InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ When Winds Collide ❯ When Inu and Yu Yu meet ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kaze Demon meet Kaze Demoness

I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha.






Hiei/nobody(I only like him with Kagome if Kags is not paired with Jin)

Kurama/nobody(same as top)

Touya/nobody(same as the top)




K urama/Kagome



******** ***On with tha fic mon******

Kagome Higurashi:


Demon:1/2 wind and 1/2 angel

looks:(demon form)Midnight blue almost black hair with red and silver sreaks up to her waist,Rosey lips,Ice blue eye(left)royal blue eye(right).Rosey pink cheeks.with sharp deadly claws and fangs,silky soft and feathery light angel wings.A curvey body very lean and slim.

(human form)

jet-black hair up to her mid-back,bubble gum pink lips,slightly tan cheeks,warm,innocent brown eyes,very curvy
and beautiful(But not as beautiful as demon form)


Miko powers:Purify demons with weapons or from her hands,Put powers to her feet to make her fly,call upon the jewel's power
to become the most beautiful and deadly thing on the planet.Healing.Can read minds.

Demon powers:

Super grace and agility.super to fly w/h wings.Blades of light.Healing.
Tornado fist,doulbl tornado fist,Wind Barrier.

Heaven blaster

Jin Kaze:

age:517(looks 17)


Bright blood red hair with a horn on the left side,blue eyes,Cheerful grin with a fang popping out on one side.He wears poofy white hakamas and his torso is covered with 2 white straps making an x shape.

Demon: Wind Shinobi(human disguise looks exactly like him except the fang and horn)

Tonado fist,Double tornado fist,wind barrier.(I made this 1 up)>Wind monster.Able to fly.

(think of the rest of the characters yourself HAH)

****on with the fic mon********

It was beautiful and peacful day in Feudal japan.Well it WAS peacful till a scream of 50 "sits"in a row and adult rated language
scared all the animals in the clearing.

Kagome Higurashi screamed at the Inu-hanyou known as Inuyasha at the top of her lungs,"INUYASHA I NEED TO GO HOME B-CAUSE MY FAVORITE COUSIN IS COMING TO VISIT!NOW I'M GOING AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!"

With that she marched away from the 30 ft crater to the bone eaters well.

Oh yea and did I tell you that Kagome was a wind and angel demon in diguise?well she is she was told by incarnation.NOO not Kikyo.

****FLASHBACK*********< br>
Kagome went to sleep very early that night and her dream was the weirdest dream she ever had.

Kagome looked around the empty void she was in.

HELLO?!Kagome yelled as it echoed.

Suddenly a Woman with black hair up to her butt with armor and reddish-pinkish Hakama's came up to Kagome.They had a very strong resemblance.

The woman smiled.She said,"Kagome I want to tell you shocking news.

Kagome said,"Who are you?!how do you know my name!?"

The woman said,"My name is ...Midoriko."

Kagome gasped and gave a low bow,"Midoriko-sama forgive my rudeness.I am sorry."

Midoriko smiled and said,"Please do not bow.
My reancanation does not need to bow to me."

Kagome gasped,"Reancarnation?"

Midoriko smiled,"yes you are MY reancarnation.I am also very proud of it."

Kagome smiled at the compliment.

Midoriko became serious.She said,"Kagome I have to tell you.You are not human."

Kags gasped.

"No you are a demon 1/2 wind,1/2 angel and also a miko to be specific.A very rare breed."

Kagome nodded in understanding.

Midoriko trained Kagome all dream long.
Kagome was an expert.At miko powers,Wind powers and angel abilities.
She could do any thing like Tornado fist,Wind barrier,ect.

It was almost time for Kagome to wake.

Mido(nick name) pulled out a beautiful sword

Setsusaiga.It had the powers of Tensaiga,Tetsusaiga and Tokigin(EXEPT ITS NOT EVIL).Midoriko gave ot to her.
It was very light and had the kanji sign for "Shikon Guardian"
It was pure silver with the handled gold and the sheath was silver with
sapphires inbedded into them.(oh yea Shikon no Tama was complete Inuyasha wants Kagome to stay to defeat Naraku with them)

mido said,"a gift from miko to miko."with a smile.

Than Kagome faded from the dream to the real world.

Kagome woke up and thought it was a dream,but when she saw Setsusaiga she knew other wise.

She smiled and than whispered very quietly,"

**end F.B**************

Kagome got home and changed her uniform
to a a low cut,v shaped,aquamarine colored
shirt that exposes some breast and exposes
her curvs.She wore faded blue tight,but comfortable jeans that sticks like second skin revealing fine,shapley legs.She wanted to look good for her cousin,but she also wanted to look sexy.

Her cousin:Yusuke Urameshi

She was meeting him and some of his friends and her friends Keiko and Kuwabara at the park.

She wore her hair down with light blush and rosey pink lip-gloss.

She went downstairs and Gramps started throwing a fit at what she was wearing,but Kagome's mom,Kun-Loon smiled at her daughter and nodded.

Kagome got her keys and went to her car.
It was a silver dodge viper with a picture of a ice blue mountain lion in the front.

It took 23 mins to reach the park where she looked for 5 minutes for her cousin.
She saw him and Keiko with some other people.5 were demons,1 had high spirit energy and 1 was surrounded by death.

1 demon had gravity defying black hair with a white starburst and a white bandana about 5'1 in size,still taller than her.Shoot.He had cold red eyes and a"come near me you die"look.He was 1/2 fire 1/2 ice.Forbidden child.He wore all black.He was really Handsome in a .....mysterious way.

1 demon was a girl and had bright blue hair with red eyes and her aura was full of kindness and innocence.She was an ice Koorime.She wore a blue and pink kimono.

Another demon had blue hair with 4 aqua spikes in front of his face.He also was an Ice Demon.He was really handsome.

1 other demon was a strange one indeed.He was human with a demon spirit.An Avatar.
He had bright red hair and green eyes.He was also very handsome.He had a spirit of a silver kitsune who she had a glimps at.It was one of her friends in the Feudal Era Youko Kurama.He had silver hair,gold eyes and fox ears cuter than Inuyasha's.

The last Demon Kagome thought was drop-dead-gorgeous.He also had Bright blood red hair.He had innocent blue eyes and a cute grin.She could tell he was a wind demon like her.

(Kagome isn't in Love with Inuyasha anymore because she was getting tired of him not choosing her or Kikyo.She still cares for him alot though.She doesn't know that he loves her still)

She noticed that a woman with powder light blue hair and bubble gum pink eyes had the
aura of death around her and Kagome immeadiatly knew she was the grim reaper.Although Kagome thought that they weren't that cheerful because her aura was ONLY cheerfulness and playfulness.

She recognized the 1 with high spirit energy as one of hers and Yusuke's best friend,Kazuma Kuwabara.

And her cousin also had high spirit energy and she could sense a little bit of Youki inside of him.

Alright she was going to get some answers.NOW,but first she'll meet his friends.


The group looked at her and in 5 seconds
Yusuke,Kuwabara and Keiko had her in a bear hug.They all said in unision,"KAGOME I MISSED YOU SOO MUCH!!(Very OOC for Yusuke and Kuwabara)

Kagome stuttered,"I...can'!"

The let let her go in a instant and Kagome was taking big breaths of air.She calmed down and jumped onall of them giving all 3 a BIG death hug.

The rest of the gang except Hiei and Touya
all anime fell.

Kagome let go and Yusuke finally saw what she was wearing and screamed at the top of his lungs,"KAGOME HIGURASHI WHAT IN KAMI'S NAME ARE YOU FREAKING WEARING!?!!DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY BOYS WILL BE ALL OVER MY LITTLE COUSIN!?!"

everyone covered their poor,abused ears.

Kagome said calmly,but too innocently for Yusuke's liking,"Why Yusuke I am wearing clothes."Kagome had to surpress a sly smirk.

Yusuke said,"Well I do not want you to wear that ever again."

Kagome said,"Ever again?Then I guess I have to change ....right front of all you'r friends."Kagome said with masked slyness
taking off her jacket.

Yusuke's eyes widen,"NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO,NO:sigh:Fine you can wear it."

Kagome grinned and said,"I knew you would see it my way."All the boys were blushing deep red at what Kagome threatend to do.If you looked very closley you could see even Hiei had a red tinge to his cheeks.

Kagome said cheerfully to the group,"HI my name's Kagome Higurashi.Whats yous?"

Hi I'm Botan"Botan said equally cheerfuly

I'm Yukina"Yukina said with a shy smile.

I'm Suichii Minamino" "Suichii"said with a charming smile which left Kagome blushing slightly.

HilassiemynameisJinKaze"Jin said really fast.If Kagome never spent 1 year with a hyper Shippo she wouldn't have understood,but she understood him
perfectly.He had such a cute accent.

I'm Touya"Touya said with a small bow.

Hn.Hiei"The quiet 1 known as Hiei said.

Kagome went to Yukina and Botan and suddenly they engaged in chatter a mile a second.Even the shy,quiet Yukina.

The gang all looked in amazment even Hiei as the girls all talked maybe faster than Jin...When he's Hyper.

Keiko joined in the chatter.

Than Kagome said,"Hey why don't we go to that new singing and dancing club lets see............"Club Infinity"?!

all the girls and even Yukina all shouted,"YEA!!"

The boys shrugged and went to club infinity,but not before shoppin for what to wear.

Keiko bought short denim shorts.With a white tanktop 3 inches over her bellybutton.
She got her hair done in a nicley done bun that was held up with clear chopsticks.She had pink lipstick with shining clear lip gloss over it with light red blush and light red mascara.

Botan bought second skin looking jeans that poof out at the bottem with that was dark blue with a silver dragon from the ankle to the thigh.She bought a navy blue tank top that goes 2 inches over her bellybutton.She wore a dark blue vest that was zippered at the bottem and up to 1 inch under her bellybutton is open.Her hair was down from its usual ponytail.She had red lipstick with clear lipgloss over it like Keiko's.

Yukina was dressed in the most revealing outfit that she ever wore.She had Short,SHORT faded blue shorts.And a white shirt that only ties around her neck.(it covers her back so don't worry).Her hair was neatly put in two pig tails(like Ayame)with a lavender flower in her left ear.She had light pink lipstick with clear lipgloss like Botan's and Keiko's.She had red blush.and light pink mascara.

Now Kagome's outfit was down-right-S.E.X.Y.

She had a ice blue sleevless shirt that only goes 2 inches past her breast(in case you's wondering its REALLY short).She wore a silk light blue skirt that is even almost incredible it covered her butt.(shorter than her uniform's skirt).She also wore a white jacket that is short.(A/N.You know what the jackets that stop past your breast are called?).She had only a rosy pink blush.She had on light pink lipgloss(not lipstick).Her hair was loose and swung back and forth when she walks.

All-in-All Those girls looked HOT!

When they came out of the store the guy's
jaws dropped,even Hiei.(Koenma was there in teenage form)

Touya,Kurama,Hiei and mostly Jin were staring at Kagome.

Yusuke was staring at Keiko.

Kuwabara was staring at Yukina.

and Koenma was staring at Botan.

All girls blushed.

Kagome said shyly,"We should get going."

the guys snapped out of it and nodded.

It was the girls turn to stare.

Hiei was wearing all black(:sarcastically:

He wore a muscle t-shirt that you could se his abs.He wore tight jeans(black)and black shoes.

Yusuke was wearing a silk white shirt with faded blue tight pants.And white sneakers.Casual,but HOT.

(Make up the rest except Jin)

Jin wore a blue button up t-shirt with the top 3 un-buttoned and exposed his well chiseled and strong chest and muscles.He wore baggy blue pants with white sneakers.

Kagome could not look away while the other boys who liked her got jealous.

Jin had to surpress a cocky smirk whan Kagome looked at him the longest.

Kagome snapped out of it and said,"Lets go."

They all nodded.

When they got in line Kagome pulled them to the front.

She said,"HEY TONYA!!."

A girl with green eyes and shoulder lenght blond hair went to Kagome and smiled.

she said,"Go on in with your friends Kags."

Kagome smiled at her old 21year old friend and she and the gang went in.

The club was filled with dancing,music and singing.

Kagome got a plan.She pulled all the girls in a circle and started to whisper so the boys won't hear.

Hey why don't we have a little

Huh?-all girls

Lets sing and dance and show those boys what us girls are made of."-KAgome

All the girls even Yukina had evil grins and nodded.This was what they were singing.

Yukina-Ordinary day
(Vanessa Carlton)

Botan- All the Things She said
(Don't kno singa)

Keiko- Simple & Clean
(Kingdom Hearts opening song)

Kagome- 1000 words
(Final Fantasy X-2 song)

They would all sing and dance to Vibrate
(by Peaty Pablo and Rasheeda)

They told the D.J and came back to the boys they asked,"Where were you?"

The girls said,"Um Walking around."

Then the guy on stag called,"Hows Everybody doing in the hiz-ouse?!"

The crowed erupted,"FINE!!"

The man said,"Well our first singer is a girl named .....YUKINA!!!!

The guys jaws dropped as Yukina went onstage.The men in the auddience started giving a few cat-calls

Yukina started singing on the mic.

"Ordinary Day"

Just a day,
Just an ordinary day.
Just tryin to get by.
Just a boy,
Just an ordinary boy.
But he was looking to the sky.
And as he ask if i would come along
I started to realize-
That everyday you find
Just what he's looking for,
Like a shooting star he shines.

He said take my hand,
Live while you can
Don't you see your dreams lie right in the palm of your hand?

And as he spoke, he spoke ordinary words
Although they did not feel
For I felt what I had not felt before
You'd swear those words could heal.
And as I looked up into those eyes
His vision borrows mine.
And to know he's no stranger,
For I feel I've held him for all of time.

And he said take my hand,
Live while you can
Don't you see your dreams lie right in the palm of your hand
In the palm of your hand.

Please come with me,
See what I see.
Touch the stars for time will not flee.
Time will not flee.
Can you see?

Just a dream, just an ordinary dream.
As I wake in bed
And the boy, that boy, that ordinary boy.
Or was it all in my head?
Did he ask if I would come along
It all seemed so real.
But as i looked to the door,
I saw that boy standing there with a deal.

And he said he my take my hand,
Live while you can,
Don't you see your dreams lie right in the palm of your hand
Right in the palm of your hand,
Right in the palm of your hand.

Just a day, just an ordinary day
Just tryin to get by.

Just a boy,
Just an ordinary boy.
But he was looking to the sky.

The gang was surprised at her voice and the passion in the song.

The man than said,"Our next singer....BOTAN!!"

Botan went on stage and started singing

[All the things She said]

All the things she saidAll the things she saidRunning through my head
Running through my head
Running through my headAll the things she saidAll the things she saidRunning through my headRunning through my headRunning through my headThis is not enough

I'm in serious shit, I feel totally lostIf I'm asking for help it's only becauseBeing with you has opened my eyesCould I ever believe such a perfect surprise?
I keep asking myself, wondering howI keep closing my eyes but I can't block you outWanna Fly to a place where it's just you and meNobody else so we can be free
All the things she saidAll the things she saidRunning through my headRunning through my headRunning through my headAll the things she saidAll the things she saidRunning through my headRunning through my headRunning through my headThis is not enoughThis is not enough
All the things she saidAll the things she said
And I'm all mixed up, feeling cornered and rushedThey say it's my fault but I want her so muchWanna fly her away where the sun and rainCome in over my face, wash away all the shame
When they stop and stare don't worry me‘Cause I'm feeling for her what she's feeling for meI can try to pretend, I can try to forgetBut it's driving me mad, going out of my head
All the things she said.
All the things she saidRunning through my head
Running through my headRunning through my headAll the things she saidAll the things she saidRunning through my head
Running through my head
Running through my headThis is not enoughThis is not enough
All the things she saidAll the things she said

Mother looking at meTell me what do you see?Yes, I've lost my mind
Daddy looking at meWill I ever be free?Have I crossed the line?
All the things she said.
All the things she saidRunning through my head
Running through my headRunning through my headAll the things she saidAll the things she saidRunning through my head
Running through my head
Running through my headThis is not enoughThis is not enough
All the things she saidAll the things she said

The gang was again shocked at her voice.
Kuwabara was complimenting Yukina and Koenma was complimenting Botan.

The man(I'll call him.....well a rock name like D3)Said,"our next Singer.......KEIKO YUKIMURA!!"

Keiko went on stage.

She grabbed the mic and started singing

[Simple & Clean]

When you walk away

You don’t hear me say

“Please, oh baby don’t go”

Simple and Clean is the way

That you’re making me feel tonight

It’s hard to let it go

You’re giving me, too many things

Lately, you’re all I need

You smiled at me and said,

“Don get me wrong I love you,

But does that mean I have to meet your father?

When we are older you’ll understand

What I meant when I said no

I don’t think life is quite that simple”

When you walk away

You don’t hear me say

“Please, oh baby don’t go”

Simple and Clean is the way

That you’re making me feel tonight

It’s hard to let it go

The daily things,

like this and that and what’s what

That keep us all busy

Are confusing me

That’s when you came to me and said

“Wish I could prove I love you,

But does that mean I have to walk on water?

When we are older you’ll understand

It’s enough when I say so

And maybe some things are that simple”

When you walk away

You don’t hear me say

“Please, oh baby don’t go”

Simple and Clean is the way

That you’re making me feel tonight

It’s hard to let it go

Hold me,

What ever lies beyond this morning

Is a little later on

Regardless of warnings

The future doesn’t scare me at all

Nothing’s like before

When you walk away

You don’t hear me say

“Please, oh baby don’t go”

Simple and Clean is the way

That you’re making me feel tonight

It’s hard to let it go

Hold me,

What ever lies beyond this morning

Is a little later on

Regardless of warnings

The future doesn’t scare me at all

Nothing’s like before

Hold me,

What ever lies beyond this morning

Is a little later on

Regardless of warnings

The future doesn’t scare me at all

Nothing’s like before

The gangs jaw dropped.All the girls sang awesome.

Than D3 said,"Now our last singer give it up for........KAGOME HIGURASHI!!!"

Kagome went on stage(in that revealing outfit)and the Men in the audience all started giving wild cat-calls and Touya,Kurama,Hiei and ESPECIALLY Jin
got jealous.

Kagome started singing

(1000 Words from FFX-2)

I know that you hiding things

Using gentle words to shelter me

Your words were like a dream

But dreams could never fool me

Not that easily.


She poured her all her emotion in this song making it even more enchanting

She continued

I acted so distant then

Didn't say goodbye before you left

But I was listening

You fight your battle far from me

Far too easily


In her head she was seeing all her memories
of when Her and Inuyasha had good times.


"Save your tears' cause I'll come back"

I could hear that you whispered

As you walked through the door

But I still strove

To hide the pain when I turned back the pages

Shouting might have been the answer

What if I cried my eyes out and begged you not to depart?

But now I'm not afraid to say…

What's in my heart…

Cause a thousand word

Called out through ages

They'll fly to you

Even though I can't see

I know they're reaching you

Suspended on silver wings

Oh a thousand words

A thousand embraces

Will cradle you

Making all your weariness

Seem far away

They'll hold you forever

Oh a thousand words.A thousand words…

Haven never been spoken.Oh…Yeah

They'll fly to you

They'll carry you home.Carry you home!

And back into my arms…

Suspended on silver wings…Oh silver wings!!

And a thousand words.Oh…

Called out through the ages.Called through the ages!!

They'll cradle you.Oh yea

Making all the holy years into holy days…Holy days!

They'll hold you forever!!

Oh…a thousand words…


Kagome still loved Inuyasha,but she had to let go.And she did after singing this song.
This song was so much like the dream she had that her and Inuyasha would have a family together.No more.She would get over him and find a new love.What she didn't know is that her true love is right under her nose.


All the guys jaw's dropped.Kagome sung better than Keiko,Yukina and Botan did.

D3 than said,"Well now time to dance,but not before these rockin' Girls Keiko,Yukina,Botan and Kagome all dance and sing to a song.

Vibrate started to play.

Kagome and the girls got in there starting position.The song came and they started to dance to it

(feat. Kagome and the girls)

Yeah Yeah Yeah
Make that ass vibrate, make that ass vibrate
Make that ass vibrate, shake that shit till you
Start an earthquake

The girls all did a booty shake like it had a vibrater.
Kagome and Keiko were in the front and Yukina and Botan in the back.

[Verse 1:Peaty Pablo ]
I want them 3, to come up here wit me
So I can put em where they 'pose to be
One at the head, one in the middle
and one down by my feet, she keep ticklin me
Neighbors bangin on the wall cause we over here
disturbin the peace, baby be easy
Rockin the bed so hard we done kicked off
all tha sheets, don't worry we don't need em
A couple hours in the session we done been
through bout four CDs (about four CDs)
Keith Sweat, Mary J, Brian McKnight, and Jodeci
(They love Jodeci)
By the way look think I need a couple can of energy drinks
(yeah I'm gone need em)
Cuz these hoes go vibratin in they coochie

[Chorus 1: 2x]
I like the way yo ass be vibratin...
I like the way yo ass be vibratin...

[Chorus 2: 2x(girls)]
Make that ass vibrate, make that ass vibrate
Make that ass vibrate, shake that shit till you
Start an earthquake.

Kagome and Keiko both did no hand backflips with their hands resting on botan's and Yukina's shoulder doing a handstand on them.

They got off and Did jumping jacks 2 times with their head bopping side to side.

[Verse 2: Kagome and Yukina]
Bend over and touch ya toes, blow smoke got ya hoes like you blowin dro
Slide down the pole, upside down do it fast or slow
Round here we professionals, get flexible, real sexual
Make a nigga wanna eat it like a vegetable
When he see that ass rise like a buttered roll.

The girls put their butts to the audience and started to do another fast booty shake.

They turned around in a sexy pose.

[Botan and Kagome]
Round here we gangstered out, this aint no titty bar
we let it all hang out
Break bread till the song played out, show that nigga what a real b**** bout

[Kagome and Keiko]
These cats thank they pimpin like Don Juon
But they all played out like the thong song
Get ya money gul, show em what you really bout
Rasheeda and Kagome reppin fo the ladies in the south

[Both Choruses]

[Verse 3:Peaty Pablo ]
I can f***, any b**** in here, lay her on the pillow
Crawl up behind her and cram all of it in her
Ride her ass like a bicycle, hold right there
When I move you move,(Kagome) just like that
Just as show as yo ass is fat, there's some 26 inch rims on a Cadillac
Like spinners, sittin on a sixty-seven
At the car show bumpin Funk Master Flex
I aint met a bitch yet (and yeah) that I couldn't have
All I gotta do is tell a hoe who I am
Pull up to the side and get away from them
Doom, Doom, Doom

[Both Choruses]

[Chorus 2 - 2X]

The song eded with the girls in a sexy pose.

Kagome had her side turned to the audience with her leg hooked around Keiko's waist.Botan was touching Kagome's stomach
with her right hand and Kag's back with her left.Her mouth was open next to Kagome's right breast looking like she was going to bite it.Yukina was in back of Botan with her arms around her shoulder's and neck and she had her tounge touching Kagome's cheek that was on the left of her.Keiko with Kagome's leg around her made a winking face and had her arms around Kagome's waist.(No they are not lesbians thats how they wanted it to be like REALLY sexy for the boys.)

All the guys(Jin,Hiei,Touya,Yusuke,ect.)eye's bugged out and their mouths hit the floor.They knew that the girls would do a little dancing,but they thought it was were surprised at the 4 innocent especially Yukina would go and dance like that!!They were all aroused by the girl's
pose.Jin kept staring at Kagome getting VERY aroused.The girls got out of their pose and went to the guys and Keiko asked,"How did you like our awesome singing and Sexy dancing?"All girls giggled at the coment.

The Guys all nodded dumbly.

The girls looked at each other and burst out laughing snapping the boys out.

Jin went to Kagome "Thatwasawiggleyouareverygoodatdancing
lassie."Jin said with a grin

Kagome blushed at the compliment,especially since it was from Jin.Usually
Inuyasha always insulted her at.....everything that she does.

Kagome said,"Thank you Jin-kun."

Than she grabbed Botan and dragged her
out of hearing range.

When they were away Kagome looke at Botan with a serious expression.

She said,"Botan,I want to know why you are the grim reaper,why 5 demons are hanging with my cousin and why my cousin and Kuwabara have such high spirit energies and I want to know NOW!!"

Botan was shocked and asked her," did you know?"

Kagome sighed.She started her story,"On my 15 B-day I was pulled down the bone-eaters-well by a youkai(Insert story and she told how she loved Inuyasha and how he broke her heart and how she doesn't love him anymore.She didn't tell that she was a demon)

*****1 hour later**********

When Kagome finished,Botan was in tears and She told her,"Kagome how did you survive all that? I would have probably killed myself already."

Kagome sighed again.Kagome told her,"I suvived because if I didn't I would have lost all my friends and thats what I fear most,to lose my friends."

Botan nodded and smiled in understanding.

When the got back to the group,Botan and Kagome were still in tears,but the 2 girls never noticed.

Yusuke asked,"Kagome,Botan why are you crying?"Botan and Kagome looked at him curiously.than they started to wipe their tears and put on smile,"we are not crying,Yusuke!"They both said at the same time in the same cheerfulness.

Yusuke was skeptical,but shrugged it off.......for now.

Botan and Kagome talked alone,not knowing that Touya,Jin,Yusuke,Kurama and Hiei heard.

"Well Kagome what are you gunna do about...him?" - Botan

"Huh?....OH! :sigh:I dunno,but I have to leave in about 1..2...3..4 days."- Kagome

"Why?! I mean I just met you and I feel like your my best friend!!" - Botan

Kagome smiled and said,"You too Botan."

"Well If he ever hurts you in ANY way he will be first on my list."

Kagome mockingly gasped in horror.

"Oh me,Oh my THE Lady death is going to kill a hanyou for ME? I'm SOOO very flattered."

The words "lady death" and "hanyou" got thee guy's attention.They were also confused to where she will be leaving in 4 days.Something Kagome said shocked them to no end.

"Botan I...I need to tell you something."

Botan nodded.

"Well :deep breath: IntheFeudalEraIfound
demonandals oapriestess.I also am the priestessMidoriko's

Botan was SHOCKED.But she nodded in understanding.

~~~~The thoughts in the guy's heads~~~

She is Beutiful,a demon,strong and loves kids a perfect mate plus I already know her. - Youko Kurama

She is lovely,kind,sweet,beautiful and a demon she is perfect for me - Kurama

She is powerful,beautiful and a demon she will be my mate-Hiei

She is perfect.Beauty,grace,kindness,motherly,
powerful and she is a demon.I would love to have her as a mate.-Touya

That Lassie is a Wind demon just like me.
and she is very beautiful,smart,kind,graceful,powerful,loving
and peacful.I think I'm in love,but I will mate her with her permission only.-Jin

~~~~~~with the girls~~~~~~~
Botan said something suddenly,scaring the crap out of Kagome,"Kagome we should tell the guys its only for the better."

Kagome sighed and nodded.

They went to the living room with the boys there.(Their at Kagome's house)

Botan said,"EVERYBODY Kagome has something to tell you all."

Kagome took a breath and started her explanation.

The gang were shocked at what happened in her life and the guys were mad as hell at what Inuyasha had done to her.

Yusuke announced,"Well Kag I haven't been to honest either.When I was 14 I got in a car crash(insert story)And now here we are.
Oh and we all are coming to the Feudal Era with you.

Kagome nodded and suddenly what Yusuke said clicked in her brain.
the girls all counted down in their heads.


Poor Yusuke was right in front of her so she had screamed in his now he think is deaf ear.

Yusuke Yelled,"I don't want my cousin fighting demons by herself no matter how
strong you are WE ARE COMING!!"

Kagome sighed in defeat and nodded.Inuyasha was not gonna like this.At all.

***4 days later*********

They all had their stuff ready.
Kagome was still in the house packing.
The guys were wondering what she was doing.Suddenly,Kagome came out with a GINORMOUS(made that word up^_^)
yellow backpack over her shoulder.

She carried it like nothing while everybody including Hiei looked like this O.O"
Kagome looked at them and asked,"what?!"

they snapped out of it and Yusuke came over
to Kagome to help her.

He tried picking up the bag,but once he got it on his back dropped face first because of the weight.

Everybody started laughing.Even Hiei gave a small chuckle.

Kagome took the bag with ease.

Kagome looked at him with masked slyness.

"Why Yusuke I just have supplies.Why are you surprised that "THE Great Yusuke Urameshi" can't even lift a itty bitty back-pack?Aw the poor baby."

Everybody tried to surpress in their laughter.Kuwabara and Keiko was 1st to break.They were both rolling on the floor with tears in their eyes scaring all the birds and stray animals in the clearing.Than Botan,
Yukina,Jin,even the calm Touya,Kurama and surprisengly Hiei all bust out laughing and everybody including Kagome was rolling on the floor with laughter and tears in their eyes.Nobody saw the tears Hiei and Yukina turn to jems or the small "clink"it made when it fell.

Until Kagome calmed down and saw the
Jewel(s).She was confused and picked it up.

She asked Yukin,"Hey Yuki-chan? what is this it's beautiful!"

Yukina and the gang stiffened.Kagome found a tear jem.Would she kidnap yukina for more?

Yukina sighed and said,"This, 'Gome-Chan is one of my tear jems."Kagome looked with recognision at the jem and said,"OH these are those pricless jems fire and Ice koorime's shed,is it not?!"

Yukina nodded.

Kagome smiled.She said"I'll be right back."
She took the jem in the house with her and the group thought that she was going to keep it and try make more.

Kagome came out with the tear jem made in a nacklace.(The necklace looks like the one She had to carry the whole Shikon,exept its blue)

Kagome put the necklace around Yukina's neck and said,"Never take it off.If you are in danger this necklace will put up a barrier and call out to me if you are in trouble."
Kagome smiled and so did Yukina.

Hiei had the faintest smile on his lips.Kagome had accepted him and his sister even though they are forbidden.(or is it only Hiei who is Forbidden?)

Kagome said,"Well lets get going.If I'm late
Inuyasha would probably bite my head off.MORE."

They went in the well house Kagome said,"
since their are no jewel shards left you guys have to touch me.

Yukina,Botan and Keiko wanted to go after the boys.

Hiei took her left hand in his hand.
Touya took her right hand in his hand.
Kurama put his hand on her shoulder
Yusuke put his hand on her other shoulder.
Kuwabara put a hand on her head(much to her displeasure and the guy's amusment)

There was no where left for Jin to hang on to.
Jin looked a little sad then brighten up.

He went in back of Kagome and in front of Kuwabara and wraped his hands around Kagome's slim waist noticing she turned a pretty cherry color,but missing the jealous glare's Hiei,Touya,Kurama and Youko in Kurama's head gave him.Koenma said since he is the ruler of spirit world he didn't need to hold on.which he didn't.

Kagome said to Kurama,"Hey Kurama-Kun
please don't be surprised tha you see well another Youko on the other side of the well K?"

Kurama groaned,but nodded he said,"It's fine,But 1 perverted Youko Kurama is all I need Thank you very much."
Kagome giggled.
They all jumped in and a blue light covered all of them and transported them through time.

Kagome came back for the girls.

When they came back to the F.E they saw
Inuyasha with Tetsusaiga out and Hiei with his katana drawn.Jin had a bloody arm(he is in his White regualar outfit)Which made Kagome's blood boil

Kagome yelled,"INUYASHA,SIT!!"

And Inuyasha came tumbling down.

Kagome helped the girls out of the well.
Then she turned to Inuyasha and said angrily,"GEEZE Inuyasha just ONE look at
Unfamiliar people and out goes the sword and here comes the ego.Will you just stop trying to pick a fight with people just ONCE!!??"

She turned to Hiei and said,"Don't worry you can put you'r weapon away he is not a a threat."

She went over to Jin and looked at his arm.
It was pretty deep.Damn you Inuyasha no baka!!

Kagome tenderly took Jin's arm and held it to her chest forgeting her accesorise(sp)
there.Jin was blushing crazy while Inuyasha,Touya,Kurama and Hiei were burning in jealousy.

Jin's arm glowed pink and it was healed.
Kagome opened her eyes to see Jin's madley blushing face.She looked down and saw where she accidentally put his hand.Between her breast.

Her eyes widened She said again and again and again and.....again,"GOMEN,GOMEN,GOMEN,GOMEN,GOMEN,GOMEN.I AM SOOOOO SORRY!!"
Ji just blushed and said,"It'soklassie,youwerejusttryintoheal

Kagome smiled at him.And he smiled back
they didn't know that they were leaning together.suddenly,Their lips met and they forgot everybody around them.Kagome put her arms around his neck and Jin put his around her waist.They were now kissing passionatley.Their toungs fought and Jin won.Kagome slid her slick toung in his mouth
as did he.Her taste was that of strawberries and peaches.He tasted of apples and sweet snow.

Sango,Miroku,Shippo and Youko came to see that scene.Kagome and a red head were kissing.Passionatley while 5 new people(Yusuke,Touya,ect.)and Inuyasha were gapping at the pair.
After 5 whole minutes of making out the pair finally let go.They both looked into each
others eyes till Miroku made an"Ahem"

"My,my Lady Kagome what have we here?"

Sango caught on and smirked for one agreeing to tease Kagome.

"Yes,Kagome-chan I never knew that you had certain "interests"in red-heads.

Kagome blushed.She remembered 3 red-heads she had crushes on,but it passed.
Their names Taku,Tantei and Kukai.They were all wind demons.She had an obsession with red hair,but now she knows that She only love a red-head named Jin Kaze.Forever.

Kagome decided to play along.And finally tell
the secret of her being a demon.

She gave a small wink to Jin saying"Play along"He smirked.

She sighed and said,"WHAT I only liked certain red-headed wind shinobi's because I am a wind demon also,but now I finally found the right one."She said hugging Jin around his waist.The Inu group were shocked to hear Kagome is a demon and even more shocked to see Kagome transform in to her demon form.

Than Shippo asked,"momma?how did you become a wind demoness?"

"momma"took the newcomers off-guard.She forgot to tell them she had a (adopted)son.

Jin looked at her weirdly.

She smiled nevously at him and said,"ADOPTED SON!!!"Forgeting Shippo's question purposley.She didn't want to tell them about Midoriko and her special training
and how Kagome wasn't Kikyo's reancarnation.

Jin nodded and smiled at his maybe soon-to-be son also.

The gangs got to know each other better and they became friends exept Inuyasha and Hiei.And Inuyasha and Jin.He hated Jin with a passion.He thought Jin stole HIS Kagome from him.From his tree he saw Kagome talking to Jin and giggling at stuff that he says.

~~~~~With Kags and Jin~~~~~~~~~

-andthenyusukehadalumpfromafryingpanthatKeikopul ledoutofnowear."
(translation:-and then Yusuke had a lump from a frying pan that Keiko pulled out of nowhere)
Kagome giggled(hate using that word)

Than She caught Jin off-guard when she turned aroubd quickly and kissed him sensless,Which he returned eagerly after his shock.The boys exept Miroku and Shippo were glaring at Jin,wishing to be in his place.

Shippo went over to the couple and asked Kagome,"Mommy I'm sleepy could you sing me a song please?"With puppy-dog eyes.

Kagome smiled and started singing.

[Thank God I found You]

hmmm hmmm nanananana
I would give up everything
Before I'd separate myself from you
After so much suffering
I've finally found a man that's true
I was all by myself for the longest time
So cold inside
And the hurt from the heart it would not subside
I felt like dying
Until you saved my life
Her emotions poured from how broken hearted she was untill she found Jin.Yes She WAS thanking God that she found him.

Jin heard this song before and started singing in a beautiful voice for a guy.All the guy parts with Kagome.
(Chorus - all)

Thank God I found you
I was lost without you
My every wish and every dream
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight
Completed my whole life
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
Cause baby I'm so thankful
I found you

I would give you everything
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
To ensure your happiness
I'll cherish every part of you
Because without you beside me I can't survive
I don't wanna try
If you're keeping me warm each and every night
I'll be all right
Cause I need you in my life

Yes Jin NEEDED Kagome in his life and he WOULD do anything for her.He now knows that he is in love with her.He couldn't survive without her.


(Chorus - all)

Thank God I found you (I'm begging you)
I was lost without you (so lost without you)
My every wish and every dream (every dream, every dream)
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight (brought the sunlight)
Completed my whole life
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
Cause baby I'm so thankful
I found you

-Bridge- (Kagome )

See I was so desolate
Before you came to me
Looking back I guess it shows
that we were destined to shine
After the rain to appreciate
And care for what we have
And I'd go through it all over again
To be able to feel this way
Yes,before she met Jin and his friends she always put cheerful masks on to fool people,but inside her heart was still breaking.

(Chorus - all)

Thank God I found you
I was lost without you (lost without you baby)
My every wish and every dream
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight
Completed my whole life (whole life)
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
Sweet baby I'm so thankful
I found you

(Chorus - all)
Thank God I found you
I was lost without you
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
My baby I'm so thankful
I found you(you)


I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
My baby I'm so thankful I found you.
Shippo was asleep and Sango and Miroku were at awe at how perfect the two look and SOUND together.They truly were Soulmates.
Jin and Kagome shared another kiss before sleeping in each others arms.Truely Happy.