InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Greatest Thief Of All ❯ Kagome's Mate ( Chapter 1 )
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The Inuyasha cast was sitting in the forest floor, resting and taking care of their injuries because they just had an encounter with another one of Naraku's 'children' called Shipotsu that looked like a big ugly spider with a ugly head and the jewel shard in the forehead. They finally defeated it but didn't leave without injuries.
Kagome: I don't think they would be coming for the jewel shards anytime soon since they also left with damages so we could rest for now.
Miroku: Yes Lady Kagome, i agree with you.
Inuyasha made a 'feh' and fell asleep against a tree while the others slept, unknown to them, someone else rather than Naraku had interest in the jewel and in a little priestess....
Shadow: Your mine Shikon shards...
Out of the shadows stepped a silver haired kitsune with gold eyes. He smirked and walked over to Kagome and raised a eyebrow at her strange clothings and reached a hand to grab the shards around her neck when a hand grabbed his. It was Kagome's and she glared at the intruder who tried to steal her shards. Youko was amused and quite suprised that she sensed him and pretended to sleep that passed through his visors. He smirked and inched closer to her.
Youko: Ooppps.
Kagome: Who are you and why are you trying to steal my shards?
Youko: Youko and pleasure. I am the greatest thief and made a bet with my friend that I can even steal the Shikon shards, except I didn't know that it was guarded by such a luscious maiden. If I knew, I would've stolen it earlier.
Kagome blushed but still glared at him and was it her or was he inching closer?
Youko: I guess I'm caught red handed but I won't leave without taking something.
His lips caught hers for a brief second and he walked away.
Youko: I'll take that as my reward!
Kagome was blushing as bright as a tomato when he left and touched her lips, it tingled when he kissed her, and that body, those eyes.... She didn't tell the group when they woke up, wanting it to be a secret.
Her lips, they tasted so pure and like strawberries ( i dunno if they had it at that time but oh well !! ) His body wanted to take her right there and then when his lips touched hers. If he kissed her longer, he might've really taken her just there and then. Then he just remembered that he didn't know her name and stomped his foot.
Youko: Damnit!!
TiMe GaP : oNe WeEk
One week has passed and Youko had followed Kagome when there group traveled. He masked his presence and that darn hanyou and the monk and the slayer didn't even notice him, only Kagome had. She had sensed his presence even though he masked it but she pretended not to. They started meeting more and more, usually when the rest fell asleep. He found that she was good company and began to trust her even more and told her secrets while she told him about how she came from the future and that she was destined to collect the shikon shards. He was all angry when he learned of how that hanyou had treated his woman.
Youko: / wait, my woman !? since when did she became my woman!!?? /
Kagome: Youko? Youko!
Youko: eh? what Kagome?
Kagome: Nothing, you just suddenly spaced out.
Youko: I was just thinking. / yeah, thinking of you, she is beautiful and powerful. Her scent if pleasant, unlike those other demoness that I know and those unpure mikos, she's somehow different and unique /
Kagome: let's get to sleep, we need to leave early tomorrow.
Youko: Night.
He jumped back to the tree and a thought drifted to him and kagome as they slept.
Kagome n Youko: / I think I'm falling for her/him /
TiMe GaP : a MoNtH lAtEr
Kagome had secretly mated with Youko and they are happy with each other. They thought of telling Kagome's friends sometime soon but then. They were sitting near the river with Kagome in Youko's lap when he spoke.
Youko: Kagome?
Kagome: Yes?
Youko: You know that I'm the world's greatest thief right?
Kagome: Yes.
Youko: but I know one that is even better than I am, that thief even stole something from me.
Kagome looked at Youko with her eyebrows knitted in concern.
Kagome: Who is it? What did they steal?
Youko: It was you and you stole my heart and that made you the greatest thief of all.
She playfully hit him in the chest and smiled as she leaned back into his embrace and he wrapped his arms around her, never wanting to let go of her, promising to always protect her.
TiMe GaP : a MoNtH lAtEr
Naraku and the final battle occured. Youko was also killed by demon slayers and Kagome fought with tears in her eyes the entire time. She didn't know that one month would change everything but she watched with her own eyes as her friends fell one by one and she knew the end was near. After they defeated Naraku, only Kagome, Rin, and Sesshomaru survived the battle. Sesshomaru took her in and treated her as a sister and made her the heir to the Western Lands. She purified the whole Shikon Jewel and wished that Rin would age as a demon would age, for that, Sesshomaru was grateful. She also wished that she was full kitsune along with full miko and that was the start of her training.
She trained under his guidance and grew as strong as Midoriko. She grew physically and mentally. Sesshomaru taught her the way of the royalties hired tutors to teach her the grace and everything a lady should be. She learned fast and met other royalties of the other lands. Kouga, the prince of the Southern Lands ( forgot what land he rules ) died also in the battle with Naraku and he didn't take a mate. His last will was for Kagome to take over the Southern Lands.
Kagome grew, she had black hair to her thigh and cerulean eyes that sparkled and was known as the ' Mysterious Beauty ' by her suitors. Kagome was still saddened that her mate had left her but she had a feeling that she would meet him sometime again and that was the only thing keeping her alive. She learned all and decided that this era wasn't meant for her and had a request for Sesshomaru.
Kagome: Sesshomaru, im leaving, im sure I'll see you in the future, in Makai.( that's the demon world right? and then Nigenkai was the human world and yeah )
Sesshomaru: fine, but take Tojikin with you. Inuyasha had left me the Tetsaiga in his will and I never really did favor Tenseiga. It was too pure for me and I think that it would be more useful with you.
He handed her Tenseiga and it glowed when Kagome touched it and made her it's mistress. It will never listen to another again. Sesshomaru hugged her and whispered to her.
Sesshomaru: Remember, I'm proud of you and you are always Lady Kagome of the Western and Southern Lands. Visit me in the future Kagome.
Kagome: I will, and goodbye, Sesshomaru.
The Inuyasha cast was sitting in the forest floor, resting and taking care of their injuries because they just had an encounter with another one of Naraku's 'children' called Shipotsu that looked like a big ugly spider with a ugly head and the jewel shard in the forehead. They finally defeated it but didn't leave without injuries.
Kagome: I don't think they would be coming for the jewel shards anytime soon since they also left with damages so we could rest for now.
Miroku: Yes Lady Kagome, i agree with you.
Inuyasha made a 'feh' and fell asleep against a tree while the others slept, unknown to them, someone else rather than Naraku had interest in the jewel and in a little priestess....
Shadow: Your mine Shikon shards...
Out of the shadows stepped a silver haired kitsune with gold eyes. He smirked and walked over to Kagome and raised a eyebrow at her strange clothings and reached a hand to grab the shards around her neck when a hand grabbed his. It was Kagome's and she glared at the intruder who tried to steal her shards. Youko was amused and quite suprised that she sensed him and pretended to sleep that passed through his visors. He smirked and inched closer to her.
Youko: Ooppps.
Kagome: Who are you and why are you trying to steal my shards?
Youko: Youko and pleasure. I am the greatest thief and made a bet with my friend that I can even steal the Shikon shards, except I didn't know that it was guarded by such a luscious maiden. If I knew, I would've stolen it earlier.
Kagome blushed but still glared at him and was it her or was he inching closer?
Youko: I guess I'm caught red handed but I won't leave without taking something.
His lips caught hers for a brief second and he walked away.
Youko: I'll take that as my reward!
Kagome was blushing as bright as a tomato when he left and touched her lips, it tingled when he kissed her, and that body, those eyes.... She didn't tell the group when they woke up, wanting it to be a secret.
Her lips, they tasted so pure and like strawberries ( i dunno if they had it at that time but oh well !! ) His body wanted to take her right there and then when his lips touched hers. If he kissed her longer, he might've really taken her just there and then. Then he just remembered that he didn't know her name and stomped his foot.
Youko: Damnit!!
TiMe GaP : oNe WeEk
One week has passed and Youko had followed Kagome when there group traveled. He masked his presence and that darn hanyou and the monk and the slayer didn't even notice him, only Kagome had. She had sensed his presence even though he masked it but she pretended not to. They started meeting more and more, usually when the rest fell asleep. He found that she was good company and began to trust her even more and told her secrets while she told him about how she came from the future and that she was destined to collect the shikon shards. He was all angry when he learned of how that hanyou had treated his woman.
Youko: / wait, my woman !? since when did she became my woman!!?? /
Kagome: Youko? Youko!
Youko: eh? what Kagome?
Kagome: Nothing, you just suddenly spaced out.
Youko: I was just thinking. / yeah, thinking of you, she is beautiful and powerful. Her scent if pleasant, unlike those other demoness that I know and those unpure mikos, she's somehow different and unique /
Kagome: let's get to sleep, we need to leave early tomorrow.
Youko: Night.
He jumped back to the tree and a thought drifted to him and kagome as they slept.
Kagome n Youko: / I think I'm falling for her/him /
TiMe GaP : a MoNtH lAtEr
Kagome had secretly mated with Youko and they are happy with each other. They thought of telling Kagome's friends sometime soon but then. They were sitting near the river with Kagome in Youko's lap when he spoke.
Youko: Kagome?
Kagome: Yes?
Youko: You know that I'm the world's greatest thief right?
Kagome: Yes.
Youko: but I know one that is even better than I am, that thief even stole something from me.
Kagome looked at Youko with her eyebrows knitted in concern.
Kagome: Who is it? What did they steal?
Youko: It was you and you stole my heart and that made you the greatest thief of all.
She playfully hit him in the chest and smiled as she leaned back into his embrace and he wrapped his arms around her, never wanting to let go of her, promising to always protect her.
TiMe GaP : a MoNtH lAtEr
Naraku and the final battle occured. Youko was also killed by demon slayers and Kagome fought with tears in her eyes the entire time. She didn't know that one month would change everything but she watched with her own eyes as her friends fell one by one and she knew the end was near. After they defeated Naraku, only Kagome, Rin, and Sesshomaru survived the battle. Sesshomaru took her in and treated her as a sister and made her the heir to the Western Lands. She purified the whole Shikon Jewel and wished that Rin would age as a demon would age, for that, Sesshomaru was grateful. She also wished that she was full kitsune along with full miko and that was the start of her training.
She trained under his guidance and grew as strong as Midoriko. She grew physically and mentally. Sesshomaru taught her the way of the royalties hired tutors to teach her the grace and everything a lady should be. She learned fast and met other royalties of the other lands. Kouga, the prince of the Southern Lands ( forgot what land he rules ) died also in the battle with Naraku and he didn't take a mate. His last will was for Kagome to take over the Southern Lands.
Kagome grew, she had black hair to her thigh and cerulean eyes that sparkled and was known as the ' Mysterious Beauty ' by her suitors. Kagome was still saddened that her mate had left her but she had a feeling that she would meet him sometime again and that was the only thing keeping her alive. She learned all and decided that this era wasn't meant for her and had a request for Sesshomaru.
Kagome: Sesshomaru, im leaving, im sure I'll see you in the future, in Makai.( that's the demon world right? and then Nigenkai was the human world and yeah )
Sesshomaru: fine, but take Tojikin with you. Inuyasha had left me the Tetsaiga in his will and I never really did favor Tenseiga. It was too pure for me and I think that it would be more useful with you.
He handed her Tenseiga and it glowed when Kagome touched it and made her it's mistress. It will never listen to another again. Sesshomaru hugged her and whispered to her.
Sesshomaru: Remember, I'm proud of you and you are always Lady Kagome of the Western and Southern Lands. Visit me in the future Kagome.
Kagome: I will, and goodbye, Sesshomaru.