InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 'Til You Return to Me ❯ Where Have All the Chapters Gone? ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Where Have All the Chapters Gone?



No, your eyes are not deceiving you. As some of you may have noticed, all chapters save for chapter 1 of "'Til You Return to Me" have been removed. No, FFN (or MM) has not deleted them. If that were the case, the entire story would have been removed at once.

I have removed them. Me.

Why? Because I've grown in the past year that I've been writing fanfiction, and first started TYRTM. Because my style, the level of skill, the story and plot itself has all improved. Because, when I look back upon my earlier chapters, I can't help but wince. Painfully. Because, my earlier chapters, to put things simply, sucked.

Originally, I was going to revise the earlier chapters over this past summer, but alas, summer school got the best of me, and I was only able to revise 3 chapters. I'm still trying to finish chapter 4 right now.

And it was while I was struggling to revamp said chapter that it came to me that a lot was still missing. There is so much more detail and description and story that I want to put into each and every chapter, so many changes and adjustments and improvements that I want to make. And it simply wouldn't be possible for me to work on TYRTM the way that I want to if I had to constantly worry about trying to keep each chapter still consistent with it's original, and with all the others before and after it.

I am going to make a LOT of changes to the story. A lot. I'll be adding in more bits of information, switching scenes and timelines around, even tweaking character depictions. Some scenes are going to be tossed completely.

Why? Because of all the things I've said above. Read it again, as many times as need be, if you must.

So when am I going to be done, and when are you guys going to read chapter 17? Not for a while. The rewrite is going to be my focus, and I am going to concentrate on making TYRTM the best story that I can make it, starting at chapter 1. And since I am making so many changes, you guys will probably have to read the chapters over again, anyway. If I had merely suggested that you do, I'm sure the majority of you wouldn't. This way, you kind of have to. (Ahem. Forgive me a cruel chuckle here.)

I know this is a pain in the butt (it's the most painful for me) but it is my decision. Yes, it'd be easier for me if I were to keep going with the updates. Yes, it'd be easier if I only revised the earlier chapters, instead of doing the complete recall of all chapters that I'm attempting to do. It'd be easier, but I'd still end up dissatisfied and hating it.

I'm very sorry, but I won't be changing my mind on this. So please, whining, begging, flames, and death threats - none of these are going to convince me to put the chapters back up until I feel they are ready to see the light of day again.

To all of my dear readers and reviewers - thank you all very much for your support and encouragement this past year. It is truly appreciated (though it may not seem so now). Again, I apologize for this extreme delay and inconvenience, but once more, I WILL NOT be changing my mind on this.

And NO, this does not give anyone else the opportunity to continue (or plagiarize) my story for me. Rest assured that I do intend on finishing this fic one day. Do not think this gives you the permission to finish it in my place. Plagiarizers will be discovered and reported.

And if you are STILL questioning my decision and wondering why on earth I have removed my chapters, then please read this message again. I have said all that I need to say on the subject. To summarize: Fic not here because fic sucks. Under construction. Check back later.

