InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Book With Blank Pages.. volume 2 ❯ Enter Ivy: The Weather Witch ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
As you know Kavaya is mine, the characters of Inuyasha are NOT... however I wouldn't mind owning that cute little hanyo *smirk*... also Ivy, the new character, is not mine either, it belongs to Erika, as does the basis of this story. THANK YOU for your ideas! This is dedicated to you!
Kavaya stood in Kagome's house, right outside her bedroom door.
"What are we doing here Kavaya?" Kagome asked thoughtfully.
"Well, just wait here. I'll be right back." Kavaya walked into Kagome's room and noticed Inuyasha was still standing there. Thank the gods.
"Hey Inuyasha." Kavaya smiled.
"Yeah, so when is Kagome getting home, I can't wait around all day ya know!" Inuyasha spat.
"Kagome is on her way." Kavaya sat and hopped Kagome wouldn't rush in to show she in fact was present.
"So, why don't you tell her you love her?" Kavaya asked calmly.
"Well, I uh, eh, what do you care anyway? Tell her I'm sorry but I am going home!" Inuyasha yelled as he jumped out the open window.
"No, wait wait wait!" Kavaya yelled to him. "Kagome?" she called.
"Yeah," Kagome stepped into her room.
"Lets go to the well shall we." Kavaya smiled brightly at a very confused Kagome, who had apparently not heard Kavaya's previous conversation.
Kagome packed her backpack with some bottles of water and a change of clothes, going into feudal Japan she never knew what to expect. The two girls jumped into the well and landed softly on the other side. Voices could be heard from above.
"Shut up Miroku, you annoying Lecher!" Inuyasha's voice could be heard yelling at Miroku, for one reason or another.
"What are you yelling at him for?" Kagome asked as she climbed out of the well, followed by Kavaya.
"AHh, uhh, Kagome. You are here. Eh, I was yelling at him cause, he is a perverted monk that is why!" Inuyasha replied. His tone was not convincing but Kagome let it drop.
"Well, Kagome and I came back to talk to Kaede, we will talk to you boys later." Kavaya smiled with a look that was plainly covering the truth.
"What do we need to see Kaede about?" Kagome asked suspiciously as they walked through the forest.
Kavaya looked around making sure Inuyasha was well out of ear shot before replying, "Well, you love him don't you? Kaede and I have a little, err, plan to get you back together, but it didn't work out like we had hoped, so now we need to regroup and figure it out."
"What!? You are trying to set me up with that over-bearing, hot-headed, arrogant, completely gorgeous, sweetest hanyo in the whole world." Kagome's forceful yell turned into a tone of pining for the half-breed.
"You see, you do love him. He loves you too, I am just positive. We just need to get him to admit it." Kavaya sprinted as Kaede's small hut came into view.
"Lady Kaede! Our plan backfired but I think that if we, you are not Kaede." Kavaya stopped noticing a beautiful girl standing in front of the hut.
The girl had long flowing, vibrant green hair, her eyes were a deep sea blue. Her complexion was flawless, she had fingernails longer then the average girls, but not long enough to be claws. She was tall and slender, she was one of the most beautiful girls Kagome, or Kavaya had ever seen.
"I apologize," her voice was soft and kind, "My name is Ivy, I am a weather witch. I was looking for the occupant of this dwelling. Do you know where I might find him or her?" Ivy, as she was called, looked innocently at the pair who were still mesmerized by her.
"Oh, yes, Kaede. I am not sure where she is but when she gets back I can tell you who she is. My name is Kagome, by the way, and this is my friend Kavaya." Kagome smiled brightly at the girl.
"You are a witch you say? Maybe you could help us. I want to get my friend Kagome here, with our other friend Inuyasha, but Inuyasha is a stubborn demon who wouldn't admit is true feelings if a meteor was about to crash into him and that was the only way to save himself!" Kavaya went off on a tangent before collecting herself. "Sorry, anyway, we could really use the help of a witch. That is, if you are willing to help us."
"I would be delighted to help. However, you will have to compensate." The girl paused mysteriously, "I need a place to live. I was searching this dwelling because I thought it might be deserted. If you can find me a temporary dwelling, I shall see that your two friends get acquainted. Do we have a deal?" Ivy finished and held her hand out, waiting to shake on it.
Kavaya was about to shake the girls hand when Kagome but in, "Well, wait a minute! I don't want him to fall in love with me because an enchantress puts a love spell on him! I need to know that he truly loves me." Kagome looked at the ground, thinking of how that would never happen. Kavaya and Ivy both dropped their hands to their side and looked at Kagome.
"Don't worry, I wont use magic. I will be just like you, and trick him into admitting his feelings. So it will be his true emotions, I will just be forcing them out with my natural persuasions." Ivy smiled again and Kagome looked at her.
"Maybe he really doesn't love me. I can just date Hojo, I mean he is a nice kid. Oh, but my heart pines for him. Love sucks!" Kagome sat on the ground and began to swirl the grass with her fingers.
"Hello, my friends." Miroku smiled happily as him and Sango came up to the hut.
"Hey Miroku." Kagome immediately smiled and pretended nothing was wrong.
"Hello, you are a cute-as-heck boy, my name is Ivy." Ivy apparently had no problem speaking her feelings.
"Nice to meet you Ivy, and don't get me wrong you are very cute, but I am taken." Miroku smiled happily as he put his arm around Sango's waist.
"I am Sango, it is nice to meet you." Sango smiled and shook hands with Ivy dully.
"Well, can't win them all. Who is that adorable boy coming up the path?" Ivy's eyes had fallen on Inuyasha pouting and walking with Shippo.
"Oh no you don't, he is Inuyasha!" Kagome stepped in front of Ivy blocking her view of Inuyasha. Kavaya smiled at Kagome's immediate jealousy.
"Maybe I should switch villages." Ivy said calmly.
Kagome backed off and stood beside Kavaya. Inuyasha walked up the path, and without realizing where he was going he walked right into Kagome, knocking her to the ground.
"Are you okay Kagome? I didn't hurt you did I? I wasn't paying attention, are you okay?" he knelt beside Kagome and she sat up.
"Yeah I am fine, why do you care?" Kagome immediately began to back-sass Inuyasha, she just couldn't help it.
"I don't care, I just didn't want you to get blood on the ground!" Inuyasha spat back stupidly. He got up and walked to stand with Miroku and hit himself upside the head muttering 'stupid, stupid'.
"Do any of you know where Kaede is?" Kagome asked.
"Yeah, she went to a nearby village, there had been fires or something and she went to help wtih the injured." Miroku stated.
"Oh, well Ivy, I guess you can stay here at least until Kaede gets back, and then we can ask her if you can stay longer." Kagome offered.
"Deal." Ivy replied.
"Miroku, I sense eh, something over by that dense forest, yeah, I think you Sango, and Inuyasha should go check it out." Kavaya said. She was trying to get them out of the way so that she could talk to Ivy about their plan.
"You have senses?" Kagome asked, slightly shocked.
"Well, its not really a sense, it is more like a err, hunch... Yeah that is it, a hunch. I think you should go check it out." Kavaya pleaded. Kagome shrugged and walked into the woods, Shippo perched on her shoulders.
"What like a Demon or something? I'll find out what it is. Strange though, my senses haven't picked anything up." Inuyasha ran over to the direction Kavaya had indicated and Sango and Miroku followed.
"Okay Ivy, now that they are gone I thought of a plan. I believe that if you create mass flooding with your thunderstorms that will get Kirara and Shippo to stay in the hut, cause they don't too much care for water. Then you can make a tornado which will separate the two couples, Kagome being paired with Inuyasha and of course Miroku with his girlfriend Sango. Then they will be trapped and have nothing to comfort themselves but each other, because the storms will be raging out of control and they wont be able to leave. What do you think?" Kavaya smiled at her devious plan and Ivy gave a small smirk.
"I think it is a great idea." Ivy gave a small smirk. "We can wait until tomorrow and then I can conjure the storms and then when all is said and done the couple should be inseparable. That is a great plan."
"Thank you!" Kavaya smiled at her plan and waited for the others to return from there wild goose chase.
"There was nothing there ya ninny!" Inuyasha yelled loudly.
"Opps, sorry!" Kavaya smiled innocently.Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Come on Ivy, wake up." Kavaya nudged the still sleeping witch. "Come on, we have to get a head start on the weather."
"I am awake, for the love of the gods." Ivy sat up and yawned widely.
"Sorry, I just want to get this done with, they are so adorable that I can't help but want them together." Kavaya looked over at Kagome's sleeping form. Kagome was curled into a ball, as though protecting her self from an invisible presence, and Inuyasha was next to her with his arm underneath her shoulder, supporting her head on his shoulder.
"Aren't they just to die for." Kavaya sighed heavily at the pair.
"Yes, yes extremely cute, can we get on with this?" Ivy questioned. Apparently she was not a morning person.
"Of course. How are we going to get them to get out of the hut though?" Kavaya asked.
"I don't know, lure them out. Go to the bone-eaters well and scream or something." Ivy said through another yawn.
"That is a good idea. Pretend to be asleep." Kavaya ordered and ran out the door. A few moments late a blood curdling scream could be heard ringing throughout the forest. Inuyasha sat up, his ears perking. He noticed he was holding Kagome and his face turned bright red. Kagome stirred and he removed his hand immediately.
"What was that?" Kagome asked in a daze.
"It sounded like that Kavaya chick." Inuyasha said.
"Kavaya!" Kagome sat bolt upright and looked at Inuyasha, luckily the bright color had drained from his face. "Lets go find her!" Kagome got up and ran out of the hut, Inuyasha, Miroku and Sango close on her tail. Ivy, pretending to be sleeping, opened her eyes suddenly. The witch walked outside and created perilous thunderstorms.
The storm clouds rolled in as Ivy began to chant something in, what sounded like, a made up language. Dark clouds covered the morning sun, the lighting flashed with white-hot intensity. Rain poured from the furious clouds in buckets. Shippo and Kirara woke up and looked out of the hut.
"Oh no, everyone must be outside in the storm." Shippo said nervously. "We should go after them." he added, Kirara meowed, but noticing that it was rain which was falling from the sky, she backed into a corner.
"They will be fine, young fox. Don't you worry." Ivy smiled at Shippo and he felt reassured.
"ugh, rain... I'm wet.. gross." Inuyasha stood shaking, much resembling a wet dog, but it had no effect as the rain fell harder.
"We have to find shelter." Kagome yelled over a loud roll of thunder and a sharp crack as lightning hit a nearby tree.
"Great idea! I still can't believe Kavaya screamed over a spider!" Inuyasha yelled back.
"Sorry, it was big." Kavaya said, that had been her excuse for her blood wrenching scream.
"What in the name of Buddha is that!?" Miroku looked at the far away sky. A giant funnel was rapidly approaching the five as they stood transfixed to the whirlwind.
"Oh my heaven! Its a tornado!" Sango stated as the twister rapidly approached, it must have been at least an F3* judging by the size of it.
"Every one run!" Kagome screamed. Instinctively Inuyasha grabbed her arm and pulled her deeper into the forest, Kavaya had pulled Sango and Miroku the opposite direction. A small hut lay in a quaint town. "We can stay there." Kavaya said. The tornado was long gone but the rain still poured down in buckets.
"Of course you can stay here." said a kind women whose door Kavaya had knocked on. "Thank you, okay you two stay here. I am going to look for Yasha and Kagome." Kavaya ran off before either of them could stop her. She found Inuyasha and Kagome they were running to a waterfall, despite the buckets of rain reducing visibility to practically zero, the waterfall was gorgeous. Inuyasha gently guided Kagome inside and Kavaya followed.
"You must be freezing." Inuyasha stated, he took off his coat and put it around Kagome's shoulders. "I know its wet too, but maybe it will help."
"Thank you." Kagome stared at Inuyasha blankly, Since when did he become so kind , she thought to herself. Kagome saw Kavaya who smiled and waved before turning and leaving the two in peace.
Perhaps they will be together after all. Kavaya ran away from the waterfall and drew her home, leaving the stormy scene.
F3~ On the Fajita Scale a F3 is just a really powerful tornado, it is a rating of the intensity of a tornado. An F3 is basically a moderately strong to forceful tornado. It wouldn't hesitate to rip the shingles off your house.
Kavaya stood in Kagome's house, right outside her bedroom door.
"What are we doing here Kavaya?" Kagome asked thoughtfully.
"Well, just wait here. I'll be right back." Kavaya walked into Kagome's room and noticed Inuyasha was still standing there. Thank the gods.
"Hey Inuyasha." Kavaya smiled.
"Yeah, so when is Kagome getting home, I can't wait around all day ya know!" Inuyasha spat.
"Kagome is on her way." Kavaya sat and hopped Kagome wouldn't rush in to show she in fact was present.
"So, why don't you tell her you love her?" Kavaya asked calmly.
"Well, I uh, eh, what do you care anyway? Tell her I'm sorry but I am going home!" Inuyasha yelled as he jumped out the open window.
"No, wait wait wait!" Kavaya yelled to him. "Kagome?" she called.
"Yeah," Kagome stepped into her room.
"Lets go to the well shall we." Kavaya smiled brightly at a very confused Kagome, who had apparently not heard Kavaya's previous conversation.
Kagome packed her backpack with some bottles of water and a change of clothes, going into feudal Japan she never knew what to expect. The two girls jumped into the well and landed softly on the other side. Voices could be heard from above.
"Shut up Miroku, you annoying Lecher!" Inuyasha's voice could be heard yelling at Miroku, for one reason or another.
"What are you yelling at him for?" Kagome asked as she climbed out of the well, followed by Kavaya.
"AHh, uhh, Kagome. You are here. Eh, I was yelling at him cause, he is a perverted monk that is why!" Inuyasha replied. His tone was not convincing but Kagome let it drop.
"Well, Kagome and I came back to talk to Kaede, we will talk to you boys later." Kavaya smiled with a look that was plainly covering the truth.
"What do we need to see Kaede about?" Kagome asked suspiciously as they walked through the forest.
Kavaya looked around making sure Inuyasha was well out of ear shot before replying, "Well, you love him don't you? Kaede and I have a little, err, plan to get you back together, but it didn't work out like we had hoped, so now we need to regroup and figure it out."
"What!? You are trying to set me up with that over-bearing, hot-headed, arrogant, completely gorgeous, sweetest hanyo in the whole world." Kagome's forceful yell turned into a tone of pining for the half-breed.
"You see, you do love him. He loves you too, I am just positive. We just need to get him to admit it." Kavaya sprinted as Kaede's small hut came into view.
"Lady Kaede! Our plan backfired but I think that if we, you are not Kaede." Kavaya stopped noticing a beautiful girl standing in front of the hut.
The girl had long flowing, vibrant green hair, her eyes were a deep sea blue. Her complexion was flawless, she had fingernails longer then the average girls, but not long enough to be claws. She was tall and slender, she was one of the most beautiful girls Kagome, or Kavaya had ever seen.
"I apologize," her voice was soft and kind, "My name is Ivy, I am a weather witch. I was looking for the occupant of this dwelling. Do you know where I might find him or her?" Ivy, as she was called, looked innocently at the pair who were still mesmerized by her.
"Oh, yes, Kaede. I am not sure where she is but when she gets back I can tell you who she is. My name is Kagome, by the way, and this is my friend Kavaya." Kagome smiled brightly at the girl.
"You are a witch you say? Maybe you could help us. I want to get my friend Kagome here, with our other friend Inuyasha, but Inuyasha is a stubborn demon who wouldn't admit is true feelings if a meteor was about to crash into him and that was the only way to save himself!" Kavaya went off on a tangent before collecting herself. "Sorry, anyway, we could really use the help of a witch. That is, if you are willing to help us."
"I would be delighted to help. However, you will have to compensate." The girl paused mysteriously, "I need a place to live. I was searching this dwelling because I thought it might be deserted. If you can find me a temporary dwelling, I shall see that your two friends get acquainted. Do we have a deal?" Ivy finished and held her hand out, waiting to shake on it.
Kavaya was about to shake the girls hand when Kagome but in, "Well, wait a minute! I don't want him to fall in love with me because an enchantress puts a love spell on him! I need to know that he truly loves me." Kagome looked at the ground, thinking of how that would never happen. Kavaya and Ivy both dropped their hands to their side and looked at Kagome.
"Don't worry, I wont use magic. I will be just like you, and trick him into admitting his feelings. So it will be his true emotions, I will just be forcing them out with my natural persuasions." Ivy smiled again and Kagome looked at her.
"Maybe he really doesn't love me. I can just date Hojo, I mean he is a nice kid. Oh, but my heart pines for him. Love sucks!" Kagome sat on the ground and began to swirl the grass with her fingers.
"Hello, my friends." Miroku smiled happily as him and Sango came up to the hut.
"Hey Miroku." Kagome immediately smiled and pretended nothing was wrong.
"Hello, you are a cute-as-heck boy, my name is Ivy." Ivy apparently had no problem speaking her feelings.
"Nice to meet you Ivy, and don't get me wrong you are very cute, but I am taken." Miroku smiled happily as he put his arm around Sango's waist.
"I am Sango, it is nice to meet you." Sango smiled and shook hands with Ivy dully.
"Well, can't win them all. Who is that adorable boy coming up the path?" Ivy's eyes had fallen on Inuyasha pouting and walking with Shippo.
"Oh no you don't, he is Inuyasha!" Kagome stepped in front of Ivy blocking her view of Inuyasha. Kavaya smiled at Kagome's immediate jealousy.
"Maybe I should switch villages." Ivy said calmly.
Kagome backed off and stood beside Kavaya. Inuyasha walked up the path, and without realizing where he was going he walked right into Kagome, knocking her to the ground.
"Are you okay Kagome? I didn't hurt you did I? I wasn't paying attention, are you okay?" he knelt beside Kagome and she sat up.
"Yeah I am fine, why do you care?" Kagome immediately began to back-sass Inuyasha, she just couldn't help it.
"I don't care, I just didn't want you to get blood on the ground!" Inuyasha spat back stupidly. He got up and walked to stand with Miroku and hit himself upside the head muttering 'stupid, stupid'.
"Do any of you know where Kaede is?" Kagome asked.
"Yeah, she went to a nearby village, there had been fires or something and she went to help wtih the injured." Miroku stated.
"Oh, well Ivy, I guess you can stay here at least until Kaede gets back, and then we can ask her if you can stay longer." Kagome offered.
"Deal." Ivy replied.
"Miroku, I sense eh, something over by that dense forest, yeah, I think you Sango, and Inuyasha should go check it out." Kavaya said. She was trying to get them out of the way so that she could talk to Ivy about their plan.
"You have senses?" Kagome asked, slightly shocked.
"Well, its not really a sense, it is more like a err, hunch... Yeah that is it, a hunch. I think you should go check it out." Kavaya pleaded. Kagome shrugged and walked into the woods, Shippo perched on her shoulders.
"What like a Demon or something? I'll find out what it is. Strange though, my senses haven't picked anything up." Inuyasha ran over to the direction Kavaya had indicated and Sango and Miroku followed.
"Okay Ivy, now that they are gone I thought of a plan. I believe that if you create mass flooding with your thunderstorms that will get Kirara and Shippo to stay in the hut, cause they don't too much care for water. Then you can make a tornado which will separate the two couples, Kagome being paired with Inuyasha and of course Miroku with his girlfriend Sango. Then they will be trapped and have nothing to comfort themselves but each other, because the storms will be raging out of control and they wont be able to leave. What do you think?" Kavaya smiled at her devious plan and Ivy gave a small smirk.
"I think it is a great idea." Ivy gave a small smirk. "We can wait until tomorrow and then I can conjure the storms and then when all is said and done the couple should be inseparable. That is a great plan."
"Thank you!" Kavaya smiled at her plan and waited for the others to return from there wild goose chase.
"There was nothing there ya ninny!" Inuyasha yelled loudly.
"Opps, sorry!" Kavaya smiled innocently.Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Come on Ivy, wake up." Kavaya nudged the still sleeping witch. "Come on, we have to get a head start on the weather."
"I am awake, for the love of the gods." Ivy sat up and yawned widely.
"Sorry, I just want to get this done with, they are so adorable that I can't help but want them together." Kavaya looked over at Kagome's sleeping form. Kagome was curled into a ball, as though protecting her self from an invisible presence, and Inuyasha was next to her with his arm underneath her shoulder, supporting her head on his shoulder.
"Aren't they just to die for." Kavaya sighed heavily at the pair.
"Yes, yes extremely cute, can we get on with this?" Ivy questioned. Apparently she was not a morning person.
"Of course. How are we going to get them to get out of the hut though?" Kavaya asked.
"I don't know, lure them out. Go to the bone-eaters well and scream or something." Ivy said through another yawn.
"That is a good idea. Pretend to be asleep." Kavaya ordered and ran out the door. A few moments late a blood curdling scream could be heard ringing throughout the forest. Inuyasha sat up, his ears perking. He noticed he was holding Kagome and his face turned bright red. Kagome stirred and he removed his hand immediately.
"What was that?" Kagome asked in a daze.
"It sounded like that Kavaya chick." Inuyasha said.
"Kavaya!" Kagome sat bolt upright and looked at Inuyasha, luckily the bright color had drained from his face. "Lets go find her!" Kagome got up and ran out of the hut, Inuyasha, Miroku and Sango close on her tail. Ivy, pretending to be sleeping, opened her eyes suddenly. The witch walked outside and created perilous thunderstorms.
The storm clouds rolled in as Ivy began to chant something in, what sounded like, a made up language. Dark clouds covered the morning sun, the lighting flashed with white-hot intensity. Rain poured from the furious clouds in buckets. Shippo and Kirara woke up and looked out of the hut.
"Oh no, everyone must be outside in the storm." Shippo said nervously. "We should go after them." he added, Kirara meowed, but noticing that it was rain which was falling from the sky, she backed into a corner.
"They will be fine, young fox. Don't you worry." Ivy smiled at Shippo and he felt reassured.
"ugh, rain... I'm wet.. gross." Inuyasha stood shaking, much resembling a wet dog, but it had no effect as the rain fell harder.
"We have to find shelter." Kagome yelled over a loud roll of thunder and a sharp crack as lightning hit a nearby tree.
"Great idea! I still can't believe Kavaya screamed over a spider!" Inuyasha yelled back.
"Sorry, it was big." Kavaya said, that had been her excuse for her blood wrenching scream.
"What in the name of Buddha is that!?" Miroku looked at the far away sky. A giant funnel was rapidly approaching the five as they stood transfixed to the whirlwind.
"Oh my heaven! Its a tornado!" Sango stated as the twister rapidly approached, it must have been at least an F3* judging by the size of it.
"Every one run!" Kagome screamed. Instinctively Inuyasha grabbed her arm and pulled her deeper into the forest, Kavaya had pulled Sango and Miroku the opposite direction. A small hut lay in a quaint town. "We can stay there." Kavaya said. The tornado was long gone but the rain still poured down in buckets.
"Of course you can stay here." said a kind women whose door Kavaya had knocked on. "Thank you, okay you two stay here. I am going to look for Yasha and Kagome." Kavaya ran off before either of them could stop her. She found Inuyasha and Kagome they were running to a waterfall, despite the buckets of rain reducing visibility to practically zero, the waterfall was gorgeous. Inuyasha gently guided Kagome inside and Kavaya followed.
"You must be freezing." Inuyasha stated, he took off his coat and put it around Kagome's shoulders. "I know its wet too, but maybe it will help."
"Thank you." Kagome stared at Inuyasha blankly, Since when did he become so kind , she thought to herself. Kagome saw Kavaya who smiled and waved before turning and leaving the two in peace.
Perhaps they will be together after all. Kavaya ran away from the waterfall and drew her home, leaving the stormy scene.
F3~ On the Fajita Scale a F3 is just a really powerful tornado, it is a rating of the intensity of a tornado. An F3 is basically a moderately strong to forceful tornado. It wouldn't hesitate to rip the shingles off your house.