InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Past Meets Present ❯ Something More ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I noticed that I made a lot of typos in the last chapter. Please forgive me for that. Thanks to everyone who reviewed and thanks for being patient. The new semester starts tomorrow, so it might take even longer for me to update my stories. I have Math, Psychology, Sociology, and Zoology among other classes as well. So please forgive me for being slow.


"Hmm…." Youko said circling around Kagome. "You're very interesting."

"Why?" squeaked Kagome.

"You are a priestess, yes I can sense that but…you adopt two demons and freely converse with demons." He stopped behind her and pressed himself to her back. "You are very unique, a true rare jewel. I always have an interest in rare jewels." Youko licked the shell of her ear and smirked at her gasp.

"I…" Kagome started blushing.

"You bastard!" Inuyasha shouted running towards the fox demon, sword drawn. With a flick of the wrist however, Inuyasha was caught in a cocoon of vines.

"Now then, where were we? I believe I was…..YIPE!!!" Youko jumped away from her and grabbed his silver tail, bringing it up to his face. The tip was terribly singed.

"Don't touch my Mama." Little Firefly yelled furiously, his little chubby hands clenched.

Youko glared at the fire apparition before throwing back his head and laughing. "You've got spirit kid."

Kagome cast a look over at Kurama.

"Err…May we talk Youko Kurama?" Kurama asked politely.

Youko raised a brow at Kurama as his attention was drawn to Kurama the first time. "What are you? You are neither fox demon or human."

"He's a fox demon trapped in a human's body." chirped Shippo. "Do you really steal for a living?" Shippo suddenly asked, eager to learn from the older fox demon.

Youko nodded. "Yes I do. Would you like me to teach you how to…"

"No," Kagome snapped, "he would not."

Youko laughed bitterly, his demon pride getting the best of him. "Of course not. I wouldn't want to corrupt the little fox demon. I'm sure your raising him to be a docile human." Youko said, spitting the word human out.

Kagome's eye twitched. "What did you say? Are you insulting my race and my ability to raise children?!"

"No. I am insulting the human race and your ability to raise demon children."

"I AM human!" Kagome retorted.

"No you're not."

"Yes I am."

"Are not."

"Are to."

"Are not."

"Are to, and that's final."

"I thought priestesses were above demons." he said mockingly.

"And I thought jerks were only the male of the human species." She snapped back.

"And I thought bitches belonged to the dog demon category."

"That's it!" Kagome lunged at him only to be yanked by her collar by Kurama.

"That would be unwise Miss Kagome."

"So is stopping me." she snapped. "He's worse then Inuyasha."

"Who is Inuyasha?" asked Youko.

"The mutt you tied up." replied Hiei casually.

"Don't compare me to that mutt priestess. I am much better looking then him."

Kagome sweat dropped. "He's got an ego on him doesn't he?" she whispered to Kurama.

Kurama sighed and nodded.

'Do not.' whispered Youko in Kurama's head.

'When did you wake up?' asked Kurama.

'Just now. What a blast from the past eh?'


"Why don't you just grow up!" shouted Kagome as the past Youko made a perverse statement.

"You first." he spat back.

"Can we please stop fighting?" asked Yusuke. "Even my ears are ringing.

"He started it." Kagome murmured.

"Well end it." snapped Yusuke.

Kagome crossed her arms over her chest. "Fine. Now that we've figured out who the culprits are we can go. It's not like we have to worry about this idiot hurting anybody."

Before Youko could make a retort, Kagome was gone.

"You have a hideout to get to, do you not?" asked Kurama pointedly.

Youko and Kurunoue (someone give me a proper spelling!) nodded before leaving more bewildered then they had come.


"What's with you?" asked Natasha a few hours later.

"What do you mean?" asked Kagome.

"You pretty much verbally attacked the guy."

Kagome shrugged. "I don't know. He just…made me upset. He easily pushed my buttons. Why?"

Inuyasha shrugged. "I dunno. It's just not like you."

Kagome sighed. "As of late, I haven't been myself. I don't know what's wrong with me. At the mere appearance of Youko I felt very aggressive. It was almost like I was trying to discern my place with him. As if…"

"He was trying to dominate you." finished Hiei.

Kagome nodded. "Yes. Why would I feel that strongly about it?"

Hiei shrugged. "You shouldn't. If Kurama hadn't grabbed you, I think you would have wildly attacked him. Like…"

"Like a demon." finished Kurama.

Kagome blinked. "A demon?" She giggled. "That's impossible. I am a priestess, I can't be a demon."

"Perhaps your soul is that of a demon's?" asked Kurama.

"No, that's impossible." Kagome said shaking her head. "I'm…"
"She's Kikyo's reincarnation." finished Inuyasha coldly.

Kagome sighed. "Yes. Kikyo's reincarnation." she mumbled.

"One thing's for sure." said Shippo with a note of wisdom in his voice too old for a little boy.

"What's that?" asked Kagome.

"Youko was really cool!!" he said excitedly.

Kagome and the rest of the gang sweat dropped.

Night of the Raven