InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wind Blown Tears ❯ Comforting Paws ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
know I shouldn’t be writing another story when I still have one posted unfinished…. But I just can’t help it! I’ve got like 5 other stories in the process of being written, and here I’m starting another! Gomen Nasai!

Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha… nor do I own Yu Yu Hakusho! Oh but the things Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru , and Youko get up to in my mind! (Falls over with swirls for eyes and drool dripping from the corner of her mouth…) *Yes… yes they do touch me there…

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The sun mockingly shone it’s happy rays down on a raven haired girl whom had shoulders that where slumped in defeat. The wind blew through the grass and made her hair stream out behind her. A tear slipped from her face and danced away, joining it’s fellows on the breeze. She ran a slightly calloused hand across the smooth wood that made up the bone-eaters well. With a small sniffle she couldn’t help but think back to the reason she was now considering jumping into the well and never coming back.


“Inuyasha… I- I love you!” Kagome said with tears in her eyes as she clasped the completed shikon in her hands.

“Nani! Why Kagome? Have I ever done anything to encourage you to have those feelings? I love Kikyou… how could you think I would want some one as useless as you?” Said the half-youkai as he turned from her.

“But Inu-” She tried again, not wanting to believe anything he had just said.

“No Kagome… the only reason I kept you here was to collect the jewel shards… now the jewel is complete, and I’m going to get to be with Kikyou again.”

During his new tirade Kagome had bowed her head against his words.

“You’re right Inuyasha… I am useless,” She said and slowly raised her head, tears no longer evident on her alabaster cheeks. Hard brown eyes met gold.

“But if you think for one moment I’m just going to hand over the shikon and let you and that walking clay pot taint it with your’ impure, selfish wishes…think again!” She stated and watched as Inuyasha leapt to attack her for the gem that hung from her neck. She let out a blast of purifying energy that was strong enough to throw him back several yards, only to land hard on his arse.

With a sigh Kagome tore the Shikon no Tama from her neck and brought it up to eye level. “ I don’t have a pure wish right now… and I know if I where to try at this moment when I’m so angry…it wouldn’t come out right. So I ask that you find solace inside my body once again, that way I can protect you better…” She said to it. The jewel pulsed and slowly floated up from her palm and hovered in mid air for a moment as if considering her request.

It pulsed once more in finality and sunk slowly into her forehead, leaving behind a light pink circle…looking like a full moon compared to Sesshoumarus’ quarter moon. Kagomes’ eyes had closed when it had begun it’s descent, but they popped open as soon as it had disappeared. When they did, no longer where they brown, but a purplish pink!

Inuyasha got up off of his bottom and advanced on Kagome once more. “You bitch! I’ll get you for this!”

“No… you won’t… I’m going home! OSUWARI! Inu-BAKA!” Kagome screamed and ran off towards the well that had been her haven from tears in the past…many times.


Kagome sighed and spoke quietly. “This is the last time I’m going to be using you my friend. Thank you for allowing me passage thus far…but when I go to the other side this one last time…sleep… you deserve it.” The wood groaned under her hand and Kagome smiled.

Gently she leapt to the lip of the well and was about to leap when she heard- “Kagome wait!” She turned and saw Shippou running full tilt towards her. “Don’t leave me here! MOMMA!” He shouted, tears cascading down his face, as he took a running leap and landed in Kagomes’ widespread arms. Only, his inertia continued when his body hit hers, and they fell back into the well clutching each other. They were engulfed in a bright blue light, and Kagome held onto Shippou tightly so she would not lose him in the time slip.

Soon enough they where on the dirt floor of the well in Kagomes time. Which was evident when they looked up and saw the roof over the top of the well. “Shippou! Hurry you have to go back before the well closes!” Kagome said, fear in her voice. She climbed halfway up the well with the kit in her arms and jumped back down… only the well glowed a deep red around them and they hit the floor of the well with out going through the time slip…The well was asleep.

“Oh Shippou…” Kagome sighed.

“Please don’t be mad at me Kagome! I knew you weren’t going to come back… I … I didn’t want you to leave me behind…Momma…” He whimpered and curled into her neck, sniffling tears.

“It’s okay Shippou… Actually, I’m glad you where able to come with me… the hardest thing about leaving the past… was the thought of being with out my kit.” She whispered to him as she stroked his topknot and rubbed his back soothingly.

“Really?” He asked, looking up at her with luminous, jade eyes.

“Really my Kit…Now, there is no sense in sitting in the bottom of the well when I know my Oka-san will want to ply you with sweets and give you endless cuddles.” Kagome said as she looked down at Shippou with a bright smile on her face.

“M’kay…lets go!” He said as he cuddled back into her neck, inhaling her comforting scent deeply.

Carefully Kagome made her way out of the well, clutching her precious bundle close to her heart. She hurried into the foyer of her home feeling as though some one was watching her.

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Quietly shutting off the monitor in front of him, the godling sighed. “Well at least that time portal is now out of operation. The kit though… he might cause some problems. They will have to be watched… I can just feel a headache coming on.” He ran a hand through his light brown locks and then itched the Jr. mark on his forehead. “BOTAN! Get in here!” He shouted just as the blue apparition of death glided into his office on that infernal oar of hers.

“You called Koenma-sama!” She said in her almost to cheerful voice.

“Yes Boton… I need you to give this message to my spirit detectives… it’s their new mission.” Koenma said as he held out a VHS tape.

Botons’ eyes widened, “But… but sir! They are on their long requested vacation… I couldn’t-”

Koenma interrupted his assistant. “I’m sorry Boton… at least find one of them, this is really important!” Boton took the video with a surly pout and started to float right back out of his office. With a voice that sounded like nails in a coffin, Boton growled, “I’M ON VACATION TOO!”

With a sigh Koenma leaned back in his comfy chair and rubbed at his Jr. mark again… “Father is going to be pissed…” He groaned and pulled a bottle of Tylenol out from his desk drawer.

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Red eyes narrowed in hate…A solid form moved in the darkness. “So… She’s back.” A guttural voice said as best it could. “Yes, and soon, we will make her pay…” A smooth voice replied.
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Kagome smiled to herself as she sunk into her warm, pink comforter. She was going to try not thinking about Inuyasha and her time in the past… at least for a little bit. Besides… She had to think about Shippou now. She was going to try to be the best mother possible for him. With this thought she was over run with images of the things she had wanted… Her and Inuyasha and Shippou as a family…maybe with a little dog-eared baby at some point… A nice little hut not far from Keades’. Kagome tried as hard as she could to hold back the pain and the tears.

She was doing okay… that was until a small, furry tailed Kitsune kit curled up to her tummy under the blankets and held her hand in his two tiny paws. “It’s okay to cry some times Kagome…” He said and her dam burst, followed by heart wrenching sobs from the young miko.

“Shippou…” She cried.

“It’s okay momma…cry…it’ll make you feel better….And don’t worry! I’ll be here for you, I won’t leave you.” He told her as he clung to her hand tighter and snuggled more into her tummy then before. He couldn’t know how much his words meant to her. He just knew that he wanted to be there for his oka-san like she was always there for him.

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Even though it was the middle of the night, Kurama decided to walk out into his garden and lay in the cool green grass…savoring the feel of the tepid summer breeze. The grass came alive under his touch and was caressing him where ever it touched flesh…he sighed becoming relaxed. Only to sit right back up when Boton appeared out of no where with a grumpy look o her face and a VHS in one hand.

“Kurama you are the only one I could find, I’m to deliver this on order of Koenma-baka…Now I’m leaving, if you need to contact Koenma…Don’t do it through me!” She snarled and disappeared just as quickly as she had come, dropping the tape to the lush ground.

Kurama sighed, “There goes my vacation…I should have went with Hiei…then she wouldn’t have found me either.” Slowly he reached for the VHS as if it where diseased and picked it up between thumb and forefinger, examining it to see if it was hopefully damaged beyond repair from it’s impromptu drop from twenty feet in the air. No such luck.

Without further diffidence, he stood swiftly, made his way back into his home and to his tape player. He had no fear that any one would see what was on the tape, it was specially modified so that people who couldn’t see spirit energy, couldn’t see what the tape held. As the player accepted the tape Kurama sat and ran a hand through the crimson strands of his hair. ~This had better be good Youko… or the toddler might find himself face to face with a death blossom.~ Kurama thought to his counterpart.

`No kidding… we are supposed to be on vacation… I was looking forward to a little rest… but now… silly Ningen-kai has to get in trouble again doesn’t it? Oh Hellooo…` Youko ended sensually. It was then Kuramas’ grass green eyes became aware of a human girl on screen and the voice of the toddler.

“This is one Higurashi, Kagome. Soon to be a Senior at Sarayashiki Junior High. This is her picture from a few years ago taken in her home at the Sunset Shrine. Then it was found that she is a miko. This is a picture of her now.” And sure enough the picture changed from fifteen year old Kagome in her green and white school uniform and brown penny loafers, to eight-teen year old Kagome in a miko’s outfit… that fit her form very well, showing off curves her younger self hadn’t had, raven hair down to the back of her knees.

The most prominent change was her face. No longer did it hold a youthful roundness…The baby fat was gone and in it’s place was a sultry temptress. Not only that but her eyes where not the brown from the last picture… but a light purple, and her forehead held a circular mark of some sort.

“For the last three years she has been traveling into the past, on a journey to fix that which she broke. Now her means to travel into the past has been closed. Your mission is to watch over her… as she is the only Miko is existence at this time, I wouldn’t be surprised if youkai some how found their way out of the Makai to go after her. This tape will self destruct once it is taken from this machine.” Then the screen went blank and the video player turned off of it’s own accord.

`Wow Red…She was hot… I’ll be her body guard any day!` Youko said in a purring voice to Kurama who was sitting there with his jaw almost touching the floor. `Snap to it kit! You look like a mental patient…and are you…you’re DROOLING! Stop that this instant! We have an image to maintain you know!?`

Kurama shook his head and whipped the saliva from the corner of his mouth with the end of his sleeve. ~Lets’ go see her tomorrow Youko… We have to make sure no demons have felt her presence as yet.~ Kurama said to cover up his eagerness to see the girl.

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The next day was sweltering. Shippous’ hair was sticking to Kagomes’ tummy, and her hair was sticking to her neck and back. “Shippou…Time to wake up my kit.” She said, tucking his damp hair behind his pointy ear.

Shippou groaned and sat up, rubbing his sleep crusted eyes with a tiny paw. “M’kay.” He said as he hopped clumsily out of bed.

Kagome got up as well and went to her closet, choosing to don a pair of short jean shorts and a green tank top. Then she pulled out a small pair of boys shorts that where a light greenish blue, and a t-shirt that was white with a small vulpex ( creature from pokemon) on the front of it. “I got these for you the last time me and mom went shopping…here, let me help you get them on.” She said as she knelt down in front of him.

“I like the picture on this funny kimono Ka’san…it reminds me of my daddy.” Shippou said as Kagome pulled the shirt over his head and helped him step into the shorts.

“Now hold still Shippou… I’m going to cover you with an illusion so that humans won’t be able to tell that you are youkai alright?” Kagome asked.

“Okay…then can we get something to eat… I’m starving!” Shippou pleaded.

Kagome nodded then took a sutra from her desk and chanted over it for a moment then stuck it to Shippous’ neck where it was visible for a moment- then disappeared. Shippou reached up and touched his neck where the sutra was…” Wow… not even Miroku-san could make the sutra disappear!” He exclaimed then ran from the room to find his way to the breakfast table, completely missing Kagomes’ pained look at the mention of their left behind friend.

After a few moments she made her way down the stairs and joined her family for the morning meal. Shippou and Souta where happily chatting away at what games they where going to play out side, Souta happily showing the kit his soccer ball that was nearly as big around as the kit was!

“Kagome… will you be able to take over the Shrine duties for today…Ji-chan has a doctors appointment and I will be going to my sister Shiori’s house for lunch and tea…” Ayumi asked her daughter.

“Sure Oka-san… you don’t even have to ask… but I draw the line at wearing the shrine maiden outfit…it’s too hot out for that.” Kagome said as she shoved Miso and Rice down her gullet. Ji-chan excused himself from the table for his appointment and Kagomes mother left as well to drop him off.

“Hey Sis, me and Shippou are going to go outside and play k? BYE!” Souta said all in one breath then jumped up from his seat on his floor cushion and ran out the door with a kitsune kit hot on his heels.

“Kids…” Kagome sighed to her self as she picked up every ones dishes and set them in the dish washer. She made her way to the first floor restroom and pulled her mass of hair into a braid, washed her face with a cherry blossom scented soap, and wrapped a green cloth around her forehead to keep sweat from getting in her eyes before leaving the tiny room. She stopped briefly at the side door, put on her flip-flops, and grabbed from the closet the broom used for sweeping the courtyard.

The morning went by slowly with the sounds of children’s laughter and the scratch of the broom on stone. She was almost done with the sweeping when she heard foot steps on the shrine stairs. She tossed her braid over her shoulder and turned to face the new visitor to the shirne. Her tummy did a summer salt as she took in his bright red hair, grass green eyes, pale complexion and the muscles she could clearly see under his white tea shirt. What the hell was Minamino, Shuuichi doing at her shrine!

His fan club couldn’t be far behind if he was out and about looking Oh-So-Sexy…Kagome mentally kicked herself and bowed to her visitor. “How may I help you Shuuichi-dono?” She asked as politely as she could. To say Kagome was shocked when Minamino-san tucked a finger under her chin to lift her eyes to his, would be an understatement.

“If you could show me around that would be wonderful, Higurashi-san.” He said in that silky voice of his that made most girls cream in their panties.

Kagome blushed and backed up a bit, “Please call me Kagome… Higurashi-san sounds like my mom!” She said on a giggle.

Kurama smiled at her blush then nodded at her request. “Then I must ask you to call me Kur- Shuuichi.” Kurama winced mentally from almost slipping out the nick-name his friends called him. `Smooth Red, real smooth…` Youko chuckled from his vantage point inside Kuramas’ head. Kagome started talking about the shrine and various myths that went with it as she lead him around the grounds. He wasn’t really paying attention to what she was saying, instead his gaze could frequently be found on her bottom…watching her as she walked.

He was startled out of his reverie by the sound of childish laughter. “Momma! Save me!” One cried, as a blur tore across the grounds and barreled into Kagomes arms.

Youko was on instant alert, `She’s a Mother?` Was his first comment…Kurama stood wide eyed watching his walking wet dream holding a child in her arms. Kagome looked over her shoulder at Shuuichi, blushing once more. “Gomen Nasai Shuuichi-dono, for the interruption.” She said quietly.

Gaining his ability to speak once more he replied, “No apology necessary…What is your sons’ name?”

Kagome turned bodily to face him so that he could see the small boy… and when he did, his world turned on it’s axis. That was a Kitsune kit in her arms! Shippous tail perked up and he looked at the new comer.

“Hey Momma! This guy is a kitsune!” He blurted out.

Instantly the blood drained from her face and she leapt backwards to where her brother stood watching the exchange. She grabbed him as well and leapt back even further from Shuuichi, until her back was to the Goshinboku.

“What do you want here?” She asked in a hard voice. “And why can’t I sense your youki?” She added as though it was an after thought. Not even noticing that what she had just done was a feat no human could accomplish…

Kurama sighed. “As your kit said, I’m a Kitsune…Or rather the carrier of a Kitsune spirit… that may be why you can’t feel my youki. I have no intention of hurting you or your family… I had smelt something intoxicating on the breeze and wanted to find out where it came from…and it lead to you.” He said in his most husky voice. `That’s it old boy! Lay that Kitsune Charm on real thick…Look at that blush! I wonder how far below that skimpy tank top it goes? Mayhap we will find out one day.`

~Shush Youko…~ Kurama thought as he saw her visibly relax.

“Really?” She asked sounding for just a moment like a child in need of comforting.

“Of course Kagome…I’m not just some demon on the prowl. I live here in the Ningen-kai…I have a mother… I go to school. I wouldn’t risk all of that by attacking a Ningen.” he said as reassuringly as he could, looking directly into her purplish pink eyes.

“Well… I need to get the boys fed… I will see you another time Minamino-san?” She asked, not taking her eyes from him.

“Definitely…Are you busy tomorrow? Around dinner time?” He asked with a slight gold tinge to his emerald orbs. “Your Son-” He started to say and was interrupted by said kit-

“Shippou!” The small kit supplied.

“Shippou…is more then welcome as well.” he said as he walked a few feet closer to them. “I’ll pick you up at, say, five?” He asked in that smutty voice of his.

Kagome took a deep breath, let it out and said, “Sure, why not… you may pick us up at five.” She said, still blushing. Suddenly he was right in front of her and gripping her hand gently in his own. He brought it smoothly up to his lips and nipped the back of it, then passed his tongue over the place that his teeth had been.

“See you tomorrow Mademoiselle…” he said as he let her hand go. Before he turned away he sent a conspiratorial wink towards Shippou then departed in a swirl of leaves, denoting the use of kitsune magic.

Shippou looked up at his mom and rose an eye brow at her glazed over look. He liked this kitsune…Maybe he should help him out in the ‘getting Kagome’ department…since he obviously made Kagome forget that baka-hanyou.

“I like him Momma… Can he be my Daddy!”

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A/N: Well I hope you like the start of this one! It’s been dancing around inside my head for a good week now and it demanded to come out… so, obviously, the slave to my muse that I am… I wrote it. YAY for Neko! The posting of this story doesn’t mean that I’ve forgotten About ‘See’. I have not. I’ve hit some sort of writers block with it, and any advice about it will be welcome!

Ja Ne for now! @---%---------,

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