InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Hidden Angel ❯ Chapter 1: Belated Birthday Gift ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, but, I do own the idea of Arcangel and Socrates. For the record if I did own InuYasha I would lock up Sesshomaru for my naughty evil purposes.
**** A/N: Okay I know that it has been along time since I have written anything. I have also been getting reviews begging me to update. I profusely apologize. In the last two years my husband I have moved twice. Once was to Oklahoma for 6 months; the second was the move to Okinawa, Japan. We have finally settled in and I finally got a job, which ironically allows me to update this story. I work at a small library on a single marine base and it just so happens that this is the only time I have to write. I am going to slowly go through and refurbish all the other chapters; perhaps add more to them before continuing on with the story. (There will be a new A/N at the beginning of every chapter that I have refurbished.) Thank-you to the loyal readers that I have; they do make being a fanfic author worth while.
Chapter 1: Belated Birthday Gift
“Come on Kagome, we are going to see your father today!” Called her mother.
“Just a second, I am just brushing my hair.” Kagome answered back.
Once a year after her birthday the family would go visit her father. He had passed away when she was about 5, but, she felt as thought he was still watching over her. The doctors said that he passed away due to heart complications, but, he was too young for that…wasn't he?
~At the Grave Site~
“Mom, what was he like?” Kagome asked her mother, trying to remember anything about her father. It seemed that as the years passed she would forget a little more of him each time. The sound of his voice, the way he smelled and many other things just seemed to vanish. The memories that she did have she clung to, if it weren't for the pictures in the house she lived or the stories she constantly asked for she would have forgotten him entirely.
“He was a wonderful man; kind and caring. He always cared about the welfare of his family and valued friendship just as you do. I know that you fear forgetting him, but, it you take a good look at yourself; many of your mannerisms mirror his. You were always so precious to him as was your little brother, always calling you `his little angel'. I do miss him, but, then I realize what precious memories he left behind. You remember more about him than you think.” Her mom replied.
“I suppose you are right, but, I can't help thinking that I am slowly losing forgetting. The more I get wrapped up in school and the Feudal Era that I think less and less about him,” Kagome said looking down at her father's tombstone, “The thing I remember most about Dad is that he passed away right after I got over phenomena. Sometimes I think that I am the one responsible for him having problems with his heart. That maybe if I hadn't insisted playing in the snow with him and not gotten sick that he would still be here today.”
Her mother looked away, “You really shouldn't think that way about yourself. When you got sick we were all very worried about you, and the doctors said that you were so far gone that you wouldn't pull through. Your father, however, hadn't doubted your would recover for a minuet, he said that you were strong and could fight anything that challenged you! He wanted to be there for you and he was. Your being sick had nothing to do with his health; he was already putting a strain on his heart with that dig he went on just before your illness. He kept on saying that they had just made a break though and needed to just push a little further. You would think that he found some long lost ancestor or something the way he went on about it.” Kagome's mother sighed and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Well the must have found something, because, just after that he made it home and was able to play with you and your brother. … I should have known then that something was wrong with him; he looked really pale, was often short of breath and would often lose his train of thought. On the other hand I can't say that it surprises me wither, he was always so good at hiding his pain so that others could live on…One thing is for sure though; he had faith in you, just as I do.”
Kagome was silently crying at her mother's omission. She had never known that her father was becoming ill. She had also never known that her father had actually found something at that god awful archeological dig near Mt.Fuji. “Oh mom, no one could have known what father was going through. Just as you said he always had a way of hiding what was wrong with him. I just wish that I could have had more time with him. He always told me about what happened on his digging excursions I wonder what it could have been to have kept him from telling me.” Kagome said and began to openly weep.
“Don't cry my dear, he wanted you to live and you have. Be happy for that,” Her mother said wiping the tears from her face, “Your father wanted you to have a full and happy life. I am certain that he would not want you to be weeping at a time so important in your life. You are a woman now and I think that now is the perfect time to give you this. Your father told me to give it to you on your eighteenth birthday.” Kagome's mother pulled out what looked like a small old rusted box. “I know that your birthday was yesterday, but, I thought that it would be more appropriate to give it to you here.”
“Do you know what it is?” Kagome asked looking at the box like it might magically open itself. What could her father have left for her that she could only receive now? What ever his reason she was sure it had to be a good one. At this point in her life she wasn't about to question the purpose of anything.
“Not really, but, he did say that you should open it in private.” Her mother said with a shrug. “Perhaps he knew that your brother would be a snoop all along.” She finished with a laugh. “Do you know where you'll open in?”
“I suppose he did. Maybe I'll open the `mysterious' box tonight in the Feudal Era. I am sure that I can get more privacy there than there.” Kagome said and sighed, `Unless a certain hanyou wants to be difficult.'
“That's a fine idea. Seems fitting to open something that looks ancient in an ancient time; we need to get going though, if you want to get back in the Feudal Ear by night fall.” Her mother said pointing to the sky as the sun began to set. As if on cue the sun began to pull at the cords of the sky setting it a fire with hues of purple and orange signaling the inevitable ending of the day.
Kagome sighed and stroked the headstone which held her father's name, “Your right,” she said looking down at the cold stone one last time and whispered, “Thank-you, I am sure that I'll love it!”
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Next time…..Chapter 2: The Gauntlet