InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ To See the Truth in Each Other ❯ Thoughts of a Husband ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

To See the Truth in Each Other
Chapter Two : Thoughts of a Husband
I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha
Kagome's mother stood in the door way of her rose covered home, in front of her stood Kagome holding a small bag with tears streaming down her face. “Mama.” The only word a girl ever needed to speak to her mother in a moment of distress. Mama opened here arms awaiting the flood of emotions and tears.
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Hours later Shuichi walked into his home looking around he knew his wife was gone. She had told him earlier that night if he refused to tell her the truth then she would leave. Sighing he walked towards the nursery that they had been decorating the past year hoping to be blessed with a child. When Kagome had found out that she was pregnant the room had come together even faster.
The walls were painted with foxes, Kagome's idea, even the blankets had foxes embroidered on them. Shuichi walked to the crib and picked up the stuffed fox Kagome had bought they found out she was pregnant. He walked over to the wall slowly sliding down the wall, leaning his head back he let his own tears flow.
He had given up his day of fighting long ago or at least he had thought he had. When he returned to the human world he had went to work for his step-father to please his mother. It had been for the best since that was were he meet Kagome. Shuichi could still remember the day she had walked into his life like it had happened just moments ago.
Shuichi was trying to find this one file that was needed for a meeting. “Um, Mr. Minamino, I was told you were looking for this file.” Standing in the door was a dark haired female holding the file he had spent three hours trying to find. “Thank you, Miss?” The girl smiled softly as she handed the file over. “Kagome Higurashi and you are welcome.” Shuichi smiled in return before noticing the time. “Thank you again Miss Higurashi.”
End Flashback
Every day they walked past each other and Shuichi had never taken notice of her and most likely would not have if not for that file. A week later he left a rose for her thinking he would ask her out that afternoon but had decided against it. It took him almost seven months to finally sit down and wait for her to walk into that office. The shocked smile that had been on Kagome's face when he had spun her chair around had been worth every rose and more. He was so elated when Kagome agreed to go on a date with him.
As the months had past they meet each other's family including two ecstatic mothers. Shuichi smiled remembering how his own mother had reacted. The middle aged woman had grabbed Kagome and smothered her in a hug saying she would finally have grandchildren. Of course Kurama had received a similar introduction but with a few changes.
“Mom!” Shuichi watched his girlfriend run up the last twenty steps. “Mom meet Shui….”
“YOKAI, BE GONE!” Shuichi was shocked to see an elderly priest rush forward and try to purify him. Unlike unlucky victims before Shuichi quickly leaped out of the way and watched the priest warily. “Grandpa, stop! This Is Shuichi my completely human boyfriend.” Kagome turned to Shuichi smiling sheepishly after the old man began to relax. “Well I told you my family was a little strange.” Shuichi laughed.
End Flashback
She had said he was human. Would she have loved him as much if she knew the truth. Again Shuichi sighed his whole life was a lie. He had Told the rest of the old team Urameshi that he was going to put his life as Kurama completely behind him to be with Kagome. It seemed the only one that completely understood his decision had been Kuwabara. Shuichi remembered Yusuke telling him he needed to tell Kagome about his past as Youko or he may regret it. Shuichi refused.
At their wedding Yusuke had again told Shuichi he needed to tell Kagome about his past and again Shuichi refused to. What did it matter when he had given up the past?
Just days before Shuichi had found out Kagome was pregnant a tribe of yokai had declared war and since the human world was under such a strong attack Shuichi was forced to return to the front line. They had al thought that the fight would be quick but they had been wrong. Every few days they had been find themselves back to back fighting hundreds to thousands of demons all screaming for the head of a miko that had died over a thousand years before.
Shuichi had been terrified when he found out they were killing any and all Mikos. If one found Kagome, even though her power could only be as high as touching an electric fence, the yokai would rip her to shreds.
For awhile Shuichi had thought about telling Kagome about yokai but with her being pregnant he didn't want to stress her more than necessary. Now that she was five months he absolutely refused to tell. So here he set twenty-six years old holding a stuff animal and crying.