InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Dance To Remember ❯ Waking Up With Insults ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer - Moi non possesseur le Inuyasha.
Thoughts - I have not taken French in years so pardon moi, if the disclaimer is incorrect. So…I think this story is going smoothly so far. At first I thought maybe I had rushed some things but nothing extremely horrible has happened…yet. Anyway, I love you all…some of your reviews have made me laugh so hard I thought I might die! Here are some thanks to the ones who did so.
Thanks - Thanks to `kjinuyasha' not only did it take me forever to figure out how to say your name but I found your review's' hysterical. I appreciate your words.
Thank you to `whisperingdreams089' for making me feel like I am not alone in the world with my weird oddities. But seriously, doesn't it?
But also, thank you to `jadeprincess' for pointing out that if Kagome is an only child, how can Kikyo be her sister? That was a typo on my part. I meant to say younger. Kikyo is the elder sister, while Sota is the younger brother (who should, technically be the ruler for the north but hey, its my story and I didn't think it would be as fun to have Sesshomaru and Sota talk about Kagome's marriage. Sesshomaru would just make him pee his pants anyway. :) )
And thank you to everyone else who has reviewed-you have all warmed my well as my keyboard…
Dedication - This chapter is dedicated to all of you-because I've heard nothing but good things from you all.
WARNING - Some bondage and unresolved sexual tension in this chapter (so don't read if you don't want to. But then again its at the very end, so you could just skip it when it becomes obvious…)
Translations - Chihaya : Scarlet red hakama pants or skirt worn with white kimono shirt with swinging sleeves (often with red trim) and tabi (split-toe socks).
Ten - Another name for heaven/paradise. It can refer to the sky or god. I found it suiting for what it is used for in this chapter.
Chapter 3: Waking Up With Insults
"To you the torch we fling";
The challenge yet is heard,
Bequest of fullest sacrifice,
A life demanding word.
Yet this thought with it comes,
A question tinged with doubt:
Shall we the torch to others pass
Whose light we've let go out?
~Arthur B. Dale
It was so dark…so warm…so…
“Woman. Wake up.”
Never mind…
“Huh?” She opened her eyes slowly and looked up to see her husband leaning over her, his naked chest all she could see for a moment until she pushed him away. They were in his bed and faintly, she felt a dull ache between her thighs.
He let out a growl of pain as she pushed him away, and leaned up on her hands curiously to look at him, headless of the blankets barely covering her breasts.
“Absentminded and idiotic!” He growled as the small cuts her nails had given him instantly healed. Her eyes narrowed angrily, her mind still fogged with sleep.
“I am not absentminded…or idiotic for that matter you ungrateful dog!” She hissed. His golden eyes flashed in irritation.
“You are by far the worst person I have ever met at creating an insult. But then I suppose where you come from, you wouldn't know a good insult if it ripped one of your arms off.” She glared at him and scooted away from him on the futon.
`I have to wake up to `this' every morning?' She clutched the silk blanket closer around herself and watched her husband give her an irritated glance as he put one arm behind his head and leaned back against the pillows. His gaze made her shift nervously before she could stop herself.
“Drop them.” He said, his words monotonous. Her eyes widened in surprise before forming themselves instantly into slits.
“You have nothing now that I have not seen. You should be happy I even deem it worth seeing again.” Her face turned red in rage at his insulting comments and she scooted backwards away from him, taking the blanket with her, relieved to see that one reamined to keep her husband covered.
“You…you-you-you bastard!” She stammered, her brain thinking too fast for her mouth to say everything she wanted.
Gripping the blanket closer to her breasts, she pointed a delicate finger at him and snarled in an unladylike fashion.
“You-you son of a bitch, I hope you lose your stupid-THING!” His eyes widened mockingly at her as he leaned up onto his elbows and surveyed her casually.
“Well, if that's the case, I am glad that your words have little meaning…and will remain so.”
She stared at him for a moment, too angry now to speak and suddenly, gathering the blanket around her for coverage, she sharply turned to exit the room. She got three steps before she felt his arms on her waist, his face implanting itself within the curve of her neck. She stiffened in surprise and heard him chuckle softly against her skin.
“I will break you…” He whispered softly, his mouth trailing small butterfly kisses across her shoulder, his fangs lightly nipping at the flesh. To her credit she remained firm against him.
He chuckled once again, his canines scraping softly against the flesh beneath her ear as his hands tangled in the blanket around her, minutely drawing it down so that she would not notice.
“You will never be able to fight me…” He said with a flick of his tongue against her jaw, watching as her eyes closed slightly in response.
“I…will, I have to…oh!” She felt cool air against her breasts and looked down to see the blanket falling to the floor, one of his hands gently cupping one and squeezing it gently. She bit her lip to stop a moan from escaping.
“Let me go…!” She hissed softly, feeling the pad of his thumb rub against the side of her nipple. He licked her jaw once again in response.
“Never.” He mimicked back, his hands sliding her back against him.
`I will not let him win.' She thought fiercely, spinning out of his grasp, not expecting him to reach out just as fast and catch a fistful of her hair.
She cried out and stopped, her body turning to try and kick him. He growled and jerked her towards him, her soft body slamming against his harder one.
“Let me go!” She cried out half in anger half in pain as her hands reached up to try and rid him from her hair. She opened teary eyes to see his face inches from hers, an angry look in them as suddenly, his lips crashed down onto hers. Her mouth opened to scream and he took the chance to sweep his tongue inside. Forgetting her hair, her hands went to his face, her nails scratching wildly before she felt his free hand cup her jaw, the fingers sliding up to tangle with her hair at the back her head as his other hand slid down her back to push her more tightly against him. He felt her resolve slackening once more as he released her mouth, his teeth nipping at her chin before the hand in her hair forced her head back to bare her neck.
“Be still.” He murmured firmly against her neck. She froze at the words, her heartbeat racing as her breasts heaved up and down. Growling, the hand in her hair lessened its grip and glided softly across her stomach.
“I hate you.” She whispered as his fingers slid down to her core and gently pressed against her. Her hips pushed against them before her brain even had time to acknowledge it, and he nipped at her chin again as she looked at him, her eyes filled with venom.
“I never asked for your love.” He whispered back as two of his fingers slid inside of her. She gasped as she felt them move and unwilling felt herself move herself against them-
“My lord?” The voice of somone outside the screen made Sesshomaru's head shoot up to glare angrily at them. He felt his bride stiffen as well as the sound jarred her senses awake. With a cry of outrage, she threw him away from her, spinning around to clutch the fallen blanket against her skin.
“Excuse me, my lord but there has been a disturbance outside the castle grounds…”
“I will be down shortly.” He said, glaring at his wife, a violent promise in his eyes.
Kagome backed away from him as she saw him take a step towards her, and then another, until she was backing around a desk in order to keep some distance between them. He snarled at her, his milky canines shining in the soft light from the window. She stood her ground, and snarled back, her raven hair falling all around her in a tangled heap.
“I will have you again. Perhaps not now but later. You cannot escape from that.” He said tightly making her eyes narrow.
“I wonder why men dare to go so low as to seduce a woman into getting their wants.” She said through gritted teeth as he shot to the side, her doing the opposite so that they circled around one another. She watched his pale chest shine as a beam of light caught it.
“Do not antagonize me. I may have made a promise to that fool mother of yours, but I will not be made one by you!” He shot to the left this time but once again she was ready and vaulted to the right.
“What makes me think you will keep your promise? Some lowly honor that your family supposedly has?” She spat as she clutched the blanket closer to her. Sesshomaru snarled and this time leaped over the desk to tackle her to the floor. She screamed in surprise, struggling futilely against him as the blanket opened to expose her chest. His cold eyes stared down into hers, ignoring the sight of her body beneath him.
“You know nothing of a honor.”
She felt a shiver go through her at the cold tone in his voice but was unable to move with his weight pinning her down the way it was.
“You know nothing even about your own.” His face lowered to stop centimeters above her own and shift sideways to the shell of her ear.
If it were possible for her to have become any more stiff he was sure she would have.
“I wonder if this pathetic body of yours even houses any?” He growled as he grabbed one of her hands to put it in front of her face. Her eyes widened in surprise at what was there.
`Claws…' Her eyes widened as she saw that her fingernails were pointed now but just as long as they had been before. On each wrist were two silvery blue stripes that pointed in. She stared down at then in amazement.
“What…what have you - what am I?” She whispered as a piece of her ebony black hair fell across one of her eyes.
“Inu Youkai.” Was all he said before he rolled off her and stood, striding over to a closet where his clothes were hung. She watched as he dressed, her eyes becoming suddenly aware that a mirror was a few feet away from her on the desk.
A single matching silvery star was set half where her hair began of her forehead and half off to leave an upside down two pointed crown in view upon her skin. Her ears were now pointed, reminding her of an elf's, and two tan stripes pointed up from each of her hips, as another matching pair of strips pointed down. Everything else had stayed the same. She looked up from the mirror to see her husband watching her and spun around with a glare to see him fully dressed in a set of his usual white robes.
“I know not when I will return but stay out of trouble. A maid will be in to dress you. From then on do as you please until I return…then we will finish this discussion.” His eyes traveled over her once more before he spun on his heel and threw the screen door open and was gone.
Sighing in relief, she sank to her knees, curling the blanket further around herself and rested her head on where her knees were hidden by the material. What was this new life? It was anything but what she had wanted it to be, that was for sure. Had her mother known this would happen? Was that why she had almost refused him? Or was it because he had bullied her into it? Somehow, she doubted the latter. Her mother was not one to be easily manipulated.
She sighed, one of her hand resting underneath her chin in thought.
`I have no choice…and yet I do not want to submit to that hound…even if I am a woman, he should not be allowed to be so callous towards me.'
Offhandedly, she wondered what Inuyasha and Kikyo's relationship was like…at least they had met each other and were now anle to court.
Her lips came out in an agitated pout, her eyes slowly looking up as the door opened and a human maid stepped inside.
“I will not need you.” Kagome said before the maid had even fully entered. Without a word, the servant kneeled to the ground and backed out quietly.
Sighing, she went into her own dresser and pulled out her preistess robes before pulling them on. She needed to explore a little bit…work out her frustrations. She knew that Sesshomaru owned decent horses an it made relief course through her. She would go riding and try to think about nothing except the feel of her body flying across the ground.
She had been riding most of the day when the sky began darkening with the incoming storm clouds. She felt disappointment ring through her at the sight but sighed, knowing there was nothing she could so about it. Looking down at her horse, a shinning black mare, she gently pulled up on the reins and the mare snorted, pawing the ground as if it too, was hesitant to return to the castle. Kagome smiled, lightly kicking the mare in its sides as they started back.
Normally, women were not allowed to ride horses, but priestesses were an exception. And while she might have been her husband's toy, she would continue to act out her duties. Absently, she reached up with one hand to rub her fingers over the place where her heart lay beneath her chest. That was were the jewel now lay. If taken, it would kill her…one of the many reasons why she had trained so hard. The jewel was her life…literally. Not many people knew about it - only her family and herself.
Urging her horse into a canter with a vocal command, she watched the passing landscape and found herself sighing once again, feeling the motions of the mare beneath her echo through her entire being.
She would give Sesshomaru one thing…his lands were beautiful and safe. Wherever she wanted she could freely tread. Not that she was worried about anyone attacking her.
She saw the castle coming into view, looming over them and she studied it. Strong…fortified…impenetrable. Exactly like her husband.
Kicking her mare into a gallop, she felt the first drops begin to descend on them, and by the time she had gotten within the castle gates found herself soaked through with rain.
Looking out his window at the sounds of shouting men, he saw his wife gallop through and around to the barn. With his advanced eyesight, he could see that her clothes were soaked through, her white shirt leaving nothing from view from his guards.
Instantly, he felt anger coil up within him. What was she? Some low class whore? Letting herself be seen the way she way - a free view to any and all of his men?!
Standing from his desk, he angrily strode through the door to his office to go and meet her outside.
He would be finishing that talk with her now.
“She's a good horse this one, my lady!” The stable hand, a young dog demon a little taller then herself said with a grin as she dismounted from her mare onto the ground. She smiled herself as the horse looked around at her, brown eyes begging her for the carrot it knew was in the pocket of her chihaya's. Laughing, she brought it out, her hand palm up as she gave the mare her reward, her free hand stroking her neck as she ate. The stable hand shook his head, his tan-colored hair gleaming in the light from the open barn doors. Sapphire eyes gleamed in satisfaction at her as she went around to the mares withers and crouched down to pick the dirt and other material from her hooves with one of the stables many hoof picks. He heard her sigh as she picked a wet leaf from the mares foreleg.
“My husband has many horses.” She said absently as she finished her inspection and stepped back so that the stable hand could pick her front hooves. Glancing up at her, he quickly glanced down again with a blush.
Confused by the action she bent down to see him pick out a small stone wedged between a pile of hardened mud in the mares foot.
“What's wrong Toyo-chan?” She asked as he refused to look at her.
“No negative intentions applied, my lady, but the rain has caused your clothes to - uh.” He blushed again as he finished and turned to return the tool to the tack room. Llooking down at herself she realized what he meant.
“Oh!” She wrung out her sleeves.
“I'm not worried Toyo-chan. There is nothing to see anyway.”
Toyo coughed.
“You act to much like a man, my lady." He said, putting putting some hay in the mares stall and going outside to get a bucket of fresh water from the spring.
She smiled, finding no insult in his words. She knew well enough it was true.
“That may be true Toyo-chan, but better that then what I could be.”
Toyo looked over his shoulder, a grin splitting his features and turned back to her, bowing low to the ground before going off to get the water. Humming softly, she led her horse into its stall and took off her halter to hang it up on a nearby peg. Grabbing a brush from a tray outside the stall door along with a towel, she closed the door and began drying off her mares legs, starting at the fetlock.
“Ten, huh?” She whispered to the horse as she wiped quickly under her stomach and then up to her back legs. Ten shifted her body, one of her back legs raising up to paw at the floor. Kagome gently smacked her leg to stop her from doing it. If it became a habit, it could wear down the point of her hooves, eventually hitting nerves, and causing the horse to go lame. She didn't want that.
Ten shifted again, nickering softly almost in alarm and Kagome whipped around to see why. Her husband had somehow opened the door without her noticing and stepped inside, angry to a dangerous extent. She glared at him as the horse took a step back, her graceful head tipping up, the whites of her eye's showing themselves.
“Sesshomaru! Leave - you're scaring her!” She grabbed the horse by its head and forced it to look down at her. Ten's eyes rolled again and she whispered afew quiet words to her soon making the mare relaxe enough for herto look over her shoulder and glare at her husband once again.
“What do you want my lord. I would bow but I am already previously engaged.” His eyes narrowed at her mocking tone and took a menacing step towards her. Her eyes widened as Ten nickered again in alarm and shushed her once more, soothingly stroking the animal's neck, massaging the base of her mane.
She felt strong arms wrap around her waist and stiffened, knowing that keeping her mare calm was the only thing that kept her from turning around and smacking him. Didn't the fool see what kind of danger he could cause coming in like this and scaring her horse in such close quarters?
“Have you no shame?” He whispered dangerously into her ear, one of his clawed hands splaying across her stomach to push her back against him.
“No dignity enough to cover yourself when around my guards…my stablemen?” She felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise in alarm but ignored him, continuing to keep the mare calm instead. His grip around her tightened, his mouth breathing warm air against her ear.
“I think it time that we finish our talk.”
Her eyes narrowed in anger at the suggestion and with one fluid move, her leg came up and smashed backwards into his thigh making him give a hiss of pain, releasing her momentarily. She whipped around to face him, Ten agitatedly prancing from side to side in fear.
She saw Sesshomaru's eyes flash red as they looked at her and took a step back, real fear creeping up her spine.
He straightened up, his white robes billowing around him.
“Come here.” He said, the words soft but dangerous.
Ten whinnied and snorted, her front legs lifting off the ground in a half rear to come down with a crash on the stall floor. Kagome hurriedly turned back to Ten, ignoring her husband as she grabbed the leather halter hanging through the bars of the stall door and and putting it on her. Ten quieted, as the control from the halter created a more protected atmosphere for her in her mind.
She more felt his rage then anything else and looked over her shoulder to see Sesshomaru's face deadly inert.
“Come here, or I will have it killed.” He said, a growl unable to be held from his words.
She froze.
“You bastard…you - low down BASTARD!” She yelled at him, but his face never changed, and his anger only continued to grow.
She didn't dare call him out - not with the threat of him killing her mare. Gritting her teeth, she slowly released the horse and walked towards him. Behind her, she heard Ten paw the ground again and felt her hands curl into fists as she came to a stop only a few steps away from her husband.
“Closer.” He said, his words housing the same dangerous tone as before. Obeying it, she took the remaining steps towards him until their bodies were almost touching.
His arm shot out to grab her by the back of her head, his fingers fisting in the damp strands. She bit back a cry of pain and glared defiantly back at him, his eyes flashing red once again as he leaned towards her.
“I think we WILL finish that talk now.” And with that he jerked her face up towards his. She spit into it to stop him from kissing her and he snarled, his other hand wiping it away with the sleeve of his shirt.
“You will pay for that you little chit.” He whispered venomously. She only glared back.
“I began to the moment I married you.” She hissed back, insinuating the 'you' in her sentence. One side of his mouth twitched at the insult, and she wondered if he would hit her again. He didn't, but the tightening of his body made it clear that he was struggling.
Turning, he jerked her after him by her hair, slamming the stall door closed as he strode angrily down the ally. The first groom he saw, his eyes flashed red again, and in mounting horror and pain, she saw that it was Toyo. The groom looked from his master to her, her hands griping the hand which was fisted in her hair, her body curled back away from him as if to escape.
“OUT!” Sesshomaru bellowed, and scuttling backwards in alarm, Toyo dropped the water bucket he was carrying to flee, along with the the others grooming or cleaning stalls.
Satisfied that they were now alone in the barn, he began to stride past the many stalls until he found a freshly bedded one. Striding inside of it, he jerked her in along with him and threw her into it. She cried out as he did so, falling to the floor in a flurry of wood shavings and hay, but he didn't heed her as he slammed the stall door shut, and locked it. Without even looking around at her, he began to viciously tear his clothes off, his armor first, then his kimono shirt and finally his pants. Her eyes widened in surprise as he finished, turning towards her fully erect to tackle himself down onto her, his mouth slamming onto hers with a ferocity she had not thought imaginable. She cried out, arms flailing around her until he pinned them down.
He slid his tongue forcefully between her lips and she responded by biting down as hard as she could. Rearing back with a roar, one of his hands connected with her face sending her sprawling against the wall, bedding covering her still damp clothes. He spat a glob of blood into the bedding beside him and she contiued to glare at him.
His chest heaving, eyes flashing red, his silver hair was wild around his body as he tackled her again, one of his hands grasping both of her wrists while the other reached up to grab a leather lead rope.
Tying her wrists together with it, he tied the other end around a large iron peg that normally held the bucket of water. She cried out as he jerked her up to secure the knot and she felt her self fall back in the wood shavings, half sitting, half standing from the way she was bound.
“What are you doing?!” She asked, her mind whirling around her as his hands ripped her shirt open to expose her wrapped breasts. In the next second, his claws ripped through the bandaging and watched as they fell from their confines. His eyes watched them heave up and down, her nipples hardening in the cooler air and she was forced to watch in horror as he leaned forward to take one into his mouth.
Crying out, she pulled against her bonds, her breasts bouncing up and down with the movement. Before she could say another word, his mouth was on hers, his fingers ripping her chihaya's away to dip down and delve into her center.
She screamed, half from terror, half from a sort of sick pleasure that she didn't unerstand as he cupped both his hands under her, spreading her thighs open while both his index fingers delved all the way to the knuckle within her.
Her head bowed back at the awesome feelings washing through her, her eyes closing as against her will, her hips began to move in rythym to his fingers. She felt his mouth sucking hard against her breast, his fangs scraping the tender flesh almost to the point of puncturing it, but he never did. She desperately tried to stop herself from moaning but it came out before she could do so and she knew then that Sesshomaru knew he had won. She cursed him aloud, her hips driving against his hands in desperation.
“You bast-oh…” She felt herself tightening around him as his fingers moved faster, beginning to move in steady circles within her overly-sensitized flesh. She heard him give a raspy growl as his fangs sucked at her nipple before moved to the other making her moan as the cold air hit it, hardening it more. She almost screamed in protest when she found herself riding the brink to her orgasm and felt him pull out of her.
Her head came up to look into his eyes and moaned again when she saw that they weren't looking at her face but at the junction of her thighs. Her eyes became half lidded as she felt him release her breast and back away from her, his head thrown back as he held his hands to himself. Her eyes widened in surprise at the sight and whimpered, struggling against her bonds to try and get to what she knew would please her. His eyes watched her valiant struggles and bared his fangs at her in a kind of twisted grin as his thumb traced over himself. She kicked out at him with a howl and thrust her body forwards only to be snapped back against the wall by the leather cord. She panted, her long hair having long ago come undone from its ties to trail around her shoulders in a frazzled mess.
“Sesshomaru!” She kicked out again as if to try and grab him with her feet but he was too far away from her. She hissed, nearly pulling her arms out of their sockets at his refusal to satisfy her.
“Call me master.” He said softly, his golden eyes flashing. She glared at him, her arms swinging back and forth to try and free herself, only causing her breasts to bounce more. She gave a yowl of fury, spitting on the ground in front of him.
His eyes narrowed angrily at her refusal but shrugged and slowly began to breath in and out, calming his body of its arousal. She watched as he managed to bring himself under control and screamed, her body writhing against the restraints.
His cold eyes didn't flinch at her outburst but instead turned away to calmly stand. She screamed again, her head whipping wildly back and forth even though it did her no good.
“This is your punishment. The next time you disobey me, it will be worse.” He said, looked down at and inspected her. She was covered with wood shavings and hay, her hair disheveled, her brown eyes almost green with anger and her own lust. She looked strangely beautiful from itt…more so then any other time he had seen her and his eyes narrowed at the thought.
With a careless snap of his wrist, a green light snapped out to hit the taunt part of the leather lead rope. With a cry, she fell to the ground as the rope broke.
Walking over to her, he leaned down on his haunches and grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling her face up to his.
“I will not put up with anymore of this insolence.” He said calmly, his grip tightening, making her eyes shut themselves tightly in pain.
“When you have bowed yourself to me, I will give you what you want, but know this. I will not be denied anything for too long.” Her eyes narrowed at his warning, her teeth gritting together in absolute fury.
“You will wait for eternity before you have this body ever again then!” She hissed.
He frowned at her and rose disgustedly.
“Return to your room and bath. I will join you tonight in our room.”
She grabbed her torn shirt and looked down at it in disbelief.
“You think you have won…” She said quietly as she stood, not bothering to try and wrap her breasts again as she picked up the torn fabric that had previosuly done so. He quirked an eyebrow at her.
“How cliché a thing to say my dear. But yourself are quite cliché.” Her fingers twisted in the material in her arms at his words.
“It may be cliché but it is true Sesshomaru.”
He had the gall to smirk at her.
“If that is so, I am eager to see what your simple brain will think up.”
She gritted her teeth together in order to not scream an obscenity at him and shouldered her way past him out of the stall to march back to the castle. He watched her go, amusement lighting his eyes up like fireworks.
“She will never win.”
Thoughts - Sexual tension…gah! Well, I had another idea for what he could have done but it wasn't as fun as this one. Sesshomaru is going to learn that he shouldn't have overestimated Kagome. Gee…isn't he a jerk? I actually want to smack him…but in the wrong way…ok I'm shutting up now.
Note: The halter thing that Kagome did to Ten is actually something that is done with some horses as it gives them a sense of control, and lets them understand the amount of what they can and cannot do. Equine psychology right there for you all.