InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Blind Heart ❯ A tender Moment ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 2: A Tender Moment
Kags POV:
"Well it started as a normal day; we were chasing a jewel shard that a Neko
Demon had. Normally the demon would have been an easy job, but it wasn't
traveling alone. So there we were in the middle of a battle with 6 demons
when Kikyo's horrid little soul stealers showed up. InuYasha kills the Demon
with the jewel shard plus two others and then goes running off into the
forest. What the fuck was that about? Never did that male run from a
battle. Now we don't need him to always protect us, but shit in a middle of
a battle? We finished the clean up duty and set up camp. We didn't know
where the idiot went or when he would be back. Honestly we were tired
from battle and had to tend to various injuries. Sango had a gash on her
shoulder, Miroku had a lump on his head but that may have been before the
battle when he tried to stroke Sango's ass. Poor Shippo had scraped his
knee trying to dodge an attack. Myself? Well I got this lovely gash above
my eye. Therefore a round of healing was needed for everyone. When night
fell three hours later I started to worry about InuYasha. I mean Kikyo's tried
to kill him before and drag him off to hell, so why not again?
So taking my bow and arrow I went to look for him. Sango and Miroku tried
to stop me, but did I listen? Nope, not this Miko. Sango's face held concern
and worse pity. Even if I didn't find InuYasha I had to get away. The
trouble with best friends is they know, they see the inner most secrets, your
wants and desires. They also can see when disaster is on the horizon. So I
left the camp with their sympathetic eyes. I must have walked for ½ hour
before I found them. Even then my heart screamed at me to leave, but
ignoring my inner self I pressed on and hid behind a tree. To my heart's
despair, I saw him take her in his arms, pledge his love to her and mark her
as his eternal mate.
I watched as his tenderly held her, saw the beginning of their heat. I was
transfixed by the sight of them unclothing, unable to look away. In vain
wishing, somewhere within the deepest part of my heart that it was I being
held. Cradled between his arms as if I was his precious something. Imaging
how it would feel to have his lips on mine branding me as his women.
Feeling him stroke his hands down my body and gaining the knowledge of
my body. I imagined learning his body, his wants and desires. Seeing
where this was leading to knowing that in a few moments they would join
physically and spiritually I had an epiphany. I would never be InuYasha's
special someone. He could never love me. I would never know the joy of
making love to InuYasha or bearing his pups. The truth of it was that no
one loved me like a mate should be loved and I was absolutely alone.

In that moment something in me broke, the light of my soul was plunged
into darkness and despair became my newest companion. I loved him
completely, made sacrifices for him, left a part of my life behind and pledged
to be by his side always. Although I had finished high school college was not
in the cards for me. The duty to complete and purify the Shikon Jewel had
to take precedence over everything else. The balance of the world and the
future depended on defeating Naraku. In that moment, I realized that if
InuYasha cared for me at all it might be because I looked so much like his
beloved Kikyo. InuYasha never saw Kagome, never heard Kagome and never
loved Kagome. He would never acknowledge my struggle to live life in two
different eras. All this time and yet he never had looked into my heart.
Kami, what a fool was I to love so completely and deeply! Now I am bound
to him by my pledge, holding onto my honor to finish the quest that has
been set before me.
I had made the bars of my cage had I not? Indeed the first bar coincided
with my releasing InuYasha from the Tree of Ages. A cage no matter how
gilded is still a cage. The freedom that I wanted would be denied. Naraku
after all has not been defeated, and the Shikon Jewel is not restored.
Looking at the scene in front of me, I could almost guess what Inuyasha's
wish would be. Did that mean that I would cease to exist if he brought
Kikyo back to life? Would he even care if I were gone?
So I made my desperate flight to escape the chaos in my heart and mind.
Somewhere on the path I took a wrong turn, waiting here to be found by
I sneaked a peek at Sesshoumaru. Speechless! I Kagome,a mere Miko and
niggen had the Lord of the West, Mr. Icicle himself speechless! Where is the
camera when you need it? This was a Kodak moment if I ever saw one.
"Kagome, do not despair over the Hanyou. Kami himself must have a reason
that you and Inuyasha are not mated. Perhaps, he is not your soul mate"
`Did I just hear the Lord of the West comfort me, Kagome Higurashi?' I had
bumped my head on one of the falls. Maybe that accounted for my
imagining things. Sesshoumaru showing that he could be kind and caring?
Higurashi when you have a hallucination, boy is it a dozy! Behind that came
rushing another thought `Soul mates? Was Mr. Ice Lord actually a romantic
at heart?' Just like that the woman who never stopped speaking, including
nervous babbling, prattling and stuttering was quiet. It has been four years
since I began my journey in the era. At 19 I did not shudder at the sight of
blood. I could handle a bow and arrow. I even learned some rudimentary

fighting techniques. Finding out that Sesshoumaru had a heart? Priceless!
Absolofuckinglutly priceless! Suddenly I went from deep despair to utter
confusion! And then he smiled! Yikes! And then I fainted; great what a way
to impress! This was the last thought in my head before the world faded to
I woke up to a heavenly smell and the softest pillow. Wait a minute pillow? I
was in the forest for Kami's sake and there were no pillows! Opening my
eyes I saw white, literally. I was in Sesshoumaru's lap nestled on his white
boa of fur. As I scrambled out his lap and scooted backwards I had to
wonder, what the hell? Great now I get to die for contaminating his iciness
himself. "Lord Sesshoumaru, I thank you for not letting me fall to the
ground, however if I may be so bold to inquire why?" I said this while
bowing to him.
"Kagome, you are the one person who does not have to bow to me. I
originally came to find you and ask a question of you, little Miko. Yes, a very
important question must be asked. Would you Kagome let this Sesshoumaru
court you? I wish to take you as my mate." With that the Great Lord of the
West stopped speaking, tilted his head and seemed to be waiting for my
'Okay Kagome, what now? What answer do you give to the Taiyoukai?' And
with that thought a flash of red caught my eye.......
~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~
Maru POV
Kagome began her story and I listened, not the polite I hear you but am not
paying attention kind of listening. Nope, this was the type of I am hanging
intently on every word that you speak. I listened with my ears, eyes and
soul trying to decipher every nuance of her speech. Looking for the unsaid,
searching for the hidden meanings in her words.
And when she finished? I stared at her, no blinking; no twitching just flat
out stared at the Miko. Why? Stunned, I Lord Sesshoumaru was stunned. In
250 years of living I had never heard of such a tragic and stupid tale of lost
love. Did my half-brother, son of the late Inu-Taisho actually choose a dead
clay shell of a Miko over this live Miko? Words actually failed me. It was
incomprehensible that I was truly related to the village idiot. Yet from deep
within my beast spoke. "Kagome, do not despair over the Hanyou. Kami
himself must have a reason that you and InuYasha are not mated. Perhaps,
he is not your soul mate"

I watched the emotions on her face, changing so fast that I could hardly
keep up with them. Yes, that's the way to her heart. I will keep her off
balance and worm my way into the heart that she denies. This Sesshoumaru
will have this Miko as my mate. My advisors have foreseen this, and by my
will it will come to be.....
So I smiled, not my I am going to kill maim and hunt smile. A genuine smile
of amusement and dare I say happiness? Watching Kagome's eyes get
impossibly larger. Seeing her lose color and catching her before she hit the
floor. Never let is be said that this Sesshoumaru is not a capable of a tender
gesture. Gently I laid her in my lap, cursing the fact that I had only one arm
to hold her. It would be decades before I finished growing a new one.
When I sensed her waking up, I went still. She snuggled into my tail. I
ruthlessly suppressed the shiver that accompanied the sensation. I knew
the exact moment that she realized where and who she was with. Watching
her scramble off my lap and almost falling on her ass was amusing.
However I had not lived centuries without learning something about the
female species and wisely kept my mouth shut.
"Kagome, you are the one person who does not have to bow to me. I
originally came to find you and ask a question of you, little Miko. A very
important question. Would you Kagome let this Sesshoumaru court you? I
wish to make you my mate." With that the Great Lord of the West stopped
speaking, tilted his head and waited for my answer.
And with that thought a flash of red caught my eye.......InuYasha always did
have a sense of timing.
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