InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Foxes Heart ❯ A Foxes Dept ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: mistress-of-the-wolves 
The story behind the Dept is to be reveiled
(Sorry for some reason I can't seem to update)
Authors Note: I don't own YuYu Hakashu or InuYasha, But I do own this story If you copy it I will hunt you down.
This is a YuYu Hakashu Crossover
Note: I did not steal this story though the plot in the beginning is similar to Youko's Sister.
Youko's P.O.V
The surrounding area is a Torn apart 'there has been a battle here and not recently' I think a I race across the field after the scent of my old friends blood 'lets only hope their kits okay' He worries for the kits trail is old and since Shirion (I don't know Shippos Dads name) is dead he owes it to him to take care of his son since the old man helped him a number of times in the past 'There is the scent of humans near by the kit was probably taken, dirty humans and the stench is of a hanyo, interesting' I thought, 'I will find you Shippo'.
Author's Note: Sorry it's short my mom needed the computer and it is supposed to be a summery of why Youko wants to raise Shippo. I'll try to update as soon as possible but I have exam coming up (evil exams!!!!!! Wahhhh)
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance | Type: Crossover | Uploaded On: 10.28.2006 | Updated On: 11.04.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 12 | Visits: 1.2K | Status: Work In Progress

The story behind the Dept is to be reveiled
(Sorry for some reason I can't seem to update)
Authors Note: I don't own YuYu Hakashu or InuYasha, But I do own this story If you copy it I will hunt you down.
This is a YuYu Hakashu Crossover
Note: I did not steal this story though the plot in the beginning is similar to Youko's Sister.
Youko's P.O.V
The surrounding area is a Torn apart 'there has been a battle here and not recently' I think a I race across the field after the scent of my old friends blood 'lets only hope their kits okay' He worries for the kits trail is old and since Shirion (I don't know Shippos Dads name) is dead he owes it to him to take care of his son since the old man helped him a number of times in the past 'There is the scent of humans near by the kit was probably taken, dirty humans and the stench is of a hanyo, interesting' I thought, 'I will find you Shippo'.
Author's Note: Sorry it's short my mom needed the computer and it is supposed to be a summery of why Youko wants to raise Shippo. I'll try to update as soon as possible but I have exam coming up (evil exams!!!!!! Wahhhh)
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance | Type: Crossover | Uploaded On: 10.28.2006 | Updated On: 11.04.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 12 | Visits: 1.2K | Status: Work In Progress