InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Chance of a Lifetime ❯ The Auditions ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha, wish I did but then again it probably wouldn't be this big! sigh
Now on to the story :)
The Chance of a Lifetime
The Auditions
Kagome Higurashi placed her arms above her head and stretched. Then she leaned to the right grabbing her flexed foot and continued to get ready for the day that could decide if her life's dream will come true. "We'll see the second group now, ladies please enter" said an older lady with a clipboard in her hands. 'This is it' thought Kagome as she stood and adjusted her black leotard. After securing the loose strands of hair with pins she takes a deep breath. Her grey eyes widen at the site of all the other dancers she would be going up against. She closes her eyes and slowly rises to the tips of her toes centering herself. After one more deep breath the 19 year old woman enters the dance studio. Kagome tried her hardest to put all of her years of dance to work, she has never done so many jumps in her life. But she knew she had to do her best if she wanted to beat the other girls. She arched her arms gracefully above her head then brought them to a circle in front of her body before she started to spin. Making sure to slightly kick her right leg out to keep up her momentum, Kagome then stopped taking a step forward and arching her back with her arms once again gracefully above her head. She danced her heart out, along with all of the other girls she was auditioning with. For today was an opportunity of a lifetime, to earn a chance to become part of The Shikon Dance Company. The most prestious dance company in the New York area.
Slowly everyone started to gather their things. "In about 5 minutes we will be announcing our choice for the opening in The Shikon Dance Company." Kagome sat down and started to remove her ballet shoes. Gently rubbing her sore feet, she glanced around at all the nervous faces of the other girls. Sighing she slipped on some black leg-warmers over her pink tights and a pair of white k-swiss. She waited. Growing impatient she glanced at her watch and stood. While zipping up her green hooded sweatshirt she started to pace the hallway. 'Boy this is a long 5 minutes' she thought to herself as she continued to pace. She smiled to herself when she remembered her first dance class when she was 5; she was the smallest of the girls and could never get her arms to look as nice looking as her teachers. That upset her so much that she almost made her mom take her out of the class until her teacher approached and told her to "never give up, even the most graceful dancer needs more then one shot." and those words have always stayed with her. She heard a cough at the door and looked up to see the older lady once again standing there.
"Ms. Higurashi" The older lady called from the door. Kagome stopped dead in her tracks and stared at the lady. After a minute she finally bent down and grabbed her duffle bag. Following the lady inside, she left out her breath that she didn't realize she was holding. As she walked to the center of the studio they had auditioned in she saw the three judges and a chair in front of them. "Please sit, Ms. Higurashi".
She sat down on the chair and nervously started to play with a string on her sweatshirt. The three judges watched her before the one in the middle finally spoke. "Ms. Higurashi, we have asked you in here because we would like to tell you what an amazing dancer you are." After he stopped talking the one to his right continued. "You have very graceful movements and such a petite frame that is excellent for dancing." Kagome just smiled nervously and looked at each judge. "What they are trying to say is that you are our choice dancer, welcome to The Shikon Dance Company." the older lady said with a wide grin on her face.
Kagome's grey eyes went wide. "I...I made it?" she asked. The judges nodded. She smiled and jumped up from her seat. "I made it!" she yelled and ran to each judge giving them a big hug. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you." she said over and over again. They just smiled "Well you might want to get going so you can pack, you have to be at the Dance studio by next week." the older lady informed her. "Also you will be provided with an apartment, along with two roommates." Kagome just smiled again "Cool!" then she turned and picked up her duffle bag off the floor. "Thank you again." she said when she reached the door. With a wave 'bye' she ran down the stairs to her, what she likes to call her 'Tinkerbell green' Jetta. After opening the trunk she putting her duffle bag away and closed it.
She got in behind the wheel and sat there in shock of a moment. "YESSSS!" she yelled before she started the car and headed home. While driving she stuck a cd in the player and "I'm Not Okay" by My Chemical Romance started to blare out of the speakers. Kagome starts singing at the top of her lungs along with song until she finally reaches the drive way to her house. After parking the car she takes a big gulp of water from the bottle on her passenger seat and turns the car off. She quickly exits the car and throws open the front door "Mom, guess what?..."
Sango Miller placed her right foot in the first position and slowly bent forward at the waist as the classical music played in the dance studio. Her arms arched gracefully as she slowly rose back up into the straight position. She carefully watched the other girls out of the corners of her eyes to see how well she was doing. 'It's not fair that I can't look at the mirror' she thought to herself. After dancing for 13 years she was still self-conscious about how she her body looked when she danced. She was a very beautiful girl that was slightly taller then a normal ballet dancer but she knew how to move. She once again arched her arms and slowly brought her left foot up in front of her body then out letting her arms following the flow of the music. As the music began to speed up, she jumped up and did a smooth scissor jump through the air following the routine they were asked to do. She then proceeded to 'flutter' across the room on the tips of her point shoes, her arms curved slightly above her head. Then the music came to an end and all the girls held their last positions. "Thank you ladies that was very nice" said a well built middle aged man. He was one the judges deciding who was going to be a dancer for The Shikon Dance Company.
She walked off the dance floor and grabbed her water bottle to take a drink. Grabbing her back pack she pulls out a pair of magenta colored sweatpants and quickly pulls them on over her tights. After sitting down she realizes how nervous she is after making her legs stop bouncing. While chewing her bottom lip, she pulls the pins out of her hair and lets the long dark brown locks fall down her back and shoulders. Sighing softly, she runs her hands through it and starts to take in the details of the other girls. They were definitely smaller then her, she noticed as her brown eyes looked one petite blonde over. 'I don't even have a chance' she thought to herself. Just then her cell phone beeped indicating she had a text message. "Good luck sis" showed up on the screen from her little brother Kohaku. Sango smiled and decided that no matter what happens today she wasn't going to stop dancing. Once again her leg started to bounce as she chewed on her fingernails. 'Please please please' she chanted over and over in her head. As soon as she said that the door to the dance studio opened and the three judges stepped out.
Everyone stood and watched them "We would like to congratulate Ms. Sango Miller for auditioning today, and we would like to wish her luck in New York with The Shikon Dance Company." There were sighs of defeat and some girls saying congrates to Sango as she stood and walked over to the judges. "Are you sure that you have the right girl?" she said quietly to them. They laughed and handed her the sheet that confirmed she was the dancer they chose. "Thank you" she once again spoke softly as she felt the tears gather in her eyes. She quickly wiped them away and gave the judges a huge grin. "I'm going to New York!" she said loudly before slinging her bag over her shoulder and running to catch the bus. According to the paper she had a week to get there and get settled into her new apartment. 'Not much time' she thought and started to put together a mental checklist of things she needed to pack as the bus pulled away from the curb.
Thank you NightMiko for reviewing, it really helped me see just how much I had left out. I hope that this is better. :) Thanks again.
Please everyone review, I need to know if it's going good or not at least for a little while.