some food.

Hiei sighed as he hunted down the rabbits he had seen by the camp earlier this morning. ‘Stupid Onna, doesn’t even know how to take care of herself.’

Kagome was so shocked that she just sat there for a moment, completely at a loss for words. But the chuckling on the other side of the fire brought her back to the present. Kurama was laughing at her! She glared at her son from the future and slowly got up to get a pan out of her pack.

She had just set the pan over the fire when Hiei appeared next to her with three, already skinned, rabbits. She let out a surprised ‘Eeep!’ before she turned to glare at him, hitting his arm lightly.

“Don’t DO that! You’ll make me burn myself again!” Hiei just ‘Hn’ed and handed her the desired meat. Like he actually let her burn herself again.

“Make sure you cook it really well.” **We don’t need you getting sick.** Kagome glared at him again before turning back to the fire to start making breakfast.

Gradually, everyone one else started to wake up to the delicious smells that were Kagome’s cooking. Before long everyone that ate human food, had eaten their fill and were now debating on where to go next.

“This Sesshomaru suggests that we head towards the West. That way I can check to make sure my lands are ok and the half-breed won’t have to worry about being out in the open on his ‘weakest’ night.” Sesshomaru said matter-of-factly.

“Hell NO! I ain’t going ANYWHERE that bastard wants to go!!!” Inuyasha shouted jumping to his feet and stalking over towards his brother.

Miroku, sensing trouble, shot up and tried to restrain the hanyou before he attempted to kill his brother… again.

“Inuyasha it would be wise to not refuse your brother’s offer. The night of the new moon does loom ever closer.” This resulted in Inuyasha turning to fight with Miroku instead of his brother. Which, in turn, brought Sango into the fight to help save her secret love.

Before long, Kuwabara joined in the battle to help save the ‘pretty lady’ as Yusuke tried the hold him back, all the while yelling at how stupid he was and how Sango could take care of herself.

All in all, Kagome was getting pissed off at all the fighting going on. She slowly stood from her spot on the ground and shouted, “QUIET!” Everyone stopped their fighting, almost immediately, and turned to look at her.

“Thank you.” She took a deep breath and continued on. “We should start heading north. If the rumors are true and there are no other loose shards left that’s the way we should go. That way we can get to Kouga before Naraku does.” Inuyasha was about to complain but she cut him off. “I don’t care WHAT you think about Kouga! He’s our friend and I’m SURE he’ll want to help us in the fight against Naraku!” She glared at everyone in the clearing. “Good. Now help me get packed up. We don’t have much time left if Naraku has as many jewels shards as he leads us to believe.”

Within minutes the camp as picked up and the group was moving North through the forest.


About half way through their journey Kagome came up with a good idea and ran up to walk next to Sango, forgoing her spot next to Hiei for the company of her friend. He glared at her before jumping into the near by tree’s to sulk.

“Hey, Sango!” Kagome said giving her older sister type figure one of her best smiles. Sango, for her part look at her cautiously.

“Hi, Kagome…” She said narrowing her eye’s in suspicion when the younger girl’s smile grew brighter.

“San-go…” Kagome said in a sing-song voice. “Can you teach me how to fi-ght?” Sango stopped and looked at Kagome with wide eyes before answering.


“Come on, Sango!” Kagome raced after the older girl as she started walking again, at a quicker pace. “Please? Teach me how to fight! You saw how the guys acted back there! And all I did was stumble over a tree root! I didn’t even fall! Come on, Please? You don’t even have to do anything today! Just give me directions from the side lines while you heal up! Please?” Sango sighed at the hopeful look in her friend’s eyes. She didn’t know why, but she just couldn’t say ‘no’ to Kagome when she looked at her like that.

“Ok, ok fine. But once I get back to my normal health I won’t go easy on you! So enjoy it while you can!”

“Thank you!” Kagome all but squealed as she hugged her best friend and older sister. “You won’t be sorry! I’m a really faster learner… well… except for when it comes to math… but that’s another story! Thank you so much!” Kagome could barley contain her joy as she let go of Sango and skipped ahead of the small groups to go hang off of Kurama and mess up his hair.


They once again stopped for the night when both the young kids started to complain about their hunger. Kagome, giving all the demon’s a nasty look, started pulling packs of ramen out of her pack.

Sango, sensing a dinner of burnt ramen, quickly took everything out of Kagome’s arms and handed it to Miroku. “Here, Monk. Make yourself useful.” She said before pulling Kagome out of the clearing.

When the girl’s were out of sight of the males and in a clearing large enough to train in, Sango finally felt safe enough to let go of Kagome. Looking around the clearing once, Sango nodded her head in approval before leaning down to pick up a branch about as long as her leg. Breaking off the tip of the branch she handed it to Kagome.

“Here, we’ll start with the basics and slowly work up your arm strength.” Kagome nodded and took the offered branch.

Sango spent the next ten minutes teaching Kagome the basic stance and before she knew it Kagome was charged with saying ‘Cha!’ and swinging the branch towards the ground before lifting it up; only do start all over again. After another ten minutes Sango nodded and stood from her spot on the ground.

“Good. Now I want you to do that at least 500 times a day. And make sure you don’t eat anything before you start training. You might throw up. Now, let’s see what you remember.” They continued on with the lessen until Hiei jumped down from the tree tops to tell them that dinner was done. At the mention of dinner he gave a pointed look at Kagome that said he would NOT let her get away with not eating again. Even though he was happy about her getting trained he knew she wouldn’t need it. That’s why he was there. As long as he was there with her she would NEVER have to fight.

On the way back to camp, Kagome tensed causing Hiei to move closer to her. A firm grip on the hilt of his sword. With in seconds Inuyasha came crashing through the tree’s before standing in front of Kagome barring his sword. There, before their eyes, was a tornado heading straight for them.

When the whirlwind of a tornado was about seven feet away from them it took form and from the center emerged everyone’s favorite wolf demon. He skid right past Inuyasha and was about to reach for Kagome’s hands when he was pushed up against a tree with a blade at his throat.

“Who are you? Give me one good reason not to kill you.” Hiei growled out under his breath.

“What? Kagome, who is this guy? Did you hire a body guard because dog shit over there wasn’t cutting it? Don’t worry, I’m here now. I won’t let MY woman get hurt.” The whole clearing went quiet when the wolf prince uttered the words of his doom. To say the air was tense was an understatement.

“WHAT did you just say?” Hiei ground out again, shoving his sword closer to the demon’s neck. Kouga gulped before continuing.

“I said Dog shit, over there, doesn’t do a very good job at protecting my Kagome?” Oops… wrong thing to say. Kouga was across the clearing before anyone could blink with a pissed off, green, eye demon punching him into the ground. Once Hiei made sure that Kouga was unconscious and wouldn’t be getting up anytime soon, he turned all of his eyes towards Kagome. Before she could even widen her eyes in surprise, she was up in his arms being carried off through the forest.

After about twenty-three minutes of traveling they came upon a small cave. Hiei whisked them inside and quickly put up a barrier using his demonic powers.

She was HIS no one else’s! And he was going to make sure it stayed that way. He slowly lowered her to the ground and started kissing and nipping her neck, right where he knew he would soon mark her as his. He let his manhood rub against her warm core, friction building even through their clothes.

His hands slowly worked their way over her body, her pleasurable moans leading him on. He let one hand stop at her left breast before he couldn’t help himself and tore open her top to free her mounds to his gaze.

Kagome was in heaven. Keyword ‘was’. The second she felt the cold air hit her heated flesh her mind snapped to attention and she started pushing Hiei away from her body. This wasn’t Hiei. This was his demon and he was scaring her. When he wouldn’t budge, she gave him a tiny jolt of her power and lightly scorched his green skin.

When Hiei felt his chosen mate burn him he growled in anger and pushed her away from him. How DARE she hurt him! When he heard the sickening crunch of her shoulder hitting the wall next to them, he flinched pulled in on himself. Now she would never want him. She had rejected him and now he had hurt her. His heart was slowly breaking and he had no idea of how to stop it.

After a few tense moments, Kagome was able to slowly sit back up, holding her soar shoulder. “Hiei, Hiei please look at me!” She cried out to the depressed demon who was now back in his humanoid form. She slowly made her way across the small cave and, ever so slowly, reached out her hand to lightly touch Hiei’s shoulder.

Hiei turned around before she could touch him and grabbed her wrist. “Why do you still insist on coming near me!?! I almost rapped you! Then I go and hurt you by throwing you into a wall! Do you like getting hurt!?! Is that what you want me to do?! Do you WANT me to hurt you!?!”

Kagome jerked away from his anger before she gazed up at him with sad eye’s and let her hand come up to cup his check. “Oh, Hiei. I know you would never hurt intentionally. What matters is that you DIDN’T rape me. You stopped before you could.” Hiei slowly released her hand and pulled her closer to his body.

“Hiei, did you know that every one of my friend’s here in the past has either tried to kill or kidnap me at one point or another?” Hiei slowly shook his head and he nuzzled his chin in her hair. “The point here Hiei, is that I give everyone I meet a second chance. And for some unknown reason… I think I love you.”

Hiei’s breath caught in his throat as he heard this. “I don’t know when or how it happened, I’m just happy it did.” She slowly pulled back, looking into his shocked eyes before she kissed him on the nose. “So there!” She smiled up at him. “Now you don’t have to worry about me going off with any other demons and you can stop beating up my friends.”

Hiei, finally snapping out of his shock, glared at her then gave her a playful growl. “Oh no you don’t! You can’t just kiss me on the nose and think that you’ll get away with it!”

Hiei quickly corrected the problem and kissed her full on the lips.

They continued on for a few minutes before Kagome pulled back with a yawn. Hiei just smiled down at his future mate.

Yes, she was his.

In all his long years, he had never thought that there would be someone who would look past all his faults, his tragic history, AND his violent heritage. But here she was, and she had said that she loved him. Kagome.

HIS Kagome.

He smiled to himself and slowly lowered both of them to the ground. He rubbed her shoulder softly, using the healing power he got from his mother, to heal the shoulder he had just sprained. They would sleep for now, and tomorrow they would catch up with the rest of the group.

His Kagome.

He really did like the sound of that.


AN: Happy New Year! Thanks for reading, please Review!

Next Chapter: There’s No Place like Home