InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Fairytale Come True ❯ A Talk With Step Mommy Dearest & Costume Panic ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A Fairytale Come True
Ch.4 A Talk With Step Mommy Dearest & Costume Panic
~A Week Later~
�Linda can I ask you something?�, Kagome asked.
�Yeah and hurry up I�m trying to tan�, said Linda from the tanning booth thingy (I don�t know what its called).
�I was wondering if I could go to the Homecoming dance?�
�Honey there�s something I always wanted to tell you.� She stepped out naked which scared Kagome for life. <AH! My eyes! God woman put something on> It was almost like she heard her because right after she thought that Linda got a towel.
�Your not very pretty and your not very bright�� wow I feel so much better.�
�Kagome close your mouth you�ll catch flies and by the way the answers no.� With that said she left her there with her mouth still open.
<WHAT! Not pretty? Look who�s talking. She could break a mirror. And not smart! I get damn A�s in every freaken class. Even math which I hate!>
<God I hate her��well can�t say I didn�t try.>
�Now I guess I should be on my way to the diner.�
�Yeah thanks Rin�, said Sango. She was dressed in a beautiful magneta dress that reached right before her knees and it had wings attached on the back.
�So who�s taking you?�
�Uhh well believe it or not it�s the boy I told you about. The one who gropes me every chance he gets.�
�Wow!�, said Kagome surprised.
�AH! Where did you come from?� Breathing heavily she looked at Kagome waiting for an answer.
�Well I think its called a door.�
�Hahaha�very funny Kagome.�
�Sorry Sango�
�Hey Kagome why aren�t you dressed up?�, asked Rin.
�Evil step mom said no�
�What! But Kagome you have to go! Remember you said you were gonna meet your prince.�
Kagome was busy instant messaging on her computer that she didn�t notice Sango go in her room.
�Sooooo who is he?�
�WHA! Oh its just you. You almost scared the shit outta me.�
�Yeah yeah yeah whatever so come on spill.�
�It�s a guy I met in the Princeton chat room.�
�He asked me to go to the homecoming dance with him.�
�Wow! Really its so romantic.�
�If you say so�
~End Flashback~
�Can�t you sneak out?� <Poor Kags she�s going to have to stay home, but maybe we can work something out.>
�I don�t know Sango�
�Kagome! Come down here!�, called her step mom.
�I�ll be picking up the girl�s by 12 and I want you to be at the diner when I come back. If I come back and your not there���
�Yes Linda I know.�
~End Flashback~
�Well now that I think about it she said she was going to pick Kikyo and Kagura by 12 so I�ll I have to do is be at the diner by 12.�
�Great thinking Kags!�
�But I can�t anyways I don�t have a costume.� Sighing for the umpteenth time she went back to cleaning.
�Kagome you will go! It�s only 9:30 Homecoming starts at 10:30 as far as Sango fairy here told me�, said Rin.
�But I don�t have a costume!�
�No problem come with me, you to fairy! And Kaede watch over the diner for me for awhile.� Running to the car the girls left to Rin�s house.
A/N if you didn�t get it by now Sango is a mageneta colored fairy!
~Rin�s House~
�Where is it��I know its in here�..AHA!� Holding the dress up in front of Kagome she asked, �Well isn�t it beautiful?�
�Yes it is, but I can�t Rin its yours�
�Oh cut the mushy crap Kagome. You are going to wear it! Or else I�ll make you clean the toilets!� Rin of course was teasing, but she knew how Kagome hated cleaning the toilets.
�Thank you Rin.� Hugging her she went to put on the dress.
�Uhhh so why am I here?�, asked Sango feeling left out.
�You�re the makeup artist�, said Rin smiling.
~Two mins. later~
�Wow you look beautiful!� Both Rin and Sango said.
The dress was a beautiful black with just a hint of blue. The top part had fake blackish-blue diamonds and the bottom part was a long puffy skirt (Like one of those dresses princesses wear) that reached down to the ground.
�You really think so?�, she asked blushing.
�Of course�, said Rin.
�Now I can do your makeup and when I�m done Rin can do your hair.�, Sango said excited for her friend.
~20 mins. Later~
Looking at herself in the mirror she couldn�t believe it was her. Her long wavy hair was now curly thanks to Rin and Sango had put on light gray eye shadow with a small hint of blue and shiny lip gloss on her.
�Thanks you guys!� Hugging them she looked back at the mirror.
�There�s something missing.�, said Rin.
�Yeah I think so too��..I know! A mask!� Yelled Sango.
�Yes that�s it! Hurry up let�s go to the store before it closes!�
~In front of store~
�Please Jankotsu let us in please! I�ll give you free breakfast for a week!� Pleaded Rin.
�Oh I don�t know�, biting his pinky he said, �Oh fine, but make it a month.�
�Thank you!�
~Minutes later~
�I can�t find anyone that matches you guys�, said Kagome.
Looking around Rin spotted one in the glass counter.
�Jankotsu give me that mask!� She yelled.
�This one?� He said handing her it.
�Yes this one is perfect try it on Kagome!�
�Ok� Putting it over her eyes she asked, �So how does it look?�
�Perfect, but something else is missing. What are you suppose to be?� Pondering a bit Rin came to a blank.
�OH! I know a vampire princess!�, said Sango.
�Oh well I guess its your lucky day lady�s I have these fangs and before you interrupt its not those cheap plastic ones you can�t talk with there fangs you stick on your own human fangs. There very comfortable. I actually sold another one of these yesterday.�, said Jankotsu giving Kagome the fangs.
�Awesome!� Putting them on she tried talking a bit to see if the were comfortable.
�Now let�s go or you girls will be late. I�ll pay by the way.�
�Thank you Rin again. You�re the best.�
A/N If you saw the movie you can see I made a few changes here and there. R & R it makes me feel proud of my fic. And check out my bio I wrote an upcoming idea for another Inuyasha fic. Hmmm who did Jankotsu sell those fangs? And yes I have seen fake fangs like these. There were at Hot Topic, but unfortunately I didn�t get them! (It was Halloween)
Ch.4 A Talk With Step Mommy Dearest & Costume Panic
~A Week Later~
�Linda can I ask you something?�, Kagome asked.
�Yeah and hurry up I�m trying to tan�, said Linda from the tanning booth thingy (I don�t know what its called).
�I was wondering if I could go to the Homecoming dance?�
�Honey there�s something I always wanted to tell you.� She stepped out naked which scared Kagome for life. <AH! My eyes! God woman put something on> It was almost like she heard her because right after she thought that Linda got a towel.
�Your not very pretty and your not very bright�� wow I feel so much better.�
�Kagome close your mouth you�ll catch flies and by the way the answers no.� With that said she left her there with her mouth still open.
<WHAT! Not pretty? Look who�s talking. She could break a mirror. And not smart! I get damn A�s in every freaken class. Even math which I hate!>
<God I hate her��well can�t say I didn�t try.>
�Now I guess I should be on my way to the diner.�
�Yeah thanks Rin�, said Sango. She was dressed in a beautiful magneta dress that reached right before her knees and it had wings attached on the back.
�So who�s taking you?�
�Uhh well believe it or not it�s the boy I told you about. The one who gropes me every chance he gets.�
�Wow!�, said Kagome surprised.
�AH! Where did you come from?� Breathing heavily she looked at Kagome waiting for an answer.
�Well I think its called a door.�
�Hahaha�very funny Kagome.�
�Sorry Sango�
�Hey Kagome why aren�t you dressed up?�, asked Rin.
�Evil step mom said no�
�What! But Kagome you have to go! Remember you said you were gonna meet your prince.�
Kagome was busy instant messaging on her computer that she didn�t notice Sango go in her room.
�Sooooo who is he?�
�WHA! Oh its just you. You almost scared the shit outta me.�
�Yeah yeah yeah whatever so come on spill.�
�It�s a guy I met in the Princeton chat room.�
�He asked me to go to the homecoming dance with him.�
�Wow! Really its so romantic.�
�If you say so�
~End Flashback~
�Can�t you sneak out?� <Poor Kags she�s going to have to stay home, but maybe we can work something out.>
�I don�t know Sango�
�Kagome! Come down here!�, called her step mom.
�I�ll be picking up the girl�s by 12 and I want you to be at the diner when I come back. If I come back and your not there���
�Yes Linda I know.�
~End Flashback~
�Well now that I think about it she said she was going to pick Kikyo and Kagura by 12 so I�ll I have to do is be at the diner by 12.�
�Great thinking Kags!�
�But I can�t anyways I don�t have a costume.� Sighing for the umpteenth time she went back to cleaning.
�Kagome you will go! It�s only 9:30 Homecoming starts at 10:30 as far as Sango fairy here told me�, said Rin.
�But I don�t have a costume!�
�No problem come with me, you to fairy! And Kaede watch over the diner for me for awhile.� Running to the car the girls left to Rin�s house.
A/N if you didn�t get it by now Sango is a mageneta colored fairy!
~Rin�s House~
�Where is it��I know its in here�..AHA!� Holding the dress up in front of Kagome she asked, �Well isn�t it beautiful?�
�Yes it is, but I can�t Rin its yours�
�Oh cut the mushy crap Kagome. You are going to wear it! Or else I�ll make you clean the toilets!� Rin of course was teasing, but she knew how Kagome hated cleaning the toilets.
�Thank you Rin.� Hugging her she went to put on the dress.
�Uhhh so why am I here?�, asked Sango feeling left out.
�You�re the makeup artist�, said Rin smiling.
~Two mins. later~
�Wow you look beautiful!� Both Rin and Sango said.
The dress was a beautiful black with just a hint of blue. The top part had fake blackish-blue diamonds and the bottom part was a long puffy skirt (Like one of those dresses princesses wear) that reached down to the ground.
�You really think so?�, she asked blushing.
�Of course�, said Rin.
�Now I can do your makeup and when I�m done Rin can do your hair.�, Sango said excited for her friend.
~20 mins. Later~
Looking at herself in the mirror she couldn�t believe it was her. Her long wavy hair was now curly thanks to Rin and Sango had put on light gray eye shadow with a small hint of blue and shiny lip gloss on her.
�Thanks you guys!� Hugging them she looked back at the mirror.
�There�s something missing.�, said Rin.
�Yeah I think so too��..I know! A mask!� Yelled Sango.
�Yes that�s it! Hurry up let�s go to the store before it closes!�
~In front of store~
�Please Jankotsu let us in please! I�ll give you free breakfast for a week!� Pleaded Rin.
�Oh I don�t know�, biting his pinky he said, �Oh fine, but make it a month.�
�Thank you!�
~Minutes later~
�I can�t find anyone that matches you guys�, said Kagome.
Looking around Rin spotted one in the glass counter.
�Jankotsu give me that mask!� She yelled.
�This one?� He said handing her it.
�Yes this one is perfect try it on Kagome!�
�Ok� Putting it over her eyes she asked, �So how does it look?�
�Perfect, but something else is missing. What are you suppose to be?� Pondering a bit Rin came to a blank.
�OH! I know a vampire princess!�, said Sango.
�Oh well I guess its your lucky day lady�s I have these fangs and before you interrupt its not those cheap plastic ones you can�t talk with there fangs you stick on your own human fangs. There very comfortable. I actually sold another one of these yesterday.�, said Jankotsu giving Kagome the fangs.
�Awesome!� Putting them on she tried talking a bit to see if the were comfortable.
�Now let�s go or you girls will be late. I�ll pay by the way.�
�Thank you Rin again. You�re the best.�
A/N If you saw the movie you can see I made a few changes here and there. R & R it makes me feel proud of my fic. And check out my bio I wrote an upcoming idea for another Inuyasha fic. Hmmm who did Jankotsu sell those fangs? And yes I have seen fake fangs like these. There were at Hot Topic, but unfortunately I didn�t get them! (It was Halloween)