InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Such a Small World ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Three
He blinked, watching the gothic-looking man that was now sitting on his couch. He couldn't remember a time that he'd seen Hiei this angry, but he could understand. Even he was angry, wondering what in the world Yusuke was thinking—wondering if his mind had left him for quite some time. Not only had he cheated on his wife, but he'd also slept with Hiei's girlfriend? It almost seemed a bit farfetched, but it wasn't impossible. “Are you sure that it was Yusuke? Kagome could have simply—”
“Of course it was Yusuke,” Hiei snapped. “I've never seen Kagome look so broken, nor have I seen her throw herself at anyone's feet in shame. You know Kagome, she's always trying to prove to others that she isn't weak since Inuyasha tossed her, and she's always putting up a happy face, even if she's sad. Kagome didn't lie, so don't even try to convince me that she did.”
“You seem very eager to defend her, Hiei.” Kurama's eyes twinkled a little as he stared at his red-eyed friend. “It seems to me that you do not wish to allow her to simply slip away.”
Hiei sighed, “No.” Staring at Kurama, he continued, “You know that Kagome isn't like other women, Kurama. She doesn't care for the fact that I work with Sesshoumaru, or that I'm violent and rude towards others. She only cares about what I do around her, for her, and with her. She's forgiven me for many things, Kurama. She deserves to be forgiven as well.”
“It is good to know that you have a heart, Hiei,” Kurama smiled. He watched as Hiei scowled at him, before turning back to the cup of tea within his hand. “However, that doesn't stop the fact that Yusuke is… was your friend. Wouldn't Kagome have known him by now? She should have known she was jumping into bed with him, shouldn't she?”
Hiei wrinkled his nose. “I would have asked the same thing, if it wasn't for the fact that Yusuke doesn't visit me often. Besides, whenever he is over I rarely allow Kagome to even know he is in the house. She doesn't need to be associated with someone like him, even if he has calmed down a bit over the years.” He turned his eyes, “So, she didn't know him, exactly. Perhaps seen a glimpse or two of him, but she didn't know his name or anything like that.”
Kurama nodded. “Does Yusuke know her?”
“Unfortunately,” Hiei growled. “Which causes me to wonder what the hell was going on in that bastard's head when he decided to sway Kagome into his bed? He should have known better, even if he had been drunk the first time.” He felt like killing Yusuke more than anything talking about everything that had happened. He was positive it was Yusuke, for Kagome had said his entire name. “Then he blackmailed her into sleeping with him a second time, telling her that he'd tell me what she was doing. I would have thought you would have put those pieces together, Kurama.”
Kurama frowned. Hiei hadn't told him that, or at least he hadn't heard it while the man was yelling about it all. All he'd really caught was “Yusuke cheated on Keiko with Kagome,” “twice,” and “that bastard touched my woman” during the entire time. Coughing lightly, hoping not to set Hiei off more than he already was, he said, “Yes, well, I would have, if you hadn't started yelling as soon as you walked in the door. I really didn't catch most of it.”
“Then maybe you should pay attention more next time,” Hiei grunted.
“I'll keep that in mind,” Kurama replied. Bringing a hand up to brush his red hair out of his face, he looked down into the cup of tea he was holding. Bringing it up to his lips he took a sip, before turning his attention back to his old friend. He could tell that Hiei was beyond pissed off, he wanted blood, perhaps Yusuke's head, even though he'd be sent to prison for life. He'd lose everything, including Kagome, and he didn't want that to happen to him. Hiei deserved a little happiness in his life. “But maybe you should think about stepping up your relationship. Proving to others that Kagome truly is your woman, instead of simply the woman you find pleasure being around.”
“What are you talking about, Kurama?” Surely he couldn't be talking about that. The one thing he'd often thought he'd never, ever, do, until he met Kagome. He wasn't sure he was ready yet, though. Yes, he was going on twenty-seven, and Kagome was going on twenty-five, and he knew she wanted to marry someday, but he wasn't sure he was ready. Besides, he wasn't even sure if what he and Kagome had was going to work anymore.
Smirking, Kurama said, “Perhaps you should think about… marriage?”
“Have you hit your head recently, Kurama?” Hiei asked, lifting an eyebrow.
“Come now, Hiei. You know that Kagome is just waiting for you to pop the question. She does, after all, love you,” Kurama replied. “That might be one of the reasons why she believed what those… what did you call them? Hm, I believe it was `stupid bitches'. Yes, that was it, what those stupid bitches said. Not only did they tread on the fact that Kagome's still broken from her experience with Inuyasha, but that she fears that you may only wish to toss her aside. That you do not wish to marry her, but simply keep her as a side dish, because you know she'll come, loving you and all that.”
“Hn.” Hiei turned to look out the window, watching as a light sheet of rain began hitting the outside. He was glad that he'd managed to get Kagome home, since she probably would have caught a cold. However, he was beginning to get angry at the rain, knowing that it was hinder his quest to beat Yusuke's head into the pavement. Yes, he knew he couldn't do much to him, but he'd make sure he understood that touching Kagome ever again would end with consequences, deadly consequences.
Kurama smiled, knowing that Hiei was thinking about the decision he would have to make. To make sure that Kagome never doubted him again, and to make sure that no one ever touched her without him knowing. His thoughts, however, turned to something else. Another woman that he was sure would be hurting as soon as she found out about this. The woman that Yusuke was married to. Keiko, a woman he'd once thought about dating, until she showed interest in his friend.
He knew it might end up being a cheap shot, but maybe showing Keiko that there were other men in the world would be a good thing for her. Maybe she would give up Yusuke and find someone who would treat her better. Maybe not him, but he could hope, even just a little bit. Besides, it might show Yusuke that there were things in life that he just couldn't have with the way he wished to do things. It would be a good lesson for him, and Yusuke needed as many as he could get after this.
“I do have one more question, Hiei.” Kurama watched as Hiei's attention was brought back to him, before continuing, “Are you sure it was our Yusuke?”
“Yes, Kagome said, `Urameshi Yusuke',” Hiei growled. “She might have seen him, but she did not know his name, I made sure of that. I…” he glared for a moment, “I probably wouldn't have believed her if it wasn't for that.”
“I see.” Kurama turned to take another sip of his tea, knowing that his decision had just been made. Even if it screwed Yusuke out of his marriage and completely messed up his relationship, he was going to find out where Keiko was. If she knew, or if she didn't. He would make sure that he would be the one to tell her if she didn't know, and then he would show her that there were men out there willing to stay faithful to one woman. Yusuke might get into his face about it, but there was really nothing he could do, not after what he'd done.
He was positive Hiei and him could smash his life to pieces. Shuichi, nicknamed Kurama when little, knew that it would be something he would willing do. Even if he normally wouldn't do something similar, he would do this to show Yusuke that he couldn't continue his way of life. Not if he wanted to ever keep a relationship strong. Not if he ever wished to show his face again.
Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it!
He clenched his hand, watching every move that he made, seeing the fear in Kagome's eyes as she did as he told her. The fear of Hiei truly believing that she did such things often. He hadn't seen it before, but he truly felt guilt and realization washed over him as he watched the video. He hadn't even known it was on. He hadn't known that someone had kept it on record. He knew that Rini had been playing with it earlier that day, but he hadn't thought that she might have left it on, recording as well. Hell, he wasn't even sure how the thing had managed to record for so long without the battery dying sooner.
And it was in that moment that Yusuke realized just how far he'd gone in his search for a little excitement. Yes, it had been to keep his marriage together and happy, but it was still something he hadn't put into concept. He'd went almost thirty minutes after Keiko had left to find Kagome, and it was nearly an hour and a half after they left that he returned home with her. Which meant that he was truly screwing up his life. He'd been so happy that he had found excitement that he hadn't even realized exactly how far he was going to get it.
Now Keiko was gone, taking Rini with her. Sure, she was with Yukina, but that could easily change. Besides, thought Yukina was a nice girl and would help any of her friends, he wasn't sure just how long it would take him to fix his relationship. He was the one with the job, not Keiko. He grinned to himself while thinking about it. That meant that Keiko would either have to find a job while staying at Yukina's bakery, or she'd have to come running home to him. She wasn't the type to mooch off her friend, no matter how much she wanted to stay away from him.
Turning the tape off, Yusuke couldn't help but wonder how Kagome was going after all this. He'd known that she was shamed with herself, and there was always the possibility that she'd go straight to Hiei and tell him everything. She didn't seem like the type to keep secrets from the one she loved for long, which meant he'd have a very angry, very violent, guy coming after him very soon. Though he hated himself for using her for his own pleasure, he sent out a small amount of sympathy for her when she spilled to Hiei. He hoped that he hadn't gotten her hurt, even though he had enjoyed his time with her, for he knew that Hiei was sure to blow. He just hoped that the love Hiei felt for her was enough to keep her from ending up on the receiving end of his anger, because he knew he could handle it and he would be the next victim Hiei came after.
He didn't even know why he was worrying about her and her relationship. He should have been worrying about himself, but he was worrying about her. The stupid bitch shouldn't have allowed others to tell her such stupid things and then ended up crying in a place where any drunken bastard was sure to take advantage of her. She should have struck out at them, accusing them of lies. That was what he would have done if he were in her shoes. He shook his head; he didn't even know why he remembered all these things, since she'd told him when he was drunk and getting dunker at the time.
He smiled bitterly to himself, stopping the video from going any further by hitting the pause button. He looked up at the woman that was beneath him within the screen and growled. There was no way he'd chosen Kagome to be his outlet simply because he found her attractive. That was the reason why Hiei wouldn't allow him to go near her whenever he visited, because he'd once mentioned that she looked like a nice piece of ass. He wondered if Hiei even remembered that and if he found out about the crime he'd committed against him if he'd use it against him.
Maybe it had simply been Kagome's nature that drew him to her. She was, after all, the only person to ever draw the cold-hearted Hiei out of his icy shell. He'd never thought that anyone would have ever been able to accomplish such a feat, especially not a woman like her. A woman more defiant than Keiko, with a fire that burned beneath her very flesh as if it were apart of her; a very attractive woman that had been innocent until Hiei got his claws into her.
His mind swirled as he thought about it. Maybe the reason he'd gone after Kagome when he saw her and found out the reason why she was there was because he was attracted to her. Not only for her body but the fact that she had a beautiful soul. She was a woman to be cherished and maybe, just maybe, the reason he'd gone after her not once, but twice, was because he wanted her. Wanted to take her away from Hiei…
Jerking himself away from those thoughts, Yusuke quickly jumped to his feet. He needed to find a way to get his wife back, not think about the reasons why he would have gone after his friend's girl. He needed Keiko, not Kagome! He didn't want Kagome! He'd simply wanted some more excitement in his life and he'd found it, at a cost. A big cost—a really, really, really big cost. He knew now that he shouldn't have done it, and he was going to stop thinking about these things so that he could find a way to fix his marriage. He'd find a way, and hopefully then his stupid body would stop thinking that a girl who loved his friend was good-looking.
God only knew if he'd succeed.
The tiny pitter-patter of the rain began to hit the windows, almost like it was mocking him in some fashion. He had a sinking feeling that nothing was going to go right for him from now on. Yes, he'd still have his job, even if he did work underneath that stupid nineteen-year-old, Koenma, but he didn't care about that at the moment. His job was very important, but there were other things in his life, and he was thinking about asking for a small vacation. As a headache began to form, he knew he'd need it.
He only hoped that he'd be able to survive the anger that was sure to come his way. Not only from Keiko, but also from everyone else that learned of what he did. Yes, there were probably people that would be happy to know what he did, but there were those who would hate him, despise him, and wish to have him simply disappear. Well, he was Urameshi Yusuke, and there was no way he was going to end up doing such a thing. He was going to fight for the things he wanted, even if he was slightly confused as to why he felt like he didn't entirely want his wife and daughter back.
Her hand reached up, knocking on the door as she looked at the rain beginning to fall. She held onto Rini's with her other, silently wishing that she didn't have to be placed into the middle of all this. It wasn't good for her, she knew that, but there was no way she was going to let her stay with Yusuke. Not when she knew that he was bringing women to their home in order to fuck the shit out of them. She knew that Yusuke would be quite stunned with her choice of words but at the moment she didn't fucking care.
“Yes, Rini?” Keiko asked, looking down at the little girl at her side.
Rini blinked, wondering why her parents were fighting, again. “Why did we leave when daddy got home, mommy?”
Sighing, Keiko turned her eyes toward the door, wishing that Yukina would hurry up so that she didn't have to go into detail. However, she knew that there was the possibility that Yukina had gone to bed early and had to come down to the back door. She didn't want the neighbors to know of her life, so this was the best option at the moment. “Because, daddy did something that he shouldn't have, Rini,” she said. “Daddy should have known that it would make mommy mad, but he did it anyway.”
“What did daddy do, mommy?”
Frowning, Keiko squeezed her daughter's hand. “That's something that only daddy and I should know, Rini. Its something that only adults should even be aware of.” Knowing that her daughter's curiosity would end up with more questions, she continued, “You see, Rini, daddy went out with another woman that mommy doesn't know. He stayed with her without letting mommy know. We're going to stay with Yukina in order to make sure that daddy won't do it again, because its something that he shouldn't have done. Not when he's married to me.”
“Mommy, I don't under—”
“I know, Rini. I know,” Keiko said. “But you'll understand someday.”
“Ok, mommy,” Rini smiled. She hoped that her daddy got around to apologizing; like the last time her parents had fought, because she didn't like seeing them apart. She wanted them to happy, but most of the time it didn't seem like they'd ever be happy. But she knew one good thing about them fighting and that was she got to stay with her Godmother, Yukina. She loved staying with her, especially since she got to go to the bakery with her on Sundays in order to help as much as she could.
Hearing the faint click of the lock, Keiko sighed in relief, waiting for Yukina to finally open the door. It swung open slowly, before the blue-haired woman's face finally came into view. Smiling, Keiko muttered, “Hi, Yukina…”
“Keiko?” Yukina asked. “What are you doing out at this time of night? Especially when it's raining…”
“Yusuke,” Keiko frowned. “He… he…” She burst into tears again; feeling Yukina's arms wrap around her while Rini clung to her waist. It did nothing to help her weeping heart, and she continued to cry, feeling Yukina pat her back in hopes of calming her down. “Yusuke… he slept with some woman named… Kagome…” she whimpered into Yukina's ear, before feeling the woman tense against her.
“Kagome?” Yukina stiffened further. “As in Higurashi Kagome?”
“I don't know. I don't know,” Keiko whined.
Yukina pulled away, gently rubbing at Keiko's arms. Being the generous person that she was, she said, “Please come inside, Keiko. I'm sure that you would make better use of the guest room than anyone else at the moment.” She hoped to god it wasn't Higurashi Kagome. She wasn't quite sure what would happen to Yusuke if it were, but she was sure that his life would become a living nightmare. Higurashi Kagome was a very nice girl, and she knew there were only a few things that could actually get her to do something like that. Still, Kagome was an uncommon name, and she hoped that she could get as much information out of Keiko as she could. Maybe then she could help two relationships instead of simply one.
“Thank you, Yukina. I don't know what I'd do without you,” Keiko whimpered, bringing a hand up to wipe at her face. She leaned down to pull her daughter into her arms, knowing that her presence would help calm her. “I thought about going to Shizuru's, but she's probably with her boyfriend right now, so I decided against it. I don't know where I'd go if you wouldn't allow us to stay.”
“Of course you can stay here, Keiko. I'd never turn a friend away. Not when I have room for them,” Yukina smiled. “Now, why don't we get you settled in, I'm sure that you've had a very long day and need some rest. You'll feel better in the morning.” Patting the other woman on the arm, she smiled brighter, hoping that she would be calm enough to answer her questions in the morning. She knew a Higurashi Kagome, current girlfriend to Hiei, but she wanted to make sure they were one and the same before she went asking questions. She'd most likely do more harm than good by doing that.
Nodding, Keiko said, “Our things are out in the car. I'll go get t—”
Yukina grabbed her before she could turn around. “Its beginning to rain, Keiko. You can get your things in the morning. For now, please, get some rest. Then you can tell me all about this, since I'm sure that you don't want it weighing down your mind for the rest of your stay.” Giving another small smile, she added, “Besides, you don't want to get sick on top of everything, do you?”
“No, I guess not. Thank you,” Keiko nodded. “I really appreciate this.”
“Its no problem,” Yukina replied. Turning her attention to the small girl still clinging to Keiko's waist, she reached out to smooth down her hair. “Now, Rini… why don't we go get you ready for bed. I believe I still have the pair of pajamas that you left here from your last stay. You can wear those, while your mommy wears something of mine.”
“Oh, you don't have to, Yukina. I'm fine in my own,” Keiko frowned.
“Its nothing, Keiko. Besides, I only have to wear one outfit a night, not all of them,” Yukina laughed. “And it will take the worry that you'd be uncomfortable off my mind. Please?”
“Alright.” Feeling her lips turn upward in a smile as Yukina took Rini's hand in order to take her upstairs, Keiko wiped at her eyes again. She could already feel the worry in her mind beginning to fade away, knowing that Yukina would allow them to stay. She knew that the girl was more worried about everyone else than herself, but at the moment she liked her that way. Yes, normally she'd ask her to think of herself, but at the moment she was happy that she didn't have to go back home. Because it meant she could be away from Yusuke and hopefully get some of this sorted out before she decided what she was going to do next.
Stepping forward, she went to the stairs. Placing her foot up onto the first step, she turned to the backdoor, almost wishing that Yusuke would come beating on it at that moment. A small, bitter, smile touched her face, for she knew that he'd probably sit at home waiting for her to come to him. Well, she wasn't going to do that. He'd gotten himself into this mess, and he was going to have to come to her to get himself out of it. She just hoped he wouldn't be stubborn enough to leave her all alone.
“Oh, Kagome,” Sango smiled. “It'll be alright, I'm sure. Besides, from what I saw, I don't think that Hiei will leave you like that idiot did. He's a good man, even if you can't see it at first.” She watched her as Kagome took another drink from her hot chocolate, her eyes gazing into it like it'd give her all the answers. She hated to see her like this, she wanted to beat the crap out of Inuyasha for making her think all the things she now thought, but most of all she wanted to beat the crap out of this Yusuke.
Kagome might have only been her stepsister, but she loved her. Sure, at first she'd hated the fact that her father was going to marry another woman after her mother died, but she'd come to like it, love it in fact. She'd lived on the shrine since she was six, each day coming to like her new sister and brother more and more. She had missed Kohaku more than her mother after the car crash, but she'd come to understand the need her father had. The love that he'd come to have for Kagome's mother, and then she'd come to love them all like true family. For that she would do anything for Kagome, but she wasn't sure what she should do at the moment. Not when Kagome wanted her to stay out of it.
Another tear streaked down her face and fell into her cup, while she sniffled. “I don't know why he'd even want to continue the relationship, Sango.” Giving her a look, she smiled just a little, “But… he said that he wanted to… I'm not sure what to think at the moment.”
“Well, I've never known Hiei to lie, Kagome, and neither have you,” Sango said. “You should believe him. If you want to make it work, then it will, but if you continue to rip yourself apart over this, it isn't going to. I know that you might not want to hear it, Kagome, but the reason you're in this mess is because you didn't believe him the first time. Maybe its time that you trust him completely, instead of allowing everything that Inuyasha did to you to cloud the things you want?”
Setting her cup onto the table, Kagome folded her arms and laid her head down onto them. She stared at the nearest wall, knowing that Sango was right. She should trust Hiei, but she wasn't sure what she should do. Not when the cruel words that Inuyasha had always said while they were together continued to run through her head. “I know…”
Sango felt anger at those words, knowing that Kagome was merely trying to get out of the conversation. “No, Kagome, you don't know!” she snapped. “Damn it, I don't even know why I'm trying anymore, Kagome. I love you, I do, but you've got to get over that asshole. I know that you have to see him every time that the family gets together, but damn it, that doesn't mean that you can't move on! Hiei is good for you, and you're good for him, yet you continue to think about Inuyasha! Maybe its better if you do just break it off. Continue to live in the past and never come out of it again!” She looked at the stunned face of her stepsister, and deflated, “Oh, Kagome, I didn't mean…”
Shaking her head, Kagome smiled a little, “No, you're right, Sango. I just can't get the words to leave me alone. Every time I think about what I've done they all come flooding back.”
“Kagome, I think that's only because you keep trying to hurt yourself. You want to make the words seem true, but they aren't. Everyone makes mistakes—no one can be perfect, no matter how much they try. Inuyasha was an idiot, he always will be, but you're no longer with Inuyasha.” Sango sighed, before continuing, “Hiei is an entirely different person. Yes, on the outside he might seem even worse than Inuyasha, but I can see the way he looks at you. Inuyasha once told you he loved you, I was there, but he didn't mean it because he kept glancing at Kikyo during the time. Hiei has said the same thing, but I can see it in his eyes, Kagome. He does love you. You should allow him to, instead of trying to keep yourself from being hurt again.”
“But you just said I was trying to hurt myself,” Kagome smiled. “Doesn't that contradict everything else you just said?” She enjoyed whenever Sango rambled because she usually ended up stringing her words together so that she was saying something completely different. It was fun to correct her.
Scowling, Sango growled, “Yes. What I meant is you're trying to protect your heart from being hurt, but in the process you're hurting yourself. You know what I meant, Kagome, you're just trying to make fun of me.”
“Yes, maybe I am,” laughing, Kagome felt herself calm. Enough that she could understand what Sango was saying, even if she didn't want to admit it entirely. Yes, she wanted to make sure she wasn't hurt again, but she wasn't sure if she was actually hurting herself by doing so. Then again, Sango could usually see right through her.
Sango smiled, “See, there's the Kagome I know and love.”
Lifting her head from the table, Kagome asked, “Sango… do you actually think that I might be able to make this all work?”
“If you never do it again and reassure your protective boyfriend, then yes,” Sango nodded. “Hiei will come to see that you simply allowed a few pretty words to sway you, but you love him, not this Yusuke person. He might also come to see that he shouldn't allow you to hang around those stupid women who seem to think he's a piece of meat. None of them are even fit to be put into the friend category; they need to be put into the `going to hell' category.” She smirked, listening as Kagome giggled at her words. “Besides, if he really loves you, then he's not going to let you get away. If he does… well, then he's a bigger fool than even Inuyasha was.”