InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Day in the Human World ❯ Perfect Timing-NOT! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

You Are My Strength

Chapter I : Wish Come True

By Karen Burikko

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Fruits Basket.

She sat there, gazing at the darkened sky. The only light in the room was that of the pale moon. "Night is so beautiful...," she said to no one. "If only..." she sighed, "If only the one my heart cries to was here with me, and I'd know he'd always be with me...He would be my strength."

"Honda-san?" came the voice of the one she was just talking of.

She turned around and gasped.

"I did not mean to disturb you.," he said as he walked in. "Are you okay?"

She was only able to nod.

He stepped closer. "I was just passing by and heard you talking in almost a sad tone.." He lied. The truth was, that usually she was asleep at this time, so he would quietly enter and gaze at her sleeping form until she began to stir. The whole time, his heart was yearning to kiss her with all the passion in his being.

'She's so beautiful...' he thought as he gazed at the angel. The moon was casting light around her figure, almost giving her a halo-look to her hair. She wore only a thin, mint green spaghetti strap nightgown that had a pink rose in the middle of the low neckline. The gown complimented her form greatly. He kneeled down to her, gazing into her starlit pools. "Why...did you sound so sad?"

She finally found the ability to talk. "Ano...I was just thinking." she said trying to look down instead of at him.

"Tohru," he said as he gently grasped her chin and brought it up so she had to look at him.

"Y.... Yuki, I..." Her eyes went wide when he could no longer control his desires. He pressed his lips to hers tenderly, which she returned and she closed her eyes.

"I...I am sorry Honda-san. I do not know what came over me."

"It's ...okay."

"I'll leave now," he said as he got up and started to walk away. But he stopped in mid-step, with something holding him back.

"Please, don't ...don't go." It was Tohru. His heart skipped a bit as he turned to look at her.

"Please?" she said. Then he bent on one knee once more and his eyes expressed a surprised and questioning look.

"You, want me to stay?"

She blushed then nodded. He sat down. "I enjoyed the kiss. I've been dreaming of ...of doing that for a while, but I was scared."

"Of what?"

"Your reaction."

"Honda-sa.... Tohru." he said as he clasped her hand. "I've felt the same way. I was scared you would reject me because of my curse."

"N-no!" she said, "I would never let that be the reason...besides, your mouse form is cute." She said the last part kind of quietly.

"Tohru...." he said, getting her to look at him, and kissed her more passionately before, leaving her breathless.

"I love you." he said when they broke apart for air.

"Oh Yuki!" she said as she fell into him, hugging him tightly, that is, at least until the curse took over.

"Oops..." she said when she pulled away and the small little mouse she became accustomed to crawled out of the boy's clothes. She held down her hand that he crawled into, and lifted it to eye-level and kissed the mouse on its nose. "I love you too."

The mouse was overwhelmed. 'She loves me, even though I will turn into a mouse whenever she hugs me? I never expected to return the love I have for her...'

"Yuki, what's wrong?" Tohru asked as she gazed at Yuki's silent form.
By that time, Yuki popped out of his mouse form. Tohru turned her head, blushing furiously as Yuki slipped on his nightclothes.

"Nothing is wrong. I am just not used to feeling love." The boy said as he slipped on his pants.

"What? With all of those girls at school, and even the second-year student who told you she loves you? You didn't feel it then?"

He sighed. "What they have is more along the lines of lust. Besides, their inner beauty shines about as bright as a brick. Yours, however, overpowers the sun."

"Yuki..." she said as she placed her hand over her heart. It pounded in her chest, trying to come out.

Yuki grasped her shoulders firmly, as he leaned in to kiss her once more. He ran his tongue across her lips, seeking to explore her more. She complied and their tongues met and intertwined, each exploring parts of the other.

When they broke apart for air, he still gripped her shoulders and gazed at her. "You are so beautiful," he said, causing her to blush. He kissed her gently on the cheek.

`This is so weird.' She thought to herself. `Just a few minutes ago, I was wishing he were here...and now he is. Then he tells me he loves me? Could this be a dream?'

"Tohru?" Yuki asked with a concerned expression on his visage.

"Oh, sorry...." She said after realizing she had been silent for quite some time.

"Don't apologize." He said as the clock struck one. "It's getting late. You better get some sleep." He said as he started to get up.

"Yes, but...."

"But what?"

"I don't want you to leave." She said as he noticed the sadness that filled her usually bright eyes.

"Then I won't."

"Really?" she asked, the joy returning to her orbs.

"If you do not want me to leave, of course I will stay. I do not want to leave, anyways," he said as he smiled at her. He then walked to where her bed was and pulled back the sheets as she started to walk over. He motioned for her to get into the bed, and then he pulled the covers over her delicate frame. He, on the other hand, slept on top of the sheet. He gazed at his sleeping beauty lovingly. "Sleep well, my tenshi," he said before drifting of into a world of bliss and darkness.

End of Chapter I : Wish Come True.

Author's Note: Hello to all of you who have chosen to read my fan fiction. I hope you have enjoyed the first chapter. Chapter II should be posted by tomorrow evening.

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