InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ With Meaning ❯ Appetites ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

There is going to be a pause in updating: it's crunch time at my college and that means the plot bunnies must be smothered in cages while more contemporary literary essays are created (that's right, it's tame bunny time). Sorry for the coming delay- but now that I am wiling away the hours of my exams, essays and presentations thinking of the next plot development and turn of snappy phrase! And my professors never catch on! Muahahahaa~!
To kitsunegirl48: Yes this is a threesome, I built up the relationship so there is no possible way they could fight over her. But it has its downs- it's also a reason for the major conflict in later chapters. But they'll overcome it of course. So please stay tuned~!
Kokoronagomu: again. I'm the first to say I can be entirely oblivious, but I'd also like to say I pay attention to odd little details. X] I declare that the quirk of every writer is to know a little bit about everything they've encountered (just in case we have to write about it!). Communication is a wonderful thing- whatever form it takes!
Jen9: Feral Kurama appears because he's protective of Kuwabara, and he desires to make his friend happy and comfortable and welcome- the Higurashi hospitality. Also, he understands- which is an extension of his instincts and therefore makes him more in touch with his feral side (or at least I think so).
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After quietly making their way up the steps and into the house, the two men settled into the zabuton quietly, watching the kit scrub his tiny fists at his eyes to wake himself up.
Kagome laughed lightly and nudged Shippou before he fell onto the table. The boy yawned before smiling and leaning on his elbows, sleepily murmuring to his mother as she checked his forehead and lightly kissed one of his hands.
Kagome hesitated briefly as she set about heating water, her eyes quickly flashing to him before Kurama calmly inquired as to the source of her uncertainty. She blushed and stammered slightly, “I just felt his aura waver…anou…is he okay?”
Kurama blinked rapidly and then smiled, shifting to a more genial position as he glossed over her concern. “I prepared some herbs for his tea, but we had more important things to do at the time.”
Her eyes widened before turning dewy, her soft look of gratitude making his friend flush and Kurama smile. She smiled and held out her hand, “I'll set about making some tea then; I won't have you all spiritually fuddled when you've done so much for me.”
Kurama smiled as she received the bag, examining the herbs before she nodded her head and darted a look at his large friend. She set about making subdued noises in the kitchen, Shippou mumbling but trying desperately to wake up at his seat by the kotetsu.
His sleepy green eyes were colored like morning moss, and Kurama softened at the little kit- it was much different to see him relaxed around his mother than it was to see him wary and possessive of any calming beautiful soul that offered to help. The older youko found that Shippou was a darling kit, made for great things with an exuberant soul and welcoming aura.
He smirked, `now that I am not heckling him. The younglings were always so fun to bother.'
But his irksome older kitsune urges had faded under the very real and overwhelming reality that the kit should be respected. He'd survived the obvious loss of his first parents, and most likely labored alone until he found such a beautiful large soul to be his mother.
Kagome interrupted his thoughts as she came in with a tray of steaming tea, setting it down gently before serving Kuwabara and making sure that he took a sip. Her worried gaze lessened as his friend visibly relaxed and let out a sigh, his face losing its pinched appearance.
Kagome sighed as well, smiling lightly as she set about making Kurama some tea. He watched her deft hands settle the cup in front of him, recognizing a combination of herbs rumored to bring good health and high spirits. He smiled slyly at this knowledge, wondering how such a modern woman had learned the older arts of herbage.
He sipped it quietly as she settled in, setting a cup of tea before her son only after she carefully cooled it with her breath from pursed lips.
Kuwabara chuckled as the kit unashamedly enjoyed his mother's toil, his eyes hazy and half mast as he slurped.
Kagome cleared her throat, bowing quickly as she excused herself to the kitchen once again. The two men watched her as she went about making her dishes, taking out prepared staples and setting about warming the pans and pots.
Shippou grinned toothily at them, his eyes sparkly and squinted as he sniffed the air.
Kuwabara laughed and ruffled his hair playfully, stretching an arm across the table and using his height advantage to tease the kitling. Kurama laughed warmly as the kit retaliated by snatching his hand and tugging him into an uncomfortable position.
His friend grinned and lifted the kit up with the strength of his arm; Kurama hastily covered his snort at the kit's stupefied face. Shippou grinned full out and settled onto Kuwabara's lap.
“That's so cool!”
Kuwabara looked bemused at this sudden occupation, awkwardly setting his arms around the child so close to him even when he wasn't needed as a comforter. Kurama turned his head away as his eyes flashed.
He thought Kuwabara would make a wonderful caregiver- and not just because he could physically protect those he loved but also because he had empathy for the pain of others. All his boasts and flamboyant ideals aside there was a part of the large man that was so in tune with everyone else that it would be impossible for him to intentionally harm.
He listened to Shippou jabber on about school and the awesome things they had done in science class- the cool field trip they'd taken to the park to look at all the plants and animals and other such things.
Kurama felt his lips pull into a smile at the antics of the excited kit and the reactions of the attentive Kuwabara. He grinned even wider when Kagome reentered the room to start setting the table- she startled and then her open face beamed.
Her distracted eyes often glanced up at the man and her son in so genial a position, and her hands almost carelessly set the places before she caught herself and returned to right the trays.
Kurama smiled at her sheepish blush- for it did not hinder her obvious joy in watching a man being so gentle with her son.
When the table was finally set she cleared her throat and winked at Shippou- “You'll have to go wash your hands mister. And hurry it up- your dinner will get cold if you play with the water this time.”
Shippou laughed and darted down the hall.
Kagome sniffed and cleared her throat as she went back into the kitchen, Kuwabara watching with heavy eyes and Kurama stunned and pondering.
The street brawler usually didn't react so intensely to these things.
Kurama stared at his friend until he turned to look at him, and Kurama caught his brown eyes with his own green. The gentle giant swallowed and pressed his lips together before he spoke. “I couldn't really feel it earlier- their souls aren't the same type.” He gave him an inquiring stare- “Shippou's feels more like yours.”
Kurama smiled. “I think she adopted a kokitsune- though I've never heard of it before.”
Kuwabara made a face of discovery and nodded his head, unassuming and smiling as Kagome came in carrying a tray which she set down. Kurama's eyebrows shot up and he blinked at the tasteful display.
He smirked and sat up straighter as Shippou came bounding back into the room and jumped onto his pillow, little feet hanging over to the space below the kotatsu. Kagome set about spreading the dishes and pouring more tea. When she finally seated herself she smiled, leaning back and her eyes twinkling- the three men joyfully took up their chopsticks and intoned a quiet and salivating “Itadakimasu.”
Kagome fondly watched them all as she quietly went about her dinner- smiling at Shippou's continued chatter and Kuwabara and Kurama's attention to her kit.
Kurama observed her from the corner of his eye as she sighed and softened with some melancholy, a reminiscent air to her that hadn't been there previous.
He startled as some instinctive part of Shippou recognized it and poured more enthusiasm into his display- waving his chopsticks about in the air as he described an argument his teacher had gotten into with their senpai.
Kagome smiled and brought herself back to the conversation- laughing and commenting as Shippou glowed under her attention.
Kurama settled back and ate while watching them carefully.