InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Pure Miko ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The Pure Miko
Chapter 6
Kagome was sitting down at her desk in Sesshomaru's building. Sesshomaru himself was talking to Inuyasha in Inuyasha's office for some odd reason.
The past month for her had been exhausting! She didn't know if she should even bother changing out of her outfits when she hunted demons now. There was no real point because she was always out. She knew that she couldn't do that because she was being constantly looked upon by the Spirit Detectives. The miko had noticed that only after a few days of her first appearance in front of them that they had started to show up at every fight. It was starting to get on her nerves if she had to be perfectly honest. She just couldn't understand what was wrong with Spirit world. She wasn't doing anything to compromise their existence or anything, was she?
You could imagine her surprise when she looked up the Spirit Detectives in the computer's database. Sesshomaru had said that it was irrelevant as to who they were, but Kagome had went ahead and looked them up anyway. She was curious about them. She sensed Kurama a few times while they were fighting, and she had found that to be very weird. She then found out that Hiei, Kurama, and Kuwabara were part of the Spirit Detective team. Their leader was a demon named Yusuke Urameshi. Kagome knew about him though. That was for sure. I mean, who didn't know about the infamous Yusuke Urameshi? The Pure Miko was startled to learn that they no longer worked for Spirit world anymore. The Spirit Detectives only helped out Prince Koenma when he needed it, without his father's knowledge, of course. From what she heard from her informits, Koenma was looking to find another team to take on the demon problems. Not because he didn't trust Yusuke and his team, but because King Enma was becoming superstitious of his son.
Of course she knew who he was considering for that job, and she knew personally that one of them would rather kill Koenma than work for him.
She could use that to her advantage.
“Kagome?” Sagero called.
She looked up out of her daze. “Yeah?”
“What are you going to do about the Spirit Detectives?”
“I don't know. I don't know how long it will take Kurama to notice me. I can't let any purification energy out at all or he will notice me.”
“Kurama, the fox?” he asked.
Kagome nodded. She averted her eyes. She suddenly winced a little as if in pain.
“What's wrong?” he asked in alarm.
“It's nothing.”
“Don't give me that shit. I am not Lord Inuyasha.”
The proud miko sighed in defeat. “It's starting to hurt.”
Sagero narrowed his eyes.
“It's starting to hurt when I have to suppress my powers so much. It…It is starting to rebel against me.”
“What do you mean?”
Kagome stood to start talking with her hands. “My powers are a part of me, but they seem to have a mind of their own sometimes. Unfortunately, they seem to want to come out, especially when I'm around Kurama.”
“Okay, I'm going to pretend that I actually understood what you just said. Anyway, how do you get hurt by your own powers?”
“Whenever I'm around Kurama my powers want, no demand, to come out. It's as if it wants to reveal itself. When I don't let it out it backfires and I get a huge volt of pain throughout my entire body.”
“Have they noticed?”
“Who? Spirit Detectives or Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Shippo?”
“No, I don't think so. And I'm not going to tell them either.”
“You have to tell Sesshomaru!”
“No, I don't want to bother him.”
“Kagome, he cares about you. He has a right to know!”
Kagome stared at him. Her mouth opened before she closed it. She winced and whimpered in pain.
“Kagome!” Sagero grasped her, his hands holding her shoulder upright.
Kagome looked at him then with tears in her eyes. She gasped again in pain.
He was helpless as the Pure Miko passed out in his arms.
“Kagome! Kagome!” Sagero panicked.
He picked up her limp body and set her in a sitting position in her office chair. He grabbed her office phone and pushed `Feature” and then the number `7'.
“Come on, come on!” he yelled as the phone rang.
After a tremendously and agonizingly long thirty seconds someone picked up the phone.
“How may I help you Lady Kagome?”
“Send up a medic. Kagome just passed out. And get Lord Sesshomaru up here now!” He shouted to the person on the other line before he slammed the phone back on its receiver.
Sagero turned to pick up Kagome to get her to the elevator before the medic got there; however, he was stopped due to the slight pink light surrounding her. He didn't sense it before so it must be so low that even the Spirit world wouldn't even notice it.
“Shit!” he hissed once he noticed that it was growing in color.
She's going to be discovered! Her powers are out of control! Sagero thought in a panic.
In a rapid decision, Sagero picked Kagome up and raced down the closet set of stairs. He could feel the burns all over his body with his continued contact with the purification energy that was emanating off Kagome in small, tiny waves.
Sagero raced across the bottom floor to get to the conference room. He made it to the elevator right when it opened to show the medic team. Two seemly human beings moved to the far side of the elevator as far back as they could. Two of them moved forward in worry.
“Lady Kagome! What happened Sagero?” one of them asked as he took her out of his arms. He placed her on a mattress with her head resting on a pillow.
Yes, thank god they brought some humans with them. Sagero thought.
“She passed out. Get me Lord Sesshomaru!”
“Lets get her downstairs. It would be best if the supernatural would stay out of the elevator until I have her in the infirmary.”
The two humans moved Kagome into the elevator while the three demons stayed until Kagome was into the infirmary. The last look Sagero got of Kagome was the power surrounding her turning a dark sapphire blue, just like her unusual eyes.
“What happened? Her powers are out of control. We had to evacuate the entire facility.” Sesshomaru slammed Sagero into a concrete wall.
“She passed out, sir.” Sagero replied.
“She told me that her powers were hurting her.”
“I just found out today, I swear. She told me that her powers were trying to get out when she was around Kurama. When she didn't let her powers out it caused her pain. She passed out with me at her desk.” he explained.
“So it has begun.”
“What has begun if I may ask, Lord Sesshomaru?”
“That is not of your concern.”
Sesshomaru turned and made his way to the infirmary, to the woman that he loved that didn't even know it. Not yet.
Kagome sat up in a field of rich green grass. The wind was blowing with a gentle breeze of serenity.
Where am I? Kagome thought.
You must understand Pure One. You are not ready for what is to come. Kagome heard in her mind. It was a few voices at the time. It wasn't several voices that were screaming at the same time, but the voices were calm and at the same time.
They were like a whisper in her ear, but she knew that it wasn't. It was in her mind. She could feel something working through her mind. It wasn't bad per say, it was just…there. That is all that she could describe for now. It was just there in her mind. And if she was being perfectly honest she didn't know how she felt about that.
“What do you mean? Who are you?” Kagome asked.
It's time to wake up, Pure One. All will be revealed in time. The voices said. And then she saw light.
Kagome opened her eyes to only shut them because of the blinding light in her eyes. She squinted her eyes to try to adjust to it.
“Kagome?” She heard vaguely.
She groaned.
“Kagome? Your awake!” Inuyasha's voice finally registered.
“Go away, Inuyasha. Some of us are trying to sleep.” She said.
She tried to roll over but couldn't. She moved her leg an inch only to stop due to extreme pain.
“Do not move, Kagome. You are still not well.” Sesshomaru said.
Kagome finally managed to open her eyes fully to see Sesshomaru restraining her with his hands, not allowing her to move. Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Shippo stood surrounding her.
“What happened?” she asked them.
“Why didn't you say anything mother?”
“I didn't know what to say.”
“Kagome, you have never been one to not speak your mind.”
“Okay fine, I didn't know what to say. I didn't even know what was happening to me.”
“You still could have asked!” Inuyasha yelled. “Gosh, Kagome, you should know that we are always here for you.”
“I didn't think that it was a big deal to bother you all.”
“What! Not a big deal! Not a big deal! Because you thought that it wasn't a big deal you almost died! We had to evacuate the entire base! We are lucky that you didn't kill every demon within a twenty mile radius! If Sagero didn't get you down here as soon as he did—”
“Inuyasha! Shut up.” Sesshomaru commanded with supreme authority. He had noticed Kagome's face went from pale to deadly ghost white. She was horrified with her own self and Inuyasha wasn't helping.
“Leave.” He commanded of Shippo and Inuyasha.
Inuyasha opened his mouth to argue, but Shippo placed his hand over his mouth to keep him quiet. He forced him to move to the elevator with him and leave.
“Sesshomaru,” Kagome began.
“Why didn't you come to me?”
“I didn't want to bother you with something so trivial.”
“This was not trivial. What has been bothering you?”
Kagome hesitated. Should she tell him her suspicions?
“What is it Kagome?”
“I think that it's the Jewel.”
“I figured as much.”
“Your powers went out of control. They tried to be released, but your subconscious wouldn't let them out. You still have to much built up that you haven't released.”
“But I can't release them.”
“Yes, you can. Kagome, release them here. I had some teams put up extra barriers a week ago.”
“How did you know?”
“I suspected it when you started to avoid everyone, myself included.”
“How do you know thi—”
“I know you Kagome. There is not much that you can hide from me.”
“Yeah, but that goes both ways you know.”
“Yes, it does.”
“How.” Kagome suddenly stopped. She cried out in agonized pain.
“Ahh!” she screamed. She curled in on herself as if she could hide away from the excruciating pain that was moving through her body.
And then something miraculous happened. She suddenly felt safe. Sesshomaru had moved his arms around her. His chest was pressed into her back as he held her. And that was when the pain started to fade.
“Let it out, Kagome. You do not have to be afraid.”
“But I'll kill you.” She whispered to him with tears running down her cheeks.
“It will not hurt me. Let it out.”
So Kagome did. She first released a small micro amount out to see if what Sesshomaru was saying was actually, in fact, true. Because it would do no good to kill your boss by a painful death of purification.
When Sesshomaru gave no indication of being in any kind of pain, Kagome allowed some more energy to be released from her body. And Sesshomaru still did not flinch or move from his position behind her. His arms only tightened around her small frame.
“Sesshomaru?” Kagome asked in concern. She didn't want to go further if you could not handle it.
“Let it go, Kagome.” he responded in answer.
Kagome nodded and let half of her powers out. The aching pain that she had completely vanished! It was like she was being set free. The entire room was set ablaze in a field of sapphire. What Kagome didn't know was that the entire base was surrounded in blue now. Her powers reaching to every crack and hiding place in the entire underground facility.
She turned to look at Sesshomaru to see him smiling down at her. He was not harmed in anyway.
“How are you doing this?” she asked in bewilderment.
“I know that you would never hurt me intentionally. And that means that your powers wouldn't if they so saw fit.”
The once proud demon of the west paused before he continued, “I trust you, Kagome.”
The Pure Miko turned around fully around and embraced the once Lord of the Western Lands.
; 173;Note: I am sorry that this chapter is so short. I just wanted to get it out for my wonderful supporters! I wrote this chapter while I was in Algebra II with Trig. That class is so easy. I have a 102 in there right now. I hope everyone liked this chapter. I hope to write the next one soon! Keep up the great reviews and comments!
Disclaimer: The anime series that I am using as a fanfiction of my own design does and will never be owned by me. The Manga series, Inuyasha, is owned solely by Rumiko Takahashi. And the Manga series, Yu-Yu Hakusho, is owned solely by Yoshihiro Togashi. These two people, whom have better ideas and imaginations than I ever could, created theses anime series. I hold no clam to them. I have gained nothing besides personal satisfaction from this fanfiction.