InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 29 ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blanket disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or to any characters associated with the anime/manga. They are the property of Rumiko Takahashi.

Special thanks to Darkless Vasion for becoming a beta for me, she is truly a talented person whom I deeply appreciate.

This chapter contains an Inuyasha/Kagome lemon.



Inuyasha released his hold on Kagome, squatting down to check Kouga for injuries. "So, where is he hurt?" he asked looking him over.

"Just the bite on his arm and some puncture wounds from where Xipe's claws were in him," Kagome said watching Inuyasha, surprised at his concern.

Satisfied that Kouga had no injuries that were life-threatening, he reached down to pick up Kouga, throwing him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Standing up and returning his other arm around Kagome's waist, Inuyasha lead the way back to the estate. "Let's go Kagome . . . I feel like celebrating. Think we can use Kouga as a piñata?" Inuyasha asked with a smile as his eyes twinkled with mischief.

Kagome looked up and shook her head at him "Inuyasha be serious, Kouga's hurt."

Inuyasha huffed at having his fun ruined. "Hell, he's fine. The poison only causes paralysis, it doesn't effect the involuntary muscles. Chupacabras kill their prey alive Kagome, if no one does him in, Kouga won't die," he explained, not wanting to ruin anymore of their reunion with unfounded jealousy over her concern towards Kouga.

"Then why did you ask if he was still alive?" Kagome asked as she watched him as much as she could from her position by his side.

Inuyasha's shirt was still wrapped around Kouga's arm leaving his upper body naked, the muscles contracting as he moved, leading them through the woods. In the past he had tried so hard to hide himself in his clothes. Except for the few times she had walked in upon him bathing over the years they traveled together or had been treating wounds he received in battle, she had not seen him in such a state of undress and never so unconcerned with her seeing him. His confidence made her body heat up, especially being pulled up against him as she now was.

"I wasn't for sure if he had any other injuries is all. If it's just the bite wound where Xipe injected him with poison and some claw wounds, then he'll be fine. Wovoka is at the estate right now. He should know the cure for the chupacabra's poison; his people have dealt with enough of it over the centuries." As he replied, he looked down at her and noticed her assessment of him, sending a surge of desire through him to see her appreciate his body.

"Who's Wovoka again?" Kagome asked moving away from his embrace to follow him through a thick grove of trees.

"Wovoka is the leader of the Thunder Bird Tribe in the United States. He's also a dear friend. He'll help us." Inuyasha assured helping her over a fallen log, then standing on the top of it hopped down jarring Kouga. "You awake up there Kouga?" Inuyasha teased again putting a little skip in his step, fully aware the ookami youkai couldn't answer him.

Kagome hid her smile under one of her hands at them. 'They act like a couple of kids.' Kagome decided watching Inuyasha antics with Kouga. 'Well at least Inuyasha isn't trying to kill him,' she decided, keeping her thoughts to her self.

Soon they exited the woods and, finding what appeared to be a road, Inuyasha turned his amber eyes to Kagome. "Were almost there; this is the estate's driveway," he explained taking a hold of her hand and pulling her along. Coming over a small hill, he released his hold on her hand to point at the house that they were coming up to. "There's home." Kagome gasped at the sight of the large home illuminated at the end of the drive. "Something wrong Kagome?" Inuyasha asked watching her with concern.

"Inuyasha this place is huge! How many people live here?" Kagome asked, in shock of the immense size of the home in front of her.

"Hmm, well . . . me of course, then Shippou has a room, Miroku, Sango and Kirara have one room, Rouyakan, Toutousai, Myouga has a room for when he returns from Japan and we've got some staff that live there also. A lot of the rooms that are just empty; those are for visiting lords." Inuyasha counted off on one hand. "Oh, Kouga has a room he stays in when Ayame is mad at him." Inuyasha reached up and slapped Kouga on the butt. "Isn't that right Kouga?" He received no answer to his question and Kagome wondered what would happen when Kouga was able to move again. "Why do you ask?" Inuyasha asked as they approached.

Kagome looked the home over. It appeared to be made from huge logs with a porch that wrapped around the home. It was truly one of the most beautiful homes she had ever seen. "It's beautiful Inuyasha." Taking back hold of her hand Inuyasha gave it a squeeze.

"Think you could stand to stay here?" He asked in a hopeful voice, his golden amber eyes shining.

"I could very easily live in the woods Inuyasha, just so long as I'm with you."

Her answer made his heart swell with love for her. Still holding her hand he lead her to the front door, entering the house they were meet by Ayame, Wovoka and several of the staff.

Ayame stormed up to Inuyasha, angry at being shoved earlier. "Why did you shove me?" Seeing her mate flung over his shoulder Ayame gasped. "What happen to Kouga? Inuyasha you didn't hurt him did you? He was only getting Kagome for you!" Looking around his side Ayame seen Kagome, "hi Kagome!"

Inuyasha smirked at the feisty woman that was Kouga's mate. "Hell, I didn't hurt him! Xipe did!"

Wovoka, who had been standing back until now approached. "Does your assistant still live Chief Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha nodded laying Kouga one of the couches in the Grand Room. "Just paralyzed. Would you happen to have any of the antidote for chupacabra poison with you, Wovoka?"

The elder spirit nodded, leaving to run upstairs to his room to retrieve the requested antidote. He returned quickly with a first aid kit. Removing a syringe from the kit, Wovoka used an alcohol swab to disinfect an area after finding a good vein and injected the serum into Kouga's blood stream. "There you are Kouga. Good thing I'm untrusting and brought my supplies," Wovoka said, patting Kouga's arm with affection. Turning to Ayame he assured her, "He'll sleep for a while, then will be fine come morning." Looking up at Inuyasha he asked. "So where is Xipe now?"

Inuyasha crossed his arms over his bare chest. "His body lays in a meadow between the estate and the air strip."

Wovoka looked away, working at returning his supplies to the kit and nodded his head. "Attacking one of your assistants should have resulted in his death, it was your right to do so," Wovoka said assuring Inuyasha of his support.

Kagome came from behind Inuyasha to stand before the thunder bird lord. "Your Lord Wovoka of the Thunder Bird Tribe, right?"

Wovoka looked at the young women in front of him and then looked to Inuyasha. Quirking his brow up in question to Inuyasha he received a smirk back. Looking back at the human woman, he nodded. "Yes, I am Wovoka, leader of the Thunder Bird Tribe in North America."

Kagome bowed her head and quietly reported to him. "I'm sorry to tell you but, that Xipe was the one who killed that other thunder bird. He admitted it when he was attacking Inuyasha."

"Is this true?" Shocked Wovoka asked Inuyasha.

"Yes . . . he admitted he killed him. I'm sorry, but it seems to have been a plan to get to me," Inuyasha admitted hanging his head. He felt awful knowing the young boy had lost his life because of Xipe's hatred of him.

Wovoka sat his first aid kit on the floor, and standing up, he moved forward to place a comforting hand on Inuyasha's shoulder. "Then you have avenged the boy. For that, I thank you my friend." Both men looked at one another and it seemed they silently communicated their heart-felt grief for the boy. Wovoka took a deep breath and released it before he spoke again. "I now request that the Great Lord Sesshoumaru be notified of the events that have happened here tonight."

Inuyasha drew back at Wovoka's request. "Wovoka there's no need to involve Sesshoumaru! I killed the bastard end of story!" Inuyasha defended, the last thing he wanted to do was involve Sesshoumaru in any of this. He was TaiYoukai of the Americas and he should be the one passing any punishment onto the chupacabras, if he felt it was needed, not Sesshoumaru. Involving Sesshoumaru in problems with the Americas always left him feeling like he was still Sesshoumaru's little brother, the one who sat on the battlefield banging his head on a rock in despair.

Wovoka sighed, he knew it was going to be hard dealing with Inuyasha. He had often told Wovoka how he wanted to show his brother he could take care of things himself. While Wovoka admired Inuyasha and supported him completely, he knew that what had happened tonight could not go unpunished. Wovoka knew Inuyasha's heart. His chief would not pass stiff punishment on others for the crimes of their leader, but this was the second time and who knew who else might have been involved. Including Sesshoumaru in this was the intelligent thing to do. "I have the right as a ruling chief of a tribe under the alliance to have Great Lord Sesshoumaru included in this if I so believe it to be necessary." Wovoka laid his hand over his heart, pleading that Inuyasha would see his point. "Inuyasha, you are not just my Chief, you are also my friend. An attempt has been made on your life for a second time by the same spirits. I do not believe they will stop until you are killed."

Inuyasha shook his head. "Please Wovoka, it's been taken care of."

Reaching out with both hands Wovoka grasped hold of Inuyasha's bare upper arms. "I demand to speak to the Great Lord NOW!" Wovoka stressed, releasing his hold on Inuyasha. It was his right to speak to the head lord if he felt it was necessary. It was not that he didn't trust Inuyasha, but he would be damned before he would loose his friend to those monsters.

Inuyasha sighed, he knew he couldn't stop Wovoka from talking to Sesshoumaru, he just wanted to relax and spend time with Kagome not deal with anymore crap for one night. Turning to Kagome he touched her shoulder to gain her attention. "I've got to take Wovoka my private study . . ." he began, only to be stopped by Wovoka.

"I want your female there as well. She was there and can attest to what happened."

Inuyasha turned back to Wovoka, anger clearly displayed in his eyes. Kagome, ignoring Inuyasha's reaction, reached out for his hand. "No problem! Lead the way Wovoka." Wovoka turned to lead the way to the study, Kagome pulling Inuyasha with her following.

Inuyasha growled quietly as he was pulled along to his study following Wovoka. 'Just like old times.' He fumed stomping.

Inuyasha put his phone on speaker and sat down on the loveseat nearby with Kagome beside him. He was not happy at how things were going. He wanted a bath, a new set of clothes and time alone with Kagome . . . not more TaiYoukai crap. Soon, Sesshoumaru was on the line.

"Taisho Sesshoumaru." His calm voice announced.

"Sesshoumaru it's Inuyasha . . ."

"Ah, baka, have you received the present I sent you yet?" Sesshoumaru asked, had he been in the room everyone was sure they would have seen a smirk on his face. Instead Kagome just blushed at the question.

"Yea, Kagome's right here in the room." Inuyasha stated to Sesshoumaru. "Look Wovoka wanted me to call you, he wants to talk to you." Inuyasha explained stifling a sigh. Suddenly he was very tired of the whole mess.

"Wovoka . . . why do you request the right to speak?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"Great Lord Sesshoumaru, it has come to my attention that the one responsible for the death of one of my kind was Xipe himself. Xipe has also injured one of Inuyasha's assistants and made an attempt on Chief Inuyasha's life tonight. My Chief has defeated and taken Xipe's life, but I fear that his kind will try again to harm Inuyasha. If you recall, this is now the second time their kind have made such an attempt."

"Is this true Inuyasha? Has another attempt been made on your life?" Sesshoumaru asked.

Inuyasha huffed, gods he hated getting Sesshoumaru involved in what was supposed to be his responsibilities. "Yes, he did and I killed him, end of story!"

"Was anyone else witness to this?"

Kagome piped up from her place on the love seat. "I was there, Sesshoumaru. Xipe said his people would never live under Inuyasha again when he was trying to kill him."

"Is that true brother?" Sesshoumaru asked, his voice made clear he would except nothing but, the whole truth in this matter.

Still Inuyasha held onto his pride, it was his problem to deal with. "It's fine Sesshoumaru, I'll deal with it!" Inuyasha insisted.

The line and the room was silent for a moment, finally Sesshoumaru spoke again. "Clear the room of all but yourself, brother. We will discuss the Chupacabra's future." All could tell there was no room for disagreement in the statement.

Before Inuyasha could object, Wovoka put his hand out to Kagome and helped her off the love seat. "We will be in the Grand Room when you finish," Wovoka assured him, leading Kagome out of the room.

Inuyasha pouted as he watched his so-called friend lead Kagome away. 'Hell of a reunion.' He decided running his hand through his bangs.


Coming back into the Grand Room, Kagome sat down on the loveseat across from the couch that Kouga and Ayame were on. As Wovoka entered the room, his heart went out to the two wolf spirits, watching Ayame try to lie next to Kouga on the couch. Walking over he gently patted her shoulder, getting her attention. "I know there are many empty rooms available. Let us take Kouga to a room so that you both might rest in comfort." Wovoka suggested. Ayame thankfully agreed and moved out of the way as Wovoka picked Kouga's sleeping form up and carried him upstairs to the first empty room they found.

Kagome could hear Wovoka coming back down the stairs. She was very touched by Wovoka's concern over Kouga and Ayame.

As he returned back to the Grand Room Wovoka moved to the couch where Kouga had been laying and took a seat. He discreetly looked Kagome over before he found his voice. "You are the one Inuyasha has been waiting on?"

Kagome looked up at the youkai sitting across from her. In appearance, he seemed to be an adult Native American man, maybe in his mid-forties at the most. She could feel no evil aura coming from him and she remembered how Inuyasha had referred to him as his friend. Figuring if she shouldn't talk to this person Inuyasha would have said something, she decided she would speak freely with him. "That's what everyone tells me." She replied with a smile. "My name is Kagome."

Wovoka smiled. This young women had the same spunk Inuyasha possessed, one of the traits that Wovoka had found so endearing about the young halfling all those years ago. "Inuyasha has spoken about you many times over the years. He loves you very much," he replied to her, smiling also.

Kagome blushed. Sure, Inuyasha had admitted his love to her, but knowing he had so willingly told others of his feelings for her was a little shocking. "I love him very much also," Kagome admitted to Wovoka, locking her gaze with his. "I just wish there was a way to prove to him how much I do."

Wovoka furrowed his brow at her "does Inuyasha not know how you feel?"

Kagome shook her head "I've told him, it just seems like it isn't enough . . . I'm not sure what to do to prove it to him."

Wovoka smiled again. "I believe it is his age that is the problem Kagome."

"Huh?" Kagome tilted her head in confusion.

"Inuyasha reached adulthood long ago but, he has never taking a mate. While his human-half wants to give you the courtship humans require, his spirit-half wants his mate." Wovoka explained. "I have many halfling children and grandchildren . . . it is always difficult for them, one half wants one thing, the other, something else." Wovoka chuckled thinking of how messed up his friend was.

Kagome nodded in agreement and understanding, she had often watched Inuyasha over the years they hunted the Shikon no Tama fight with himself over issues. "So . . . he wants there to be more between us? Why doesn't he act on that then?"

"I believe he does want more, but he does not act because he worries about what he thinks you need."

"What I need? What does he think I need?"

Wovoka smiled sadly to her. "He worries you need the thing that has stood in his way all along; time."

Kagome furrowed her brow trying to understand. "Time?"

"He believes himself to not be who he was in the past, he fears time has changed him. So he waits for you to accept him while he denies what his own heart longs for. Is he truly so different then he was?" Wovoka asked.

Kagome pressed her lips together thinking about what difference she could see in Inuyasha. "That's the thing, from what I can tell from our time together, the only differences may be that he isn't as short tempered and he is a little freer with his feelings. I don't really see much of a difference in him, but getting him to see that is another thing." Kagome rolled her eyes when as she thought about how stubborn Inuyasha could be when he got his mind set on something.

Sensing what she was thinking Wovoka laughed. "Yes, this is true, Inuyasha has always been very stubborn, has he not?"

Kagome laughed with Wovoka, it felt good to share a laugh with someone. "It's true." Getting her laughter under control Kagome asked. "Wovoka, do you know for sure what he is really wanting between him and I? Has he said anything to you or is it just your feeling he wants a mate?"

Wovoka's eyes softened. "He wants you to be his mate Kagome."

"How does that work?" Kagome squirmed in her seat towards Wovoka. 'I might finally learn something here.' Wovoka leaned forward putting his elbows on his knees and resting his chin in his hands. "For spirits and halflings, the act of consummating the relationship along with blood and aura sharing, ties us to the one we love. During the act of consummation, we normally share blood. When our mate is human, that allows the human to share in our power against injury and sickness. It also ties them to our lifespan, so our mate lives an immortal life. Meaning; unless killed, they will not die of age. The sharing of aura ties us in soul. It is a complete companionship. To never feel alone again. Of course we also marry in the human way, but for spirits, it is this ritual combining that seals the union. Of course with Inuyasha's kind, like my own, it is forever."

Kagome nodded showing she understood what he was meaning. "So . . . you think Inuyasha is wanting to go right to the, umm . . . consummating part?" Kagome asked blushing.

"It would not be unlikely . . . he worries that he will loose you, so it makes him second-guess everything. It is not your feelings he doubts young one," Wovoka tried to reassure her.

"Then why doesn't he act on these feelings?" Kagome huffed, slumping forward.

Wovoka shook his head at her. "When one has waited as long as Inuyasha has, perhaps you forget how to do anything but wait. I conclude, from conversations we have had, that he is afraid."

"Of what?" Kagome asked throwing her hands into the air

"Think of it like he fears time . . . it has not been kind to him after all."

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath Kagome knew what her heart felt . . . Inuyasha would be the only man she would ever be able to love. At that moment, she decided that she would not let anyone or anything, time included, come between them again. If Inuyasha had forgotten how to act on his feelings, then she would remind him.


Inuyasha sighed as he exited the room, it had been a grueling two hours. 'Hell, I didn't even get to put on a shirt yet,' Inuyasha realized, rolling his eyes at the whole mess. To say that Sesshoumaru had not been happy about the whole thing was an understatement. In a way, it was comforting to know that his brother did care what happened to him, but in another, it was very irritating to have one's control taken away. If any good did come from Sesshoumaru's anger, it was that Inuyasha would never again have to deal with the chupacabra spirits. Entering the Grand Room, he was greeted by Wovoka and Kagome. The first thing he noticed was the two ookami-youkai were gone. "Where's Kouga and Ayame?"

"I carried him into one of the spare rooms, that way the two wolf-spirits can be together and have a comfortable place to rest. We did not wish to bother them." Wovoka explained motioning for Inuyasha to take a seat.

Sitting on the love seat beside Kagome, he began to explain what happened. "Well, I just got done with Sesshoumaru."

Kagome moved her hand to lay on his to support him. "What did he say Inuyasha?"

"The chupacabra will no longer be an observed spirit species. Sesshoumaru is having the spiritual humans he has in his employment make spells that will leave the talismans the chupacabras have for concealment ineffective. Sesshoumaru said if they wished to act as animals, then they were going to be treated as such. From this day forth, chupacabras will live only in the chupacabra homelands in the wilds of Mexico and South America. They will have no concealment; anyone giving help with concealment or anything else to their kind, will result in death. Any chupacabra spotted or captured by humans will receive no help from any other type of spirit. If any chupacabra is found on any other spirit land, they will be exterminated. Any human or spirit deaths accounted to their kind will result in extermination of the chupacabras in the area where the death occurred".

"Was that Great Lord Sesshoumaru's decree?" Wovoka asked taking in the new order. It was a harsh punishment to be pushed out of the alliance but, in truth, the chupacabra had never been satisfied under the rules of the alliance. Perhaps they would be happier being wild.

"Yeah, Sesshoumaru didn't take to Xipe's attempt on my life very well. What can I say?" Inuyasha replied.

"Is that fair though, Inuyasha?" Kagome asked concerned. "I mean it's not every one of their kind's fault what Xipe did."

"I know . . . it is harsh, but I was able to talk Sesshoumaru in to giving them a chance. Any chupacabra willing to live in registered spirit lands under the control of the dominate spirit tribes of the area and willing to obey some really strict rules, will be allowed to keep their concealments and live their lives in peace. They will have to forget all about their damn heritage and they cannot have any contact with any other chupacabra that is not living in that same area under these same rules. If they have any contact with one of their kind from the wilds then they will also be exterminated."

Kagome gulped, "that's harsh . . ."

"Damn Kagome, I was lucky to get that much out of him." Inuyasha sighed, moving his hands up to rub his face. "Sesshoumaru wanted to annihilate their whole fucking race. I had to do some serious talking to get this much lenience out of him," he explained, as he lowered his hand to look her in the face. "Look, I know everyone shouldn't be judged by the actions of one. Even if most of them are evil, they are going to have to prove themselves to not be just monsters. You can't always just give everyone the benefit of the doubt all the time. Do you understand? I tried once and they did it again," Inuyasha explained, reaching out to hold one of her hands. "A few have already asked for lenience and have been spilling the beans to Sesshoumaru and his people over the phone. Turns out some of their kind have been killing under human disguises for a long time now. I can't overlook that, okay?"

Kagome returned the pressure to Inuyasha's hand, lending him her support. "Your right Inuyasha, you are giving them a chance still."

"Worry not, young one," Wovoka assured Kagome. "This is not an unheard of punishment within our kind, it has happened in the past. These...outcasts, have always been considered to be creatures of urban legends or unexplained myths by those humans without the true knowledge of our kind."

Inuyasha nodded his agreement. "Sesshoumaru is handling all the calling and dealing with the chupacabras so they can't fight it. Sesshoumaru is the head of all magical creatures in the alliance. His word is law, can't really go against that. Besides, Sesshoumaru says I'm too soft most of the time, and he didn't want me being to lenient with them," Inuyasha huffed, sticking his nose in the air. "I hope your happy now Wovoka."

Wovoka moved over to sit on the arm of the loveseat by Inuyasha, laying his hand on his shoulder. "Be not angry. You are my friend and I just don't want to see you hurt. Sesshoumaru is partially right; you are a very giving being. You give others opportunities long after they no longer deserve them. It is not a flaw, you are a wonderful leader for our kind, but perhaps it was time for the chupacabras to suffer the consequences of their actions." Wovoka explained. "So they will be seen as no more then beasts that live in the wilds?"

"Yep . . . the spirits that were once considered gods by some humans, will now be no different then some unknown wild beast."

"I shall go place calls to my people and let them know what has happened." Wovoka said standing up. "Kagome, it was wonderful to finally meet you, I hope we shall be come as close of friends as Inuyasha and I are."

Kagome nodded to Wovoka. "I hope we do as well Wovoka, and thank you."

As Wovoka left, Kagome laid her head on Inuyasha's shoulder. "Don't be to mad at him, he just cares about you," she pointed out.

Inuyasha sighed, reaching up to pet her hair. "I'm not too mad, I know he cares. I just didn't want to deal with this right now. You’re here . . . I wanted to show you around and spend time with you, not deal with this crap," he admitted, leaning his head onto hers.

Squirming out of his hold on her Kagome stood, and reaching down to grab his hand, she pulled him to stand. "Then let's go, give me the grand tour," she said with a smile.

Her good mood, being as contagious as it always had been, made Inuyasha smile as well. Standing up, he gave her a very formal bow, gesturing with his hands to indicate the direction they would start in. "Then allow me to show you around. This way My Lady."

Inuyasha lead the way through the house, introducing her to anyone they met. Soon the tour of the home was finished and he lead her out the back door to show her the buildings and grounds at the rear of the house. "I'll show you again when it's daylight," he assured her as he continued the tour of the grounds. Behind the doujou, the yard consisted of rolling hills. Releasing his hand Kagome walked to one of the hills and took a seat on the ground. "Just a minute," Inuyasha instructed before running back to the doujou to grab a blanket. Upon returning, he smoothed it out for them to sit on. Leaning back he placed his hands behind his head and looked up into the star filled sky.

"It is very beautiful out here. I can see why you enjoy living here." Kagome commented lying back also.

"It's better with you here with me." Inuyasha admitted turning onto his side. Squirming closer to him, Kagome reached up with her left hand to thread her fingers into his hair near one of his inu-ears. Extending one of her fingers, she delicately stroked the outer edge of his ear, making him moan breathlessly. Pulling him down, Kagome initiated a passionate kiss, opening her mouth to stroke his lips with hers.

Breaking away Inuyasha smiled down at her as he pressed their foreheads together. "What brought that on?" he asked breathlessly.

Kagome sighed, pressing into him. "Inuyasha, do you want me be your mate?"

Taking back by her question Inuyasha pushed himself up. "What brought this on?"

Kagome reached out and rubbed his bare back; he still hadn't taken time to put a shirt on. "Please just answer the question, truthfully."

Sighing Inuyasha nodded. "Yes, I do Kagome." Reaching down he brushed his hand against her cheek. "It's alright though, I'll wait till we have had time to reconnect," he promised.

"That's just the thing . . ." she began reaching up to hold onto his hand that was still on her cheek. "I'm ready for more."

Inuyasha was surprised by her assertion. "Kagome?"

Pulling her hand back, she moved to sit up on the blanket and turned to face him. "Please, you have done nothing but deny your youkai-side in favor of doing things the human way. I love you Inuyasha, for who you are, neither youkai nor human, but both. Don't forget one part of you for the other."

Moving up to his knees Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her, breathing in her sweet scent to calm himself. "Kagome, I'm waiting for you."

Pushing back out of his embrace Kagome shook her head. "No, Inuyasha don't you understand? I'm here with you and I love you. You don't have to wait anymore. I want to be your mate, please no more waiting," she pleaded as she leaned back into his chest, caressing it.

Pulling her away, Inuyasha drew his lip into a tight line and denied what she knew he truly wanted. "Kagome . . . no, I want to do things right. We need time to reconnect so you can get to know me again."

Not happy that he would continue to push her away, Kagome began to loose her patience with him. "Don't you understand Inuyasha? Dating is the time human's take to get to know someone, to make sure they are right for them to be with. I think the three years we spent together taught me all I need to know about if your the right one or not."

"But, that was so long ago." Inuyasha expressed to her.

"Not for me and I'm the same person I was. For me, it's only been about two months since we defeated Naraku and purified the jewel. I know all I need to Inuyasha. If time has changed you, it has only changed your appearance a little." She promised him.

Thrown off by her assessments, Inuyasha turned his back to her. "No Kagome, I'm not who I was back then. Don't you see that?"

Wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing herself against his back, Kagome leaned her cheek against his neck, turning to gently kiss him there, making him shiver from the sensations she was sending through his body. "All I see Inuyasha, is that you're the man I always knew you were inside. You're still the good-hearted man I fell in love with during those three years we hunted the Shikon no Tama, so see? You haven't changed at all. Haven't you waited long enough? Are you going to punish me for what the jewel did to you? I want to be yours, Inuyasha. Do you not want me?"

Inuyasha's heart swelled at her words. It was true he had waited for so long just to be near her again. For her to want to forgo courtship and continue as if nothing had separated them, filled him with a happiness he had not had in centuries. Turning back and reaching for her, Inuyasha pulled her into his lap so she straddled him and began kissing her passionately. Running his hands down her sides and back, he began to explore her neck with his mouth laying open mouthed kisses on her and gentle nips extracting gasps and moans from her. Not to be left behind, Kagome explored his body as well with her hands. Everywhere she touched he felt like he was being burned with passion. "Are you sure about this Kagome?" he whispered to her as he moved to suck on her ear lobe.

Gasping at the feelings he was stirring in her, Kagome answered him. "Oh yes, Inuyasha . . . please, I only want to be with you. I want to be by your side forever."

Inuyasha's heart swelled at her declaration to be with him. "I don't know if I can promise forever but, I can promise I will always love you and only death will take us away from one another . . . and then it has to get past me first."

Grabbing hold of his face, Kagome kissed him gently. "I promise you are the only one I will ever love. Please Inuyasha, I don't want anything to separate us again. I want nothing more then to be one with you."

Inuyasha took hold of her shirt and pulled it over her head, grabbing her bra on the way up also. Kagome stood and unfastened her jeans as he reached up with trembling hands to help her pull them down, hooking her panties at the same time and leaving her completely revealed to his gaze. Standing up, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to feel her body next his. "Kagome, you're so beautiful. My dreams never prepared me for such a sight," he confessed to her.

Smiling, she reached down and unbuttoned his jeans, hooking his undergarment with them, she squirmed out of his arms to pull them down, exposing him to her. She blushed at the sight of him in all is glory standing before her. Standing back, up she timidly reached out and ran her finger over his erection, making him gasp. "Oh Inuyasha . . . you're magnificent," she breathed to him, running her hands over his body.

Tremors ran through his body from her touch, causing him to shiver slightly. Wrapping his arms around her waist he picked her up as he lovingly kissed her. Moving one hand down to her legs, he pulled them up to his side as he knelt down to lay her back onto the blanket.

Lying beside her, they continued to explore one another's bodies with their hands and lips. "Inuyasha, I want to be yours completely," Kagome moaned to him as he was placing open-mouthed kisses to the swell of her breast.

"I want to be yours as well," he replied, moving up to kiss her lips as he rested his body on hers. "Are you sure about this Kagome? We can stop, wait till we get married first," Inuyasha suggested. He didn't really want to stop, but he would do anything for her.

Opening her eyes to gaze in his, Kagome reached up to caress his cheek. "This is where the real promises are made right? This binds us together for as long as we live?" she asked, already knowing the answer.

Inuyasha smiled, returning the action to her as he caressed her cheek. "Yes."

Wrapping her arm around the back of his head Kagome pulled him down for a kiss. "Then this is the ceremony I want first, the one that really matters. Now, please . . . don't stop anymore. No more waiting Inuyasha."

Needing no more incentive, Inuyasha began to prepare her for what was to come. Soon Kagome was begging for him and he positioned himself to become one with her. Stopping before he entered her, Inuyasha remembered what he had been told about how to make her his. He was going to have to put his blood in hers, but the last thing he wanted to do was to bring her any pain.

Realizing he had stopped Kagome opened her eyes and watched him as he appeared in serious thought. "What's wrong?" Looking back down at her he moved to kiss her again laying down on her. "Kagome, I'm supposed to combine our blood, but I don't want to harm you. Mating is an actual combining of both of us. Two bodies become one, two auras or souls become one and two bloods become one. I don't want to cut you, I can't hurt you; not on purpose." He admitted hanging his head.

Wrapping her arms around him and hugging him to her Kagome replied. "Inuyasha it's alright. I understand . . . you can do it."

Shaking his head as he hid in her hair he replied. "No . . . I can't."

Grabbing hold of his braid Kagome pulled him up to look at her. "Inuyasha, you know I'm a virgin right?" He nodded that he did. "It's going to hurt and I'm going to bleed anyway, so what's wrong with a little cut, huh?"

Blinking Inuyasha realized the truth in what she had said. "That's it . . ."

Looking at him in confusion Kagome asked. "What's it?"

Kissing her passionately Inuyasha moved back so he was resting on his knees between her legs. "When we combine our bodies you will bleed, I can combine our blood then as well."

Kagome raised up on her elbows. "Where are you going to cut me?"

Inuyasha shook his head as he elongated one claw. "This way I don't have to cut you at all, only me. I'll cut my self, my you know . . . member and then when I enter you that will be the only time I have to make you bleed. We will combine our blood within. Smart huh?"

Kagome shuddered at the thought. "Won't that hurt?"

Taking one hand he pushed her to lie back, smirking. "Feh, you kidding? As long as I don't have to cut you, I don't care what I have to do." Reaching down with his claw he made several small cuts on him self to insure he would have enough blood. He really only needed a drop to enter her system and the nature of what they were doing would make his blood seek entry. It really only needed a way to enter, the slight wound from breaking through her maidenhead would be more then enough to allow the joining. He was actually very pleased with him self and his intelligence to figure out away around having to harm her.

Leaning down to kiss her, his manhood pressed against her, he moved his lower region slightly to stimulate her more, bringing a moan from them both. Mindful of their size difference, he slowly began to press himself forward into her. While his brother, Miroku and Kouga's descriptions had prepared him for the technical part of the act of mating, he found nothing in his life could have prepared him for the feelings from this moment. He prayed he would be able to control himself, to limit her discomfort as he continued his slow, rocking forward into her and holding still to allow her time to adjust to him till he reached her maiden's barrier. He gazed down into her passion-filled eyes as he gave her a heated open-mouthed kiss, stroking her lips with his to build her need for him as well. "Forgive me . . ." he whispered, waiting for her eyes to open to his.

Kagome opened her eyes from the kiss they had shared. He filled her body with his, yet it still was not enough. When he whispered his request for forgiveness, she gave it without hesitation.

Surging forward Inuyasha broke through her barrier, and stilled again as she cried out from the intrusion. He felt his blood rush from where he had cut himself as his aura flared surrounding them, Kagome's own soul flared with acceptance, gladly allowing him to completely take all of her, as well as taking him in as well. Inuyasha felt tears sting his eyes behind his lids. Here on the grounds of his home in the Americas, surrounded by the woods and the stars in the sky, he found the one thing he had been waiting for. He realized, in that moment of completion that he had not only been waiting for this the last 500-years, but he had honestly been waiting his whole life. This one young woman, who fell into his life, transcending time itself, through what could only have been the grace of the gods. She was the one his own soul had longed for it's entire existence.

As the pain from the experience began to disappear and was replaced by pleasure, Kagome was experiencing a similar feeling to that of Inuyasha's. A feeling that could only be described as finding a missing piece of one's soul. Kagome pressed herself into him bringing pleasure to them both, as they continued to move with one another in a dance as old as time.


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Youkai: demon/spirit/magical creature
Hanyou: half youkai
TaiYoukai: demon lord
Chupacabra: Spanish means 'goat sucker'
Xipe: 'the flayed', worshipped in ancient Mexico usually depected as wearing a flayed human skin as a cloak. From the Nahua religion, Mexican Mythology
Wovoka: Paiute mystic lived 1856-1932, took the white man name Jack Wilson, responsible for teaching the Ghost Dance to other Native Americans. Was considered a great leader by his people
Ookami: wolf
Inu: dog
Shikon no Tama: jewel of 4 souls
Doujou: dojo/hall used for martial arts training