InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ With Meaning ❯ Interference ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kurama felt his jaw slowly go slack as he finally saw the woman, and then when she held her kitsune son he could only swallow and take the few quiet steps he could to stand beside his friend.
He had proved useless in the search- unable to understand why he couldn't find a soul at least closely resembling the prominent feel of the kokitsune's. But now he understood. And he gaped despite all his years controlling his emotions.
Of course their spirits wouldn't feel the same- she wasn't even a kitsune.
He shook his head and settled, watching the woman's watery eyes as she kissed her son's temple and then his nose and then his head, clutching him up to her chest as if he'd disappear again like some demon born illusion sent to torment her.
The boy burst into relieved tears, and she only cried with him and tried to shush him comfortingly and murmured reassurances while her hands clenched onto his small jacket and curled around his tired body.
Kurama rubbed the back of his neck as he observed them, and when they had finally calmed down enough to look at them he was surprised to note the gratitude in those eyes did more for their color than the grief that had so previously brightened them in contrast to red. Brilliant sapphires they were, and Kurama suddenly felt the itch in his fingers he hadn't recalled since his days as Youko.
“I don't know how to thank you.” She smiled, and Kurama politely ignored the way her voice wavered and her fingers tensed reflexively over her son.
He felt Kuwabara take a humble step forward, his shoulders bowed as his head lowered to reduce the natural daunting presence that his size equipped him with. “It was no trouble Miss, he's a good sport.”
She let out a watery giggle, Shippou stirring against her neck before she closed her eyes and kissed his temple gently. When her eyes finally opened they had a resolve in them that Kurama found himself admiring, “Still, there must be something I can do for you, I don't know of many who would return my little treasure.”
Kurama smiled contently as Kuwabara blushed, and when she sighed happily and lightly rocked her child both men could only admire her in silence.
“I don't think there's anything more gratifying than seeing you two together, dear lady.” Kurama spoke softly, his green eyes tender as he watched her handle her kitsune so lovingly.
She flushed prettily and smiled with sparkling eyes, her head tilting to rest upon Shippou's auburn hair as she regarded them quietly. She opened her mouth to say something, Kuwabara shifting to take the boy's hand, before they were interrupted.
“Kagome!” Came a shrill sound from within the crowd, and Kurama winced as he glanced over to watch the masses part for a stalking woman quickly making her way to them. She proceeded to give him a lascivious look over before flipping her short hair and narrowing her dull eyes at the woman and her tired child.
Kurama scoffed- as if he'd be interested in her, her eyes weren't even as precious a stone as …he blinked, realizing the social slight they had all committed.
But as he turned to correct this mistake his eyes lit upon the mother defensively twisting away from the woman, her child guarded upon her opposite side now as she warily eyed the prim lady.
Unconsciously, he lowered his eyebrows until his eyes were but narrow slits of shadowed color, undistinguishable as their usual green. He caught Kuwabara straightening to his full height as the strange woman huffed out an exasperated note and placed her hands upon her hips akimbo.
“Kagome, I've been looking everywhere. Look, we're very sorry this all happened, but you must understand Hojou is on his last legs- he's going to give up if you don't go out with him this time.”
Kagome's face twisted into fond exasperation even as she shifted so her son was even further away from the woman. “Yuka, I told you, and I've told you many times, I am not interested.”
“Kagome,” the woman fairly whined; her eyes darting to Kurama as he stiffened- Kuwabara's lips twitched with amusement even with his unexplainable but still overwhelming ire. “Look, you'll have to get over the two-timer sometime, and Hojou has liked you like forever.”
Her blue eyes narrowed and she drew back her shoulders, “Look, I'm not interested. I've had a long bad day away from my son- a problem you saw fit to ignore when I asked for your help. My feet are tired and sore; my son is practically asleep on my shoulder, and you are keeping me from my trip home.”
Yuka gaped and fervently glanced over at Kurama, and he sighed exasperatedly as the woman seemed to firm her resolve. “Yes well, the girls wanted to see you; I just thought I'd relay the message.”
Kagome sighed tiredly, and her eyes closed briefly while she shifted her son on her hip and he murmured sleepily. Her eyes were soft as she glanced at her redhead, and she looked unsurely at the two friends before finally looking at Yuka. “Okay, how about I see you tomorrow? I would really like to give Shippou some supper.”
Yuka smiled; her teeth a bright flash of white - like a demon baring a threat - and Kurama winced away as her hands smoothed her shirt over her hips. “Oh, it would only take a moment, Kagome-chan. Surely we could just stop on your way home?”
Kurama glared as he watched the woman waver, her eyes guilty as she looked into her friend's imploring expression. Kurama felt the wavering of her resolve, felt the shift of her soul (such a large welcoming thing it was) as her friend coerced her- he stepped forward to intervene just as his larger friend did, the result was both men stepping stolidly into the conversation. Interrupting and gaining the wide eyes of both women even as Shippou sighed and brought his hand up to his face to rub sleepy eyes.
Kuwabara glowered impressively beside him, and Kurama grinned in a mockingly polite way. “Do excuse us, but Kagome-chan has a previous engagement.”
Her blue eyes blinked in comprehension before her form relaxed- minutely, but enough for him to notice. Her small smile was enough reward for rescuing her from her …friend.
Said friend's face suddenly turned coquettish and sly, an unpleasant mixture he'd seen on too many other females. “And just who are you?”
He stood straighter under her unwanted scrutiny and adopted a cooler, aloof air. “I'm Minamino Shuichi, Miss. And we truly must get going- Kagome-chan was going to be my guide.”
Kuwabara huffed out a strong breath beside him, his gaze faintly worried as he looked over the small tired family at their left. “Shippou needs to get home, lady. You can see that.” His eyes pierced through her, and all her machinations and agendas faltered under his stern forthright glare.
Kuwabara smiled, rather predatorily (Kurama thought so with a rather proud air, as the giant tended to be lax in his offense to the females of the species), before the woman stammered and straightened to regain her poise. “Well then,” she pulled the lapels of her blouse absently, adopting an air of forced aplomb. “I'll just see you tomorrow then Kagome-chan. Do be a dear and call Hojou ne?”
Kagome raised one eyebrow at her as she promptly spun on one heel and stormed away, her heels clacking loudly on the pavement. She bit her lip and turned to them, finally letting her son shift to a more comfortable position- Kurama marveled at how unconsciously she recognized the woman as a threat to her precious son, even as she took whatever maneuverings the woman attempted at face value regarding she herself.
She hid a smile as she ducked her head into her son's hair. “Thank you…I think.” Her eyebrows furrowed comically, Kurama smiling indulgently at her attempt to lighten the mood.