InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wish I May ❯ Changes ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: OMIGOSH! Thank you all who reviewed! I got such wonderful responses from everyone! Thank you my wonderful reviewers!!! Oooo, I got Microsoft Office, which means I now have Microsoft Word, which means I can format things properly once more (Hopefully)! I have been so busy, I sold my horse, bought a new one, got a new job, and my grandpa just passed, and now I have a summer class for college, so you guys reviewing make me feel so much better!!
missingnin0x0- Ahh, yes. How would Youko survive in Ningenkai as a kitsune? I have no clue. Lol. We may just have to find out though. I'm writing all this by the seat of my pants, I can never plan a story out, then write it, it just isn't as fun for me, heh. I think you should try and go for the 4,000 next time, haha. Don't worry about long reviews, even if they are rambling, I do the same thing. Plus, it makes me feel loved! As for what will happen to Kurama… you'll just have to wait and see! I haven't decided exactly yet, actually, but we will definitely be seeing more of Youko!
Kitana Li- Thanks! Yes, one of my pet peeves in stories is how the characters meet and just leap right onto each other, or fall madly in love at first sight. Now, as fun as it may be to have them making hot passionate sex, I don't like it right away, so my characters develop at least some sort of relationship first.
SKnFS- YES! I am really enjoying writing them!!
Chapter 11
"Bright is the moon high in starlight
Chill is the air cold as steel tonight
We shift
Call of the wild
Fear in your eyes
Its later than you realized"
--"Of Wolf And Man" by Metallica
Sesshoumaru sat in his study, stacks of kitsune lore piled around him.
Sneaky little bastards. He thought. Anything that seemed like it hinted at importance, the kitsune has made so incoherent that it was doubtful anyone could understand it. He wondered if they even could understand it themselves. He pictured a large study, much like his own, full of kitsune trying to decode their own writings. He should have done all of this earlier when he learned about Koenma's kitsune. But now he had to find what was wrong with the youkai quickly, since his miko was involved. He had promised his brother that he would look after the girl, and so he would.
Growling to himself, he shut the book and stood, gracefully and effortlessly as ever, to have Koenma call the kitsune's pack to him. Surely one of them would know more about what was wrong with the creature.
Kagome spent the rest of the morning preoccupied with her dream. Was this a kitsune trick? Was Youko sending her the dream? Or was it her own infatuation with silver-haired youkai?
Her mother noticed her distance at breakfast. Kagome had been pushing her meal around and was now absently gnawing on her chopsticks, deep in thought.
“Kagome, honey, what's wrong?”
Her daughter blushed.
“Oh, Kagome, I know you are growing up. You have grown much faster than all the other girls your age. What are your troubles? Do not be embarrassed.”
“Oh, mama…” Kagome searched for words. “One of Keiko's friends is a kitsune youkai, and I think he is trying to get me to go out with him… but I just don't know what to do.”
“Well, what do you want to do? You completed the Jewel because it was your duty, you are taking over the shrine because your grandpa and I want you to, but what are you doing for yourself?”
“I don't think Shippo likes him.”
“Stop making excuses. You know your kit is protective of you, of course it would seem as though he does not like this man.”
Kagome sighed. I guess I could always try it… She thought to herself.
“Thanks, mama, you always know what to do.” She kissed her mother on the cheek and gathered Shippo to head to Kai's for the afternoon. She was not convinced she should even seriously consider going out with Kurama, but her mother had put a much needed spin on her life. She had done so much out of obligation; she needed to do something for herself!
Kagome was thankful that Kai kept her busy. They trained hard and the exercise helped clear her mind and relieve some of her anxieties about the kitsune. Apparently Sesshoumaru felt positively enough about Kai's swordsmanship to charge him with beginning her training in that area. Kagome argued that she could already use her bow and arrows, but Kai made the point that a bow and arrow were not close-range weapons.
Eventually, Kai called for her to meditate, and then she was free for the rest of the day.
But as she tried to settle into her meditation, thoughts of last night's dream began to resurface. Thoughts of the kitsune in her dreams just didn't seem to match with the kitsune she had met last night. The Youko she had come in contact with last night seemed dangerous, and most definitely a little bit nutty. The kitsune in her dreams had felt warm and protective and… She blushed as her thoughts strayed to just exactly how he had felt to her.
Concentrate on the meditation! She scolded herself. After a few more unsuccessful tries, she finally was able to settle into a meditation.
Kurama admitted it; he did find the miko interesting, and certainly attractive.
`Told you so.' Youko stated pointedly.
`Would you quit it?' The kitsune's arrogance irritated him to no end.
`There would be no need if you simply admitted it to start with.'
Kurama sighed, choosing not to reply. Speaking of the Miko, he supposed he owed her an apology for the other night.
`Yes, keeping me from her, that is something you should be apologizing for.' Youko commented.
`Would you at least pretend not to be listening?'
Kagome headed toward Keiko's for the night. She sent Shippo off with Sesshoumaru after her day at Kai's was finished for the kit to receive instruction from tutors at the inuyoukai's fortress. He needed the intensive training that Sesshoumaru offered; the few hours she spent at Kai's were not sufficient to train the young kitsune. His training had been sorely neglected while they had been traveling for the Jewel shards, he had a lot of catching up to do.
She knocked at Keiko's door when she arrived. Her poor friend needed some reassuring that she hadn't been killed or hurt the other night. From what Keiko said to her on the phone when she got home, this was very out of character for Kurama. The girl was worried for her friend.
Keiko opened the door and greeted her with a smile and hug, the scent of popcorn greeted Kagome as she entered the house.
“Movie night!” Keiko announced. Kagome smiled. It was good to be spending time with Keiko, the girl made her feel like a normal human. A feeling she'd been missing lately. Keiko had decided to rent some American movies, claiming she was keeping up with her English, but Kagome suspected she was fond of the actors. Later into the movie, they were both fawning over the men playing the Jedi knights. There was something to be wanted of some of the acting, but it was a beautiful… film.
The girls were giggling over one of Hayden Christensen's latest lines when there was a crashing noise outside the door. Their eyes widened at the scene that unfolded before them as the two figures came barreling through the entrance.
`We should go check in on her.'
`I'm going to call her to apologize. We shouldn't see her, if you get out of control again, Sesshoumaru will have our head.'
`He likes us.'
`What is wrong with you?!' Kurama shouted at the insane youkai taking up space within his mind. He couldn't fathom how Sesshoumaru nearly strangling them could count as liking them. He could see it in the old youkai's eyes, the remnants of the Sengoku Jidai in his mind that bid him to just kill the insolent kitsune before him. He could bet the old inu's hands were just itching to wrap around their neck.
`Ah, you have so much to learn. He didn't kill us. That means he likes us.'
Kurama sighed in defeat. It was useless arguing with the kitsune. Leaning back into the chair he was occupying, he buried his face in his hands, rubbing his eyes, focusing on trying to soothe his burning eyes. He'd been staring at the books he'd intended on studying as he argued with Youko. His grades would start to slip if they kept this up every night. Since he had spotted the miko, Youko had been more quarrelsome and active than usual.
Youko grinned to himself. He was getting stronger, and better at grabbing their body. Soon, he would be able to surprise Kurama enough that he could make the shift, then the miko would definitely be his. Judging from the company she kept, silver-haired youkai were a weakness of hers.
`Let's just go check on her.' Youko whined, distracting Kurama while he snaked his energy into their limbs. He kept as much with Kurama's actions as possible, so as not to raise suspicions until he had full control again.
`No, Youko. Just pick someone else.'
`I don't think so.'
`Well, you can't have this miko.'
`I will.'
And with that he had him completely. The kitsune grinned, and delighted in the feel of the corners of his mouth rising on his physical body, and not just an imagining of the action. He lifted a hand to run through his hair, pleased with himself to see even more silver lacing through Kurama's red strands. It wouldn't take long now.
Youko headed out the door and toward Kagome's home, grinning to himself as he looked forward to seeing his future mate. Surely, she would be equally happy to see him also. But he was disappointed to find that she was not waiting at her home for him. Growling his impatience, he searched out her scent to follow her.
She had gone through the city. Luckily her miko energy seemed to leave traces of its self as she went, or else he would have been unable to track her. Youko finally found himself approaching a house and looked up to see where he was. Keiko's house. He could sense her inside the building. The delicious aura of his miko called to him. Eyes shining in anticipation, he reached for the doorknob, just as someone shouted his name from behind him. Growling in warning, he turned to confront the man that delayed his seeing his mate.
Yusuke figured he should probably go and see Keiko. Who knew when he was going to get called off again for more of Koenma's business? He already had to go in earlier because that arrogant Inu wanted to know what had sent Kurama off his rocker the other night. It had something to do with Kagome, but really who was to say what went on in the kitsune's head? The youkai was very old, and Kurama was a man of few words. Even Hiei admitted his knowledge of just how Kurama and Youko came to be how they were was limited. He knew much of the kitsune's thoughts, more than Yusuke ever knew, because of his mental powers, but Youko never revealed anything about their condition other than lamenting how sexually repressed Kurama was.
Sighing, he picked himself up off his bed and started over toward Keiko's, not at all suspecting what would greet him there.
Youko faced Yusuke, who quickly realized it was not Kurama he was looking at.
“Yo, what's up with you lately?” Yusuke finally demanded, not sure which of the two he should address.
The kitsune smirked at Yusuke.
“I have merely found the proper motivation to take control of the situation.” Youko stated, then turned back to the door.
Yusuke noticed the glint in the kitsune's eye that screamed to him that he was up to no good. And he was going into his Keiko's house with that look on his face!
“Youko! Stop, remember, Sesshoumaru warned you.”
“The inu youkai gave me permission to pursue the miko so long as she remains unharmed.” Youko corrected him, his voice clipped, clearly saying to Yusuke that he was barely tolerating explaining things to such an inferior being.
“But this is Keiko's house. My Keiko is in there, and she was pretty frightened of you when you popped up last night! So go wait for your miko somewhere else.”
Youko growled. Not a playful growl, or even mildly threatening, this was a very deadly, a very plain statement that if Yusuke wished to leave the doorstep with all his parts intact he should step down immediately. Youko's eyes seemed to flare a bright golden hue as the deadly sound once again boomed forth from his chest.
Deep inside Youko, Kurama was even miffed that Yusuke could be so dense. Obviously, Youko wouldn't be going after Keiko.
Yusuke's eyes got a bit larger at the threat. He had seen his friend in combat and was pretty sure Kurama could give him a good beating. But Keiko was in there. He wouldn't let Keiko get mixed up in this. Not without a fight at least. Yusuke swung at him and Youko grabbed his wrist and swung him into the door. He had only intended for the detective to hit it, but Yusuke had come at him with more force than he expected and they went crashing through the door, right into Keiko's living room.
Youko had seized onto Kurama's slight agreement before he threw Yusuke through the door and used it to finish their transformation. Yusuke climbed to his feet and took in the creature that now stood before him. It seemed as though an artist had blended the human Kurama and the kitsune Youko into one beautiful being. He sensed only youkai energy from him, of course. Youko wouldn't tolerate to remain human. He was tall, and had the facial features of Youko, with the same silver hair and arrogant bearing, but his kitsune ears and tails were shot through ever so subtly with red roaning. And his eyes, once pure golden, were now Kurama's lush green, with flecks of gold, and is pupils were ringed with a golden halo.
Yusuke just wandered how much of Kurama was left, personality-wise.
The two males just stared at each other, each refusing to drop their eyes and yield.
“Yusuke!” A shout finally rang through the room. “What did you do to my door?!”
A dread appeared in his eyes, and if Kagome didn't know any better, she thought he would probably rather face Youko than Keiko at the moment.
Youko laughed at the look on Yusuke's face.