InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ When Times Collide ❯ Prelude to Dreams ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Here's another serving. Once again, I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. They belong to their respective makers and producers. I'm disappointed at the meager amount of reviews I received. And sad. Oh well, I deserved it. Oh…and last time I seemed to have accidentally left out some reviewers in my responses so they'll be in this one. If I leave anyone else out, I'm sorry! Oh and reminder, this is a four-way pairing with Kag/Yus/Hiei/Inu. (I intend to make a variety of lemon pairs within this pairing.)
THANKS to my reviewers:
Madmiko, PureMiko_Kagome69ner, Dark Inu Fan, ptbear, Aymia, Elemental_Dea, angeltsuki, Millicent_Hellix, S. T. Nickolian, yue no rei, Taeniaea, Lady Niona, Forsaken Hinata, HeartStar, Lunarwolfdemoness, Bitchin' Angel, dark-pyro-punk22, Lil_azian_gurl, bluedecemebr
Chapter 7: Prelude to Dreams
The ragtag group of six made their way across the unpolluted green grass toward a small group of huts. Anticipation welled within the miko as Kaede's hut came in view. The scent of a delicious stew drifted in the air. Kagome broke from the group and dashed toward the doorway. Just as she reached the entrance, a huge crème colored neko flew from inside to land on the startled miko.
In seconds there was a ruckus. A voice was heard from within the hut as Sango called to her kitty. “Kirara! Where are you going?” As the demon slayer emerged from the building, she gasped. The scene in front of her was complicated.
A short demon dressed in black had his sword against the fire cat's neck while a human with slicked black hair had a strange but powerful orb powered up on his finger. Inuyasha had his hand on tetsusaiga, poised to lash at the short hybrid. Beneath this melee were Kagome and Shippou who were looking at the three in panic. However, the most interesting sight was that of Youko Kurama, the famed thief, frozen in indecision.
Youko, having recognized Kirara, did not react to the sight of the large cat pouncing on his grandmother as Yusuke and Hiei did. He didn't know what he should do now that Hiei was ready to cut Kirara into pieces, Yusuke poised to blow her to bits, and Inuyasha ready to cut Hiei apart—who would then in turn harm Inuyasha. At this point, Youko didn't know what to do. It seemed that the fox could lose his calm at times, especially when it involved his family and friends, even more so since he had just found some of them after years of separation.
Kirara froze when she felt the caress of steel against her fur. A slight growl rumbled through her throat. “Hiei, Yusuke. Stop it. Kirara's a friend.” Kagome frantically informed the two. “Inuyasha, lower tetsusaiga or I'll have to say it.” The hybrid glanced at his partner and then at Kagome before narrowing his eyes at the demon cat. Slowly he lowered his sword and backed away. Inside Hiei was cursing himself for reacting. He couldn't figure out why he had become so protective of the miko.
Kagome reached up to hug her big feline friend. Kirara backed off her companions and transformed herself back into her small form. She jumped readily into Sango's arms, keeping an eye on the volatile, short demon. As Hiei backed up, Yusuke let his spirit energy fade. Inuyasha drew away reluctantly.
“Ye might want to come inside to talk. There's some stew on the kettle.” Kaede, who had drifted out momentarily, suggested in an amused tone before she retreated into the hut. “Come on guys. Let's go in.” Kagome looked at the three from the future as well as her hanyou. “It's story time.”
“Before you start, Kagome, how are you still alive? We all saw you die after you defeated Naraku.” Sango was glad that her friend and sister was alive, but she was curious as to how it was possible. No one missed Kagome's involuntary flinch and guilty look. Her gaze darted to the spirit detectives. Hiei was glaring at her. She could almost see his anger at the fact that she had left out something so important when she told him her tale. Yusuke, who had not yet had the opportunity to hear the tale, stared at her in astonishment. Youko was merely calm, but she should have realized that he of all people would know that she had kept parts of her past to herself and that she was still hiding something.
“Kagome…you died?” Yusuke asked. `Wait, the only way for someone to come back from the dead is if Koenma allowed it. All the souls are housed in Reikai after all. But does that mean that she had to undergo an ordeal like I did? Does she know about the spirit detectives?'
“Kagome obaa-chan, you're keeping something from us.” Normally, Youko wouldn't pry into his loved ones' lives—unless his curiosity got the better of him, but his instincts were telling him that this was something important.
Cringing, Kagome gave everyone a guilty look before heaving a sigh. “I guess it can't be helped.” `Sorry Koenma, but my nephew's just too damn sharp. Besides, the others would have begun to suspect me. I don't really get what your point was in having me not tell them anyways.' “Okay, first let me bring Yusuke up to date. On my fifteenth birthday, I was pulled into the Bone Eater's well…the jewel shattered…quest…met (I can't believe I killed off Miroku O.o)…kidnapped…soul stolen a few times…etc. etc. During the final battle with Naraku, we all tried our hardest to defeat him even with our injuries. All of us wore him down and at the end I decided that if I didn't try to purify him then or died before he was gone, then Sango, Inuyasha, and Shippou wouldn't be able to kill them since they were all hurt. My powers destroyed him and then I died.”
The miko paused for a moment, now that everyone knew what happened—with the exception of certain personal occurrences such as those with Kikyou. At this point, Yusuke, gave the miko a surprised look. He couldn't believe all the ordeals she had gone through; now things were starting to make sense. Still, he felt that something was missing from the story, especially with how close she had been with Inuyasha. Kagome smiled lightly and took a breath to continue the rest of it.
“After I died…I met Boton who took me to Koenma, the ruler of the spirit realm. He offered me a job as the spirit detective. After some deliberation, I decided to accept Koenma's offer, but he told me not to let you guys know that I'm a spirit detective as well. I don't know why.”
Hiei gazed at his potential mate with a glint in his eyes. It was difficult to imagine the pint-sized girl before him able to survive so many ordeals. And now the small ruler of Reikai had duped her into his service. As expected, Hiei was not happy. He didn't like these strange feelings he had towards her, and he liked even less the fact that he'd have to be faced with this dilemma with even more frequency since she would be around more from now on.
“Well, now that we all know the story, let's get some food.” Kagome smiled as Shippou bounded over to help her serve everyone.
Through the meal, Yusuke and Hiei watched Kagome carefully, admiringly. Which, of course, resulted in Inuyasha glaring at them. Kaede and Sango shared a look and then giggled. Youko was preoccupied with looking at Shippou—his father.
Kagome decided to stay for the night in the Feudal Era. The others from the future opted to stay as well. “Come on Sango, lets go take a bath.” Kagome borrowed some bath supplies from Sango, since all of hers were left in the future in her haste to come back. The two girls trekked towards a path into the forest and smiled sadly at each other as they remembered the perverted antics of Miroku.
With a quick glance around, they stripped and slip into the natural spring. Once settled, Sango turned to the younger girl and smirked. “So...Kagome, what's going on between you and that short one, Hiei? And Yusuke? And how about Inuyasha?”
Kagome blushed. “There's nothing going on.” She grinned at how well Sango knew her. “Well...I don't know honestly. I kissed Yusuke once, and I really like him. As for Hiei, his attitude is a pain, but I...I don't know. He kissed me...and then ran away. And Inuyasha, of course you know I'll never stop loving him. I'm starting to wonder if it is possible to love more than one man...gods, Sango. I'm becoming a slut.” Kagome grimaced and shrugged helplessly at her friend.
The slayer had listened to her carefully and noticed the happy little smiles on her face as she mentioned each guy. “Kagome, out of everyone I've met, you're the least likely to be called that. Besides...if a man can have multiple wives, why can't a girl have multiple men? Don't tell anyone I said that though.”
“Well, my time people usually only have one love...”
“Kagome, it's usually the truth here also, but it's not a crime to love more than one person equally.” Sango smiled knowingly. “They're lucky to have gained your love.” Kagome blushed and flapped her hand at Sango in a dismissive way.
After a few minutes more, they stepped out and dressed themselves. Lost in thought as they gathered their bathing supplies, the girls failed to sense an approaching demon. Kagome screamed when lean arms suddenly heaved her into a high hug. She laughed when she realized the familiar demon. Giggling, Kagome fastened her arms around him in a reciprocal hug.
“Kouga! I missed you!” Internally, she was condemning herself for not noticing his aura approaching.
“Kagome, I thought you were dead. How can this be? Have the Gods brought you back to my side?” Kouga's blue eyes sparkled with joy. He was still dressed in his usual brown furs and had yet to notice the multiple male scents clinging to who he still declared as “his woman.”
“Haha. I guess you could say that the Gods did bring me back.”
Before they could get further reacquainted, they were pushed apart and Kouga was pinned up against a tree by a very pissed fire apparition. The others tumbled into the clearing only seconds after Hiei, having heard Kagome's scream. “Wolf, you are not to put your filthy hands on my Kagome.”
“Keh, what are you doing here Kouga?” Inuyasha scowled. He didn't need any more competitors.
“Shut up dog turd. And you, you little shrimp. Put me down. And what are you talking about. Kagome's MINE.”
Youko chuckled as he notice his grandmother fuming. It seemed like she wasn't taking it too well—being `owned' that is.
“Ugh! Men! Stop all your testosterone battles. For the last time, I am not anyone's woman!” Kagome glared at each in turn and then stomped out of the clearing.
Hiei glanced at his prospective mate and then reluctantly relinquished his prey. He had been hoping for a good fight, but he'd resist since it would probably mean losing Kagome altogether.
Kouga's instincts screamed that Hiei was not someone to cross, so he decided to return to his pack for a while.
That evening, as everyone drifted off to sleep, Kagome's three suitors were in for an uncomfortable night.
A/N: Nothing much happened in this chapter, but next chappy will be better! Hope I didn't lose all my readers with my long absence. Thanks!