InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A chibi adventure ❯ Kidnapped twice? ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Authors note: I wish I owned it, But Rumiko Takahashi does. She is amazing!

Note: Hanyou = half-demon

Youkai = Demon

Miko = Priestess

Osuwari is sit!

Baka is stupid for those who are new to Japanese ^^;

Gomen - Sorry

Note: OOCness in Naraku people!

I hope the Italics are working….

Posted: January 8th 2005

Chapter 7: Kidnapped twice?

"Come ON Kagome!!" Inuyasha growled, "Get it right!!!!"

Inuyasha had Kagome in a chair in front of him and was feeding her food. To put it correctly, he was trying to and failing miserably. Food would end up everywhere. On the ceiling, on the floor and the walls, and even on Inuyasha's back somehow. Chibi Kagome giggled and took another handful, throwing some more green goop around. Inuyasha sighed in frustration.

"Miroku! Sango! Help me damn it!" Inuyasha yelled, trying to keep the food away from the chibi now.

"What's the problem Inu…yasha?" Miroku and Sango stopped short, seeing the mess that the two had made.

"It's not my fault! She won't eat the baka food!" Inuyasha growled, throwing the cup down and stalking out of the room angrily.

"Poor Kagome-chan," Sango said sympathetically, "it's okay, we'll save you from meanie Inuyasha."

Miroku laughed and took a spoonful of the goop and made train noises around Kagome's head.

"Here comes the train, Kagome! Open wide!" Miroku smiled as Kagome opened her mouth and chomped down on the spoon as soon as it entered her mouth. Inuyasha watched this from the doorway.

How do they do that? Why can't I? I don't feel safe with them around her!

"That's amazing Kagome-chan!" Sango applauded her, making Kagome clap her hands too. Inuyasha smiled just a little.

Kagome looks so cute…well as a chibi I mean…it's not like I love her or anything…

"Sango! Wouldn't it be nice to have a kid like this?" Miroku asked, winking at her obviously.

"Yes…I mean…you perverted monk!!!!" Sango blushed and slapped him hard across the face. Kagome clapped as Miroku fell over with a hand-mark on his cheek.

"Ah…the sweet sound of love…" Miroku muttered to himself, not bothering to get up. Sango continued feeding Kagome and Miroku sat up rubbing his cheek. The chibi was finished being fed and the two wiped her mouth and put the food away.

"How big is Kagome?" Sango cooed, "So-o-o-o big!" She held her arms above her head and smiled. Kagome imitated her, holding her chibi arms up high and then giggling. Then she lost her balance and fell over, still giggling like mad.

"She's too cute!" Miroku exclaimed, pouncing on the chibi and squishing her tightly. Kagome squealed happily in Miroku's arms. Shippo walked in, stared at what was happening and smiled.

"Feh," Inuyasha snorted, walking away from the disgustingly cute scene and started practicing with his Tetsusaiga. After a while of practicing he took the shirt of the fire-rat robe off, his body glistening with sweat. He heard a muffled sound and turned around. He lifted the shirt off of the ground and found chibi Kagome sitting under it. She smiled up at him cutely and waved, stretching her arms up high. He sighed and picked her up.

"Don't believe everything you hear, kiddo," Inuyasha said, "You aren't all that big, at least compared to me."

"Aw," Kagome pouted, making a cute noise. Inuyasha flinched. Could she get any cuter?

"Could you…you know…play somewhere else? I need to practice so I can kill Naraku the next time I see him."

Kagome tilted her head to the side, smiling innocently. Inuyasha resisted the urge to smack himself upside the head. How was he going to get any training done with Kagome around?

"Um…what do you want to do? Hide and go seek?" He asked, saying the only game he really knew of. She clapped her hands happily. He set her down and placed her by a tree. "Now count to 5, then come look for me." She nodded and closed her eyes tight. Inuyasha tiptoed away from her, looking for a good bush to hide in.

"One…two…tree…fo'…sev'n…nine… ;fi'e!" Kagome shouted happily, opening her eyes and looking around quickly. No sign of Inuyasha. She skipped over to a stone and turned it over.

From his hiding place, Inuyasha snickered. Chibi's always look in the most obvious places.

She'll never find me here!

Kagome went around to every rock and tree, looking in the obvious places no one would be. After a while, Inuyasha became very impatient. He even stuck his foot out in the open, and Kagome picked it up and looked under it instead. He smacked his head in frustration.

Miroku and Sango walked out, watching Kagome look around everywhere.

"What are you doing sweetie?" Sango asked Kagome.

"Lookin' Inu!" Kagome said excitedly, continuing her search.

"Playing hide and go seek are we?" Miroku chuckled, spotting Inuyasha right away. The disgruntled hanyou cursed Miroku silently. He wanted to get out into the fresh air so badly…

"Yay!" Kagome cheered, running over to Inuyasha's hiding spot and dragging him out by his foot.

"Fresh air!" Inuyasha gasped, breathing in deeply. Miroku and Sango chuckled some more. "H-hey! Don't laugh at me!" the hanyou grumbled, making them laugh harder.

"Inu!" Kagome squealed, latching onto his leg tightly.

"D-don't call me that! My name is Inu -Yasha," he said, sounding it out slowly for her.

"Inu…asha?" Kagome asked, sounding it out multiple times. She shrugged and yelled, "Inu!"

Inuyasha slapped himself mentally. She was never going to get his name right.

"Aw come on Inuyasha," Miroku nudged him, "it's cute! Plus, you have a new nickname!"

"It may be cute, but I don't want a nickname," Inuyasha grumbled.

"'Course you do!" Sango smiled brightly.

"Feh. You're all too cheery! The lot of you!" Inuyasha grumbled again, stalking off with his sword.

"Inu?" Kagome asked sadly, her lower lip trembling.

"Uh-oh," Sango said, inching away from the chibi.

"What?" Miroku asked, looking at Kagome and going wide-eyed, inching away from her as well. Inuyasha stopped walking and turned around.

"You-you leav'n mee??" Kagome wailed, bursting into tears.

"K-Kagome!" Inuyasha stuttered, running back over and standing there awkwardly, "I'm not leaving you!"

"Kays!" Kagome cheered, cheering up immediately.

"Oh brother…" Inuyasha grumbled.

"Did you call?" Sesshoumaru walked out into the open.

"Huh? Sesshoumaru?" Inuyasha asked, bewildered.

"Seshy!" Kagome clapped.

"I heard you say `oh brother' so I came out!" Sesshoumaru explained, becoming very embarrassed from his mistake.

"It's an expression, idiot!" Inuyasha yelled, swinging his sword around.

"Careful Inuyasha! You almost hit Kagome!" Sango warned, scooping up the chibi and holding her close.

"Sorry about that…damn it! Jaken!" Sesshoumaru yelled over his shoulder.

"Y-yes my lord?!" Jaken sputtered, running out of the forest.

"As you can see, spying on Inuyasha is ruined. Think up another plan right away. Make sure Rin doesn't pick anymore flowers! The scent is killing me."

"Yes my lord!" Jaken nodded, running back into the woods. The three adults and one chibi stared in confusion.

"What?!" Sesshoumaru snapped, "I was just wondering why the girl is chibi now instead."

"Oh. Its that idiot Naraku's fault," Miroku said a bit too enthusiastically.

"Oh." Sesshoumaru said, starting to back away slowly, "maybe I'll pay him a visit."

"Go do that and leave us alone," Inuyasha said, taking Kagome from Sango's arms.

"Okay!" Sesshoumaru turned and disappeared into the woods.

"That was strange," Sango commented, "That's not like Sesshoumaru at all."

"Seshy!" Kagome said happily.

"Stop calling me that!" Sesshoumaru yelled from the woods, irritated. The chibi just giggled and clung to Inuyasha's prayer beads.

"Good job, Kagome! You made Sesshoumaru pissed!" Inuyasha hugged her tightly. Sango giggled and Miroku edged closer to Sango.

"Sango! Us too!" Miroku opened his arms to Sango and she blushed a bright red. Inuyasha turned with Kagome at the sound of a slap. Miroku was rubbing his cheek and Sango was inching away from him.

"Miroku you idiot," Inuyasha laughed. The chibi giggled and Miroku laughed embarrassedly.

"I need to go find Shippo…" Sango muttered, hurrying away.

"Miroku, you gotta be more smooth then that," Inuyasha chided him, "you're too outright with her."

"Well, not like you do any better with Kagome," Miroku replied, receiving a whack on the head from the hanyou.

"Kagome and I are fine!" Inuyasha snapped. "Right Kagome?" The chibi just stared up at him smiling. "Ugh…you know…I hate to admit it…but I miss the old Kagome."

"Oooh, so you finally admit it!" Miroku said happily.

"Watch it," Inuyasha threatened, brandishing his fist.

"Yum!" Kagome said, opening her mouth and trying to fit Inuyasha's fist into it.

"Kagome! What the hell are you--?!" Inuyasha tried to shake her off but it was no use. The chibi clamped down and began drooling on the hanyou's hand. "Eww! Gross! Get off!" Inuyasha tried in vain to shake Kagome off of him. Miroku just stood there doubled over in laughter.

"That is the funniest thing I've ever seen," Miroku said, gasping for air.

"Oh shut it," Inuyasha grumbled, pulling the chibi off of him but she latched onto his prayer beads instead and began sucking on the beads.

"Kagome, that is very dangerous! Don't do that anymore!" Inuyasha said in a threatening voice. Kagome whimpered and struggled to get out of his grasp. "Hey, stop it!" Inuyasha said, trying to hold onto her but Kagome broke free and ran.

"Poor Kagome…" Miroku sighed.

"Kagome! Get back here now!" Inuyasha yelled after her. He heard no response and pulled Miroku to go look for her.

Sango and Shippo were out in front of Kaede's hut getting water when Kagome ran past them.

"Kagome?" Shippo said uncertainly, watching the chibi stop and turn around. Her eyes were huge and teary and she turned back and kept on running.

"Kagome! Come back!" Sango called after her. "Kirara! Make sure she doesn't go too far and bring her back." Kirara came out from behind a bush and mewed, then took off after the chibi.

"Sango! Shippo! Where's Kagome?" Inuyasha yelled, running up to them.

"She just ran by in tears. Sango had Kirara follow her to bring her back," Shippo explained, taking his bucket of water in his hands and carrying it inside.

"If they don't come back in half an hour we'll go look," Sango nodded, taking her water and following Shippo.

"She'll be alright Inuyasha," Miroku reassured him.

"I dunno…I've got a bad feeling…" Inuyasha muttered, following everyone inside of the hut.


Chibi Kagome ran and ran, not even noticing that Kirara was following her.

"Inu ish meanie!" the chibi cried, not even noticing where she was going and tripped. "Owie," she said, rubbing her bottom.

"Where `m I?" the chibi asked herself. She looked around and saw nothing familiar. It was eerily quiet and not even the trees just ahead moved. Her eyes watered up again as she realized she was lost and couldn't get back.

"I smell fresh meat!" A voice snarled from inside the forest.

"Where?" Another voice asked, the voices getting closer.

"Over here! There! Look it's a baby!" a demon emerged from the forest followed by another. They looked like ogres, tall and green with three horns coming out of their heads. They carried clubs and looked at Kagome menacingly and hungrily.

"Inu…" Kagome whimpered, backing away from the demons and bumping into Kirara.

"Ki-ala?" Kagome asked confused. Kiara mewed and grew to her larger form. She advanced on the demons, snarling.

"Oh look, the baby has a pet kitty," The demons laughed and Kirara growled.

"INUUU~!" Kagome yelled, trying to reach the hanyou desperately. She crawled behind a bush as Kirara attacked the demons, growling ferociously and biting into their flesh. Ogre screams filled the area and one of them hit Kirara over the head with the club. She fell back but went back on the offensive, clawing at them and cutting their skin. Kagome whimpered, not liking violence at all, wondering if she'll make it out alive.

Kirara fell unconscious when both Ogres hit her on the head at the same time, and she transformed back into her small form. Kagome whimpered again, calling Inuyasha's name as loud as she could.

The ogres grinned and advanced on her. She ran as fast as her chibi legs would let her. They were taller with longer legs so they caught up to her easily. She tripped again and they picked her up by her collar.

"Let's eat her tonight," the younger ogre said, licking his lips.

"Sounds good enough, you're cooking though," the older one said and they walked into the forest. Kagome started crying.

"Shut up you!" the younger ogre growled, "I don't want to hear one word out of you."

Kagome fell silent, scared for her life.

I `ope Inu comes…


"It's been an hour already! Can we look for them now?!" Inuyasha said impatiently.

"Alright Inuyasha! Calm down," Miroku said, picking up his staff. They all left the hut and walked in the direction Shippo and Sango saw Kagome run. They walked for a while before seeing Kirara lying on the ground.

"Kirara!" Sango exclaimed, running over to her pet and holding her in her arms. Kirara woke up and mewed. "What happened Kirara?" Sango asked.

"Inuyasha!" A voice called.

"Who are you?! Show yourself!" Inuyasha yelled, drawing his sword.

"Master Inuyasha! It's just me!" someone hopped up onto Inuyasha's nose and started to grow bigger.

"Myoga…" Inuyasha grumbled, smacking his nose and making Myoga fall.

"Hello to you too…" Myoga said, hitting the ground and hopping back up. "Master Inuyasha were is Kagome!?"

"Kirara would know, translate for us," Sango said, "Please!"

"Alright, Kirara, tell me everything."

After a few seconds of incomprehensible talk, Myoga finally understood.

"Kirara says that Kagome was taken by two ogres. She tried to fight them off but only slightly wounded them before she herself was clubbed over the head and passed out. She has no idea where they went but guesses the forest."

"Oh man…this is my fault…" Inuyasha groaned, holding his head in his hands.

"Come on Inuyasha, let's go after Kagome," Shippo said, tugging Inuyasha's leg.

"Okay, let's go."


Kagome found herself stuck tied to a tree with her clothes gone while the ogres were preparing the meal. They had a big metal pot above some crackling firewood and were adding random ingredients.

"Do you think I put too much pepper in?"

"Yeah, might as well add some more sugar."

"Sugar? Gross!"

"Fine more carrots!"

"What about wild boar stomach?"

"That's disgusting with human flesh."

"Does this cloth make me look fat?"

"Oh, shut up you!"

"Shu'up all ya!" Kagome yelled.

"You shut up!" The ogres said in unison. Kagome pouted, she was very uncomfortable and did not want to be cooked. Suddenly, the wind picked up and the ogres turned to look south.

"Something's coming," the younger one observed.

"Kagome?!" A male voice called, the wind stopping and revealing Koga, the wolf-demon. He stopped short, seeing the ogres, chibi Kagome, chibi Kagome tied to a tree, chibi Kagome with no clothes on. Koga blushed and averted his eyes.

"What are you doing here? Who are you?" The ogres asked, irritated at the interruption.

"I don't know WHO you guys are…but taking a girls clothes off and tying her to a tree is wrong!" Koga ran up to the ogres with his amazing speed and killed them easily. He looked into the metal pot and saw the vegetables and other random things. "They were gonna eat you!?" Koga yelled in anger, kicking the dead ogres.

"'Ouga?" Kagome asked, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Kagome…what happened to you?" Koga turned to her again, remembering she was naked and turned away again beet red. "Let me get you clothes first." He ran around the camp, only finding a big sheet and running back quickly. "Here…" Koga untied Kagome and wrapped her in the blanket.

"'Ank you!" Kagome smiled cutely, "'hey s'ary mon'sers."

"Yeah…scary monsters…" Koga said not really paying attention. How had Kagome gotten that small?

"I'm gonna take you back with me, Kagome, you'll be safer there," Koga said, holding her close and running off.

Only ten minutes later Inuyasha and the group ran into the camp.

"Damn it! We missed them!" Inuyasha cursed, seeing two dead ogres and a still boiling metal pot.

"Wait…something is strange here," Miroku said, walking over and seeing rope lying around a tree and food already inside the pot.

"Maybe these ogres were going to eat Kagome," Sango said, examining the ogres carefully.

"I smell wolves around here. It reeks of wolf-demons," Inuyasha said, getting a gist of what happened.

"Hey, Inuyasha! Look! Kagome's clothes!" Shippo exclaimed, dragging Kagome's school outfit out from inside a box.

"I know what happened here," Inuyasha growled, cracking his knuckles.

"Master Inuyasha?" Myoga asked with a tremble in his voice.

"That's right. We're paying Koga a little visit. You don't have to come Myoga," Inuyasha said, waiting for the flea to leave.

"Alright…see you guys sometime later!" Myoga called, jumping off Inuyasha's shoulder and hopping away.

"Little coward," Shippo commented.

"Indeed," Miroku nodded.

"Let's just go," Inuyasha rolled his eyes, stalking off, following Koga's scent. The rest of the group shrugged and followed.


Phew! Finally I updated! This is the result of boredness and procrastination on my project that's due next week. Hmm…if it took me this long to get this one out…it'll take me even longer for the next one with midterms coming up! Gah! Well, review and tell me your thoughts! I couldn't resist bringing Koga into it hehe. Review darn it!!!