InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Little Thing Called L-O-V-E ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I heard the ringing from my alarm clock and quickly got up. Today was my first day of high school and I could not be late. Last night I set my alarm for seven thirty but when I looked at the clock it the
number in red scared me. 7:52. O MY GOSH! I was going to be late. Damn I rushed to my bathroom washed up and ran to my closet I put on a red tank top and black skirt that was three inches
above my knees. I twirled around in front of my mirror and smiled I looked okay. I put my hair in a high pony tail above my head. I grabbed my jewelry and place it accordingly. I ran down stairs to grab
a piece of toast. When I got down there I saw my mother and my older brother Souta sitting at the table eating a large breakfast and sipping coffee.
"What the hell Souta we are going to be late. UHH! You're not even dressed yet." I shouted. Souta looked at me and began to laugh hysterically at me.
"What is so damn funny?" I asked irritation laced through my voice.
"Kagome sweet heart its six thirty." Came, my mother's voice. I was dumfounded.
"But…My alarm said it was seven fifty two." I said angrily I looked at Souta who was chuckling. "Why YOU" I said angrily looking at my brother.
"Sorry Kagome I could not help it, last night while you were asleep snoring like and elephant I changed your clock." He said laughing.
"You jerk, MOM!" I said looking at her for some kind of action against my vil brother.
"Kagome at least you are up early, since you're walking to school today you need a head start, so you can get your locker, schedule, and all the other information you need." She said at that I chocked on
my orange juice.
"What I thought Souta was driving me and Sango to school today, I mean he has a car." I said pouting.
"Kagome Souta came to me yesterday and made a good point, he said that walking to school on your first day is when you meet people through out the neighbor hood, and make friends. But if you don't
want to walk you can take the bus." My mom said
The bus no way I hated busses they were cramped and nasty. "I guess me and Sango can walk." I said glaring at Souta. "But if you ever need anything from me Souta I am not gonna help you." I said
pointing at him and giving him my best death glare. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I pulled It out and answered it.
"Hello" I said
"Hey Kagome When are you and your brother picking me up my mom wants to know." Sango said
"Change of plans Souta used his devil powers to persuade mom into making us walk to school to meet people and all that other bull shit." I said annoyed
"Oh well that's okay Kagome at least we can walk to school together I mean at least were not stuck on the bus." She said laughing. Sango wanted to ride the bus but when I told her I was scared of them
she laughed and she still does.
"Okay well I meet you outside. Bye" with that I hung up.
Sango and I had been best friends for years. We are the only girls in our families and because of that we have been treated differently. From our brother and cousins. Me and Sango have gone to an all
girls private school since we were three. Because our overly protective fathers thought it was in our best interest. But this year me and Sango talked our parents into letting us make our own decisions
since we are growing up. Sango is so nice she has been there for me all my life we are like sisters. Our families have been friends for generations. Which we think is so cool. Sango comes from a long line
of Demon slayers. Though today in our society Demons and Humans have managed to get along there is still use for the demon slayers in case of frenzy or something. I come from a long line of priests and
As I walk out the door with my backpack. I look out the corner of my eye and see Souta running to his car. What a jerk. I see Sango at the bottom of the Shrine steps. As I make my way towards her I
can't help but feel Jealous. Sango has always been the prettier out of the two off us and even now she was so much prettier than me. Even though she has told me countless times she thinks I am prettier, I
can't believe her. With here light brown eyes and light brown hair guys swoon over her.
"Hey Kagome you look amazing, I love your style." She said smiling
Sango was wearing a similar out fit to me but her shirt was purple and she was wearing a denim skirt.
"You look great to; we better hurry up before we are late to school." I said and we began to walk talking about what high school might have in store for us.
Sango was so excited and as we to closer to the school my heart began to pound into my chest. Sango looked over to me and I could see concern in her eyes.
"Come on Kagome its okay well do fine here don't worry. Today is going to be great so don't be a worry wart." She said smiling away I could not understand how she could be so confident, that's
another thing I envied about her was her confidence. She could walk into a room with stains on her clothes and make it seem like the latest fashion.
As we approached the school we both took a moment to gaze upon the buildings. There were five buildings. Being that my brother went here I knew the layout well. The buildings were three stories high
and had many windows. The first building was all the freshman classes , the second building was the Junior classes, the third building was the sophomore classes and the last building was the senior
building. The separation of the buildings was to stop hazing and fighting between classes. Each building had it own office and staff and assistant principals but the dean was in the fifth building and he had
his own staff. This school was a public school but it was extremely hard to get into you either had to be smart or talented in some way to come here. Because of Sango's and my abilities and training we
were allowed into the school. Most of the students that went here were demons though. And that was what frightened me, because of my priestess ability I have the power of purification and I can not yet
control it and that is why I am attending this school, for there specialties in that area.
We walked to the freshman building, it was huge inside the lobby was nice paintings from students hung about the walls. We made our way to the secretaries' desk. There sat Mrs. Berry she was an
elderly women but very sweet my brother talked about her all the time and how she was the nicest of the staff and always helped students out.
As we approached her she looked up and had the biggest smile on her face.
"Hello my name is Ms. Berry. How may I help you?" she asked kindly.
I smiled at her "My name is Kagome and this is my friend Sango. And we are here to get our schedules', our locker numbers and or P.E. uniforms." I said sweetly.
"Okay let me type your names into our system her.." she said while typing. " Ah yes you two are freshman right?" she asked
"Yes" came Sango's reply.
"Well I can give you your locker numbers but you have to attend the freshman assembly for your gym uniforms and schedules." she said
"Oh okay" I replied
"Well Kagome you are locker 127 and Sango your locker is 128, and Kagome if you don't mind me asking do you have a brother that attends school her?"
Before I could answer Sango replied yes she does her brother is Souta and he is a sophomore this year and he is a hunk." Sango said blushing.
"Aww yes I do remember him Souta was such a sweet young man. Well good luck to the both of you."
We walked out of the office and towards the benches outside the school where the students were gathering.. I noticed a girl sitting alone on a bench she seemed lonely so I took Sango's hand and
dragged her towards the girl. When I stood directly in front of the girl. She looked up she looked so young her big honey brown eyes seemed nervous.
"Hi, my name is Kagome and this is my friend Sango." I said cheerily hoping she would respond.
"Hi my name is Rin; it's nice to meet you." She said with a bubbly cheerful voice.
"Hi Rin what grade are you in?" I asked
"I am a freshman, what about yall?" she asked
"Were freshman to" Sango said.
"Rin since were freshman you want to hang out." I asked.
"YA OF COURSE" she said happily
We sat with Rin and we all talked about ourselves so we could get to know each other. I knew at that moment that. The three of us were going to be the greatest friends ever. As we sat there I looked at
the clock out front of the school the assemble would be in fifteen minutes. My nerves started to get to me again so I stood up.
"I need some water I will be right back." I said the girls nodded and I walked to the nearest water fountain. I got some water and stood up and began to try to even my breathing. As I steadied my
breathing I felt a presence approaching a demon presence, no it was different, it felt like a demon presence but different. As I turned around I was met with someone's chest in my line of view, I looked up
and was met my the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen in my life. Two golden eyes stared down into my own. I felt my heart quicken. As I stood there in silence. As I stood there I my mouth open to
speak but no words came out. He smirked and then he spoke.
"Can I get by?" his voice was deep and husky. I felt my heart flutter He stared at me and then I could not help it I turned and walked away from the beautiful stranger. I felt his eyes following me. When I
was back with the girls I let out a breath I did not even know I was holding. They looked at me and I said nothing. We continued to sit there till the bell rang signaling for the students to go to the
number in red scared me. 7:52. O MY GOSH! I was going to be late. Damn I rushed to my bathroom washed up and ran to my closet I put on a red tank top and black skirt that was three inches
above my knees. I twirled around in front of my mirror and smiled I looked okay. I put my hair in a high pony tail above my head. I grabbed my jewelry and place it accordingly. I ran down stairs to grab
a piece of toast. When I got down there I saw my mother and my older brother Souta sitting at the table eating a large breakfast and sipping coffee.
"What the hell Souta we are going to be late. UHH! You're not even dressed yet." I shouted. Souta looked at me and began to laugh hysterically at me.
"What is so damn funny?" I asked irritation laced through my voice.
"Kagome sweet heart its six thirty." Came, my mother's voice. I was dumfounded.
"But…My alarm said it was seven fifty two." I said angrily I looked at Souta who was chuckling. "Why YOU" I said angrily looking at my brother.
"Sorry Kagome I could not help it, last night while you were asleep snoring like and elephant I changed your clock." He said laughing.
"You jerk, MOM!" I said looking at her for some kind of action against my vil brother.
"Kagome at least you are up early, since you're walking to school today you need a head start, so you can get your locker, schedule, and all the other information you need." She said at that I chocked on
my orange juice.
"What I thought Souta was driving me and Sango to school today, I mean he has a car." I said pouting.
"Kagome Souta came to me yesterday and made a good point, he said that walking to school on your first day is when you meet people through out the neighbor hood, and make friends. But if you don't
want to walk you can take the bus." My mom said
The bus no way I hated busses they were cramped and nasty. "I guess me and Sango can walk." I said glaring at Souta. "But if you ever need anything from me Souta I am not gonna help you." I said
pointing at him and giving him my best death glare. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I pulled It out and answered it.
"Hello" I said
"Hey Kagome When are you and your brother picking me up my mom wants to know." Sango said
"Change of plans Souta used his devil powers to persuade mom into making us walk to school to meet people and all that other bull shit." I said annoyed
"Oh well that's okay Kagome at least we can walk to school together I mean at least were not stuck on the bus." She said laughing. Sango wanted to ride the bus but when I told her I was scared of them
she laughed and she still does.
"Okay well I meet you outside. Bye" with that I hung up.
Sango and I had been best friends for years. We are the only girls in our families and because of that we have been treated differently. From our brother and cousins. Me and Sango have gone to an all
girls private school since we were three. Because our overly protective fathers thought it was in our best interest. But this year me and Sango talked our parents into letting us make our own decisions
since we are growing up. Sango is so nice she has been there for me all my life we are like sisters. Our families have been friends for generations. Which we think is so cool. Sango comes from a long line
of Demon slayers. Though today in our society Demons and Humans have managed to get along there is still use for the demon slayers in case of frenzy or something. I come from a long line of priests and
As I walk out the door with my backpack. I look out the corner of my eye and see Souta running to his car. What a jerk. I see Sango at the bottom of the Shrine steps. As I make my way towards her I
can't help but feel Jealous. Sango has always been the prettier out of the two off us and even now she was so much prettier than me. Even though she has told me countless times she thinks I am prettier, I
can't believe her. With here light brown eyes and light brown hair guys swoon over her.
"Hey Kagome you look amazing, I love your style." She said smiling
Sango was wearing a similar out fit to me but her shirt was purple and she was wearing a denim skirt.
"You look great to; we better hurry up before we are late to school." I said and we began to walk talking about what high school might have in store for us.
Sango was so excited and as we to closer to the school my heart began to pound into my chest. Sango looked over to me and I could see concern in her eyes.
"Come on Kagome its okay well do fine here don't worry. Today is going to be great so don't be a worry wart." She said smiling away I could not understand how she could be so confident, that's
another thing I envied about her was her confidence. She could walk into a room with stains on her clothes and make it seem like the latest fashion.
As we approached the school we both took a moment to gaze upon the buildings. There were five buildings. Being that my brother went here I knew the layout well. The buildings were three stories high
and had many windows. The first building was all the freshman classes , the second building was the Junior classes, the third building was the sophomore classes and the last building was the senior
building. The separation of the buildings was to stop hazing and fighting between classes. Each building had it own office and staff and assistant principals but the dean was in the fifth building and he had
his own staff. This school was a public school but it was extremely hard to get into you either had to be smart or talented in some way to come here. Because of Sango's and my abilities and training we
were allowed into the school. Most of the students that went here were demons though. And that was what frightened me, because of my priestess ability I have the power of purification and I can not yet
control it and that is why I am attending this school, for there specialties in that area.
We walked to the freshman building, it was huge inside the lobby was nice paintings from students hung about the walls. We made our way to the secretaries' desk. There sat Mrs. Berry she was an
elderly women but very sweet my brother talked about her all the time and how she was the nicest of the staff and always helped students out.
As we approached her she looked up and had the biggest smile on her face.
"Hello my name is Ms. Berry. How may I help you?" she asked kindly.
I smiled at her "My name is Kagome and this is my friend Sango. And we are here to get our schedules', our locker numbers and or P.E. uniforms." I said sweetly.
"Okay let me type your names into our system her.." she said while typing. " Ah yes you two are freshman right?" she asked
"Yes" came Sango's reply.
"Well I can give you your locker numbers but you have to attend the freshman assembly for your gym uniforms and schedules." she said
"Oh okay" I replied
"Well Kagome you are locker 127 and Sango your locker is 128, and Kagome if you don't mind me asking do you have a brother that attends school her?"
Before I could answer Sango replied yes she does her brother is Souta and he is a sophomore this year and he is a hunk." Sango said blushing.
"Aww yes I do remember him Souta was such a sweet young man. Well good luck to the both of you."
We walked out of the office and towards the benches outside the school where the students were gathering.. I noticed a girl sitting alone on a bench she seemed lonely so I took Sango's hand and
dragged her towards the girl. When I stood directly in front of the girl. She looked up she looked so young her big honey brown eyes seemed nervous.
"Hi, my name is Kagome and this is my friend Sango." I said cheerily hoping she would respond.
"Hi my name is Rin; it's nice to meet you." She said with a bubbly cheerful voice.
"Hi Rin what grade are you in?" I asked
"I am a freshman, what about yall?" she asked
"Were freshman to" Sango said.
"Rin since were freshman you want to hang out." I asked.
"YA OF COURSE" she said happily
We sat with Rin and we all talked about ourselves so we could get to know each other. I knew at that moment that. The three of us were going to be the greatest friends ever. As we sat there I looked at
the clock out front of the school the assemble would be in fifteen minutes. My nerves started to get to me again so I stood up.
"I need some water I will be right back." I said the girls nodded and I walked to the nearest water fountain. I got some water and stood up and began to try to even my breathing. As I steadied my
breathing I felt a presence approaching a demon presence, no it was different, it felt like a demon presence but different. As I turned around I was met with someone's chest in my line of view, I looked up
and was met my the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen in my life. Two golden eyes stared down into my own. I felt my heart quicken. As I stood there in silence. As I stood there I my mouth open to
speak but no words came out. He smirked and then he spoke.
"Can I get by?" his voice was deep and husky. I felt my heart flutter He stared at me and then I could not help it I turned and walked away from the beautiful stranger. I felt his eyes following me. When I
was back with the girls I let out a breath I did not even know I was holding. They looked at me and I said nothing. We continued to sit there till the bell rang signaling for the students to go to the