InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ When Times Collide ❯ A New Job ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Gomen nasai. I am so very very very very sorry for my tardy update. This is a horrible impression I'm making on you guys for taking so long. I usually don't exceed one month. I'll try my best to keep the next updates swifter. Once again I don't own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho and this is a threesome. Forgive me and enjoy! P.S. You can skip the review responses if you haven't reviewed or if you just don't want to read them.
Mistress_of_Dragons—I was going to make the third person Kurama, but I've already read so many with Kag/Kur. I don't think I've ever seen an Inu/Kag/Hiei, so I'm going to try it out. I love Hiei/Kag, but I just couldn't leave Inu out of the loop any longer. I hope you will enjoy this fic anyways though. There will be lemon expressly between Hiei/Kag, but other combinations will exist too.
PureMiko_Kagome69ner—I will make sure to put in at least a few only Hiei/Kag lemons, but there will be others as well. I hope you'll enjoy this fic nonetheless.
kagome15—Thanks! I think this chapter should be somewhat longer than the last.
Hieisgirl—I'm glad you like it. Here's an update!
Anonymous—Um… ^_^; The pairing for this one is predefined. It is an Inu/Kag/Hiei and that won't change. I can work on writing a Kurama/Kag if you really want.
Shadows stalk during the deep of night—Thanks! Hope to see you again.
Fluffykogome—Thanks! I hope I won't disappoint you.
Angel—Here's more! This chapter should be slightly longer.
DarkFelineHuntress—Yay! You think it's interesting! I hope you'll continue to think so.
Dark Inu Fan—Hmmm…making Youko Shippou is an interesting idea. I'll think about it. Thanks!
Tenchi2008—I'm glad you like threesomes! Yay! Someone else thinks like I do.
Shibo no Tenshi—Yes there will be a threesome lemon as I wrote in the A/N. Do you like threesome lemons?
Chapter 2: A New Job
Kagome stared at the small ruler in front of her and wondered if she was dreaming. The infant before her was talking. She shook herself from her stunned daze and focused on his words with a confused expression. “Umm…what is a spirit detective?”
Koenma looked appraisingly at the girl in front of him. How reikai didn't sense her before her death was beyond his comprehension. This young girl was responsible for Naraku's demise and was also the caretaker of the fabled Shikon-no-tama. At her question, Koenma replied, “A spirit detective is someone who works for the spirit world to rid ningenkai of demons and to assure that the human world is protected. I currently have four spirit detectives in my possession and have need of another for an upcoming event and also to help with the increasing flows of youkai into ningenkai.”
Kagome frowned. She didn't quite like the idea of being a possession as the small prince had put it. However, she had a feeling that she should help the small man in front of her since he was a good guy. She was unaware of the increasing flows of youkai into ningenkai…
“Ano…where are the youkai coming from? I didn't see any while I was coming to reikai, and I've only seen little things around the shrine.”
“There are three worlds: Reikai, Ningenkai, and Makai. The first is, as you already know, the spirit world where all spirits are sentenced. The second is the human world, where you lived. And the third is the demon world where demons live and where the demons are trying to come from. Youkai have managed to slip through the kekkai barrier in increasing numbers lately, and my SD's are not always able to complete the jobs cleanly. With the Dark Tournament approaching, I am in dire need of your assistance.” Koenma added the last sentence after his explanation in hopes of persuading the powerful girl to join his side. He was worried that she would reject the offer.
“Hmm…okay. I will become a spirit detective; HOWEVER, I must make it clear to you that I am in no way a possession of yours. I will not be pushed around like a tool. My life…or spirit…whatever…is mine to control, got that?” Kagome gave the child ruler a menacing glare. He nodded quickly. He would never admit it, but she was scary as hell when she wanted to be.
Unlike Yusuke's ordeal with the egg, Kagome was given no such obstacle. She merely gained the title of spirit detective, much as she had gained the title of a miko or of the guardian of the shikon. She just became.
“Now…would you like to meet the rest of your team?” Kagome nodded.
Meanwhile, back in the human world, Inuyasha had just passed through the well from Sengoku Jidai to modern times. He trudged toward Kagome's home with dread in his heart. The Goshimboku's looming figure sent a twist in his heart as he recalled the time he had first met Kagome. His ears drooped against his head. Inuyasha reached the house and proceeded to the front door instead of hopping into her window as he normally would. He knocked on the front door and stood slumped in waiting.
“Coming!” A young boy's voice rang through the wood and Inuyasha cringed. How would he tell the boy that his older sister was dead? Souta ran to the door and opened it. When he saw his idol standing there, he grinned widely and shouted to his mother in the kitchen. “Kaa-san! Inuyasha's here!” The young boy turned back to his hero. “Hey Inuyasha, where's Kagome? Didn't she come with you?” He glanced around eagerly for his older sister. “Inuyasha? Why are you just standing there? Come in. I bet sis got mad at you again, huh? Did she run away? Are you looking for her cause she's not here.” Souta grabbed Inuyasha's clawed hand and dragged the silent hanyou into the house. “Mama! Can you come here? There's something wrong with Inuyasha! He's not saying anything.”
Kagome's mom walked into the living room and stopped where she stood. Her experienced gaze took in the hanyou's defeated demeanor and his sallow state. He had obviously not eaten for a while. When he lifted her head to look at her, she gasped and then let out a sob. She knew. A look of pure sorrow, guilt, pain, and apology filled his molten gold eyes. She saw his tortured gaze, his self-blame. She knew that her daughter was dead. A sudden anger filled her and she wanted to hurt him. She wanted to make him pay for not protecting her only daughter, for not keeping her safe as he said he would. Her fury soon vanished as she realized the fault in her thinking. He wasn't to blame. The evil who killed her was. She cleared her mind from the overpowering initial cloud of accusation and anger and realized that he had done his best to protect her.
Tears streamed down her face as she stepped forward and embraced the now crying hanyou. From the stories Kagome had told her, she knew Inuyasha did not cry often. Even as sorrow tore at her, she could feel his sorrow overwhelming hers. “You don't have to tell me everything that happened, Inuyasha. I know. Don't blame yourself. You were not the one to kill her.”
“Gomen nasai…gomen…gomen…I tried but Naraku was too strong and then…and then she sacrificed herself to save use…she…” Inuyasha's strong front was crumbling as he stood before the mother of his love. He was unbelieving of her kindness. Kagome's mother stroked his hair in a motherly fashion and cried with him.
Souta was confused at first. His mother was crying and then so was his hero. He felt his blood run cold and his heart skip a beat as he heard his mother's words and then Inuyasha's. Everything came crashing down around him. How could his sister be dead? She had visited them not too long ago. The sorrow built and built until he couldn't hold it in. A broken wail that sounded like Kagome broke through the adult's sorrow. Inuyasha and Mrs. Higurashi turned to Souta and enveloped him in a tight hug. Though Inuyasha was not one for touching moments or for hugs, he couldn't ignore the young boy's howling wails and his own berating subconscious. He would have killed himself if Kagome had not told him to live.
Souta was now wailing, tears streaming down his face in floods. He couldn't believe it. Why? In a few minutes, the Higurashi household was turned into a sobbing mess. While they had been crying, Kagome's grandpa had entered and also joined the tearful group. After a while of tears, they slowly turned in to bed. Mrs. Higurashi approached Inuyasha.
“Go home Inuyasha. The others probably need you. Kagome would probably want you to live on and be happy and to care for that young kitsune she always mentioned. Stop blaming yourself. This wouldn't be what my daughter would have wanted.” She gave him a wavering smile and proceeded up the stairs. A tight ball of sorrow clogged Inuyasha's throat as he listened to his love's mother's words. He slowly left the house and returned to the Warring States Era.
Kagome grumbled to herself. “That stupid infant. He just shoves my soul back into my body and rushes me into this stupid portal with directions. Where the hell am I? If he can make a portal, why didn't he just take me to wherever they are? Damnit. He didn't even tell me their names or what they look like. And what's this? An instruction sheet?” Kagome looked at the absurd little directions and the note attached.
~Kagome, turn right and then go straight. You will see a school in front of you called Sarayashiki Senior High. (Ages are messed up and inaccurate cause I suck at math and I changed junior high to senior high.) I have already set everything up. You will attend this school along with the other four SD's. Hide your power. You are to find them and befriend them before they are to know you are now a spirit detective. Telling of your past is your choice. When there is a job I will contact you through Botan. -Koenma ~
“That little pipsqueak. I'll get him the next time I see him. Hmph. Hide my power…I wonder what he would do if he knew I already have half of it hidden. You think Sesshoumaru would have let me parade around the Feudal Era signaling to all the demons that a human with lots of power was around? Well if he thought what he felt was the extent of my power then he clearly underestimated me. I guess I'll have to tone it down to regular human level. Befriend them my butt. How will I know if they are the right ones? How will they even end up trusting me if I'm keeping my identity hidden; besides, how is he so sure that they'll even like me? Just you wait Koenma…” Kagome sighed. “At least I'm not still in my bloody clothes, and I'm wearing regular things.” Kagome growled and then set off towards the entrance of the school.
She wandered around the halls for a while until she found a room labeled office. Knocking on the closed door, she entered, taking in the young, mousy looking secretary and the closed doors beyond her desk. She stood patiently in front of the lady before she cleared her throat to get her attention. She looked at the name plate when the secretary didn't look up and merely told her to take a seat and wait for the principle.
“Ahem…Miss Nezumi (“mouse”) if you would please cease drawing little hearts with your name and…Minamino Suichi (by the way is this spelled right?) in them. I am not here to see the principle. I am a new student, and I need my schedule.” Naoko Nezumi flipped the spiral notebook over and looked up flustered and annoyed.
“Your name?”
“Higurashi Kagome.” Naoko turned to her computer and typed in the girl's name. She didn't remember receiving any notices about a new student. She frowned when the girl's file actually appeared. The notice was dated for a week ago, and she was indeed a new student. Naoko's frown deepened slightly before she shrugged and then printed out a schedule and a map for the girl. Glancing over the schedule, she felt a twinge of jealousy. This girl had every class with her Suichi, the reason she had taken the job as secretary after she graduated. Glaring a bit, Naoko handed both papers to the beautiful girl before her. “It seems your school uniform and gym uniform have both been paid for and are currently in your locker. Your locker number, combination, and location are all on the bottom section of your schedule. Just tear off that portion. Go to your locker, change, and then proceed to class.” Naoko promptly turned back to her notebook, dismissing Kagome.
A fairly annoyed feeling crawled under Kagome's skin. She quickly left the office before she could shout at the woman for her snippy attitude. Kagome sighed and looked down at the slips of paper. The halls were empty so that meant that everyone was already in class. She sighed again and set off toward the direction of her locker. After a few minutes of wandering around, she finally found her locker. Spinning the lock, she opened her locker and drew out her uniform. As she pulled out the blue school uniform, she felt a pang of longing for her old green one. Grabbing the gym clothes as well, Kagome locked her locker and traced down a bathroom to change in.
The miko stepped out of the girl's bathroom wearing her new uniform. The blue skirt fell to her knees, the length longer than her old one. Noticing that the halls were still empty, she scurried back to her locker, shoved everything but the two papers in, and rushed off to find her homeroom. (I don't know how Japanese schools are set up, so this school will just be a mix.)
If anyone had cared to look outside the doors, they would have spotted a blue and black blur racing down the hallways. Finally finding the right room, Kagome stopped and checked to see if her clothes were in order and then made sure her power level was concealed. She knocked and waited for the voice within to speak before she opened the door.
Sixteen pairs of eyes gazed curiously at her. The females glared slightly, seeing her as a danger to their pursuits of Suichi. The males, some of them, were drooling. She spoke with the teacher.
“My name is Higurashi Kagome. I just transferred here.” She showed him her papers. The teacher nodded. “Have a seat behind Suichi. Raise your hand.” The teacher sat down at his desk and proceeded to absorb himself in a book, ignoring all the delinquents in his room. Kagome made her way to the back of the class. Sitting down behind the red-haired boy, Kagome felt a hum of power around her. A sudden thought occurred to her. What if they all had their energies concealed? She glanced around her; her seat was behind Suichi. To her right was a guy with slicked back black hair. Behind her sat a tall boy with orange hair. When she looked to her left, her breath froze. From the side she could see his ruby eyes, his spiky black hair, and the white bandana over his forehead. His aura seemed volatile. A blue aura framed his body as if constricting the red one, allowing only small streams to seep out. `Hmph. So Koenma put a spirit binding on this boy. He didn't account for the fact that I can see auras. But is he a spirit detective? Or is he just a human that got on Koenma's nerves. I guess I'll just have to see if there are only three similar to him. If so then they are the SD. If not, then I'll have to find out which ones are and which ones Koenma's just punishing.'
Kurama struggled to hold Youko inside. The playful kitsune was pushing to be set free so he could seduce this new specimen. >Youko, stop that! You can't come out here. Besides, Koenma strictly ordered us to conceal our powers. He must have had a reason. If you don't calm down right this minute, I'm never going to touch a woman again.< Youko stopped his struggles and calmed down. He turned his back on Kurama with a swish of his tail and pouted. Kurama sighed and ignored the kitsune.
Hiei smirked when he felt the new girl's gaze on him. He tilted his head slightly toward her to find she was staring at him with glazed eyes. Reaching a small tendril of the jagan's power toward her, he was surprised when it was thrown back and the girl pulled out of her thoughts abruptly. Her eyes focused and narrowed as she gazed at him. Just because she couldn't show them her power or that she was a spirit detective didn't mean she couldn't play a bit. A small smile that settled into Hiei's heart graced her face. She allowed her shield around her power to drop fractionally and watched as all four of the boys swiveled around to look at her.
She was slightly surprised. It seemed that Koenma had even influenced where she would sit. She was almost certain now that all four were spirit detectives. Ignoring the other three, she allowed a tiny bit of her power to reach towards the red-eyed human and tapped his own red aura through the constricting blue. She was sure that Koenma would feel the trespassing of her aura through his spirit bind, but she didn't care. The toddler had been careless and once again underestimated her. He would get it later for trying to play her as a fool.
What she didn't realize was that her bit of power had also carried part of her thought over to the apparition. Hiei growled when he felt her aura touch his through Koenma's spell; the growl doubled when he caught one of her thoughts. `Red-eyed human, am I? And what's that about Koenma? How could she know him?' Hiei didn't hear her thoughts regarding the spirit detectives, but now both his anger and his curiosity were sparked.
“Wench…I am anything but human.” Hiei growled lowly at her so that only the five of them in the back of the class could hear.
A/N: Sorry again for the late update. I hope this chapter wasn't too boring. It will pick up later. Once again, this is a threesome between Hiei/Kag/Inu. If you dislike this pairing, please do not read. If you dislike lemons, either skip them or don't read this fic. If there are any problems, concerns, or suggestions, contact me, and I'll get back to you ASAP. Thanks! And please review! ^___^