InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A fiary live ❯ Meeting you ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

In a warm summer night I walk down the steep path that is very wet and very dangerous though I do not care because nothing can bother me. The trees are singing as they do at night and magic is in the air. Its kind of like the type of magic which I can see but not many people can because they are not magical beings. Well as I am half way down the hill there are people that are trying to get up but can't . It's a pretty funny sight to see but there is one person that catches my eye. A young girl about marital age that is wearing the most revealing outfit that I have ever seen. It is green that just covers a few inches down her butt. Though the girl is quite breathtaking doesn't matter she shouldn't be wearing that type of stuff. If I had wanted I could have taken advantage of her and there is nothing she can do about it, stupid girl.


Well as I keep looking girl I had forgotten to conceal myself on the slope I shouldn't have done that now I probably offended her mate by looking at her. Her hate looks like he's going to explode of anger and the girl looks very red. I have better stop this before he takes any offence and tries to fight me for thinking I am looking at his mate the wrong way.


"Pardon me for my staring My name is Akasha and if there is anything I have done to annoy you I give my deepest apologies its just that I have never seen someone wear anything so…openly exposed If I have offended you in any way silver haired half and his mate-


I had stopped instantly because both of them started blushing madly it was quite an amusing site. The one with the black hair talked first.


"Were not mates Inuysha and I were just friends." said the girl .and when she said that a spark appeared in the half demon Inuyasha


"Kagome I thought…"said inuyasha


Well maybe if you didn't see kikyo and then- Kagome gasped with her hand on her mouth then turned and little shade of pink.


"And then what kagome?" said inuyasha on a verge of guilt. I had sensed this inside of him when kagome had said that.


"Nothing." She replied but everyone knew she was lying.


Seeing people argue is kind of fu sometimes when you don't know them but this is starting to go a bit deeper into a realm I'd rather not venture into right now did they even know I was there? probably not.


"Um are you finished it because I would really like to continue going-" then a thought came on to me `why don't I go with them?' it would be nice to get a different view of scenery around here.


"If its no problem with you can I go with you to wherever you are going?" I said


Inuyasha had replied first "we can't have anymore trouble with people coming with you plus what the hell are you a demon, some kind of messed up human?


"Inuyasha…sit!" said kagome and he just smacked right onto the floor.


How did she do it is she a miko? Them she came right to me grabbed my hand and "We would be very happy I came with us." said kagome. Yay I get to go with the pretty girl and her half demon friend .



As we reached camp I saw three more people that were around a fire that was somehow giving warmth all around the camp. I saw three more people a demon slayer that had a very fit body, a monk with short black hair and dark eyes and an adorable little kitusen that was very short and very weak, didn't anyone train him? Probably not.


When they all saw me the kitusen and the demon slayer look at he with curiosity in their eyes and the monk look with a small amount of lust in his mixed with curiosity.


Kagome was the first to talk," Everyone this is Akasha she's coming with us." And just like that they all except me. They didn't change their mind and I was finally part of something again and something was warm inside my belly that told me things were going to change, in a good way.




"Hey kitusen can hand me my cloak its cold out here" I said and like an obedient person he gave it to me without question. Weird, he probably wants something from me because children are not supposed to be really obedient without questioning or complaint. Even if he is a demon he Is just a child."


"So kitusen what do you want from me if there's something you want just tell me I'm not going to beat you like inuyasha ha (chuckle)."


After giving pondering in his thoughts he spoke up, "Who are you Akasha.? Your don't look so much like a youkai or a human so what are you and who are you?


I could tell why he's asking me this. Its because I look very strange. My hair is soft short silver hair usually pulled up into a bun, dark blue eyes that usually shine that I got from my Grand Mama , pointed ears. I never grew any hair in my body except my head and medium sized wings which were easy to fly with and black nails. I knew I was beautiful in a bewitching way which was why I usually stayed out of people's way because men would usually try to take advantage of me. I usually never had sex with human men, only female humans and sometimes male demons. Its quite easy to obtain what I want because my magic usually enhances beauty. Being beautiful is nice but having men try to take advantage of you is not.


I didn't want to burden him with my past but I';; tell him my past he gave me my cloak and told me the truth of what he wanted so I'll tell him who I was and he'll be the first to know.


"kitusen I will not tell anyone but you cannot tell anyone and if you don't for a whole month on the full moon I'll give you a present. So promise you won't tell"


The kitusen whispered "Promise" How adorable!


As I told him my past and I call it my past life a found the kitusen sleeping and kagome watching us and coming closer sitting on the ground waiting for me to continue.


"Do you wish for me to continue kagome?" I asked


"Yes," she said