InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Gift for Kagome ❯ A Touch of Concern ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 6 - A Touch of Concern
As they walked side by side towards the village in absolute silence, Kagome tried not to dwell on the fact that Inuyasha had once again found something better to do than be waiting when she said she'd return as promised. It was difficult to direct her mind elsewhere, but the sex god of a demon walking a few feet in front of her worked nicely as a distraction, so nicely in fact that she almost missed it when it started to snow.
She paused mid-step, taking in the sight of the flawless white flakes drifting through the darkness, clinging to tree branches and blades of grass. Her breath caught in her throat as she noticed another place the frozen ice crystals perched. They glittered and sparkled as they landed in Sesshoumaru's long silver hair, making the already iridescent silky material appear even more ethereal.
“Miko?” the demon inquired with disinterest in his tone, wondering what was going through her head that she'd just stop dead in the middle of the forest and apparently forget how to breathe.
If it wouldn't have been so undignified, Sesshoumaru would have rolled his eyes at her less than coherent response. “Miko, it is much too cold for a human to be standing about.”
Her brain finally returning to work, Kagome smiled. “Aww, Sesshoumaru, if I didn't know better I'd almost think you cared,” she said playfully before realizing what she was saying, or rather who she was saying it to.
The taiyoukai whirled on her, locking her in place with burning golden eyes. For a moment she could have sworn she saw something there, some emotion swirling just under the surface, but it was gone as quickly as it came. He turned his back to her once more without a word and started walking back again, not waiting to see if she was coming or not.