InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Love ❯ Saturday at the Rec Center ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

He looked at the beauty beneath him. Her long, midnight black hair was spread under her head. Her soft, lightly tanned lilac skin was slick and her rosy lips parted in a soft moan as the man above her massaged her breast. She ran her delicate hands along his well muscled chest causing a groan to erupt from him. He was sorely tempted to take her at that moment but restrained. He enjoyed the ways he could make her mewl and moan.
“Please,” she begged. “I need to feel you…inside of me.”
“All right love.” The large man whispered huskily. He leaned down and captured her lips in a heated kiss.
Kuwabara shot up in his bed, sweat glistened on his chest and back. Kuwabara's hair stuck up in odd directions and a few strands of hair fell over his eyes. He ran a hand through his hair and closed his eyes; he made his way over to the open window. The cool wind washed over his tall form, he sighed. Kazuma Kuwabara was the tallest member of the group at a towering 6 foot 5. He had orange colored hair and deep, caring, brown eyes. Out of the four he was the most easily underestimated but his power was increasing and was a worthy opponent. Yusuke Urameshi, his long time friend and high school foe, still enjoyed to tease him about his `honor code'. Yes, he had taken it down a notch but still held strong in his beliefs and his love for cats.
`That was the second dream this week.' He thought. He had one other dream just like the one he just woke up from. But no matter what he could never see the color of her eyes nor could he define who she was. `Not like she's real, she's just in my dream.' He told himself. He glanced at his clock and noted that he had an hour to get ready to go to the rec center Kuwabara jumped into the shower, yanked on a pair of black jeans, a white shirt, and a blue jean coat, grabbed a piece of toast, and flew out the door with two minuets to spare.
Kuwabara drove up to the rec center, the bike rack was full of bikes and cars filled the parking lot. He was thankful for the lone parking spot no one had taken otherwise he wouldn't have been able to find a parking spot! On Saturdays he volunteered at the rec center, troubled teens came here often and he would be there. Whether it be to talk to the girl that was being bullied in school or to simply play basket ball with the boy who lost his older brother. When he came through the doors he spotted the group he was assigned to every Saturday.
Sandy had dark brown hair that came to her shoulders and sharp blue eyes. She was the youngest of the group at age 14. Her mother and father were divorced and she hardly got to see her father, only on special occasions did he show up. Rouge had black hair that came to just below her shoulder blades and dark brown eyes. She was a tomboy and was 17 years old. Her father was abusive and her mother was a drunk, she lived with foster parents along with six other children. Thomas had short sandy brown hair and grayish eyes, he was a cutter. He was 15. Janet had blonde streaked brown hair and green eyes. She was 16 years old. Her parents were never around and never paid her any mind. They left her with her nanny and went where they wanted. She had tried to commit suicide once. Roy had pitch black hair and dark blue eyes. He was 17 years old. His older brother had been killed in the army a year ago and was still dealing with it.
Sandy was playing chess with Rouge; Thomas was helping Sandy while Rouge shot him dirty looks considering that Sandy was getting help when she shouldn't be. Janet was on the couch helping Roy with his fifteen page report for history. Kuwabara looked at them, emotion flickered in his eyes. A few months ago they wouldn't talk to anyone let alone Kuwabara nor would they interact at the rec center. Now when he saw them getting along, laughing, and helping each other he was proud of them for putting their past in the past even if it was hard. They all had problems and they talked to Kuwabara about it, he had become their mentor and friend.
“Yo Kuwabara!” Roy grinned. Sandy, Rouge, and Thomas looked up from their chess game and Janet smiled after looking up from the report she was helping Roy with.
“You ready for that re-match?” Thomas asked.
“When am I not?” Kuwabara laughed. They all shot up from their spots, Roy stuck his papers into his folder then placed the folder in his back pack and shot off to the courts after the others. Kuwabara took a basket ball and followed them. They all liked to play basket ball, it was three on three with Roy, Rouge, and Kuwabara on one team and Sandy, Roy, and Janet on the other. The girls played just as well as the boys but Rouge was the best. They switched team members around, it was a random thing but when Rouge and Kuwabara ended up on the same team the other team knew they were done for. The sounds of the ball bouncing and feet running were heard soon, laughing followed quickly.
“Ten to fifteen!” Rouge called out laughing.
“At least it was only five ahead of us this time.” Sandy smiled.
“Geeze Janet, where did you learn to play like that?” Roy panted as they sat on the grass after the game.
“Basically just watching all of you and gathering what moves worked better then others.” She smiled. Kuwabara noticed that Thomas was hanging back a bit today. He was concerned but decided not to press just yet; the teen might have just had a bad day. He learned that if you wait three days and they're still acting odd then you ask what's wrong. You're more likely to get an answer. Rouge, Sandy, and Janet turned to Kuwabara with smirks on their faces. Roy and Thomas looked as if they were holding back a laugh.
“Hey Kuwabara?” Janet started out sweetly.
“Yeah?” He raised an eye brow at their behavior.
“Can we ask you something?” Sandy twirled a piece of her hair around her fingers.
“Sure,” Kuwabara said. What did they want to know?
“Do you have a girlfriend?” Rouge grinned. Kuwabara could tell he was turning red.
“Why do you ask?” Roy and Thomas chuckled at his flustered expression.
“Because you never mention having girlfriend,” Janet started.
“Or a wife,” Sandy cut in.
“Or a wife and we just wanted to know if you had one at all.” Janet finished.
“Well, no, no I don't.” Kuwabara replied. Janet, Rouge, and Sandy exchanged glances then huddled and started whispering.
“What are they talking about?” Roy wondered.
“Not a clue.” Kuwabara replied.
Tijiya: This fic is a result of listening to Evanescence. I hope you all liked the first chapter.
Hope: Just to let ya'll know this is a Kuwabara/Kagome fan fic, so If you don't like the idea of that you can just leave now!
Kuwabara: Tijiya doesn't own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. Please Review!