InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Dog's Life; It Ain't Always Easy! ❯ Mine Part I ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Okay all; get ready to be really grossed out and cue up you most expressive use of the word EWWWW!
Hope you have as much fun reading this as I did writing it. Much love for you all. Keva
Inuyasha sat in the tree looking down at his companions as he has done since he first met Kagome. How many years had he been doing this 3… 4 maybe? Either way something was changing; not with the group, but with him. He could feel it; whatever it was, coming on and has felt it building for weeks now. He was becoming more antsy and edgy since he first felt it; and something inside him was trying to tell him what to do to make it go away but it was too unclear to understand. Until…
He watched as his odd little group went through their routines; cleaning up camp, making breakfast, the hoshi getting slapped for his wandering hand, Sango cursing said hoshi, the fox kit and neko running around getting under everyone's feet and Kagome smiling hugely at the antics of all around her.
As his golden depths landed on the miko from the future he felt that strange feeling flare up wildly within him. The urge told him he needed to mark her as his; but the strange thing was that it wasn't telling him to mark her as his mate but as his possession. Yet how was he supposed to mark her as his without mating her? Not only did he feel the need to mark her specifically, but his forest, his village, and the rest of his companions.
He jumped down from his tree and move to stand in front of his miko companion. “Kagome”
“What Inuyasha?” She smiled at him as she stuffed her blanket into her backpack.
“Um…” He furrowed his brow slightly as his hands twitched at his sides before they began to move; almost unwillingly.
Kagome watched him; when his actions suddenly made her eyes grow tremendously wide. “Inuyasha what are you doing!” She cried out as she backed away from him.
His brows drew together even more. “You are mine.” He responded in whispered confusion.
“What?” Kagome gasped. “I'm not having sex with you. We had a talk about this remember?”
Inuyasha lightly shook his head. “I don't want to have sex with you.” He stated pointedly. “I just want to mark you as mine; you and everyone else.”
“Ouswari!” Kagome screeched when he began to do what she suspected him doing. “Inuyasha I don't know what you're doing but whatever it is I don't want to see or know about it!” She screamed as she hurriedly and finished packing.
Miroku and Sango both glanced over at the typical scene of Inuyasha eating dirt and Kagome huffing about then went back to readying themselves for the day; never knowing what kind of danger they were in and at the hands of their fearless leader.
Kagome ran as fast and as hard as she could away from her camp trying desperately to keep from gagging at the horrible events of the last ten minutes and feeling terribly sorry for her traumatized friends she left behind. Truly she hoped that one day they would recover from what happened, but highly doubted they ever would. She didn't know what got into her hanyou companion but whatever it was she didn't want the same fate that befell her friends to befall her.
She needed help and knew only one other being that could help her; well not only help but explain to her what the hell was going on with Inuyasha. Using her miko powers she sent her aura out, searching for the taiyoukai of the west knowing he was her only hope to keep from being Inuyasha's next victim of disgustingness.
To her thrill she felt Sesshoumaru's jaki not too far away from her current location and made the turn in his direction. Her lungs were close to giving out but she pressed on until she broke through the trees into Sesshoumaru's little camp and flew headlong into the demon lord's chest. “Sesshoumaru!” She gasped as she panted trying to get as much oxygen into her burning lungs as possible.
The demon lord looked down at the girl clinging to him in order to keep her legs from giving out from under her and narrowed his eyes at her. “Girl” He stated coldly.
Kagome looked up at him with wide eyes full of panic. “Sesshoumaru… Inuyasha… something's… wrong…” She panted out. “I… need… need…” She coughed. “Your… help.”
“The whelp is not this Sesshoumaru's problem.” He responded as he tried to peel the girl from his person.
She tightened her grip upon the sleeves of his haori near his biceps. “If you don't do something now it will be your problem along with anyone else's who crosses his path. I only barely escaped.” Her face scrunched up as the memory of seeing her friends fate's crossed her mind.
His gold eyes stared hard at her. “What has he done.” He stated with an edge to his deep voice.
Kagome looked around making sure that the being they were speaking about was no where near then got up on her toes and whispered into the pointed ear of the great youkai.
Sesshoumaru's eyes widened slightly at what she had whispered to him and his thoughts of his sibling being the most useless and utterly uncouth being to ever exist were reinforced ten fold. In his long life he had seen things that he found rather disgusting, but the telling of Inuyasha's behavior actually turned his stomach slightly and to a very small extent he felt sorry for the girl's group of friends.
He looked down into the pleading blue eyes of the miko and understood her plight. He wouldn't want that to happen to him and would kill any being who dared to do so. “I will assist.” He stated plainly and got a giant grin of appreciation out of the girl.
“Oh thank you Sesshoumaru-sama.” Kagome cried happily as she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him fiercely.
Sesshoumaru pulled the girl from his person. “You will cease touching this Sesshoumaru in such a manner.” He growled.
Kagome rolled her eyes at him. “I have touched you in more inappropriate ways than this.” She pointed out with a glare.
He returned the glare. “You will not speak of that digression again.” He had spent many days trying to forget their little tryst during his heat cycle and found that he couldn't. To his displeasure he found that he more than enjoyed the feel of her body writhing against his as she cried out his name in pleasure and very much wanted to do it again. However, he used his superior will and suppressed the desire and continued to do so day after day after day.
Kagome snorted at him. “Yea I'll not speak of it the same way you have forgotten about it.”
A warning growl rumbled through his chest as he glared at the little female. “You will bite your tongue wench.”
An eyebrow arched at his threat. “How about you bite it instead.” She smirked as she leaned into him; sensually licking her lips and drawing his eyes down to them.
Just as Sesshoumaru was about to show her what he meant; by actually biting her tongue off, a loud scream of sheer horror assaulted his ears.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome gasped as she wondered who the hanyou's latest victim was. She looked up at the demon lord. “You have to do something before we all suffer the same fate as whoever that was that just screamed.”
Sesshoumaru agreed with the miko. If what she said he was doing was what he was actually doing; then no living being was safe. “Come girl.” He ordered as he began walking in the direction he scented his idiot sibling.
Kagome followed behind Sesshoumaru watching his behind and trying to fight off the urge to reach out and grab his perfectly sculpted hard ass. It was a futile fight at best and she really wasn't fighting off the urge anyway. Sure it had been a little over a year since they `relieved' his heat and she hadn't touched him since; but she felt that because she had touched him in every way possible she was well within her rights to touch him however she wanted; and by damn she was going to do just that.
The demon lord of the west spun around casting a deadly glare upon the girl.
“What?!” Kagome questioned innocently; although she was hardly innocent.
“If you wish to keep your head attached to your body you will refrain from touching this Sesshoumaru in such a manner again.”
Kagome sighed. “Fine; but if you weren't such a hotty of a demon I would be a little more inclined to keep my hands to myself.”
“You will suppress your urges.” He growled.
She rolled her eyes dramatically. “Yea, I'll suppress them.” She conceded sarcastically. “Only when you're looking.” She mumbled under her breath knowing full well he could hear her.
Before Sesshoumaru could respond a hanyou clad in red charged through the trees towards them; growling menacingly. “MINE!”
“Oh Kami!” Kagome panicked as she tried to stealthily hide behind the demon lord. “Kill him Sesshou.” She pleaded. “Before he does it.”
Sesshoumaru eyed his sibling with thorough disgust. “Half-breed” He growled while trying to avoid having the image of the hanyou's state burned into his mind for eternity.
Inuyasha glanced briefly at his brother before his eyes quickly landed on the being hiding behind him. “Mine” He growled again as he began walking towards the frightened girl.
Sesshoumaru caught the hanyou by the neck and brought him up to eye level. “Half-breed you will cease this behavior.” He ordered and to emphasize his point he gave the hanyou a good shake before throwing him to the ground.
Inuyasha shook his head as he looked up at his brother from his position on his hands and knees. As he stared at his brother a thought passed through his mind. `Sesshoumaru is MY brother. My brother… My… brother. MY BROTHER!' He stared at the elder Taishou. “Mine” He growled as he jumped to his feet.
Sesshoumaru stared at the hanyou and although his appearance didn't show it; on the inside he was beyond shock. `He wouldn't… He would die first.' He growled to himself as his eyes narrowed to tiny little slits.
Inuyasha rose to his feet and stalked towards his brother with every intention of marking his brother as his forever.
Kagome `eeped' and bolted away from the two siblings. “SESSHOUMARU! RUN BEFORE HE GETS YOU TOO!” She cried in panic. If Inuyasha got Sesshoumaru she would never again feel compelled to touch the demon lord. Which would be a shame; a damn damn shame!
Run? He would never do such a thing… although with what Inuyasha had in mind of doing to him, he just might consider it. “Half-breed.” He growled threateningly.
Inuyasha paid no mind to the threat before him as he stood in front of his brother. His mind kept screaming at him that everything around him was his and he had to do what he was doing so that all would know that it belonged to him.
Sesshoumaru's eyes widened a fraction as his simpleton of a sibling stepped up to him; so close that their bodies were almost touching, and readied himself to mark him. However before Sesshoumaru could do anything to stop the hanyou, the girl's high pitched screech made his ears ring as the hanyou was plowed three feet into the hard ground.
Sesshoumaru looked over to where the girl was; peaking around a tree with wide fearful eyes. “Miko” He growled.
“What?!” She questioned; clearly expecting his gratitude. “I was only trying to save your from a fate worse than death.”
“This Sesshoumaru did not need your assistance.” He growled in agitation.
Kagome rolled her eyes. “Yea I could tell; based on how you were doing absolutely nothing to stop him!” She bit back. “Besides had he actually got you…” She trailed off as images of Sesshoumaru being marked crossed her mind; forcing her to give off a full body shudder of disgust. “I just don't think I would ever be able to respect you again.”
Sesshoumaru couldn't believe she actually thought that he was going to do nothing to stop the hanyou from marking him. He would deal with her; once he dealt sufficiently with his idiot of a younger half-brother. Sesshoumaru looked down at his grounded sibling. “Hanyou” He started.
Kagome watched from behind the tree and suddenly found herself gagging and fighting to keep her breakfast in her stomach where it belonged. She couldn't believe that Sesshoumaru had just did that and moreover that she had just stood there doing nothing to stop him. “EEWWWW!” She cried out; knowing that this day would forever be burned into her retinas and at some point; in her immediate future, she would be telling a therapist about this day.
Sesshoumaru turned towards the girl and narrowed his eyes at her. “Now wench you will come.” He growled leaving no room for her disobedience. As she very hesitantly made her way to his side; he looked down at his simpleton of a half-brother. “Hanyou you are a disgrace and now belong to this Sesshoumaru.”
Inuyasha lay in his hanyou shaped crater grumbling and cursing his elder brother to hell and back several times. All that work of marking all that belonged to him was for naught; for now it all belonged to Sesshoumaru.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome whispered as she kept her distance from the now dirty, only half clothed, and now disgustingly wet hanyou. “Perhaps you should go take a bath.” She suggested nervously, praying that she wasn't slated for the same fate as Inuyasha and her companions she left back at camp. A large clawed hand on her shoulder tore her attention from her pitifully displayed friend. Looking up into the golden eyes of the demon lord she chuckled nervously. “Guess it's over… huh.”
His gold eyes narrowed even further. “Hardly” He stated smoothly as he began to drag her away.