InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
blanket disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or any characters associated with the anime/manga. They are the property of Rumiko Takahahi.
I do claim rights to the original characters in these chapters.

Shippou made his way out to the common grounds. The breakfast with Sesshoumaru and Rin had been strained to say the least. Sesshoumaru was not happy about having the Caribbean youkai's at his estate.

Sesshoumaru had expressed his displeasure saying that the bird youkai's did not treat Inuyasha with the respect a Taiyoukai should receive. Which had lead to several coughing fits from their pack. Sesshoumaru's life theory of do as I say not as I do certainly held true with Inuyasha.

Shippou did not have a problem with the youkai's except that Inuyasha wouldn't let him go to the yearly celebration they had to thank him for saving their tribe. Inuyasha had let him go once and Mankee had ruined his chances of ever going back. They had walked in on the bird youkai while he was mating and Inuyasha had went off the deep end. 'Not like I want to see that again!' Shippou shuttered.

'Mankee is not a bad guy, just different,' Shippou thought, 'it's not like he hasn't help Inuyasha alot.'

Until Inuyasha and Mankee had become friends the inu hanyou had been stuck using the calming potion from Sesshoumaru to help with his youkai madness everyday. Since Inuyasha and Mankee's friendship started he no longer had to use the potion.

Mankee had showed him that it was okay to make a life until Kagome's time. At first Mankee had played on Inuyasha's fear that he wasn't good enough for Kagome, sure it had been mean but, it did get Inuyasha interested in bettering himself so he was with the times.

Mankee had also given Inuyasha something else to look forward to, the yearly celebration. For one week once a year Inuyasha got to forget about everything and just enjoy life. The time Shippou had went had showed him that Inuyasha did need the celebration. Good food, music, dancing in the streets, funny stories, fishing, swimming in the ocean and sleeping under the stars. When Inuyasha got back he was always in a better mood and seemed to be able to deal with life easier.

Sesshoumaru had never been able to see that Inuyasha needed to do what he had to in order to make life liveable. His ideas had training; first swords, then hand to hand combat, then training to get more control over his youkai blood so Inuyasha would be more powerful and the calming potion would work better for him. Never was it to find the good in life as Kaeda had told them Inuyasha needed to do, Shippou always remembered what Kaeda had told them.

Flash back 6months after the defeat of Naraku

Shippou and Miroku had been tailing Inuyasha. He had finally started to come around but, Kaeda said they still needed to watch him. Inuyasha had been snicking out before dawn for about a month now and they all worried that he was doing something foolish.

Like he had after he recovered from his wounds from Naraku. They had caught him digging up the Bone Gobbling Well trying to make it work for him. It was truely and completely sealed thorough.

As the sun was coming up they found him in the god tree looking at the ground. Then they heard him, he was talking to someone but, no one was there. Carefully approaching Miroku asked, "what are you doing Inuyasha?"
"What's it look like I was talking to Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled.
"Kagome is not here my friend, can you hear her through the god tree?"
"NO," Inuyasha jumped out of the tree landing by Miroku, who had Shippou on his shoulder. "If you must know, Kagome comes and see me, just before the sun comes up I can see her for a second. She's helping me greet the day so I'll know I've got one less day to go." Inuyasha quietly told them, folding his arms into his haori he turned and went back to the village.

Miroku and Shippou had told Kaeda what Inuyasha was doing after he had left to go hunting.

"No one was there though Kaeda. I looked, Kagome wasn't there but, Inuyasha thinks she was. Is he okay?" Shippou had asked.
"Hai child, Inuyasha will be fine. It seems he has found a way to make it from day to day."

"But, Lady Kaeda is it safe to let him think he is seeing Kagome?" Miroku asked.
"Kagome and Inuyasha were connected in ways we can not ever understand. Also Inuyasha was the only other one besides Kagome who could travel between the times. Who are we to say he can not see her." Kaeda sagely answered. "Besides Inuyasha must find things that help him with his wait. The potion Sesshoumaru has given us is the same their father had used after the loss of Sesshoumaru's mother but, Inuyasha is hanyou, the potion is a youkai potion so it does nothing for his human side."

"So we just pretend Kagome is there?" Shippou asked.
"As long as Inuyasha has only this small ritual he is doing and it poises no threat to himself or others we let him have his privacy. We all must remember that Inuyasha needs to find ways in life to make the wait easier for him and gives him times to look forward to, he needs to occupy his self." Kaeda instructed them.

End flashback

Sighing Shippou thought, 'Mankee understands what Inuyasha needs as well as Kaeda had. He is a strange one but, he is a good friend.'

Shippou had finally made it to the common grounds, all the servants seemed to be enjoying the party the Caribbean youkai's were putting on. Shippou found Inuyasha under a tree with a plate of food, all his island favorites and none cooked with to many spices.

Shippou sat by Inuyasha, "missed you at breakfast."
In between bits Inuyasha said, "oh yeah, I found Mankee and the gang so I thought I'd eat with them."
"Is that polvo de amor your eatting?" Shippou asked spying his dessert.
"Mmm," Inuyasha mumbled with his mouth full. "Mankee's philosophy."
"Yes I remember, life is worth dessert first." Shippou recited spying Inuyasha's cup.

Thinking of a way to word it Shippou asked, "should you be drinking if Kagome is coming?"

Swallowing Inuyasha knew Shippou would be angry that he had told Myogua not to bring Kagome but, he really just couldn't face his fears right now. To many questions and no answers, to many possiblities for things to go wrong. How could he face her after what he almost did 18-years ago.

He had not used the calming potion in almost 300-years and if it had not been for Mankee being here to help clear his mind Inuyasha knew he would be in bad shape. Not that he wasn't on edge as it was. He knew it wasn't good to rely on the alcohol, usually only once a year he'd drink, okay three times if you counted egg nog at Christmas, New Years Eve toasts and the yearly celebration. He just needed to steady his self and the alcohol did have the same effects the potion had. He never imagined it would have been so hard to see her again.

Inuyasha spoke quietly, his eyes covered by his bangs, "she's not coming here."
"Well, that's okay, we can go to her. I always wanted to see her home and meet her family anyway." Shippou said.
"I...I can't go.."Inuyasha admitted.
"Sure you can, I know you've been drinking, I'll drive or one of Sesshoumaru's drivers can take us." Shippou happily assured him.
Quickly standing up dropping his plate of food Inuyasha yelled at Shippou, "I Can't Go! Don't you get it? Look at me, I'm not who I was!....I can't face her."
"What the hell is wrong with you? You wait all this time, now you rather drink with Mankee then see Kagome!" Shippou yelled back jumping up to face him.

Inuyasha reached down and grabbed his moose cup, "look take Sango, Miroku and yourself to her place and visit with her. I'll get the courage built up after I calm down some and I'll see her then, okay?" Not waiting for a reply he went into a crowd of dancing youkais and hanyous.

Sighing Shippou headed back to the house to get Sango and Miroku, "What's wrong with you Inuyasha?" Shippou asked shaking his head. "Kagome wants to see you too, old man."

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polvo de amor-love powder, it is a Caribbean dessert made from grated coconut and sugar cooked till golden brown

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