InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Hanyou Reborn, Kagome's Change of Heart ❯ The Clouds Roll By ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

             A rush of air escaped from his lips as Inuyasha continued to watch the patterns in the clouds from his spot in the grass. His arms were folded beneath his head, his ears were flickering about catching the giggles and shuffling of the grass as Kagome and Shippo played a game of tag. He closed his eyes again, and tried to ignore the thump echoing through the ground as Kagome ran over to him. Her shadow fell across his head, turning the deep orange he could see through his eyelids to black. He lifted one lid to gaze up at his wife’s smiling face, as she hovered over him.

“What?” He asked gruffly. Kagome giggled and lifted one hand from her knees to brush the bangs from her eyes.

“Come play tag Inuyasha, please. It’s not that fun with just the two of us, besides Shippo runs to fast and I always end up ‘it’” She pouted. Inuyasha scoffed and closed his eye again.

“Your always ‘it’ because you can’t run fast enough,” He told her. Kagome bonked him on the nose, letting out a huff.

“You’re so mean. I hope you aren’t this lazy when we have children of our own, because I don’t want to be the little housewife with no life, because my crummy hubby won’t watch the kids now and then”

Inuyasha looked up at her as she continued to rant at him, his eye shining with mischief and happiness at her small confession. He’d known that Kagome had wanted children, but he had never actually thought of it, until just now. He sat up and wrapped his arms around her waist, dragging her into his lap. She let out a surprised yelp, then fell silent. Her cheeks flamed under the scrutiny of his molten gaze.

“I will be the best father you’ve ever seen, to all ten of our children,” Inuyasha said. Kagome blinked wide eyes at him, before a wide grin settled on her pink lips.

“Ten? Don’t you think that’s a lot... You’re starting to sound like Miroku”

“Keh, I’m not nearly as lecherous. But for now we can think about one, maybe two. Both boys,” Inuyasha continued. Kagome laughed again, and thumped him on the chest.

“I want a little girl, and you can’t tell me that you don’t either,” She teased. Inuyasha smirked before he leaned in close, bringing his lips centimeters from her own.

“Of course, I just hope she doesn’t turn out to be a hopeless klutz, like you” He leaned forward to press his lips against hers as she sputtered at his insult. His lips quirked up further as he deepened the kiss. Kagome whimpered against him.

“EW! Gross, go find a hut!” The shrill shriek from Shippo had them both jumping apart, their cheeks flaming. Kagome quickly jumped up from his lap, to shoot him a scathing look before apologizing to Shippo, and telling him they needed to get back for lunch.

Inuyasha chuckled, and merrily leaned back on his arms, to watch the sky again. The clouds rolled past, and each one he could help but think looked like Kagome, with a round, pregnant tummy.