InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Competition For Affection ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I had someone who had volunteered for it, but I think she kinda crapped out on me, so again I APOLOGIZE FOR THE BAD GRAMMAR AND SPELLING!!

Since no one really offered me any(humiliating) names for the kitsune, I came up with one. It''s going to be named after our dear Inu-chan in a way <G>

I've redone all but the last chapter. I didn't change anything except that they now have italics, bold, etc.

Just a heads up... updates will most likely take a while. My brain has left me again and the rocks it left as a replacement don't quite cut it^^; I'm slowly gathering ideas, but 'till I can figure out the time line and all, it's ganna be filler chapters like this:/ This sucks-.-;

TRANSLATIONS HAVE BEEN PUT UP ON MY PAGE. IF YOU WISH TO SEE THEM GO TO geocities. com/ byako_no_miko/ translations. html (remove all spaces!)
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Chapter 5:

''What was she doing?!'' Inu Yasha had fallen asleep on Kagome''s bed. He hadn't realized it until she had come in. He thought for a moment on whether or not he should let her know he was awake. He justified what he was doing as being curious. He wanted to know what her reaction would be, how would she handle the situation. ''Would she...'' He gulped at the thought and pushed it away into one of the semi-darker corners of his mind.

''Hmm...'' He dashed the image in his head and, realizing the stupid grin on his face, tried to rid himself of it, but failed. He tried a new tactic. He cleared his mind of all things but faking sleep. It seemed to work well enough.

He drew in and held his breath as he listened to Kagome tip-toeing over to the bed, as if trying to keep from waking him. He cracked open an eye, only wide enough for him to see though, but not allow her to see he was awake.

It worked. She kept going, still trying not to make any noise that would wake the not so asleep hanyou on her bed. But despite all her efforts, he still heard each and every step. She couldn't escape his ears! He watched her out of the corner of his eye. She looked like she was really concentrating on keeping quiet too! It really was amusing.

She held her arms slightly out at her sides, looking as if they were to help her keep her balance. Her face was twisted in concentration. Eyes, squinted slightly, watching the floor for anything that may make any unwanted noise if she accidently stepped on it. Mouth slightly open with her teeth lightly gnawing at her bottom lip. Sucking in a breath and holding it, while she would shut her eyes tight in a grimace each time she would step on a creaky floor board.

He closed his eyes as she reached the side of the bed, hoping his acting was good enough to fool her. It must have, for she still assumed him to have been asleep.

Then, the hair. It fell in his face, tickling his nose. Still not wanting to reveal his true current state, he twitched his nose, hoping it would loose the hair and keep it from tickling him any further. No such luck. It was still there. He tried again to get the hairs to stop annoying him by blowing at them this time. He twisted his lips somewhat to the side, blowing up at the hairs through the small gap it made between his lips. It did him no good though, for the hair was still there, and if anything, just moved into an even more irritating place on his face.

'Dammit!' His mind growled in frustration, way beyond irritated. It didn't help either, that Kagome had been finding this torture to be amusing.

He was so close to just saying 'fuck it', giving up on his little plan, and yanking the damned hairs out of his scalp. Just as he was about to act on that thought however, Kagome reached over and picked it away from his face, bringing it up to the rest of his hair, and tucking it under a group of hair in an attempt to keep the hair in place and not irritate the supposedly sleeping hanyou again. He tried his best to keep his breathing regular even as her fingers seemed to linger a bit longer than necessary on his face.

Inu Yasha found the whole thing to be relaxing and fell back to sleep


Kagome reentered the room, setting up one of the family's spare futons on the floor for herself and settled into bed. The kitsune who, by the way, was fine now, squirmed his way under Kagome's covers and then under her shirt. He snuggled up between her breasts and fell asleep.


Inu Yasha had awaken again as Kagome came back into the room. He noticed she was trying less to stay quiet than before. Hell, she wasn't even trying anymore. He just shrugged it of, figuring that she just must have been really tired or something.

When Kagome's breathing evened out, he lifted his head to take a look at her. She looked uncomfortable.

Inu Yasha made an attempt to get out of bed but as he found, he was weighted down by something on his side. Glancing up at his side, he found the fattest cat he had ever seen... Buyo

He stared at the obese cat in wonder for a few moments. 'How'd he get there?!' He thought in disbelief. 'That thing looks like it can barely crawl , let alone walk!' He made to remove the cat, but as he did, Buyo just dug his little claws into the hanyou's side in an attempt to stay where he was.

Well, that wasn't going to stop him! He got up anyway, trying hard to ignore the fat feline still firmly attached to his side.

He made his way over to Kagome's side. He knelt down and pulled off her covers, biting back a growl when he noticed an all too irritating scent. The kitsune! How dare it! He roughly shook his head and went back to his task, still trying to ignore the cat on his side, and now the little pest, who he was horrified to find, was snuggled up to one of the most intimate parts of her body.

He picked Kagome up and took her over to her bed where he dumped her on her stomach in hopes of having her 'accidently' crush him in her sleep. However that didn't quite work, for the moment he put her down, she rolled off her stomach and onto her side. 'Damn female instincts!'

He gave up, for now. But that didn't mean he wouldn't be watching that thing like a hawk who hadn't eaten in days.

He sat down at the side of her bed and watched her as she slept before lying his head on the edge and falling back to sleep himself.