InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Those We Leave Behind ❯ Where Parallel Roads Cross ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Those We Leave Behind
Chapter Ten
Where Parallel Roads Cross
Why would she have me drop her off here? Why not at her house? Is she afraid I'll find out where she lives?
While Yusuke thoughts cluttered his mind, he absently walked up to the front door of Kurama's house. As he was about to open the door, it opened of its own accord.
An irate Kurama stood glaring at the young detective. “What the hell did you-“
“What now?!” Kurama was not in the mood for another mission.
“Toddler what do you want?” Yusuke answered the communicator, completely failing to remember the girl on his back.
Because she was mostly hidden from his view and the message was so urgent, Koenma did not notice the presence of the girl.
“We have trouble.” The worry in his voice, although nothing new, conveyed a greater sense of panic to the detective.
“What happened?” asked a questioning Yusuke.
“Kuwabara's been kidnapped.”
“How the hell did the idiot manage to do that?”
“Yusuke, do I have to remind you that I had to send your team to find you after you got kidnapped by three humans? Kuwabara, for some reason, was captured by the king of the Demon World.”
“Koenma, what interest would the Lord of Makai have in Kuwabara?”
“Your guess is as good as mine, Kurama. You will need to follow this set of instructions to arrive at the location they designated as the pick up area.”
“Wait! So they told us where to find him? Doesn't that spell trap to anybody but me?”
“That would appear to be the situation.”
“So they've got our buddy and they know we're coming. Great.”
“Koenma, do we know any information that may prepare us for any upcoming challenges we will have to face?”
“The Lord is ruthless and unmerciful. Also, he is bitter toward humanity because of their reign of the Earth, despite their inferior stature.”
“Even better. Bye toddler.”
“Hey you can't call me-” Koenma was cut off before finishing his complaints.
“So Kuwabara's kidnapped, we don't know where Hiei's at, and Kagome's gonna be pissed when we just leave her at your house.” Yusuke's sudden glance at Kurama's expression had brought fear into his eyes. “What?”
“We will discuss it at a more convenient time. For now, we must focus on Kuwabara.”
“Whatever.” Yusuke noticed Kagome's cat had shown up. So, he decided to pet her. “You'll take care of her, won't you Kirara?” He accepted her mews as an affirmative answer. “Good `cause we may not be coming back.”
The two had departed. They followed their communicator as if it were a homing device. In the right direction, it beeped. In any other, it wouldn't.
After about three miles, an urgent beeping emitted from the device. Koenma's face appeared on the screen.
“Guys, Hiei got captured too! This is serious. Be careful and get them back!” As quickly as he appeared, he vanished all the same.
“Yes, I would have to agree.”
Despite what Yusuke had thought, Kirara had been present for the entire conversation among the three males. She had tried to waken Kagome, but to no avail. After about fifteen minutes the demon cat was able to rouse the blessed miko.
After a great deal of effort on both their parts, Kagome had the basic idea that Shuuichi and Yusuke had gone somewhere and were probably in trouble.
Kagome mounted Kirara and they took off in search of their new friends.
That damn beeping was really annoying. God! Can we get there already. These thoughts had been crossing their minds for the last hour.
They were twenty miles away from Kyoto in an unpopulated area. Completely forgetting all about the girl they would inevitably fight over, the two males stumbled upon a barrier.
Why hadn't the Spirit World informed them of it? Did they even know? With Koenma running the entire realm, Kurama's bet was probably not.
Yusuke was about to approach it to test if they could enter or not. However, before he could, he tripped and fell straight through.
Kurama chuckled and with that one stupid slip, the tension between the two eased. They silently traveled further and into the forest until the beeping led them to a Western styled castle.
“Of course. The bad guys always have to be in a castle. Watch. As soon as we get there, there will be hundreds of little minions trying to do us in before we even get to the king.” He continued to mutter under his breath about stupid, royal assholes who were nothing but royal pains in the ass.
As they approached further, they saw a young woman in traditional Japanese garb patiently awaiting their arrival.
What was she there to do?
“Hello,” said the girl with a respectful bow. She appeared to be around their age and had a smile on her face.
They were a bit thrown off by her polite demeanor. Didn't this guy want them dead? Then why send the welcome wagon?
“I presume you are Yusuke Urameshi and Youko Kurama?” When she received the acknowledgement she was looking for, she gestured toward the entrance. “If you would please follow me. Lord Sesshoumaru has been expecting you for quite some time.”
“Pardon me.”
She smiled and gave Kurama her undivided attention.
“Who are you and what does this `Lord Sesshoumaru' want with us?”
She giggled. How was this girl working for a kidnapper and a possible murderer?
“Well, aren't you quite curious? My name is Rin. And, I don't really know what Lord Sesshoumaru intends to do with you.”
She had not spoken another word to them the entire ten minute walk throughout the castle. Finally, they reached the throne room.
The doors seemed to open of their own accord just as they were about to reach them.
“Rin,” said a cold voice from the shadows engulfing the room.
“Yes my Lord?” she replied cheerfully.
“Go to your room until I send Jaken for you.”
“Yes, my Lord.” The girl bowed and exited.
“Yusuke Urameshi, are you ready to die?”
The lights, suddenly, turned on. They saw an impressive and intimidating man seated in the throne directly in front of them. One glance to the side brought their attention to two oddly familiar statues...of Hiei and Kuwabara.
“Let them go!”
“Most certainly, if you surrender the human race. If not, then when I pull on-” he snapped his fingers and a thick yellow chord unrolled from the ceiling. “this chord. Your friends, in their immobile state, will be crushed by a two ton block of cement.”
“What? We can't do that!”
“Too bad. They'll just have to die. Pity. It would be so much more constructive to simply defeat them in combat. However, neither is worth the time nor the effort, for both are far too inferior to myself.”
This bastard was gonna do it. Was Yusuke fast enough to fire off a shot? Could he save the two?
He had to try. He started to collect his energy, but knew it wouldn't be in time.
`I'm sorry guys.'
Sesshoumaru reached up, and as he was about to grasp the rope, an arrow flew and singed the hand of the demon lord.
Everyone turned to see a look of enraged fury cast on the face of a mighty warrior. The skilled hands that gripped the bow showed unwaivering strength and calm. The toned forearm showed a well-defined muscle just below the elbow, suggesting a great deal of practice.
There, standing before them was the maiden of the past, the miko of the Shikon no Tama. There was...
No one, including Lord Sesshoumaru, escaped the shock of seeing her there. However, he was the first to recover.
There she was. After five-hundred years, she had returned to his side. His true love was back. “Hello...wife.”