InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Queen ❯ The Talk And Her Decision ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

They were all speechless. They never thought anyone could have such a miserable and bad life. Not only that but she also had to find the jewel shards before which added to her misery. She must feel guilty for both things.
Guilt for most of her family dieing and not being able to stop it and even more guilt for shattering the jewel. It's double the guilt. I don't know how she could take it.
She also must feel a little guilty for killing all the people in her past life. Even if most of them deserved it in one-way or another. It must have been very hard to cope with.
“That's my lovely story. Now why don't we call the others in and we'll discus whats going to happen from now until the tournament.” Kagome said and they all nodded.
“Well that's good. You didn't have a choice anyway so I don't even know why I asked you.” She said to them.
They all sweat dropped. She than walked outside and called the guys in.
“So did you like the nice lives we had detectives? I didn't think so. Anyway I have to talk to Kagome for a few alone and away from the house. We're going to take a ride into town. Just to talk. We're not going to go anywhere. We'll be back in about 30 minutes.” Joey said to them.
They were all about to argue until Kagome stepped in.
“Yeah I want to talk to you too Joey. We'll be back in 30 minutes.” Kagome said.
“You have 30 minutes.” Hiei said through his teeth. He didn't like the idea but he had to learn to trust them if they were going to fight together.
“Alright be back later.” Kagome said and both her and Joey walked out of the door.
“So what do you think they want to `talk' about?” Ian asked them innocently. They all just looked at him.
“Uncle Ian if they were going to do anything like that they would have wanted more time and told us not to interrupt them.” Joey J said to him rolling his eyes at his perverted Uncle.
“No not really. They could do it that fast. After all both of them can transport.” Ian said.
“Uncle Ian shut the fuck up. You stupid Hentai.” Joey J said and hit his uncle in the back of the head.
“Ow. What the fuck was that for? I was kidding around. Damn. You people can't take a mother fucking joke.” Ian said rubbing the back of his head.
“We all know that you a little perverted Uncle Ian.” Danny said to him.
“I am insulted. I am not a pervert.” Ian said sounding hurt. They all laughed.
“You may not be a pervert but you think perverted things bro.” Eric said to him.
“Do not.” Ian mumbled.
“That's enough. Jeez. Why the fuck are we talking about Uncle Ian being a pervert. I know he is but that's not the point.” Joey J said when he saw Ian's mouth open.
“We have to see how long mom and Joey take so if they take too long we can yell at them. Also why don't we watch them?” Joey J said and all the others looked at him confused. Well the spirit detectives did.
“We have a TV that shows us anybody we want at any time.” Joey J said and they nodded. He turned the TV on and they watched them.
With Kagome and Joey
“So exactly what do you want to talk about?” Kagome asked Joey while they got into the car.
The car was a black convertible corvette. It had red and blue flames on the side. The hood had a silver kitsune, a black dragon and a black werewolf. The top was down. It had only two seats. It had a black interior and all kinds of accessories in it.
The seats had two dragons on it. One was blue and the other one was red. It had a computer where the glove compartment was suppose to be.
It had a DVD player where the CD player was suppose to be and it had a touch screen radio under it. The DVD player also played cds and video games. It had a TV screen in the middle of its steering wheel and two on each side of the dashboard.
Where the driver and passenger where sitting. It had doors that went up instead of sideways. The seats had massagers and heaters in them. The license plate said ` Shadow Blade' on it.
“I really want to talk about the tournament and the humans.” Joey said the last part quietly.
“The humans?” Kagome repeated.
“Yeah but lets talk about it after we're out of here.” Joey said and drove off.
They stopped five minutes later. They were at a lake.
“A lake Joey?” Kagome asked him.
“What? If anybody noses around and listens to us we could drown them. No evidence.” Joey said grinning. Kagome laughed.
“True. Now lets talk. We only have about 20 minutes left. We have to leave 5 minutes to get back.” Kagome said to him.
They got out of the car and walked over to the lake. They took off their shoes and sat on the edge of a dock and put their feet in the water.
“Yeah ok. The tournament is in what two months. We really have to train the new people. It could ruin our reputation if we show up with them that weak.
Kagome we the Shadow Blades are known to be the strongest group ever to exist. If we show up with them people will laugh at us like we're a joke.” Joey said to her.
“Joey they will not show up weak. If anyone even dares to laugh at us they will perish. Weather it in the ring or out.” Kagome said her eyes tinted blood red.
“Not to mention we have the spirit detectives. The ones who are suppose to kill demons. I mean the two demons on their team are traitors to all demons. They kill their own kind.” Joey said and Kagome raised an eyebrow.
“Joey if you don't remember we killed millions of our own kind.” Kagome said to him.
“Yes but we did it because they either disrespected us, tried to kill us or did somethin' unacceptable. Kagome we are royal. We can kill who ever we want at anytime at any location.
They kill just because a demon breached the barrier. I mean come on they don't give our kind a chance. What if they have a family? The demons in human world are there but can't kill.
Ok that's fine but the spirit detectives come and kill them if they are close to any human. Kagome our kind can't do that their yet when they come into Makia they kill hundreds of our kind and we don't do shit. That's not fair.
Kagome we give humans chances. We gave them many chances and they refuse to change. They destroy everything they come in contact with. Even we don't do that. They kill women and children by dropping bombs, shooting them and other things.
Kagome no demon in their right mind has ever killed a child. Well I kinda think we both did once but we were in a rage so that doesn't count because your not exactly in your right mind.
Kagome the humans kill and beat their own children sometimes. They even leave their children to fend for themselves. That is just disgusting Kagome. No demon does that unless they have a forbidden child. We should band that though. That ain't right either.
They are who they are born to be. You shouldn't be left just because of that.” Joey said to her.
“So what do you think we should do about it?” Kagome asked curiously. She did agree with some of the things he said but not all.
“Personally I think we should kill all humans. We can do that you know. Its not like anybody can stop us. We wouldn't do that though. Well you wouldn't. Well we can do the next best thing.” Joey said to her.
“And what would that be?” Kagome asked not liking what her friend was thinking.
“I think we should show them chapter black.” Joey said.
“What?????” Kagome yelled out of both anger and surprise.
“What? It would do them some good to see what they have done to the world over the past centuries.” Joey said.
“Joey Michael DeLuca what the fuck is going on in that fucking head of yours? Are you going out of your fucking mind?
If we showed them that tape I think they'd all try to kill themselves.” Kagome yelled angrily at him.
“That's the whole point.” Joey mumbled but she heard it anyway.
“Joey we can't kill all the humans. One we'll be killed and hunted by both the council and Spirit world.
Not to mention I'm a spirit detective too so are you calling me and traitor and do you want to kill me?” Kagome said to him.
“No you have a choice. You can go on any mission you want. You don't have to go on every one. And yes we can kill all the humans and not get in trouble.
All the humans will be dead. Which means demons can over run sprit world and old the human world. We will be invincible. No one will dare to challenge us in anything.
We will be the rulers of it and make sure no one defies us. If they do they die instantly. If any of them don't like it they get killed instantly. Kagome this is going to happen one way or another.
Whether it is today, tomorrow, next week, next year or 100 years from now. It's going to happen. The barriers will weaken. The demons will kill the humans and we will rule all four realms again.
You know as well as I do that the barriers get weaker every year which means that eventually it will fall. There's no way to stop it from falling.
Demons are going to rule all four realms. Kagome we should do it know rather than later. We will be the rulers and since we are both immortal we will be the rulers forever.” Joey said to her.
“Joey we can't do that. Well we can but we're not. Humans maybe bad in ways but we can't kill them for that. I can understand doing that if they tried to kill all the demons in our world but they don't know about us.
They wouldn't do that anyway. They know that we'll win. We are superior to them. I have to say that but they do have all that technology now so I'm not so sure. Lots of demons would die.
We are only superior because we have special power, claws, fangs and our higher senses but they have guns, nukes, grenades and you get the picture. It would be somewhat difficult to do that. We aren't doing it though.” Kagome said to him.
“Kagome alls we have to do is transform into our true demon selves and they'll go running. We're scary in our demon forms. Not to mention strong. Bullets, grenades, and other things won't affect us.
We could even put a barrier around our army as to protect them. We could also do that to the land so it doesn't get destroyed. Kagome we are invincible.
Only another demon could kill us and than we still wouldn't die forever. Remember we are immortal. We would just come back to life.” Joey said to her.
“Joey we are not doing that now or ever. I mean you are right about things but we can't do that. It's not right. We are superior so we have an advantage.
It wouldn't be a fair fight. They may have their own turf but our demons train since they are 5. They are masters at everything they have learned.
The humans have volunteers and they aren't even trained. Besides they send in young boys. 18 and older I think it was. I can't kill boys that are almost the same age as my own sons. It would be like killing them to me.
I couldn't do it. I get myself wounded or killed even if I tried. We aren't even going to attempt any of this so why are we talking about it?” Kagome said to him.
“Kagome I understand your decision but sooner or later the humans will find out about us and try to kill us.” Joey said.
“If they do and if they try to kill us than we will talk about killing them not before or after. I'll be in the car waiting for you.” Kagome said to him.
She got up and walked over to the car and got in.
&Lady Kagome he isn't wrong about anything he says. The humans will find out about us eventually and we will be at war with them& Darkness said in her mind.
*Yes but we'll wait until that happens not before or after* Kagome said back to him.
&of course& Darkness said.
*I haven't heard you in a while. Why is that* Kagome asked him.
&We've been sleeping& Darkness replied.
*Oh* Kagome said and closed the link.
Back at the house
The gang couldn't believe what Joey was saying. Well the Shadow Blades couldn't but the spirit detectives didn't know what he was really like since they didn't know him long.
“He out of his fucking mind?” Yusuke yelled.
“No you jackass. He is right about everything the humans do. But our mother won't let him do that so you have nothing to worry about.
Unless humans try and kill my moms family, which is us, she won't kill the humans. How ever if we are attacked by any human than the humans are as good as dead.” Joey J said to them.
“Sounds real nice.” Yusuke said sarcastically.
“Your just lucky that she didn't agree with him. If she did all the humans would be dead by now.” Eric said to them.
“He is not destroying the human world or any human in it. Besides humans can beat demons with no problem. Demons are stupid anyway.” Kuwabara said stupidly.
There was a long silence. Than all the demons turned to face Kuwabara and formed a circle around him.
“Sorry but what was that last part?” Joey J said with his eyes narrowed and dangerously blood red. Not to mention they were on him. He was right in front of Kuwabara. All eyes were blood red.
With Joey and Kagome
They were on there way back to the house. They just left the lake.
“Kagome I'm sorry I said that back there but it is true Kagome. It is going to happen sooner or later.” Joey said.
“Joey lets not worry about later lets worry about the tournament and now.” Kagome said to him.
They than pulled up to the house. Kagome got out and walked into the house only to find everybody well every demon circled around Kuwabara.
She went over to Yusuke. Joey than came in and walked over to them.
“What did he do now?” She asked him.
“You mean other than say demons can't beat humans and say they are stupid in a room full of demons.” Yusuke said sarcastically.
Than he started laughing at the look on Kuwabaras face. Kuwabara looked terrified.
“You really shouldn't insult demons when you are in a room full of them.” Kagome stated from behind the circle.
They all turned towards her, the red eyes disappearing.
“Ummm hi.” Kagome said and waved her hand at them.
“So how is everybody?” She asked. Everyone fell over anime style.
“What? You all had your eyes on me. What am I suppose to do dance?” She asked. They just rolled their eyes.
“Did you have a nice chit-chat?” Joey J asked them.
“Don't know. Why don't you tell us?” Kagome said a little angry.
What? How are we supposed to tell you how your talk went?” Danny asked.
“Well the TV showing us right now tells all but I'm sure you already knew that.” Kagome stated angrier.
“Well that was only to see if you were …uh…on your way home. Yeah that's it to see if you were on your way back.” Eric said nervously.
“I'm sure. You just put it on to see if we we're on our way home when instead you could have just called to ask.” Kagome said
“Umm… it saves minutes.” Ian said to her.
“Oh yeah we need to save minutes because we're poor and going to go over our minute limit which is what 50000 minutes on each cell phone. Uh-huh.” Kagome said to them.
“Ok mom you caught us but we just wanted to see what you were talking about.” Heather said.
“Its not right to spy on people. You weren't raised like that.” Kagome said to them her anger growing.
“How would you know how we were raised?” Joey J said before he could stop himself.
There was a dead silence.
“Mom I didn't...”
“No its fine. You are right after all. I don't know how you were raised. Your practically strangers to me.” Kagome said to him.
“No mom you did raise us when we we're first given to you. We haven't changed.” Joey J said.
“No you have changed. I know you have. I'll be leaving now.” Kagome said.
“Where are you going?” Both Hiei, Yusuke and Joey said at the same time.
“To train. I'll meet you at the dark tournament. Its two months from now as you know. You will all train and help the spirit detectives. You train here I'm going to train elsewhere.” Kagome said and walked towards the door.
“Why?” Joey J asked.
“Because I don't know you anymore. I wouldn't want to ruin the way you were brought up.” Kagome said and walked out of the door.
“I can't believe she just did that.” Joey said.
“Who could blame her after what I just said to her.” Joey J said and leaned against a wall for support.
“We finally got her back and I ruined it.” Joey J said and punched the wall successfully putting a hole through it.
“Lets just train until the tournament than we'll settle things.” Joey said and they all nodded. They than began to train for the tournament.
With Kagome
*I can't believe he said that* she thought while driving done the road in the car she took with Joey.
&My Lady he didn't mean it& Darkness said to her.
^Yes mistress he didn't mean it^ Fang said to her.
+You walked out before he could explain+ Ryu said to her.
*I don't really care if he didn't mean it. He still said it and that's all that matters. I'll train alone for the next two months or I can. Yes I'll go there to get training* Kagome said and started to drive west.
Wow my longest chapter ever.