InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Little Faith ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and its characters are created by Rumiko Takahashi, not me, but the new plots and the original characters (Akiyama, Katsuo, Natsumi, Shin, Isamu and Moriko) are mine. This fanfiction had been written for entertainment purposes only and without intention of infringing upon any copyright.
A/N: Thank you for all the reviews for the last chapter! Here is the next chapter for your reading pleasure. It's a long one, so get comfortable and please enjoy!
A Little Faith by elle6778 - Chapter 13
Sesshoumaru jerked, his eyes snapping up until his gaze landed on a familiar pair of golden orbs. Clad in his usual jeans and red top, Inuyasha was peering at him curiously from across the dojo. Irked at the interruption to his task of recollecting his memories, Sesshoumaru's lips instantly tightened.
“Inuyasha,” Sesshoumaru ground out. “One would think that after so many centuries, you would learn the value of self preservation.”
“Keh! Threatening me again?” Inuyasha retorted. Then he leapt forward until they were about an arm's length apart. “What's up with you anyway?” he asked gruffly, dropping to his haunches.
Still seated cross-legged on the dojo mat, Sesshoumaru simply stared wordlessly at his brother.
Gesturing in no particular direction, Inuyasha continued impatiently, “You seem to be so out of it these days.”
Quirking a brow, Sesshoumaru asked dryly, “Are you concerned for my wellbeing, little brother?”
Inuyasha snorted. “I have better things to do. I came here to let you know that Myoga delivered the antidote to his mosquito friends.”
Perhaps if he ignored Inuyasha, the hanyou would leave him to his own thoughts. He still felt slightly numb from the flashes of his lost memories. The bond was broken by the miko, Sesshoumaru thought as his hands went up reflexively to his neck to feel the smooth skin. Such a thing would have inflicted no small amount of pain on her. And like his past self, he was gripped by an unfamiliar feeling of remorse.
He knew now that the incident could have been handled in a more delicate manner, instead of the path chosen by his past self. What his past self had done was bordering on dishonorable, and Sesshoumaru felt nothing but distaste at those actions.
“He said that in a couple of days, everyone would be bitten.” Inuyasha laughed before he continued, “Can you imagine being vaccinated by mosquitoes? Whatever Naraku is planning, at least his poison won't work anymore on both humans and demons.”
Sesshoumaru glanced down to his folded hands. What concerned him most was his reaction to the entire event. Looking back, he was certain that the miko and Katsuo had not copulated. However, it appeared that his past self had been simply too distraught and too caught up in his own distress to realize that. Although there had been a scent of arousal, there was none which indicated that they had rutted. Therefore, the bond must have been broken by some other means.
His past self might not comprehend it, but five centuries had given him a slightly wider perspective. And Sesshoumaru could tell from the flashes of his memories that he had formed an attachment to the miko. The astonishing thing was that the attachment seemed to be independent of the bond. He, Sesshoumaru, had cared for the miko and in reaction to that, he wanted to distance himself from the miko. Hence his decision to set her free.
It was odd how obvious everything was, now that he looked upon the events from afar.
“Damn it, Sesshoumaru! Are you listening?” Inuyasha snapped impatiently.
Sesshoumaru flicked his eyes at the scowling hanyou with annoyance. However, before he could say anything, his senses pricked at him. Inuyasha's sudden stillness told him that the hanyou had also sensed the same thing.
“Did you feel that?” Inuyasha asked quietly, slowly getting to his feet, his expression displaying his wariness.
It was a heavy pulse of demonic energy. One which was oddly familiar. It did not take long before Sesshoumaru recognized it for what it was. When comprehension dawned, a slow smile grew upon his lips.
The sword was complete.
Without a single word to Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru stood up and strode out of the door leading to the outside of the dojo.
“Oi! Where are you going?”
Sesshoumaru did not bother to reply. After all, this had nothing to do with Inuyasha. In a flash, he morphed into his energy orb and sped through the late afternoon sky, his senses directing his travel. The heavy pulse of demonic energy intensified as he traveled, until his eyes detected a red glow in the distance. It looked as if it originated from an abandoned building.
Sesshoumaru swooped down towards it, and then slipped through a broken window. When he rematerialized, his gaze instantly snapped to a wall at the end of what appeared to be an old living room. His eyes widened slightly at the view which greeted him.
“The blade… Toukijin,” Kaijinbou choked out as he gripped the hilt of the sword which was buried in his chest, thick red blood covering his hands. His blood dripped down, smearing the peeled wall. “P-Please, get Toukijin away from me.”
Then the demonic sword pulsed once, and Sesshoumaru watched with interest as the swordsmith's flesh began to turn to dust.
What used to be Kaijinbou was now nothing but a shrunken skeleton covered in tattered clothing, pinned to the wall. The scent of blood was thick in the air, but Sesshoumaru could not take his eyes away from the pulsing sword. It was clear that the strength of sword had driven the swordsmith insane, up to the point that he was unable to refrain from killing himself under the sword's influence.
Sesshoumaru smirked. Such a sword could only be wielded by one with great strength and self-discipline.
Suddenly, his senses alerted him to an approaching demon. His eyes narrowed when the identity of the intruder sank in. Turning around smoothly, he waited until Naraku presented himself.
“Why, Sesshoumaru,” the hanyou drawled as he stepped into the dusty room. “How nice to see you here.”
Sesshoumaru regarded Naraku wordlessly, his lips curling slightly in distaste. He did not need to ask Naraku for his reason of being there. Undoubtedly, the hanyou had felt the power of Toukijin and recognized a part of Goshinki in it.
“I believe you have something of mine,” Naraku continued, apparently unfazed by his silence.
Raising a brow, Sesshoumaru asked levelly, “And what might that be?”
Flicking his gaze at the sword, Naraku said, “I think you know.”
“Enlighten me.”
Naraku's expression tightened. “You dare to stand there and say that the sword was not forged from some part of Goshinki? Goshinki belongs to be. And now, that sword belongs to me.”
“He attacked what is mine and this sword is the repayment for his foolishness,” Sesshoumaru pointed out calmly. Inside, he was seething at the fact that Naraku did not even bother to deny his involvement with Goshinki. The hanyou was certainly foolish if he thought to challenge this Sesshoumaru in such a manner.
Naraku widened his eyes. Then the corner of his lips tilted as he bowed mockingly. “I see. I apologize for my underling's misdemeanor.”
Sesshoumaru had to refrain from growling. Insincerity seeped out of Naraku's words and if there was something Sesshoumaru despised, it was this particular trait which Naraku seemed to have an unending supply of. Perhaps, while they were still conversing, he should attempt to question the hanyou.
Watching Naraku carefully, Sesshoumaru asked smoothly, “It has come to my attention that you are responsible for the recent rising of demonic activities in Japan.”
Naraku arched a brow, his smile still intact. “I'm pleased that you've noticed.”
Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed. One could hardly miss such a thing. “What is your purpose in attacking us?” he asked, even though he knew that it was unlikely for Naraku to give him a straightforward reply.
“You think too much of yourself, Sesshoumaru. It's not only you I'm interested in. I have a bigger plan,” Naraku replied in a mocking tone.
Willing himself to remain calm, Sesshoumaru intoned, “You will cease your foolishness.”
Naraku simply laughed. “Surely you don't think I was going to obey your orders, Sesshoumaru.”
“Perhaps it would be healthier for you if you do so,” Sesshoumaru rebutted, injecting a hint of threat in his voice.
“And if I refuse?” Naraku retorted.
“Then you will suffer the consequences.”
“Is that a threat?” Naraku asked silkily, his smile now gone.
Sesshoumaru smirked. “A promise.”
Naraku raised a brow. “And you don't even want to know why I'm doing this?”
“It doesn't interest me.”
“It might interest you once you hear what I have to say,” Naraku persisted. “I assure you, if we work together, it will benefit both of us.”
Sesshoumaru simply regarded him silently. It would do no harm to listen to the hanyou's reasons. Nevertheless, it would change nothing of his dislike for Naraku's schemes.
Taking his silence as a sign to continue, Naraku went ahead, “You see, Sesshoumaru. A number of demons, me included, are not too happy about the way things are nowadays. Actually, you'd be surprised just how many of us share the same view.”
“Differences in opinions are inevitable,” Sesshoumaru pointed out. An unfamiliar feeling of trepidation crept up his spine when he realized what Naraku had in mind.
Naraku nodded. “True. But in this case, we can do something about it. Why do demons have to hide and conceal themselves when we are the stronger species? With our powers, we could rise and rule the world, instead of bowing down to the human culture.”
“Have you forgotten why it was deemed necessary in the first place?” Sesshoumaru asked, keeping his tone even.
Snorting, Naraku returned, “That's because we were not working together. If demons work together, then the world is ours. It's simple.”
“You speak of the strength of demons, and yet, you are half human.”
Naraku's face contorted into an expression of disgust. “There is nothing of that filthy human bandit in me,” he declared heatedly.
Sesshoumaru smirked. He seemed to have touched a nerve. So, Naraku wish to rule the world had stemmed from his own feelings of inadequacy due to his heritage. How pathetic. At least now, Sesshoumaru understood the reason behind the attacks. And that Naraku needed to be stopped before his scheme advanced further.
Ensuring that his expression remained bland, Sesshoumaru asked, “Who else?”
The insincere smile returned to Naraku's lips. “Now, I'm afraid I can't divulge such information. However, if you join us, I'd be more than happy to enlighten you.”
If there was no more information to be gained, there was no longer any need for pretence. Sesshoumaru's lips curled. “I decline.”
Naraku's eyes narrowed in anger just as Sesshoumaru's senses tingled at the approach of a familiar youki. It was not long before the owner of said youki landed at the window, Tetsusaiga propped on one shoulder.
“Inuyasha. Do not interfere,” Sesshoumaru warned.
“So what's all the fuss?” Inuyasha snapped as he jumped from the sill. His eyes narrowed as he saw Naraku. “Should have known that you'd be involved. What is your problem anyway?”
Naraku smirked at him. “No problem at all.” Then his eyes narrowed. “Not after I send you and your brother to your miserable deaths.” With that, he raised an arm.
A series of tentacles exploded from the hanyou, striking out towards them. In a swift move, Sesshoumaru lunged to one side. Out of the corner of his eyes, he noted that Inuyasha had gone the opposite direction, Tetsusaiga now unsheathed. For a brief moment, Sesshoumaru felt the rise of his ire that their father had chosen to bestow the sword upon Inuyasha, instead of him. Then he brushed the thought away. He did not need Tetsusaiga now that Toukijin was within reach, he thought as he flexed his claws.
While Inuyasha charged forward, fangs bared, Sesshoumaru flicked a glance at the sword which was still embedded in the wall. Toukijin was his objective all along, not Naraku. The dark haired hanyou was simply a distraction.
The sound of metal slicing through flesh sounded, followed by a grunt. A quick glance told Sesshoumaru that although Inuyasha had managed to slice off one of Naraku's tentacles, it was a pointless action, since the tentacle slithered back to Naraku soon afterwards. Growling, Inuyasha charged again. Jumping away from Inuyasha's attack, Naraku directed his hungry gaze towards Toukijin. His intent was clear.
No, such a sword would not belong to such a lowly hanyou, Sesshoumaru thought as he immediately streaked across the room. As his fingers closed around Toukijin's hilt, Naraku released a roar of anger.
Inuyasha laughed mockingly as he swung Tetsusaiga forward. “Lost something, Naraku?”
More tentacles exploded from Naraku's back as he rounded on Inuyasha. “You will die tonight,” he spat.
Ignoring the commotion around him, Sesshoumaru pulled the sword out of the wall, observing impassively as Kaijinbou's skeleton turned to ash. Marveling at the pulsing demonic power, Sesshoumaru did nothing to prevent a smirk from reaching his lips as he held Toukijin in front of him. His arms thrummed as the sword flared dark red in an attempt to gain control over his body. Sesshoumaru smirk widened as he expanded his youki, forcing the sword to obey his command.
Toukijin flared red last time before it simmered down in obeisance. Satisfaction coursed through him.
Then Sesshoumaru spun around to face the fighting half-demons, feeling a rush of anticipation at the pending battle. Toukijin would be tested today. It would prove its own worth.
“Inuyasha. Step aside,” Sesshoumaru instructed smoothly.
Naraku laughed. “You finally decide to save your little brother?” he mocked as he flung a dark tentacle towards Inuyasha.
“Shut up and fight!” Inuyasha snapped as he tore another of Naraku's tentacle away.
“Inuyasha,” Sesshoumaru gritted out in warning as he tightened his grip on Toukijin. He could not attack while Inuyasha was in the way. His father would be most displeased if his eldest killed his youngest pup.
Ducking another tentacle, Inuyasha retorted irritably, “Can't you see I'm busy here?”
Sesshoumaru's lips thinned in annoyance. So be it, he thought as he raised his free hand. With a flick of his wrist, his poison whip snapped out towards Inuyasha. His brother's eyes widened slightly before he launched himself out of the way. Finally.
“Hey! What the hell was that for?” Inuyasha bellowed indignantly.
Ignoring Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru held the Toukijin in front of him and focused his power on the dark-haired hanyou. Naraku took a wary step backwards but before he could move further, a bright bolt of energy shot out from Toukijin towards the hanyou.
Eyes widening, Naraku's held his arms out and a purple barrier instantly formed around him. A snarl escaped his lips as he glared murderously at Sesshoumaru through the barrier.
Unperturbed, Sesshoumaru channeled more youki into the blade. To his satisfaction, Toukijin obeyed once again, delivering another blast towards the barrier. The air shook with the buildup of energy as Naraku's barrier wavered under the attack.
Through the barrier, Sesshoumaru saw Naraku smirk before he lifted his arms.
The sudden burst of energy nearly threw him back, but Sesshoumaru stood his ground as smoke filled the room. When the smoke cleared, Naraku was nowhere to be seen. Sesshoumaru's lips thinned in annoyance. Their past encounters were nothing but minor skirmishes over territory, but now it appeared that Naraku had grown stronger and more ambitious. And increasingly foolish. Now that he knew what Naraku was up to, the only thing left to do was to stop him. Unfortunately, destroying Naraku was harder than he had anticipated. He needed to come up with a plan, and fast.
“Damn it! I'd forgotten that he always does that. Coward,” Inuyasha gritted out as he resheathed Tetsusaiga. Then his eyes went to Toukijin. “What the hell is that?”
Sesshoumaru quirked a brow.
Inuyasha huffed and turned around. “Never mind. I don't want to know. I'm heading back home,” he said as he jumped onto the window sill. “You coming?”
Sesshoumaru's eyes went to the sword slung over Inuyasha's shoulders and his brows creased in a frown when something occurred to him. Tetsusaiga's appearance had been and still was a mystery to all of them. Neither of them could remember how it had ended up with Inuyasha.
The pattern fitted the rest of the unexplained occurrences in the past, such as Inuyasha's release.
After the last flashback, Sesshoumaru was certain that he understood the mystery surrounding Inuyasha's release from the Goshinboku. The hanyou had been released by the miko.
The events leading to Tetsusaiga's appearance, however, still remained unknown.
The hanyou stilled and then glanced over his shoulders, quirking a questioning brow as he did so.
“Do you recall how did you obtain Tetsusaiga?” Sesshoumaru asked evenly.
Still perched on the window sill, Inuyasha's eyes widened slightly before he adopted his usual frown. “What are you talking about? We talked about this before, didn't we? I told you I don't remember a thing,” Inuyasha replied brashly.
Sesshoumaru's lips tightened at his tone, but pressed on, “It is possible that your memory might return. Have you experienced such a thing?”
The hanyou swallowed, his eyes flickering in obvious indecision. Then, slowly, he stepped down from the window sill. Lifting a hand, he rubbed the back of his neck, a definite sign of his uncertainty.
Impatient for an answer, Sesshoumaru gritted out, “It is a simple question, Inuyasha.”
“It's strange, but I've been having… dreams,” Inuyasha admitted quietly as his frown deepened.
So, the memory loss was affecting Inuyasha as well. It probably affected everyone in contact with the miko, seeing that those were the only memories which had been most elusive. It was… interesting that it only gradually returned in recent months.
“What does the dreams tell you?” Sesshoumaru asked.
Inuyasha's astonished eyes shot up to his. Then, lowering his gaze, he shook his head. “I can't believe you're not mocking me about this,” he muttered. A wary look then crossed his face. “What's wrong with you?”
Sesshoumaru suppressed the urge to flick sink his claws into his brother's throat. Was it so difficult for Inuyasha to simply answer the question?
Obviously sensing his displeasure, Inuyasha held his hands up. “Alright, I'm getting there! Don't lose it.” A pause followed before he continued, “It's going to sound strange. Tetsusaiga was hidden in father's tomb, in the place between life and death.”
Sesshoumaru's brow rose. How could they have traveled to such a place? “Impossible.”
Inuyasha laughed humorlessly. “Yeah, that's what I thought too. Look, forget it, alright? They are just dreams.”
“You will continue.”
Inuyasha blinked incredulously. “Huh? You actually believe this?”
“Inuyasha,” Sesshoumaru bit out in warning. His patience was wearing thin.
“Alright, alright!” Inuyasha continued, “It was stuck in a stone with some spell. Neither of us could pull it out. But there was this miko… She managed to pull it out.”
“Ridiculous,” Sesshoumaru intoned, disbelief lacing that one word. From what he could recall, as powerful as she had been, the miko's strength did not surpass his. Unless, of course, she had improved further. It was entirely possible, considering that his own flashbacks and dreams had not arrived at this point in time just yet.
Waving a dismissive hand, Inuyasha exclaimed gruffly, “Look, I feel stupid talking about this. So let it drop, alright?”
Sesshoumaru watched silently as the flustered hanyou jumped back onto the window sill and then disappeared from sight. Inuyasha's revelation proved to be interesting. From what he could discern, it appeared that the miko of the past would be spending more time with them. Unfortunately, Inuyasha did not seem inclined to continue with his description of his dreams.
He stepped to the window, preparing to transform into his orb when the sight of the last of the setting sun caught his attention. The sky had looked similar to this one the day he had ordered Katsuo to rut with the miko.
Sesshoumaru closed his eyes, exasperated with his own meandering thoughts. As of late, he had spent an inordinate amount of time mulling over his past. However, none of the memories disturbed him as greatly as the incident during which the bond had been broken. At the moment, there were gaps in his memory, and there were two individuals who could supply him with the information.
Katsuo and Higurashi Kagome.
His lips tightened. He did not know if Katsuo had been experiencing the dreams, but he suspected that it was so. Nevertheless, speaking to Katsuo with regards to this matter would be nothing short of awkward.
Higurashi Kagome, however, could provide him with the necessary information.
Mind made up, he reached for his cell phone with the intention of calling Natsumi to locate the miko's file on his desk, only to realize that he actually remembered the number. How odd, he thought.
The white walls of the hospital examination room swayed in front of her. Or maybe it was her that was swaying and not the walls?
Kagome shook her head rapidly, and the walls stopped moving. There was this odd feeling of detachment in her which made this whole moment seem surreal. Slowly, she directed her attention back to the silent woman beside her, knowing that a response was expected of her.
“Are you sure?” Kagome whispered as she stared at the gynecologist.
The white-clad figure gave her a curious look. “Yes.”
The woman's words continued to ring in her ears. Having suspicions was one thing. Having it confirmed was another. What was she going to do now?
“You do not remember giving birth?” the woman asked, obviously confused.
Kagome blinked. Whichever way she answered it, she would end up sounding like a nutcase. Quickly getting up, she said, “I've got to go.”
“Miss Higurashi…”
“Do I pay here or outside?” Kagome interjected quickly, pushing the door to exit the examination room open. She was desperate to get out of there.
The gynecologist stared at her with a confused frown. “Outside,” she finally said.
“Thank you,” Kagome said, practically running out of the room.
Checking out at the reception, she handed over the money to cover her physical examination and then quickly headed to the exit. It was only after she had left the hospital that her steps finally slowed. She barely noticed the traffic flowing down the streets as she walked numbly towards the shrine, wrapping her arms around her to ward off the evening chill.
The doctor's voice kept echoing in her head.
`Everything is normal. I can see an incision from the time you gave birth to your child, but it's small and neat. So you don't have anything to worry about.'
It was not what she had expected to hear at all.
The dream did not prepare her for this, although with each and every dream she had, the whole thing became more and more real to her. But even then, she could still think of it as a dream. Now it was different. Having her suspicions confirmed had done nothing but land her in yet another mass of confusion. Her body would not lie, right? Which meant that she had given birth to a child at some point in her life. Was the child really Sachimaru?
And the father? She swallowed past her dry throat as she realized that everything about Sachimaru pointed to the fact that he could only be Sesshoumaru's son.
Slow down, she told herself. Take a deep breath and think, she added, inhaling deeply.
If that was the case, and that everything that had happened in the dreams were real, she had somehow traveled through time using the well, Kagome thought as she approached the shrine. As she climbed the steps, a vibration against her bag told her that her cell phone was ringing. Reaching into her bag, she pulled it out and peered at the number. It was not one that she recognized. Could it be one of her old friends?
Deciding to risk it, she pressed a button and greeted cautiously, “Hello?”
Kagome instantly froze. She really, really should not have answered it. No one spoke with that voice and in that haughty tone except Sesshoumaru. “Where did you get my number?” she asked tersely.
“I wish to speak to you on your recent dreams,” he said, completely ignoring her question.
Kagome snorted. “Oh yeah? Like the one where you drugged the tea to force me to have sex with Katsuo?” Eyes widening, she clapped one hand to her lips, realizing too late what she had just said. She should have said that it was with her past self, not her.
Sesshoumaru did not seem to pick up on her lapse. Instead, he replied, “Yes. I have questions.”
She did not want to see him, especially now that she was convinced that she was not just a reincarnation, as well as her confusion regarding Sachimaru's parentage. There was no way she was going to risk anything with him. Her past self might have been more trusting, but she had no intention of making the same mistake.
“I'm busy,” she said curtly.
A thick silence reached her. For a moment, Kagome wondered if she had gone too far, that he would retaliate in some painful way. Maybe she should try something else.
“Sesshoumaru…” she said in a softer voice. “Really, it's already late tonight and I have double shift tomorrow. This is not a good time.”
A short pause followed before he replied smoothly, “Very well.”
Kagome closed her eyes in relief. Just as she thought that she was safe, Sesshoumaru said in a quiet voice, “You cannot avoid this subject forever, Miko.”
Then the line went dead.
Kagome lowered her phone and stared at it dumbly. And then she released the breath she did not realize she was holding. Was that a threat? Did it mean that he would keep hassling her until she gave in? Somehow, it seemed pretty likely, she thought with a grimace as she placed her cellphone back in her bag.
Deciding to deal with it when it happened, she climbed up the remainder of the steps, and then made her way to her house.
“Hello, I'm home,” she greeted as she stepped in. When her eyes landed on her grandfather, who was in the middle of making more sutras, she walked up to him. “More of those, Jii-chan?”
“It will protect us,” her grandfather declared, moustache twitching. “Your mother and Souta are visiting the neighbors. Sachimaru is upstairs, waiting for you,” he continued without looking up.
“Alright,” she said, making her way to her son's room.
The boy was absorbed in the GameBoy she had given him last year. Standing at the doorway, she gazed at him softly until he raised his golden eyes to meet hers. Was he really hers? A DNA check would be able to tell, but wouldn't that expose Sachimaru as a half-demon? Was exposure such a bad thing?
“Okaa-san!” he exclaimed, dropping the game to rush towards her. He had stayed up to wait for her, seeing that he was already dressed in his pajamas.
She knelt down to envelope him in a hug, rubbing her cheek against his silver head as she did so. It looked like he had gotten over their argument last night, she thought with relief. She had been worried when she had seen how withdrawn he was earlier today, just before she left for the hospital for her appointment.
“Ready for bed?” she asked, pulling away.
Sachimaru nodded before climbing into his bed. Once settled, he asked, “Okaa-san, can I hear the rest of the story?”
Kagome closed her eyes, wishing that she had not had the great idea of telling Sachimaru her dreams in the first place. Especially now that she was almost convinced that he was Sesshoumaru's child. And hers.
She sighed and then nodded, albeit reluctantly. “Where was I?”
“The demon lord wants the miko to kiss with his general to break the bond.” Sachimaru's face scrunched up. “Because it means that she would betray him.”
Kagome laughed weakly. If only it was as simple as a kiss. But she had to tone things down for Sachimaru's innocent ears. “Ah, yes. But the miko refused to do it.”
Sachimaru's eyes widened. “The demon lord did not force her, did he? Because that would be bad.”
Well, she supposed that the spiked tea could qualify as that. It was a good thing that her miko powers had managed to neutralize the effects of the tea, otherwise she and Katsuo might very well have had sex. But she still could not quite figure out if Sesshoumaru had done it on purpose so that she would feel betrayed. It was entirely possible that he had not even considered the possibility that the act of betrayal in the scroll meant the betrayal of the heart and mind, and not physical betrayal such as cheating.
Turning her attention back to Sachimaru, she improvised, “No. Sesshoumaru only locked the miko and Katsuo in the room. They did not kiss, but the miko got very, very upset. So upset that she was crying.”
Sachimaru looked horrified. “Why?”
“Because she felt betrayed that the demon lord was forcing her into something that she did not want. He was supposed to break the bond by kissing another woman,” she explained.
“I don't want him to kiss another woman,” Sachimaru interjected with a frown.
Dumbfounded by his words, Kagome simply gaped for a moment. It sounded like Sachimaru had developed some kind of fascination with Sesshoumaru even without meeting him. She did not even dare to think of what might happen if he met Sesshoumaru in person.
Carefully, she ventured, “Why not? You prefer that the miko kiss another man?”
Sachimaru shook his head vehemently. “No. But I don't understand why they have to break the bond.”
“Because the miko wants to go home.”
Sachimaru frowned thoughtfully. “I don't think she's unhappy there with the demon lord.”
Kagome wanted to groan. Kami, why did she always land herself with these kind of questions? If she had not known better, she would have thought that Sachimaru was playing matchmaker. But his innocent proclamation nudged at her, reminding her that although she had been desperate to leave, she was not exactly unhappy. Before the entire mating debacle, her days had been filled with training and helping Sesshoumaru out occasionally with his scrolls, and the rest of the time, chatting with the servants and guards. It was hardly a torture.
“No, she's not unhappy,” Kagome admitted, sounding resigned. “She just misses her own family. Won't you miss me if you don't see me?”
Sachimaru sat up. “Of course I will!”
Slumping back into bed, he asked, “So, did the bond break?”
Kagome nodded. “The miko felt betrayed by Sesshoumaru.”
“Because he promised her before that he would break it and now he's tricking her into kissing Katsuo?” Sachimaru asked with a small frown, obviously trying to digest the information.
Kagome nodded. “Yes… Because betrayal doesn't mean that Katsuo and the miko have to kiss. Betrayal can take another form.”
“The miko felt a lot of pain?”
“Yes. Breaking the bond was so painful for her that she fainted,” she explained. A ghost of said pain ran down her body suddenly. It felt so real to her, she thought. And she knew why. Because her subconscious still remembered it.
“Did he come to check on her afterwards? The demon lord, I mean,” Sachimaru asked.
Kagome frowned. There was a part of her dreams where everything seemed fuzzy, but she could almost swear that Sesshoumaru had lain beside her for a while before she woke up. Brows furrowing, she tried to recall what had happened, and came up with the blurry image of Sesshoumaru's face bending down close to hers, his eyes troubled.
“Okaa-san?” Sachimaru prompted.
Giving her son a small smile, Kagome said, “I think so.”
A thoughtful frown crossed Sachimaru's face. “Maybe Sesshoumaru wants to make sure that she is okay?” he suggested. “Maybe he feels bad.”
Kagome blinked. It had never occurred to her, but what Sachimaru said could be true. Did it mean that Sesshoumaru really cared for her past self after all? Combined with the troubled look in his eyes, there was every indication that Sesshoumaru regretted his actions.
“Maybe,” she admitted cautiously.
A smile flitted across Sachimaru's lips as he closed his eyes. “He cares for her,” he said before yawning widely.
Kagome felt her breath hitch in her throat. It is unbelievable how Sachimaru could come up with these insightful comments. Unsure how to respond, she simply tucked the covers up to her son's chin and said, “Goodnight, Sachimaru. Sleep well.”
“'Night, Okaa-san.”
She sat there by his bed, watching as his breath evened out, telling her that he had fallen asleep. Could it be real? Could it be that Sachimaru was really her biological son? She sighed, lifting a hand to brush away a stray strand of silver hair from his forehead.
The manner in which Sachimaru had appeared so near the well, as well as the fact that no one came forward to claim him, indicated that there was more to the story. How did a boy end up in the shrine just like that? Could it be that he had appeared from the well? The very same well that she had fallen into at the beginning of her dreams?
Kagome frowned as something occurred to her. If her calculations were correct, everything in her dreams had happened in the time that she was supposed to be in a coma, shortly after her fifteenth birthday. And she had found him soon after she had woken up from her supposed coma. That was three years ago.
Unless, of course, her coma was not real. If the dreams were her memories, then the two year coma was the time she had actually spent in the feudal era.
Something her mother had said sometime ago came to mind, and Kagome instantly felt chilled. When she had told her mother about her dreams for the first time, she had joked that she wanted to try jumping into the well. Her mother's reaction had been unexpectedly intense.
“No…” she whispered as the implications sank in.
She was sure now that her mother knew more than she had let on. But why bother hiding anything from her? If her mother knew what was going on with the dreams and all, why could she not have explained?
Standing up, Kagome returned to her own room.
Tomorrow. She would speak to her mother first thing in the morning. In the meantime, she would sleep and if tonight was like every other night, she would hopefully get more answers to her questions.
Kagome cracked open her eyes and turned on her side as the first tendrils of wakefulness trickled over her. Strange, she could have sworn that she just saw Sesshoumaru leave, she thought as she sat up. Come to think of it, she remembered sleeping pressed against something comfortably warm last night. She blinked, wondering if it was all just her imagination or Sesshoumaru had really been in there.
Standing up, she groaned at the slightly achy feel to her body, bringing back memories of what had happened last night.
Her lips instantly tightened. The feeling of betrayal still seemed so fresh in her mind. Her brows furrowed in thought. So, the bond had been broken because she felt betrayed by him. Sesshoumaru could have told her his plan. But then again, if she had known about it, she probably would not feel as betrayed, which meant that the bond would still be intact. Sighing in irritation, she stood up and began to dress.
The shoji screen slid open just as she finished dressing. Surprised, she spun around to find Sesshoumaru stepping into her room, wearing his usual stoic expression.
Remnants of last night's events still whirring in her mind, Kagome stiffened. “You could have told us! Do you have any idea how bad it was after we drank the tea?” she complained indignantly.
“It was necessary.” His tone was flat.
“No, it wasn't!” she exclaimed heatedly. “It-”
He interjected firmly, “Nevertheless, the bond is broken and we will not discuss this matter any further.”
“But, it wasn't-”
He interjected stonily, “Miko.”
She glared at him. He obviously did not want to talk about it. Then a flash of something in his eyes caught her off guard. Was Sesshoumaru actually feeling guilty about what he had done? Was that why he did not want to talk about it?
She took a deep breath. “Fine!” She frowned thoughtfully before she continued, “So what are you doing here if you don't want to discuss what happened last night?”
He regarded her silently. “You have a task to perform. Once it is complete, you may leave.”
She blinked slowly. “You mean you're going to let me go?” Was that what he meant by `leave'? As in, she could go home?
He was serious! She brightened instantly, her heart swelling at the thought of finally being able to see her family. Then she sobered up. She had no idea where the well was. Jii-chan had always called it the Bone-Eaters' Well, but she did not know if Sesshoumaru knew about it. She would do whatever he asked so long as it meant that she could go home.
“Uhmm… After I perform this… task, can you bring me to the Bone-Eaters' Well?” she asked uncertainly.
His eyes widened in surprise. “You live in the village near the well?”
Not knowing what else to say, Kagome simply nodded and held her breath. It was a good sign that he knew the well, but why was he so surprised?
“You will be directed to the well once you complete the task.”
She closed her eyes briefly and breathed out gratefully, “Thank you. When are we leaving?”
He glanced around the room. His voice was flat when he said, “Should you wish to bring anything with you, you are permitted to do so. This Sesshoumaru will meet you in the courtyard.” With that, he spun around and slipped through the shoji screen.
Once he had disappeared from her sight, she was gripped by an odd mix feeling she could not understand. She was excited at the prospect of finally returning home, but she was a little sad at the thought of leaving this place. Not that Sesshoumaru wanted her here, from the sounds of it. She sighed as she went to the chest, pulling out some items from it.
What did she expect? That he would ask her to stay? Not that she could, anyway.
Kagome sighed as she placed the uniform Akiyama had brought back to her into a pouch. Then she picked up the kimono Katsuo and Natsumi had given her weeks ago as a present, holding it up to her eyes. She should pack it and bring it home with her to remember her time here.
Come to think of it, where was Natsumi? She had not seen the girl ever since last night, when she had brought in the tea. It was important that she explained to Natsumi that nothing happened between her and Katsuo. Except imprinting his teeth mark on her skin. Grimacing, she rubbed the bite mark on her shoulder which he had given her while intoxicated. It was good that it did not pierce her skin, otherwise she did not know what would have happened, considering how the entire mess with Sesshoumaru had started in the first place.
Finishing with her pouch, Kagome slung it over her shoulders and walked out of the room. She stood at the screen, glancing backwards for one last time at the room she had occupied for months, mentally saying goodbye to it. Then she turned around and made her way to the courtyard.
Instead of Sesshoumaru, Katsuo was there when she stepped out into the sun. Instantly, everything that had happened last night came back to her.
“Katsuo,” she called out.
“Are you alright?” the general asked carefully. “I was actually on my way to see you.”
Katsuo was such a good friend, Kagome thought warmly as she nodded. “A little achy, but otherwise fine.”
“That's good. But it's probably better for you to rest a little.” Then a furrow appeared between his brows. “Have you spoken to Lord Sesshoumaru about what happened last night?” he asked.
“Well, a little. But I think Sesshoumaru doesn't want to talk about it,” she said with a sigh.
“I need to confess soon,” Katsuo muttered worriedly. “The longer I wait, the worse it's going to be.”
Kagome frowned in confusion. “Confess what?”
“That I haven't obeyed his orders. I should expect his punishment. Might as well get it over with,” he muttered, sounding resigned.
For a moment, she had no idea what he was talking about. Then when it sank in, she exploded incredulously, “WHAT? Hang on a minute. There's no reason for him to punish you when the bond is already broken. And from what I could see, he deliberately gave that order so that I feel betrayed.”
“Unless he did not know,” Katsuo muttered.
Growing more confused by the second, Kagome asked, “Didn't know what?”
“That if you felt hurt and betrayed by him, the bond would be broken.”
Kagome's eyes widened as his words sank in. It was possible that Sesshoumaru did not know about it. Come to think of it, if he had known that it was not necessary for them to cheat that way, they could have found an easier way to betray each other. After all, he had said nothing about it before he called for the demonesses. What if Sesshoumaru had every intention of making her go through with it all along?
Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. Then she shook her head. No. She was being silly, right? The demonesses were probably part of the plan. Sighing, Kagome lifted a hand to rub at her brows. It was too early in the morning to think about this.
“Wait a while, let me think this through.”
“There's nothing to think about. I disobeyed a direct order, Kagome,” Katsuo said dejectedly.
Kagome groaned. “Katsuo, really. Don't tell him. You need to explain things to Natsumi, not Sesshoumaru.”
“No! You're not telling him anything. As far as he know, you followed your orders and that's the end of it,” Kagome insisted. “Anyway, we won't care if we actually done anything, right? It's not like we were really mates.” She felt a pang in her chest at the thought. Then she sighed, “What's the point anyway? It's all over.”
Katsuo frowned. “Over?”
“I'm leaving.”
“Why?” he asked, obviously shocked. Only then did his eyes focus on the pouch on her shoulder.
She lowered her eyes. “I need to go home. I'm not from here and I've been away for far too long. My family must be worried sick by now.”
Katsuo fell silent for a moment. Then he asked quietly, “You'll visit us later?”
Kagome felt her heart clench. She would miss them, but she had to go home. “I don't think I can,” she whispered. Taking a step towards him, she threw her arms around the stunned hanyou. “I'll miss you. Thanks for being my friend,” she muttered into his chest.
“Kagome…” he began, pulling away to look into her eyes. “Surely you can come back here. Or at least, tell me where you are. Natsumi and I could come visit if you don't feel comfortable coming back here after…”
Shaking her head, she said, “I can't tell you.” He would not believe her anyway.
Before he could reply, Kagome felt the approach of the demon lord. Flicking her eyes sideways, she saw Sesshoumaru's eyes narrow as his gaze landed on Katsuo. Beside her, the hanyou flinched before letting her go. No doubt Katsuo was feeling guilty about not telling Sesshoumaru the truth. But she did not see any point in him getting punished for no reason.
If she had to lie, then she would.
Sesshoumaru willed himself to suppress the mounting irritation he felt at the sight of his general and the miko. The expression of guilt on Katsuo's face was enough to inform Sesshoumaru that he was not comfortable with the task he had performed last night, nor the fact that he had been sighted sharing an intimate moment with the miko.
The hanyou had performed as instructed, Sesshoumaru reiterated to himself as he closed the distance between them. Therefore it was not necessary for him to feel any hostility towards his general. Such pointless hostility would only interfere in the running of the Western Lands, and that should be avoided.
Still, he could prevent neither the tensing of his muscles nor the sudden urge to tear into something with his claws. Especially when his nose found that that the miko's usual peach scene was now overlaid by Katsuo's heavier, spicier one. Something about it nudged at him, but he could not discern what it was.
It was time for Katsuo to leave the miko's side.
“Katsuo, see to the warriors,” Sesshoumaru instructed in a clipped tone. His curt instruction had nothing to do with the fact that the miko still carried the hanyou's scent. He was simply impatient to depart so that the miko could release Inuyasha.
His eyes lowered, Katsuo replied dutifully, “Yes, My Lord.”
With a respectful bow, he turned around and walked away, leaving him alone with the miko.
“We will depart now,” he informed her levelly.
She gasped when his arm went around her. Sesshoumaru forced himself not to tighten his grip around her as he brought them up into the sky. Katsuo's scent still surrounded her, feeding into his mounting displeasure.
After this trip, he would be rid of the miko's presence and all this unfamiliar turmoil would be over.
After this trip, his life would once again be smooth.
It had taken almost one whole day for them to arrive at their destination.
They had landed in a clearing just a moment ago, but since then, Kagome had been unable to tear her eyes away from the red-robed figure pinned to a very large tree. The way he was held upright by one single flimsy arrow seemed to defy the laws of physics, but Kagome was certain that there were some spell involved in it.
Stepping closer, she continued to study the red figure pinned to the tree. “He's your brother?” she asked. Then her gaze went to the puppy-dog ears topping the silver head. Her fingers twitched at the urge to pull the ears. “Those ears…” she mumbled.
“Inuyasha is a half-demon,” Sesshoumaru supplied as he stepped next to her.
Her lips parted in surprise. “Half? What do you mean? What's the other half?”
Kagome's eyes widened in comprehension. “Oh.” So he was like Katsuo, with a human mother and a demon father. Then she shuffled nervously. “So, what do I have to do?”
“Release him.”
“But I don't know-”
“Use your powers,” he interjected.
“Sesshoumaru…” she began uncertainly. “I'm not sure. What if I do it wrong?”
She watched as his eyes flickered with an unnamed emotion. Then, in a gentler tone, he said, “Miko. You must have faith in your own ability. Do so and you will be able to release the hanyou.”
She blinked, surprised as his words. Things had been so rough between them lately that she had forgotten that Sesshoumaru could be nice when he wanted to. And somehow, his words gave her the confidence that she would be able to free his brother.
Face set with determination, she climbed up onto a raised tree root. Her attention was once again drawn to Inuyasha's ears. Not able to resist, she reached up to tweak one of those ears, gasping when she felt just how soft it was. It really felt like puppy ears, she thought, closing her eyes with a sigh.
A warning growl came from Sesshoumaru. “Miko…”
She threw him a frown over her shoulders. “Alright! What's your hurry?”
Taking a deep breath, she placed her hand on the arrow.
Instantly, the arrow pulsed in her hand, making her gasp. Then she found herself staring into a pair of bewildered golden eyes, so much like Sesshoumaru's. Deciding to get it over with before she lost her nerve, she pulled hard. A familiar glow flared for a moment, and the next thing she knew, the arrow disintegrated into dust in her hands.
Wind swirled around them as Inuyasha's body pulsed once. And then again. Released from the seal, Inuyasha fell from the tree, crouching on the ground for a moment before he sprung back up.
“K-Kikyo?” Then his eyes darkened as he took a menacing step forward. “What the hell?! You betrayed me! ”
“I…uh…” she faltered, unsure how to react to the hostility in the dog-eared half-demon's face.
“Your eyes failing you, Inuyasha?” Sesshoumaru interjected calmly.
Inuyasha swung around. His eyes instantly widened. “W-what?” Then he shook his head. “What are you doing here?”
Kagome watched curiously as Sesshoumaru's face took on a disdainful expression. “You've been sealed to this tree for fifty years. If the one who had sealed you was still alive, she would certainly be much older.”
Inuyasha's ears twitched. “Keh! You didn't answer me. What are you doing here anyway?”
“To release you so that you could be punished for shirking your duties.” Sesshoumaru's tone was bland. Turning around, Sesshoumaru told her evenly, “Your presence is no longer required. You may leave if you wish to do so”
She swallowed. This was it then. He had gotten what he needed from her and now she was free to leave. Somehow, she felt strangely reluctant to leave. But she was being silly again, right? Taking a deep breath, she nodded. “Well… I guess I'd better go.”
“The well you seek is just beyond those trees,” Sesshoumaru said, inclining his head in a direction to her right.
This was it. This was goodbye. Only Sesshoumaru had not said goodbye to her. She laughed uncomfortably. With a small wave, she turned around and walked away.
She would jump into the well and hopefully end up back at home. Then everything would be back to normal and this whole thing would be just like a dream. There was no reason why she should turn back to look at Sesshoumaru once again.
Sesshoumaru watched silently as she walked away from them, once again leaving behind the scent of peaches and something else he could not quite comprehend. Much to his annoyance, he felt strangely compelled to rush after her to demand that she remained. It was probably due to the lingering effects of the mating bond, he surmised.
Somehow, it sounded as if he was simply making an excuse for his odd feelings.
He quickly brushed away the unsettling thoughts and forced his attention back to Inuyasha.
“What was that all about?” Inuyasha muttered, crossing his arms over his chest as he, too, stared after the miko until her small form disappeared beyond the treeline.
Sesshoumaru's eyes hardened. “You should be more concerned about yourself, Inuyasha. Your antics dishonored our line.”
“Keh!” Then Inuyasha frowned, looking bewildered. “Has it really been fifty years?” he asked quietly.
Inuyasha's expression twisted in anger. “That…that…” He gritted his teeth. “I trusted her and she tricked me! She wanted me dead.”
“You allowed yourself to be weakened by your human feelings.”
Inuyasha threw him a glare. “I didn't ask for this to happen, alright? And you think I want to be half demon and half human?” he snarled.
“Perhaps father should have thought better before he impregnated your human mother.”
Then Sesshoumaru froze as the meaning of the miko's scent finally registered in his mind. The sheer magnitude of the shock which coursed through him made his blood run cold. Immediately, the manner in which they had broken their mating bond came to him, raising another issue.
Sesshoumaru streaked forward in the direction the miko had disappeared to just time to see her raise a leg onto the rim of the wooden well.
In a blink of an eye, he was by her side, his claws wrapped securely around the astonished miko's arm.
“You are not leaving,” he bit out. The implication of the scent still whirred in his mind, clouding his thoughts. All he knew was that she would not be allowed to leave.
Her eyes widened as she gaped soundlessly at him for a moment. Then she sputtered, “What are you talking about, Sesshoumaru? We have an agreement!”
“The circumstances have…changed.”
“What do you mean?” she asked in a wary tone.
Not releasing his grip on her arm, Sesshoumaru stared at her. Then, in a quiet voice, he informed her, “You are with pup.”
A/N: I bet this didn't come as a surprise to any of you, huh? (grins) Well, I hope you've enjoyed this. Please review if you can. Thanks!