InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ [nan demo nai]Broken Wings ❯ Take 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


________________________________________[TiarellaCordifolia ]

ll nan demo nai ll

--------------(nothing)---------- >> Broken Wings << ------------------

[Sess/ Kag AU fanfic]

[pg13] DISCLAIMER: I hold no claim on "Inuyasha" or any characters/ideas directly related towards the original anime or manga. This disclaimer applies to all the chapters I shall be posting under this title. Therefore meaning, for the entirety of this humble fanfic, I hold no claim whatsoever towards "Inuyasha" in general. Thus, do not sue me if I neglect to post a disclaimer later on. Thank you for your cooperation.



[Take 2]

The scorching hot sun glared down upon the city as if punishing them all for polluting its home in the skies. Cars honked on the streets, trying to speed up the traffic, but only succeeding in creating more sound pollution as well as heated exchanges. Sweat and body odor mixed in with gas fumes, barf, and rotting garbage filled the air with its lovely aroma.

It was just another wonderful day in the city. The blasted, great-opportunity-holding-city. Kagome gagged.

"Miss? Miss? Are you alright?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes, I'm fine. Thank you." Kagome offered the young lady a kind smile.

"It's your turn to go in."

"Oh. Well, thanks again."

And with that, Kagome went in.

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The day that Sesshoumaru asked her hand in marriage was a day Kagome will never forget. It is quite impossible to forget anyways: a girl's fantasy marriage was always the most important life-turning event ever. It's supposed to be a romantic affair, where the two are blissfully in love, and if not that, at least proposed to by a to-be-groom with one knee down and a velvet

box in hand.

Kagome got neither.

She got a lift to the doctor and an honorary suggestion of marriage. A calm, serious, composed suggestion of marriage. For the honor of his family and the sake of the child within her womb, a marriage would be the most logical choice for them to take. And thus the discussion concluded. A discussion that led to the signing of marriage contract papers, but no wedding. Simple, efficient, and logical. That was how everything in life was sorted out by Sesshoumaru's agenda.

Ofcourse, she had hesitated at first. Yes, she loved him. Yes, he got her pregnant and took her virginity. Yes, she should think about the child growing up as a bastard. But it wasn't as if he

seemed to care aside from the fact that leaving a bastard child would stain his reputation as well as his conscience he gained and resented from childhood. She didn't think she could handle being married to the man she loved, knowing that he will only be loyal to her for his honor but not for his love. In fact, being married to him will initially cause a rift in their newly found friendship due to its awkwardness in situation, and she did not think she can handle not having anyone to confide in selflessly.

But then ofcourse, Inuyasha stepped in and pushed all the right buttons.

"You can't marry him Kagome! He's a fucken bastard who will betray your trust the minute you hand it over to him. Didn't you see when he raped you?! He's a drunk jerk and if you marry him your kid is going to be worse off than being a bastard!"

Ah, Inuyasha. Always knew how to show he cared. Always the hypocrite. You've just gotta love him.

And so, here she was. Two and a half months married and pregnant. Lost in depression and feeling overly sick with fever. Sesshoumaru dropped her off at the hospital on his way to work to get a checkup for the baby and for herself in general. He gave her the money to take the bus and walk home.

"It will do you good to exercise more. It makes the labor more bearable I hear."

See? He cares. He cares about her in his own little ways.

Whether she was convincing herself of the truth or in denial, she didn't know. She didn't think she wanted to either.

Stepping in the office and gingerly closing the door behind her shut, she sat down in front of the doctor's desk and awaited patiently for the results of her previous examinations.

The doctor shuffled through his papers, mumbling her name, searching for her file. A nurse knocked and came in with a folder and dropped it on his desk. "Thank you nurse. You're welcome doctor." So polite. She exited gracefully with a soft click of the door shutting. The doctor squinted at the vanilla folder and pushed his half-moon spectacles further up his nose. He pursed his lips in concentration and creased his brow. Then he looked up and straight into her eyes and asked in a very business-like tone, "Mrs. Kagome Hanajima correct?"


"I am afraid you have a severe cause of cancer."


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A/N: Reviews would be greatly appreciated. I will try to update as soon as possible. Thank you for reading.



