InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A clone in Feudal Japan ❯ The Clash ( Chapter 1 )
Authors' Note:
Star Katt: Hello, this is me & my co-author 1st fanfiction, so go easy on us please.
SoulAvenger: Yeah, flame if u must. But make sure its constructive criticism.
Star Katt: So, here's the disclaimer
SoulAvenger: We don't own InuYasha or the X-Men characters. Just the plot.
Star Katt: So please don't sue use. I only have about $13. Thanx ^.~
The Mutant Manor in a Closed-Off Room
One Saturday afternoon, a mutant girl of about fifteen with waist-length brown hair paced back and forth in front of a couch with one occupant, and a wheelchair with another occupant. This girl didn't have a name. In fact, she was a clone and for sixteen years, her creators just called her Project X-23. Recently though, she had escaped and was now residing with the mutant man she was cloned from, along with other student-aged mutants and another man called Professor X, short for Professor Charles Xavier.
The girl stopped pacing abruptly and turned toward the wheelchair and couch. The mutant man's name was Logan, but was nicknamed Wolverine, glanced up at her. "I've decided to give myself a real name," the girl said, clasping her hands in front of her.
"Really, kid? What is it?" Logan asked as both he and Professor X looked at her with interest.
"Alexandra. Alexandra Jones," the girl said, looking at Logan apprehensively.
"Huh? But, that's my last name. It's the one we put in the records, since I originally didn't have one," Logan replied, turning to the professor.
Professor X smiled. "I know. I've set it up so that you and Alex are siblings, Logan. According to the records, you are now her legal guardian."
"That doesn't mean I'll always stay here," Alexandra interrupted.
"What is that supposed to mean!?" Logan snarled, snapping to attention. He knew that Alexandra left on her own had a knack for getting into trouble.
Alexandra took a deep breath. "I heard a rumor that one of Hydra's plants is located in Japan. I want to go check it out."
"No way," Logan said. "Absolutely not. You don't know what you're doing."
"Professor!" Alex whined.
"Now, Logan, I've already set up transportation and everything," the professor intervened.
"But she can't go by herself," Logan protested.
They both looked at him and smiled. Logan got the hint, and sighed. "I knew I was getting myself in trouble when I met you," he muttered, glaring at Alexandra.
Japan-however many hours later it takes to get there
"Look at that," Alexandra said, capturing Logan's attention. She pointed to a photo booth. "I've never been in one of those. You take your picture in it, right?" She sighed. "I don't have any pictures of my own."
"Here," Logan gave her some money. "Go take a picture, then."
"By myself?" Alexandra gave him a nervous glance. "I mean, you are like my brother, right? Shouldn't it be a family picture?"
"You're pushing it, kid," Logan growled.
"Please? Pretty please?" Alexandra begged.
"Okay, but I'm not doing you any more favors," Logan said.
"Thank you, Logan," Alexandra said as they walked toward the photo booth. "I've always wanted a family. You know, someone who actually cares about what happens to me? I'm glad it's you." She smiled shyly at him.
Unable to resist, Logan smiled back and hooked arms at her in a brotherly fashion. "You know what, kid? Thanks. I'm glad it's you, too."
A few minutes later after they get their pictures taken
"Why don't you hang on to those for now?" Logan said, handing the pictures to Alexandra.
"Sure, okay," She agreed, putting them into her pocket.
"Now, where exactly are we supposed to meet this contact of yours?"
"Near some kind of shrine, I think it was. Under the 'God Tree,'" Alexandra replied.
"Let's go, then," Logan said, starting forward. He stopped when he realized that Alexandra wasn't beside him. He looked back. She was still standing there with a sheepish look on her face. "What are you doing? Don't tell you're chickening out."
"No, it's just that I'm kind of supposed to meet him alone," Alexandra said.
"What!?" Logan said, angrily.
"He wants to meet me alone, Logan. And I'll be fine. I speak five languages fluently, Japanese being one of them," Alexandra said.
"What if it's a trap, or something?" Logan asked.
"It's not a trap, Logan, and I appreciate that you're so worried about me, but… I'll be fine. Listen, if I'm not back in an hour, then come and find me, okay?"
"An hour!" Logan exclaimed.
"Okay, forty-five minutes, then?" Alexandra asked, glancing at her watch.
"Feh! Fine," Logan said, crossing his arms. "But that's all, kid! You better be back here by then."
"Don't worry. I'll be fine," Alexandra repeated. Then, before Logan could blink, she had disappeared.
At the God Tree, Mid-afternoon
Alexandra, spotting the tree, quickly made her way over to it, and sat down. Figures her contact would be late. "What are you doing sitting here?" A friendly voice said, making Alex jump high in the air.
She spun to face a smiling black-haired Japanese girl that looked as if she would be the same age as Alexandra. Alex sighed. Just someone trying to be friendly. Maybe if I answer her questions, she'll go away, Alex thought.
"I'm waiting for someone," she answered in her clipped, rough accent.
The girl smiled. "Well, okay. If you need anything, I live right over there, near the shrine." The girl walked away slowly.
Alex sniffed her lingering scent. Surprisingly, the girl didn't smell like most humans did. Wonder what the problem is? Alex thought.
"Sheesh! That girl seems to have problems being polite," the girl said, softly to herself, while walking away. Her expression slowly turned into a smirk. "Kind of like someone else I know."
Thirty Minutes Later-Under the Shade of the God Tree
If anyone living on that street had looked out of his/her window toward the shrine tree, they would have spotted an angry brown-haired girl having an intense conversation with a mysterious figure.
"What do you mean it isn't here anymore?" Alexandra whispered furiously, putting her hands on her hips.
The mysterious figure shifted uneasily. "I mean exactly what I said. Hydra no longer has a base here. It has been destroyed."
"Since when?" Alexandra questioned.
"I'm not supposed to give out any more information," the contact said, reverting back to his business manner.
Alexandra sighed wearily. Logan was not going to be happy. "Okay. Thanks for the info."
Alexandra and her contact each walked away from the tree at the same moment, heading in opposite directions. Alex snuck a peek at her watch. "I guess Logan didn't have to come after all. Better hurry, anyway, though." Picking up her pace, she didn't notice as the pictures in her jacket pocket fell to the ground.
Halfway to Where Logan is Waiting
it was getting chilly. Alexandra tried to warm her hands up by rubbing them together, but when that didn't work, she simply stuck them in her jacket pocket. She was suddenly struck by a sense of loss. "What is it?" she asked herself. Then, she gasped as she realized that her pictures were no longer in her pocket.
"No!" she said, stamping her foot in annoyance. "Darn it! I guess I have to go back. As chilly as it's getting, the wind might blow the pictures away if I don't hurry." Logan knows where to look for me, she thought. As mad as he probably will be, I just hope he doesn't hurt anyone on the way.
Turning abruptly, she headed back in the direction she had come.
Back at the God Tree
Kagome Higurashi stood under the God Tree where the mysterious girl had stood only moments before. "I wonder who that girl was waiting for…." Kagome said, thoughtfully. "I didn't sense any evil from her, but I did get some kind of weird vibe. Too bad she isn't here anymore." Kagome turned to leave, but something caught her eye on the ground. Stooping, she picked it up.
"Pictures!" Kagome exclaimed. Examining each one, she smiled. "This is that girl. And she's with someone. Hmm, I wonder who that is." She shivered as the wind picked up around her.
I hope she comes back to get them soon, Kagome thought. For now, I'll just take them home with me, so the wind won't blow them away.