InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Cruel World For Two Lovers ❯ Telling What Is To Come ( Chapter 6 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Cruel World For Two Lovers
Chapter 5
Telling What Is To Come
SummaryChapter 5
Telling What Is To Come
Sesshomaru and Inuyasha are young lovers trying to survive in a prejudice world. Can they stay alive and keep their pups safe? Read to find out.
Hearing Rin scream Shippo was instantly awake and ready to protect her from any threat.
Seeing the two dogs in front of him Shippo let his guard down seeing it was only Sesshomaru in his dog form, knowing it was him by his markings, but not knowing who the other Inu was.
Sesshomaru and Inuyasha quickly changed back in their human forms so not to scare the two children any further.
Shippo was the first to speak, “Inuyasha, l didn’t know you could change forms.”
“I couldn’t until Sesshomaru showed me.” Inuyasha said sitting on the ground Indian style opening his arms to let his children sit on his lap.
Shippo and Rin eagerly run to Inuyasha making themselves comfortable on the space provided. Joining his family Sesshomaru sat behind his mate supporting him.
“We have something to tell you.” Inuyasha said looking at Rin and Shippo, “l am going to have four pups.” Letting the information to sink in the two older males waited for the young ones response.
“You mean we are going to have brothers and sisters!” Shippo said at the same time to each other not their parents.
“Yes you are, and it is your duty to make sure they are safe since you are the oldest.” Sesshomaru said grabbing everyone’s attention.
“Wow!” The children said, again, together.
“And if you fail l will kick you out.” Sesshomaru said with the same seriousness.
“Wow Sesshomaru. No pressure their.” Inuyasha grinned at his cold faced mate.
“I mean it Inuyasha, l something happens to my pups so help me I’ll…”
“Okay well!” Inuyasha said quickly interrupting Sesshomaru, “If l am going to give birth four pups, Sesshomaru said it would be a lot less painful in my Inu form.”
“So you get to be a cute doggie!” Rin squealed in delight.
“Yes Rin, Inuyasha will be in his Inu form for two months before the pups are due.” Sesshomaru explained ruffling the little girl’s hair.
Noticing Shippo’s quietness Inuyasha quickly sent Rin and Sesshomaru to bed to talk to Shippo alone.
Carrying Shippo to an open field Inuyasha sat Shippo next to him near the river’s edge.
“Shippo what’s wrong?” Inuyasha asked watching Shippo pick at the small rocks.
“Daddy?” Shippo asked his father quietly.
“Yes Shippo.”
“Will you forget me?” Shippo asked turning his head away when Inuyasha looked at him.
“Why do you think l would?” Inuyasha asked startled.
“’Cause you would have pups of your own and l am to weak to protect them.” Shippo told him throwing rocks into the river watching the ripples fade.
“Shippo you are my first son and eldest child. I could never forget about you.” Inuyasha said putting an arm around Shippo’s shoulder.
“Dad said that me and Rin would have to protect the pups. I can’t do that because l am not strong enough.” Shippo admitted embarrassed.
“Shippo you will not have to do that until you are older when the pups are old enough to walk and get into mischief.” Inuyasha said smiling at the thought.
Shippo stayed silent.
“When that occurs you will be old enough and strong enough to protect yourself and your family.” Inuyasha tried to convince him.
Still not convinced Shippo continued to throw rocks into the flowing river.
“Let me show you something.” Inuyasha said getting up holding his handout to Shippo. Accepting it Inuyasha started to run into the forest.
Not being far from the great Goshinkiboku the pair reached the sacred tree quickly.
Inuyasha landed gracefully on the ground and let Shippo jump down from his arms.
“You see this tree Shippo.” Inuyasha said pointing to the Goshinkiboku, “This tree grew from a small little seed and grew into an enormous tree. It has strong roots to keep it standing and a sturdy trunk to keep it from snapping in strong storms.”
Inuyasha and Shippo looked at the Goshinkiboku while the wind blew the branches from side to side.
“This tree is like you Shippo. Growing from a small seed (no pun intended) and one day be a huge structure t protect those down below and give new life to little trees.
Shippo looked at the trunk of the tree and little bits of grass and little seeds that have fallen from the sacred tree.
“Shippo everybody starts out the same, small and defenceless, but we grow stronger and learn the way of fighting. All you got to do is believe you can do it.” Inuyasha kneeled down in front of Shippo putting a comforting arm on his shoulder.
Shippo started crying at the emotions of the words Inuyasha was saying and tried to wipe off the tears spilling out of his eyes and running down his face.
Inuyasha pulled Shippo into a hug seeing the boy’s tears which Shippo gladly excepted.
“All you need to do is believe.” Inuyasha said again picking up Shippo and running back to camp.
It was a pity Inuyasha did not see the yellow eyes watching the whole scene.