InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ With Meaning ❯ Hanami ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

It had been a few weeks, and Kuwabara was very happy to say that there had been many more occasions where the two friends had sat down in the Higurashi household. He was enjoying the easy camaraderie they'd developed. Little Shippou was an absolute blast to play with- he was always up for some fun or a tickle fight, and looked up to Kuwabara and adored spending time with the older male.
And Kagome, she'd welcomed their invasion of her home with open arms and a warm smile.
Kurama and she had settled from the stiffness that had started that one time- though Kuwabara really didn't know what had set the both of them off he was wary to inquire. If he knew anything it was that his kitsune friend was too damnably curious- and Kagome sounded very intelligent - the fox probably hadn't gotten away with some subtleties everyone else would have missed.
But their souls had settled and Kagome still welcomed them- Kuwabara wasn't going to raise the fuss again with a clueless comment.
He sighed and leaned back on his hands, happy to have put his books aside and the opportunity to take pleasure in the fresh day. The April blossoms were particularly enjoyable this year- though Kuwabara had to push aside the niggling thought that it was only Kagome's presence that made it so.
The lady in question was happily sitting under a sakura tree, her eyes sparkling as she absently smoothed out the blanket under her. Her focus, intent and caring, was on her son- but she must have felt his gaze for she turned to look at him inquiringly.
Kuwabara blushed.
“Hai, Kagome-san?”
She smiled at him, canting her head to one side- the braid she'd put her hair into fell over her shoulder and drew his eyes away. “Did you need something?”
He blinked and turned his eyes back to her- “Iie. Thank you.”
“Hmm, it's a beautiful day isn't it?”
“Yes, thanks for inviting us.”
“It was my pleasure! Shippou love spending time with you- I,” she hesitated, “don't think he spends enough time playing with other people.”
Kuwabara looked at her before turning to face her child, fooling around with a grinning Kurama chasing him around the trunks of the cherry blossom trees. He snorted when the boy stopped- a shower of petals suddenly obscuring his view as he flailed and Kurama caught him up to throw him over his shoulder.
“I don't think you need to worry.”
She blinked at him and then smiled shyly, her cheeks rounded and pinked with pleasure. “Un, that's good. But it seems so hard not to.”
Kuwabara hesitated before he rolled onto his belly, supporting himself on his elbows as he regarded her. She arched a brow at his scrutiny, but then a little blush overcame her face and she smiled with a little laugh.
Kuwabara felt a slow smile stretch his lips- “That means you're a good parent.”
She blinked and a brilliant smile took over her face, lighting up like the sun.
Kuwabara grinned in return- they were suddenly interrupted by the bouncing form of Shippou as he landed in his mother's arms, her little `oof' of released breath audible before she fell backwards at the added weight.
Kurama approached quietly as they regarded the laughing family- “Shippou stop that!” “Mom!” “You should know better than to attack when I can retaliate!” the little boy squealed and laughed.
Kuwabara joined their laughter when it became obvious that Kagome had recovered from the surprise attack from her son and had gone about tickling him until he was rolling around in tears, unable to rise to his own defense.
Kuwabara grinned devilishly, suddenly feeling like having a little fun.
He pounced on the pair and set to tickling Kagome, her surprised laugh rising up over her son's as the boy recovered and set about working with his new ally. Kurama chuckled as he watched, calmly seated upon their picnic blanket
Their laughter rang out over the park, the sakura trees almost shaking with the sound of their voices as other celebrators glanced at them in amusement.
When they settled down Kuwabara couldn't help the smile that formed, there was something so pleasing about being with the little family that it wouldn't let him frown- even when he'd had a bad day and felt so entirely overwhelmed with school work and people.
His breath hitched as his eyes caught a very happy couple walking through the falling petals, their fingers entwined as they leaned into each other.
Kuwabara looked away and closed his eyes. If only Yukina…he shook his head and his attention turned back to his companions when a preppy voice called out Kagome's name. Her breath hitched and her wide eyes darted about as Shippou froze and Kurama blinked in confusion.
The little redhead quickly hid behind Kuwabara's back as the two girls from the market came up, dragging along another woman and a young man. Kagome straightened and cleared her throat before she greeted them carefully, a very put-upon expression on her face as she fiddled with her hair and looked away.
“How're you doing?” Yuka leaned over; her hands on her knees as she eyed her friend and the girls murmured their similar inquiries.
“Higurashi-san, I hope you're in good health.”
Kagome blushed and brought a hand up to wave about the air in frantic dismissal. “I'm just fine Hojou-san, haven't even had a relapse or anything.”
“Oh,” the man blinked and rocked back on his heels, “Well that's good. I don't think Shippou would know what to do if his mother was sick.” He glanced around in confusion as Shippou grumbled quietly and stepped away from his back.
Kuwabara felt his spine stiffen and his expression tighten as the girls started, as if just noticing him and Kurama with the kid.
“I guess not.” Kagome said carefully as she eyed them.
Yuka sent a quick look at poor Kurama before she sniffed and tried to whisper to Kagome, “Can we talk to you?”
The woman blinked in confusion. “You are.”
Yuka shifted and Ayumi tilted her head.
Hojou looked between them naively, “Why don't you just ask her here? It's obvious Higurashi-san is comfortable, it's probably best we don't disturb her too much”
Yuka went still and let out a sheepish laugh- Kagome simply smiled ruefully and pulled Shippou into her lap. Ayumi blinked and smiled happily, clasping her hands together in front of her as the other woman carefully eyed Kurama.
Yuka sighed and weakly threw up her hands- “Look, I wasn't going to say anything because you were just being your usual nice and naïve self at the market, but I really am starting to question your priorities.”
The woman leaned forward and bit her lip, staring into Kagome's eyes as the confused girl creased her brow. “I don't think you should hang out with them?” she gestured with her head over to Kuwabara.
He stiffened and glanced at the woman's companions, seeing how none of them would look him in the eye.
Kurama stiffened and sat straighter beside him, his hands clenching into fists as he glared.
Kagome huffed angrily and pulled Shippou closer to her. “Kazuma-kun and Shuichi-kun are my friends; they helped me out a lot in the past weeks.”
Yuka drew back sharply. “You're really friends with him?”
Kagome glared darkly (Kuwabara startled because he hadn't expected such a gentle and nice woman to even be able to glare like that). “He's very kind and sweet. And Shippou adores him.” Her small chin jutted out stubbornly as she dared her friends to say otherwise.
Kuwabara felt emptiness in his being- a warm tingle that made him feel light as air because there was nothing holding him down. His chest expanded with dignity as his shoulders rolled back with pride.
Kagome had stood up for him.
He smiled as her old friends tittered and fidgeted, carrying on a sham facsimile of normal conversation before making hasty farewells and booking it out of here.
The trio looked amongst each other awkwardly, Kagome biting her lip as Shippou looked up at her in awe.
“Wow Momma! That was so cool!”
Kagome looked down at her son in astonishment. “But …what?”
Shippou grinned, “Finally you showed her. She's always so mean to you!” Kagome blushed and smiled crookedly at her son. “And then you glared and she fell apart!”
The little fox did a small happy dance.
A shocked chuckle came out of Kagome as she tilted her head, “Shippou I thought you didn't want to see fighting again… you don't need that.”
“Mom, I know I'll always have you. And `sides, it's different when there's no life threatening stuff.” He waved it off nonchalantly and grinned as he grabbed his toes while rocking on his rump.
Kagome nervously glanced at them but couldn't stop the smile breaking across her face, her laughter rising up as she grabbed up her son for a tight hug.
Kurama cleared his throat- “Kits are usually raised in lots of violence Kagome-chan.”
Kagome gave him a smile and nodded her head.
Kuwabara interrupted. “It's great that she wants to protect her son. Despite the differences- I think demons could learn a lot about mothering from her. Maybe there wouldn't be so many orphans and evil youkai then.”
Kagome blushed and verily beamed at him; her son grinning before he tugged at her braid and scrambled up to his feet. Kurama gave him a conceding, proud, nod before they both turned to watch the little cub bounce around his mother and tug at her braid as she laughed.
Kuwabara smiled as he watched Kagome settle herself down more comfortably, her legs daintily folding under her as she smiled at Shippou- the anxious child bounding up to her with a blinding grin and barely restraining his excitement. Kagome laughed and pulled her abused braid over her shoulder, loosening the leather tie at the end before throwing the now freed hair back. Shippou stepped up and placed his hands in the remains of the braid, fingers tangling in the ink and silk of her dark hair. The child set about pulling his fingers through the strands, carefully separating knots and reverently running his palms over the silky texture. Kuwabara remained silent as he watched, feeling part intruder to such a close relationship.
As he always did.
And then he felt guilty for even thinking that the Higurashi would have as malicious a thought as vexation for their presence- the two loved the company.
And the encounter with the strange and delicately vulgar group only proved that she preferred their company over most.
Kuwabara blinked as he wondered if it was because they all knew they each knew. They didn't have any general secrets between them…there was an awareness that they could protect each other's backs and wouldn't be disgusted by their pasts.
He sighed and smiled as Kagome pulled aside some of her hair and Shippou started making tiny braids and loops. Kurama solemnly sat watching the procedure, a glint in his eyes Kuwabara had only seen when a puzzle was presented to him on a platter.
Kuwabara smiled and lay down, folding his hands behind his head as he looked up at the cherry blossoms and felt satisfied and content.
He guessed this was what it felt like to belong to a home. Not just a group of friends or a movement you believed in- but a home that welcomed you no matter what had happened or what you were feeling. Kuwabara was engulfed in the Higurashi caring and hearth.
And he loved it.