InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A lonely soul, a love so true ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A lonely soul, a love so true.
A/N: Well this is my very first Fanfic so I hope that you like it. Please give me some
insight on how I am doing. I will warn you now that there is sexual content in this story.
There is also rape so be warned now. I rated this story R for those reasons plus the
language. I will be posting both the first and the second chapters right away because it is
all that I have finished thus far. Also some of the characters might seem OOC but they
aren't I just set them as to how I see them. I hope you like the story.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters except Falien so please don't sue me or
anything of the sort.
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Late one summer evening as a soft warm breeze blew through the trees a young
woman was taking a late stroll through the quaint park that resided near her house. As
she calmly walked through the park enjoying the late summer breeze she heard a noise in
the bushes nearby, it startled her. Out through the bushes a tall man wearing a hooded
cloak carefully steps out and starts to walk towards her. As she is not sure of who this
stranger is she begins to step backwards in retreat but as she is stepping backwards she
stumbles on a rock and falls onto the ground. The stranger continues to walk towards her
but then stops right in front of her. She looks up at the stranger in fright. "Wh..what is it
that you want?" "I am seeking a girl by the name Falien. Might you be this girl?" She
looks at him in confusion. "And what if I am her? What business is it of yours mister?"
Quickly she rises to her feet. "If you are Falien then I have something that I must give to
you." She takes a gulp and tries to look at the strangers face but is unable to see it as it is
masked by the night and by the hood of the cloak. "Well I am Falien and what is it you
say you have for me?" He reaches into his cloak and pulls out an envelope. "The contents
and the note within will explain." She looks at the stranger then at the envelope. Quickly
she grabs it from the stranger and opens it. As she reaches in she finds a few sheets of
paper and five small shards of jewel. As she is about to ask the stranger something she
looks up from the envelope to find no one around. "Where did he go?" She then unfolds
the paper and reads.
Dear Falien,
Enclosed in this envelope that you have just received you have found this note, five
small shards of a jewel, a map and a set of directions. You are to follow these
directions to the letter for when you reach your destination a new life will await
you. Make sure not to loose or give any of the jewel shards away to anyone even
if they demand them for in time you will find out what they are for and if by chance
you happen to find more of the shards then take them you will in time be in need of
these. When you arrive in the new place things will seem frightening but
eventually you will find out your true path. Well enjoy and good luck in your new
Having read the letter she looks at it blankly and thinks to herself *I wonder what
this is all about? There isn't a name from whom its from? This is all to weird I just don't
understand any of this.* She opens her hand and looks at the five tiny shards wondering
what they are and why she needs them and any others that she can get a hold of. She then
places the items back in the envelope and heads back to her apartment. "I'll go to bed and
handle this tomorrow after I get some rest." As she climbs into bed her mind drifts deep
into sleep as she peacefully dreams of a perfect carefree life.
As the morning light seeps through her window she awakens. "It must have been
all a crazy dream it has to have been." As she looks to her nightstand she finds the
envelope there. "I guess it wasn't a dream. Well I guess I better get this day started."
She gets up and walks into her bathroom. She then takes her shower and goes to her
closet to find a suitable outfit for this adventure. After dressing she heads to the kitchen
and prepares a good hearty breakfast. She then goes to her bedroom and opens the
envelope again and reads over the note then pulls out the directions and looks them over
very carefully. At the bottom of the directions it lists some items that she might want to
take along with her on this journey. So she packs up everything that was recommended to
take. Then she makes a necklace on which to keep the jewel shards close and heads out.
She follows the directions exactly to the letter. As she follows them they lead her
to an old temple. Slowly she walks up the steep steps towards the temple. As she looks
over the directions she spots the building that is described and enters. Inside she finds the
well as stated and stares at it in confusion then she looks over the instructions again not
understanding how this is possible. *How can an old well such as this transport someone
to another era? This just isn't possible but everything so far in this note and directions has
been correct. The note also says that it can as long as I have these jewel shards so I might
as well give it a shot.* She looks at the necklace that holds the shards then places them
back under her shirt. Carefully she climbs onto the well and takes a deep breath then
jumps into it.
Just as she thinks that she is going to land hard onto the bottom of the well
everything turns blue around her and she finds herself landing softly at the bottom of the
well. Carefully she looks about the well then to her right she notices a thick and heavy
looking vine so she starts to climb up it with all of her things. "Oh just great this was all
just a bunch of..." As she reaches the top of the well she stops talking and just looks
around. She can't believe her eyes. She isn't where she was. She is somewhere totally
different. "But how can this be and where the hell am I?" Carefully she climbs out of the
well and looks about in total amazement.
As she finally realizes that the letter was correct she wonders what she should do
now sense she has no clue as to where she is. All of a sudden she hears a loud thud near
by and a girl screaming something that she can't make out. Hearing the girl heading her
way she grabs her things quickly and quietly she hides in some nearby bushes. The girl
comes bounding towards the well in a very pissed off mood. "How dare Inuyasha. Is that
all I am to him a jewel detector and nothing more. Well I'll show him." She walks over
the well with her things and before she is about to leave she breaks down in tears.
"Good-bye Inuyasha." She wipes her tears away and places a jewel half on the well edge
and jumps into the well.
As she watches the girl vanish into the well Falien walks back over to the well and
picks up the jewel half. "How weird this looks like the pieces that I have. I guess I'll just
keep it sense she is gone and the letter said it was best to get all the jewel pieces that I
could." She takes and ties the jewel half around her neck. Then she goes and grabs her
things before anyone else comes and starts to head out into this new world. "I guess I'll
just head west because I guess it is a way to start this new life of mine." She chuckles
softly to herself and starts out on her way. But unknown to her she is being watched from
afar. "Well now this is interesting. This girl is new to this land and she seems to have
most of the jewel. I think I'll keep an eye on her." He grins and starts to follow her
keeping his distance.
As Kagome reaches her era she realizes that she still has some of the jewel shards
on her so she decides to go back and give them to Inuyasha. She then jumps back into the
well. As she reaches the other era and climbs back out of the well she looks to where she
left the jewel half and realizes that it is missing. "Oh no where is it? I just left it here and
Inuyasha is not around so who could have taken it?" She searches the area but with no
luck so she heads back to where Inuyasha is to tell him what has happened. "What do you
mean the jewel is gone." "Just what I said Inuyasha I was mad at you and left the jewel on
the side of the well and was then coming back to give you the rest but when I came back
the jewel was gone." "Oh just great now we'll never find it." Inuyasha growls then
storms off away from the group.
All day long Falien wonders throughout the forest not knowing where she is really
going. As the day starts to turn to night she finally reaches a nice area with a hot spring
near it. "Oh wow this place is beautiful and that hot spring looks nice right now and my
feet are in need of rest so I think I'll take advantage of it sense I don't know when I will
find another." So she places her things near the spring and looks about to see if anyone is
around. But still unknowing to her she has been watched and followed sense she has
arrived. Not having seen anyone she carefully removes her clothing and slips into the
water gracefully. The eyes that watch her are amazed by the structure of her body. He
keeps his eyes on her watching every move that she makes. *Why am I watching her?
She is just a stupid human. Arrgg I should just look away but I cant. What is wrong with
me I don't understand how a human can be doing this to me.* He continues to watch her
as she bathes.
"Oh wow this spring is amazing and so relaxing." All of a sudden she hears a twig
snap behind her. She quickly turns to see what it is. A giant snake youkai appears and
starts to rush at her. She screams very loudly and tries to move away from it as fast as she
can. Just as it is about to get her, someone jumps out from the trees behind her quickly
grabs it. As the he grabs the snake he slices it in two with his nails. Falien's eyes widen as
she watches this strange man save her life. Just as the man turns she lowers her body into
the water with her head just above it. The man sees that she is still naked under the water.
"Be thee alright?" She takes a deep breath and looks up at him. "Hai. I am fine.
Arigatou for saving me but could you please toss me that robe there by your feet?" He
continues to look at her then nods and grabs the robe tossing it to her. She catches it and
wraps herself in it as she starts to climb out of the water keeping her eyes on the man. She
thinks to herself *Oh my he is very handsome. I wonder what he is doing out here and
how did he ever defeat that thing that tried to attack me.* As she gets out of the water
she turns and looks at the man. The mans eyes look over her. His eyes look like golden
gems and his silver hair that reaches his bottom shines brightly in the moonlight. "Gomen
nasai if I startled you, but I heard a scream and came to see what had happened. Be thee
all right?" "Hai, I am fine. Arigatou so very much. I was so frightened. I have never
seen anything like that before." "Oh? And why might that be?" "Well I am not from
around here exactly." Her body starts to shake a bit from being cold. The man looks at
her then turns and heads into the woods but quickly returns with some wood and starts a
fire. "Arigatou I was starting to get a bit cold there." "What might your name be?" "Oh
gomen. My name is Falien and what might your name be?" "My name is Lord
Sesshoumaru. I am Lord of the Western lands in which you are traveling." "Oh if I am
trespassing I shall leave." "No its all right. No harm is caused." His eyes continue to
gaze at her making her blush.
She starts to walk towards a tree that is near her belongings. "If you would
pardon me Lord Sesshoumaru I need to change out of this wet robe before I freeze to
death." "Go right ahead." She smiles at him and pulls out a pair of pants, a shirt and
underclothes then goes behind the tree and changes. As she comes back around the tree
after changing she places the robe near the fire to dry. She goes to her bag and pulls out a
few apples that she had managed to pick up earlier. Having the apples in hand she walks
back over to the fire and takes a seat. "Would you care for one Lord Sesshoumaru?"
"Hai that would be great." He takes the apple and bites into it. She smiles and begins to
eat hers. "Wow these are better than the ones for where I am from." Softly she yawns.
"Oh my I didn't realize how tired I am. If you dont mind Lord Sesshoumaru but I think I
will go to sleep now." "Go right ahead. I shall keep watch. There are many dangers out
here especially at night." She smiles at him then lays out her blanket and uses her bag as a
pillow as she nods off to sleep. He looks down at her sleeping. *Why can't I keep my
eyes away from her?*
Through out the night he keeps a close eye on her and makes sure that none
disturb her. As the morning light starts to break through the trees she awakens. She
yawns softly as she looks about. She notices him sitting on the ground leaning against a
tree sleeping and she smiles. *Wow he must have kept watch over me till he fell asleep.*
She pulls the soap out of her bag and goes to the spring to wash up a bit. While she is
washing he awakens and looks about curious as he wonders where she has gone to. He
growls at himself. *And why should I even care? She is just a pathetic human and why
am I even being nice to her.* He then spots her over at the spring. She finishes washing
up and returns to where her things are. "Oh your awake. Did you sleep ok Lord
Sesshoumaru?" "Hai. Well where are you off to now Falien?" "Umm. I'm not really
sure. I have just been wandering around. I dont know where to go really." "Why is
that?" He looks at her in curiously. "Well its hard to explain." "Try." "All right then.
Hmm lets see. I guess I'll start at the beginning of when this all happened."
She starts telling the story as to how she got the letter and that she followed the
directions and came to here through the well and how she got the jewel half and how she
had just been wandering till she met him and the whole snake thing and till now. "And
that is how it happened up till now." "Well that was some story. So now you have allot
of the jewel?" "Hai I do but I dont know what it is for." "Well the jewel is called the
Shikon Jewel. It is a very powerful Jewel and many youkai seek its power and that is why
you were attacked last night." "Oh wow who would have known that these little shards
were that great. Hmm but I still dont know what to do now that I am here." "Well you
may stay at my castle till you decide what you wish to do that way you don't get yourself
killed out here." "Oh arigatou that would be great. But umm may I ask why it is that you
are doing this for me? I have never met you." "Well...For one you are carrying that jewel
it will be very dangerous. Plus I know that a few other demons are seeking the jewel
including the one that the girl you got the jewel half from will be looking for it." "Well
arigatou again it is very nice of you to help me out. But I do have another question."
"And what might that be?" "Are you also a youkai?" "Hai I am. I am Inu-youkai why do
you ask?" "Oh no reason I was just curious and that explains how you killed the snake
youkai that attacked me last night." "Shall we head to my castle now?" "Sure just let me
grab my things." She picks up her things and looks at him to lead the way. He nods at
her. Then all of a sudden a cloud surrounds their feet. "You wont fall." "Oh, ok. So
how far is your castle?" "Not far at all. You may sit if you like." She smiles then takes a
seat on the cloud as it takes them to his castle high in the mountains.
Not to far off from where they had just left Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippou, Songo,
Miroku and the rest of those that travel with them just reach where Falien and
Sesshoumaru had camped at. "I knew I smelled him here but now the sent is gone. Damn
him." "Well they are gone now Inuyasha." "Yeah I know that and I bet I know where to.
His castle." "Well lets take a short break for now and then we'll continue." "No lets go
now. I don't want to waist any more time." "No we are going to take a rest Inuyasha."
"No we leave now." "Sit boy." "Damn you wench." Kagome then takes a seat against a
tree and relaxes. Shippou goes and sits next to her as Songo and Miroku take seats as
well. Inuyasha jumps up into the tree and keeps a looks out. *Damn him. Why would he
even waist his time with a human no less? It makes no sense. He must be after the jewel
pieces that she has.*
Finally Sesshoumaru and Falien arrive at his castle. As they set down in front of
the castle the cloud around their feet vanishes. Out through the main doors comes a short
toad caring a staff. "Welcome back Lord Sesshoumaru." The toad quivers in front of the
Lord. "Jaken carry Lady Falien's belongings and place them in the room next to mine."
"Hai Lord Sesshoumaru. But may I ask who she is Lord Sesshoumaru?" "Are you
questioning my order Jaken?" "No Lord Sesshoumaru." The toad grabs her things while
giving her a mean look and quickly vanishes into the house. Falien's eyes gaze about the
castle and grounds in utter awe. "Wow this place is enormous." "Hai it is I suppose.
Shall we enter now?" She looks at him a bit bewildered. His voice tone had changed so
much sense they had left the camp site. His meaner is so less caring. It's as if he is not the
same man. "Is there some thing wrong?" "No. Nothing Lord Sesshoumaru. Hai lets go
in." He nods then enters with her following behind him. He escorts her around the castle
so that she may know where most everything is. He then shows her to her room. His
tone and presentation of him self stays emotionless throughout the whole time. "Well this
is your room. If by chance you need me my room is right next to yours." He nods then
turns and walks away leaving her to her room. Before he is out of ear shot she says
sweetly. "Good night Lord Sesshoumaru and pleasant dreams."
Saying that she then walks into her room and takes a look about. "Wow this room
is huge and just look at the bathroom. I have never seen anything like this back at home."
She walks over to the bed and feels the sheets. "Oh my these are silk sheets. They are so
soft." She notices her bag is on the floor near the door and goes to it. She starts to
unpack her belongings and placing them in proper places. After unpacking her stomach
lightly growls. "Oh my it seems I must be hungry. I wonder what time dinner will be at. I
guess I could go ask Lord Sesshoumaru." With that thought she walks out of her room
and over to his lightly knocking on the door. Not hearing anything from within she
knocks again. "Lord Sesshoumaru may I please enter?" Still nothing so she softly opens
the door and enters. "Lord Sesshoumaru are you here?" Her eyes look about the room in
even more amazement. "Oh wow his room is even more elegant than any other." She
sniffs the air softly. "And it smells so hmm... what's the word. I'd have to say musky.
This carpet is so plush. My feet feel like they are on a cloud." Her eyes sparkle as she
looks about the room. "I guess he's not here. I'll go and try to find out from a servant
around the castle.
Just as she is about to open the door a pair of strong hands rest on her shoulders
and she takes a deep breath. "What are you doing in here? You know it is not polite to
enter a room with out permission being granted." He says it in such a cold tone. "I..I
wanted to ask you a question but I'll go." "No just ask it." "I was wondering what time
dinner will be at." "If you are hungry just go ask the chef to make you something. There
is no set time for meals. You eat when you feel like it." She takes a sharp gulp. "All
right then. Arigatou Lord Sesshoumaru. I shall leave you now. Gomen nasai for entering
without permission." "Very well. Just dont let it happen again." "It won't I promise
Lord Sesshoumaru." The hands on her shoulders release and the door is opened. Quickly
she runs out of his room and into hers shutting the door tightly behind her.
In her room she takes a seat on the couch and takes in deep breaths. "He has
changed so much that it scares me. He seemed kind of sweet before. Now he seems so
crewel." She brings her knees up to her chest and holds herself tightly while lightly
rocking. Her stomach growls again this time a bit louder. "Well I might as well go eat
something." She drops her feet to the ground and walks out her door. She walks quietly
past the Lords room and down the hall till she reaches the foyer. She walks through the
foyer and over to the kitchen. Inside the kitchen she finds a servant. "Good evening me
Lady. What may I get for you this evening. Lord Sesshoumaru said to get you what ever
you desire." "I dont really care I'm just hungry. Anything will be fine as long as it is
meat." She chuckles softly. "Very well Lady and where shall you be eating?" "Umm.. I
guess I'll be eating in the garden in the gazebo if that's ok." "Hai Lady that will be find
the food will be out shortly." She courtesies and gives the chef an order. Falien then
turns and walks outside into the gardens.
"It is so lovely out this evening and ever so quiet. It never was like this back
home. I like it here all except the youkai." She chuckles softly as she walks through the
gardens smelling the flowers. As she reaches the gazebo she takes a seat in it. Just as she
takes a seat a servant girl approaches her carrying a tray of food. "Here you are me
Lady." She lifts the tray revealing a few slabs of meat some rice and a small tea kettle.
"Oh arigatou. It looks delicious." Falien smiles at the girl and starts to eat the food and
drink some of the tea. After finishing the meal the servant girl takes the tray and returns
to the house while Falien is left alone in the gardens.
Back in Lord Sesshoumaru's room he paces his floor. *How could that girl have
made me feel like that. It was near the same way I felt when I first met Rin. Arrgg.
Damn these humans.* He hears a soft knock on the door. "Come in Rin." The little girl
smiles brightly as she enters. "Rin heard another voice." "Hai Rin that was Falien she will
be staying with us for now." The girl brightened. "Where is she at Sesshoumaru-sama?"
"She is in the gardens." The girl smiled then ran out of the room heading towards the
As Falien was enjoying the peaceful night she heard feet heading towards here then
she saw a small girl smiling brightly as she approached. As Rin approached the gazebo
she saw Falien looking at her then she smiled and ran up to Falien. "Hello there little one.
Who might you be and what are you doing around here so late?" "Rin is Rin and
Sesshoumaru-sama said that you would be out here. Are you going to be Rin's new
mother?" "Umm..." Falien looked at the girl confused. "For now she will be Rin."
Falien looks up from the girl in shock to see Sesshoumaru standing there. "Yay Rin has a
mommy. Rin is so happy." Rin jumped up into Falien's arms happily. Falien looked at
the girl then at Sesshoumaru. "I..." Falien looked back down at Rin. Rin snuggled close
in Falien's arms. "Rin it is time for bed now." "But Rin wants to stay up with
Falien-momma." Falien looked back up to Sesshoumaru then back at Rin. "Hai Rin it is
time for bed it is very late. If you like I will tell you a story to help you get to sleep."
"Rin would like that momma." Rin smiled then jumped off Faliens lap and ran over to
Sesshoumaru and hugged his leg tightly. Sesshoumaru patted her head then she ran back
over to Falien. "Come mommy Rin will show you her room." Rin grabbed Falien's arm
and pulled her back into the house.
Sesshoumaru looked at Falien then followed the two inside to Rin's room. Once
in Rin's room Rin changed into her night clothes and jumped into her bed. "Rin is waiting
for Rin's story mommy." Falien smiled at her and walked over to her bed and lightly sat
down. Falien noticed Sesshoumaru standing at the doorway. "Alright Rin lets get you
tucked in and I will tell you a nice story." Falien tucked her in and started to tell her a
fairy tale. Rin just smiled and listened to the story. Sesshoumaru watched Falien and Rin
while listening to the story she was telling. *Hmm.. Rin seems to really like her maybe
that is a good thing and she isn't half bad to look at. Wait where did that come from.
Damn my mind. No human is good to look at but this one is different. Maybe.. just
maybe..* He shakes the thought from his head and looks down at the now sleeping Rin as
Falien finishes her story. Falien smiles at the sleeping girl then stands softly and walks to
the door stopping in front of Sesshoumaru. He looks at her then moves out of the
doorway shutting the door behind them. "Umm..." "That is a first." "What is Lord
Sesshoumaru?" "It usually takes allot to get her to go to sleep." "Well the story telling
always got me to go to sleep so I just did the same thing with her. She is really sweet.
But.." "But what?" "Why did you say that I would be her new mother?" "Because she
has no mother or father. I adopted her basically. She seems to really like you and I can't
always watch her so I say that you shall be her mother while you stay here."
Falien looks at him in shock then shakes her head. "Oh so what you say goes huh.
Well what if I had said no huh then what would you have done." Sesshoumaru looks at
her in shock. It was not often anyone ever argued with him. He growls at her then slaps
her hard across the face knocking her to the ground. "Never ever question me girl or you
will regret it." Falien feels tears start to sting her eyes as she trys not to cry. She gulps
then stands having trouble and runs away from him just as the tears fall from her eyes.
"Get back here girl I am not finished with you yet." He yells at her then runs after her
catching her quickly forcing her to the ground. He looks down at her smacking her hard
across the face again. "Never run bitch it only makes things wrong and never leave my
presence unless I say you can. Understand?" As she cries she nods her head. "Ha..hai
Lord Sesshoumaru." "Good now go to your room and stay there." He grabs her arm and
shoves her away from him. As quickly as she could she gets up and runs down the hall to
her room as fast as she can. Tears streaming her face as she does so.
Quickly she enters her room and collapses on the floor near her door crying
openly. She moves a hand to her face feeling it sting as she touches it. "How could he be
so mean. I can't stay here with such a monster. But if I leave that poor child will be left
all alone. What am I to do." She curls up into a tight ball crying harder than before. He
smirks watching her flee to her room. "That will teach the wench to talk back to me." He
smirks again then enters his room. As the night goes on Falien finally falls asleep crying.
As the morning starts her door opens and in walks Sesshoumaru. He looks down at the
girl. *She fell asleep crying. How pathetic she really is.* He walks over to her and looks
down. "Wake up wench." Falien softly opens her eyes and looks at him. "It's time to get
up. Rin will be up soon and I don't want her finding you like this." Her eyes just looks at
him. "Also if you tell Rin about what happened you will gratefully regret it. Understand?"
She looks at him then nods softly with a gulp. "Good now clean up and go to Rin. Do
what you want throughout the day but make sure she eats and stays out of trouble. But I
warn you now if anything happens to her you will pay with your life girl." She gulps at his
words. He smirks seeing her fear then walks out and down the hall. *Oh man what have I
got myself into. Oh well I best just keep away from him and be with the child at least she
is pleasant to be around.* She gently stands and cleans herself up a bit before going to
wake up Rin.
As days turn into weeks Falien keeps her distance from Sesshoumaru but remains
with the girl. Three weeks have past after having come to this era. Falien is out in the
garden watching Rin play in the flowers. Nearby she can hear people yelling at one
another and wonders what is going on. "Rin come." Rin smiles then follows Falien to the
front court yard to see Sesshoumaru and many others arguing including the girl she got
the jewel half from. She holds Rin's hand and approaches the people yelling at
Sesshoumaru. "What is it that you seek Inuyasha?" "I want the jewel shards that you
have. Kagome says that she can since them here." Just then the girl that Falien had seen
jump through the well leaving the jewel half behind looking at her. "Inuyasha." "What is
it" "That girl has the jewel shards." Inuyasha looks at Falien and starts to walks towards
her. "Give me the shards girl and I won't kill you." "Never these are mine and not yours
now leave." Rin looks at Inuyasha in fear. "Mommy don't let him hurt me." "I won't
Quickly Inuyasha grabs Rin and moves back. "Now give me the shards or I'll kill
her." Falien looks at Rin then at Sesshoumaru. She sees the look of anger towards her
and gulps. *I have to do something but what.* "Give her back to me now." "Give me
the shards." Falien starts to growl her anger growing then something snaps and the shards
around her neck start to glow very brightly. "Give her back you fucking hanyou."
Inuyasha looks at her smirking. "Nope just give me the shards." Falien growls then
quickly runs at Inuyasha surprising him and kicks him straight in the head knocking him to
the ground making him let go of Rin. Quickly she grabs Rin and moves away from
Inuyasha towards Sesshoumaru. Rin clings tightly to Falien. Sesshoumaru watches as
Falien knocks Inuyasha to the ground and retrieves Rin. He smirks at Inuyasha. "Now
leave my castle and my lands Inuyasha or die." Inuyasha gets up and glares at Falien. Just
as he is about to attack her Kagome yells "SIT." Inuyasha crashes to the ground hard.
"Inuyasha lets just leave we'll get the shards another time now lets go. She grabs his
collar and drags him along.
Falien looks at the intruders then looks at Rin and walks inside the house.
Sesshoumaru looks at Falien then follows her inside. *Well that was interesting the jewel
gave her power to hurt Inuyasha.* Falien not caring that Sesshoumaru is following her
she takes Rin to her room and sets her on the bed. "Are you alright Rin?" "Hai mommy."
"Good now its time for bed." "Hai mommy" Rin goes and changes into her night clothes
and settles back in her bed. "Ok mommy time for a story." Falien smiles at her and starts
to tell her another story as she had every night. Sesshoumaru watches her. Rin finally
falls asleep. Falien stands and walks to the door keeping her eyes carefully on
Sesshoumaru. He looks at her then moves aside to let her pass. He closes the door softly
behind him.
Well that is the first chapter I hope you liked it. Please R/R. All and any reviews are welcomed.
A/N: Well this is my very first Fanfic so I hope that you like it. Please give me some
insight on how I am doing. I will warn you now that there is sexual content in this story.
There is also rape so be warned now. I rated this story R for those reasons plus the
language. I will be posting both the first and the second chapters right away because it is
all that I have finished thus far. Also some of the characters might seem OOC but they
aren't I just set them as to how I see them. I hope you like the story.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters except Falien so please don't sue me or
anything of the sort.
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Late one summer evening as a soft warm breeze blew through the trees a young
woman was taking a late stroll through the quaint park that resided near her house. As
she calmly walked through the park enjoying the late summer breeze she heard a noise in
the bushes nearby, it startled her. Out through the bushes a tall man wearing a hooded
cloak carefully steps out and starts to walk towards her. As she is not sure of who this
stranger is she begins to step backwards in retreat but as she is stepping backwards she
stumbles on a rock and falls onto the ground. The stranger continues to walk towards her
but then stops right in front of her. She looks up at the stranger in fright. "Wh..what is it
that you want?" "I am seeking a girl by the name Falien. Might you be this girl?" She
looks at him in confusion. "And what if I am her? What business is it of yours mister?"
Quickly she rises to her feet. "If you are Falien then I have something that I must give to
you." She takes a gulp and tries to look at the strangers face but is unable to see it as it is
masked by the night and by the hood of the cloak. "Well I am Falien and what is it you
say you have for me?" He reaches into his cloak and pulls out an envelope. "The contents
and the note within will explain." She looks at the stranger then at the envelope. Quickly
she grabs it from the stranger and opens it. As she reaches in she finds a few sheets of
paper and five small shards of jewel. As she is about to ask the stranger something she
looks up from the envelope to find no one around. "Where did he go?" She then unfolds
the paper and reads.
Dear Falien,
Enclosed in this envelope that you have just received you have found this note, five
small shards of a jewel, a map and a set of directions. You are to follow these
directions to the letter for when you reach your destination a new life will await
you. Make sure not to loose or give any of the jewel shards away to anyone even
if they demand them for in time you will find out what they are for and if by chance
you happen to find more of the shards then take them you will in time be in need of
these. When you arrive in the new place things will seem frightening but
eventually you will find out your true path. Well enjoy and good luck in your new
Having read the letter she looks at it blankly and thinks to herself *I wonder what
this is all about? There isn't a name from whom its from? This is all to weird I just don't
understand any of this.* She opens her hand and looks at the five tiny shards wondering
what they are and why she needs them and any others that she can get a hold of. She then
places the items back in the envelope and heads back to her apartment. "I'll go to bed and
handle this tomorrow after I get some rest." As she climbs into bed her mind drifts deep
into sleep as she peacefully dreams of a perfect carefree life.
As the morning light seeps through her window she awakens. "It must have been
all a crazy dream it has to have been." As she looks to her nightstand she finds the
envelope there. "I guess it wasn't a dream. Well I guess I better get this day started."
She gets up and walks into her bathroom. She then takes her shower and goes to her
closet to find a suitable outfit for this adventure. After dressing she heads to the kitchen
and prepares a good hearty breakfast. She then goes to her bedroom and opens the
envelope again and reads over the note then pulls out the directions and looks them over
very carefully. At the bottom of the directions it lists some items that she might want to
take along with her on this journey. So she packs up everything that was recommended to
take. Then she makes a necklace on which to keep the jewel shards close and heads out.
She follows the directions exactly to the letter. As she follows them they lead her
to an old temple. Slowly she walks up the steep steps towards the temple. As she looks
over the directions she spots the building that is described and enters. Inside she finds the
well as stated and stares at it in confusion then she looks over the instructions again not
understanding how this is possible. *How can an old well such as this transport someone
to another era? This just isn't possible but everything so far in this note and directions has
been correct. The note also says that it can as long as I have these jewel shards so I might
as well give it a shot.* She looks at the necklace that holds the shards then places them
back under her shirt. Carefully she climbs onto the well and takes a deep breath then
jumps into it.
Just as she thinks that she is going to land hard onto the bottom of the well
everything turns blue around her and she finds herself landing softly at the bottom of the
well. Carefully she looks about the well then to her right she notices a thick and heavy
looking vine so she starts to climb up it with all of her things. "Oh just great this was all
just a bunch of..." As she reaches the top of the well she stops talking and just looks
around. She can't believe her eyes. She isn't where she was. She is somewhere totally
different. "But how can this be and where the hell am I?" Carefully she climbs out of the
well and looks about in total amazement.
As she finally realizes that the letter was correct she wonders what she should do
now sense she has no clue as to where she is. All of a sudden she hears a loud thud near
by and a girl screaming something that she can't make out. Hearing the girl heading her
way she grabs her things quickly and quietly she hides in some nearby bushes. The girl
comes bounding towards the well in a very pissed off mood. "How dare Inuyasha. Is that
all I am to him a jewel detector and nothing more. Well I'll show him." She walks over
the well with her things and before she is about to leave she breaks down in tears.
"Good-bye Inuyasha." She wipes her tears away and places a jewel half on the well edge
and jumps into the well.
As she watches the girl vanish into the well Falien walks back over to the well and
picks up the jewel half. "How weird this looks like the pieces that I have. I guess I'll just
keep it sense she is gone and the letter said it was best to get all the jewel pieces that I
could." She takes and ties the jewel half around her neck. Then she goes and grabs her
things before anyone else comes and starts to head out into this new world. "I guess I'll
just head west because I guess it is a way to start this new life of mine." She chuckles
softly to herself and starts out on her way. But unknown to her she is being watched from
afar. "Well now this is interesting. This girl is new to this land and she seems to have
most of the jewel. I think I'll keep an eye on her." He grins and starts to follow her
keeping his distance.
As Kagome reaches her era she realizes that she still has some of the jewel shards
on her so she decides to go back and give them to Inuyasha. She then jumps back into the
well. As she reaches the other era and climbs back out of the well she looks to where she
left the jewel half and realizes that it is missing. "Oh no where is it? I just left it here and
Inuyasha is not around so who could have taken it?" She searches the area but with no
luck so she heads back to where Inuyasha is to tell him what has happened. "What do you
mean the jewel is gone." "Just what I said Inuyasha I was mad at you and left the jewel on
the side of the well and was then coming back to give you the rest but when I came back
the jewel was gone." "Oh just great now we'll never find it." Inuyasha growls then
storms off away from the group.
All day long Falien wonders throughout the forest not knowing where she is really
going. As the day starts to turn to night she finally reaches a nice area with a hot spring
near it. "Oh wow this place is beautiful and that hot spring looks nice right now and my
feet are in need of rest so I think I'll take advantage of it sense I don't know when I will
find another." So she places her things near the spring and looks about to see if anyone is
around. But still unknowing to her she has been watched and followed sense she has
arrived. Not having seen anyone she carefully removes her clothing and slips into the
water gracefully. The eyes that watch her are amazed by the structure of her body. He
keeps his eyes on her watching every move that she makes. *Why am I watching her?
She is just a stupid human. Arrgg I should just look away but I cant. What is wrong with
me I don't understand how a human can be doing this to me.* He continues to watch her
as she bathes.
"Oh wow this spring is amazing and so relaxing." All of a sudden she hears a twig
snap behind her. She quickly turns to see what it is. A giant snake youkai appears and
starts to rush at her. She screams very loudly and tries to move away from it as fast as she
can. Just as it is about to get her, someone jumps out from the trees behind her quickly
grabs it. As the he grabs the snake he slices it in two with his nails. Falien's eyes widen as
she watches this strange man save her life. Just as the man turns she lowers her body into
the water with her head just above it. The man sees that she is still naked under the water.
"Be thee alright?" She takes a deep breath and looks up at him. "Hai. I am fine.
Arigatou for saving me but could you please toss me that robe there by your feet?" He
continues to look at her then nods and grabs the robe tossing it to her. She catches it and
wraps herself in it as she starts to climb out of the water keeping her eyes on the man. She
thinks to herself *Oh my he is very handsome. I wonder what he is doing out here and
how did he ever defeat that thing that tried to attack me.* As she gets out of the water
she turns and looks at the man. The mans eyes look over her. His eyes look like golden
gems and his silver hair that reaches his bottom shines brightly in the moonlight. "Gomen
nasai if I startled you, but I heard a scream and came to see what had happened. Be thee
all right?" "Hai, I am fine. Arigatou so very much. I was so frightened. I have never
seen anything like that before." "Oh? And why might that be?" "Well I am not from
around here exactly." Her body starts to shake a bit from being cold. The man looks at
her then turns and heads into the woods but quickly returns with some wood and starts a
fire. "Arigatou I was starting to get a bit cold there." "What might your name be?" "Oh
gomen. My name is Falien and what might your name be?" "My name is Lord
Sesshoumaru. I am Lord of the Western lands in which you are traveling." "Oh if I am
trespassing I shall leave." "No its all right. No harm is caused." His eyes continue to
gaze at her making her blush.
She starts to walk towards a tree that is near her belongings. "If you would
pardon me Lord Sesshoumaru I need to change out of this wet robe before I freeze to
death." "Go right ahead." She smiles at him and pulls out a pair of pants, a shirt and
underclothes then goes behind the tree and changes. As she comes back around the tree
after changing she places the robe near the fire to dry. She goes to her bag and pulls out a
few apples that she had managed to pick up earlier. Having the apples in hand she walks
back over to the fire and takes a seat. "Would you care for one Lord Sesshoumaru?"
"Hai that would be great." He takes the apple and bites into it. She smiles and begins to
eat hers. "Wow these are better than the ones for where I am from." Softly she yawns.
"Oh my I didn't realize how tired I am. If you dont mind Lord Sesshoumaru but I think I
will go to sleep now." "Go right ahead. I shall keep watch. There are many dangers out
here especially at night." She smiles at him then lays out her blanket and uses her bag as a
pillow as she nods off to sleep. He looks down at her sleeping. *Why can't I keep my
eyes away from her?*
Through out the night he keeps a close eye on her and makes sure that none
disturb her. As the morning light starts to break through the trees she awakens. She
yawns softly as she looks about. She notices him sitting on the ground leaning against a
tree sleeping and she smiles. *Wow he must have kept watch over me till he fell asleep.*
She pulls the soap out of her bag and goes to the spring to wash up a bit. While she is
washing he awakens and looks about curious as he wonders where she has gone to. He
growls at himself. *And why should I even care? She is just a pathetic human and why
am I even being nice to her.* He then spots her over at the spring. She finishes washing
up and returns to where her things are. "Oh your awake. Did you sleep ok Lord
Sesshoumaru?" "Hai. Well where are you off to now Falien?" "Umm. I'm not really
sure. I have just been wandering around. I dont know where to go really." "Why is
that?" He looks at her in curiously. "Well its hard to explain." "Try." "All right then.
Hmm lets see. I guess I'll start at the beginning of when this all happened."
She starts telling the story as to how she got the letter and that she followed the
directions and came to here through the well and how she got the jewel half and how she
had just been wandering till she met him and the whole snake thing and till now. "And
that is how it happened up till now." "Well that was some story. So now you have allot
of the jewel?" "Hai I do but I dont know what it is for." "Well the jewel is called the
Shikon Jewel. It is a very powerful Jewel and many youkai seek its power and that is why
you were attacked last night." "Oh wow who would have known that these little shards
were that great. Hmm but I still dont know what to do now that I am here." "Well you
may stay at my castle till you decide what you wish to do that way you don't get yourself
killed out here." "Oh arigatou that would be great. But umm may I ask why it is that you
are doing this for me? I have never met you." "Well...For one you are carrying that jewel
it will be very dangerous. Plus I know that a few other demons are seeking the jewel
including the one that the girl you got the jewel half from will be looking for it." "Well
arigatou again it is very nice of you to help me out. But I do have another question."
"And what might that be?" "Are you also a youkai?" "Hai I am. I am Inu-youkai why do
you ask?" "Oh no reason I was just curious and that explains how you killed the snake
youkai that attacked me last night." "Shall we head to my castle now?" "Sure just let me
grab my things." She picks up her things and looks at him to lead the way. He nods at
her. Then all of a sudden a cloud surrounds their feet. "You wont fall." "Oh, ok. So
how far is your castle?" "Not far at all. You may sit if you like." She smiles then takes a
seat on the cloud as it takes them to his castle high in the mountains.
Not to far off from where they had just left Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippou, Songo,
Miroku and the rest of those that travel with them just reach where Falien and
Sesshoumaru had camped at. "I knew I smelled him here but now the sent is gone. Damn
him." "Well they are gone now Inuyasha." "Yeah I know that and I bet I know where to.
His castle." "Well lets take a short break for now and then we'll continue." "No lets go
now. I don't want to waist any more time." "No we are going to take a rest Inuyasha."
"No we leave now." "Sit boy." "Damn you wench." Kagome then takes a seat against a
tree and relaxes. Shippou goes and sits next to her as Songo and Miroku take seats as
well. Inuyasha jumps up into the tree and keeps a looks out. *Damn him. Why would he
even waist his time with a human no less? It makes no sense. He must be after the jewel
pieces that she has.*
Finally Sesshoumaru and Falien arrive at his castle. As they set down in front of
the castle the cloud around their feet vanishes. Out through the main doors comes a short
toad caring a staff. "Welcome back Lord Sesshoumaru." The toad quivers in front of the
Lord. "Jaken carry Lady Falien's belongings and place them in the room next to mine."
"Hai Lord Sesshoumaru. But may I ask who she is Lord Sesshoumaru?" "Are you
questioning my order Jaken?" "No Lord Sesshoumaru." The toad grabs her things while
giving her a mean look and quickly vanishes into the house. Falien's eyes gaze about the
castle and grounds in utter awe. "Wow this place is enormous." "Hai it is I suppose.
Shall we enter now?" She looks at him a bit bewildered. His voice tone had changed so
much sense they had left the camp site. His meaner is so less caring. It's as if he is not the
same man. "Is there some thing wrong?" "No. Nothing Lord Sesshoumaru. Hai lets go
in." He nods then enters with her following behind him. He escorts her around the castle
so that she may know where most everything is. He then shows her to her room. His
tone and presentation of him self stays emotionless throughout the whole time. "Well this
is your room. If by chance you need me my room is right next to yours." He nods then
turns and walks away leaving her to her room. Before he is out of ear shot she says
sweetly. "Good night Lord Sesshoumaru and pleasant dreams."
Saying that she then walks into her room and takes a look about. "Wow this room
is huge and just look at the bathroom. I have never seen anything like this back at home."
She walks over to the bed and feels the sheets. "Oh my these are silk sheets. They are so
soft." She notices her bag is on the floor near the door and goes to it. She starts to
unpack her belongings and placing them in proper places. After unpacking her stomach
lightly growls. "Oh my it seems I must be hungry. I wonder what time dinner will be at. I
guess I could go ask Lord Sesshoumaru." With that thought she walks out of her room
and over to his lightly knocking on the door. Not hearing anything from within she
knocks again. "Lord Sesshoumaru may I please enter?" Still nothing so she softly opens
the door and enters. "Lord Sesshoumaru are you here?" Her eyes look about the room in
even more amazement. "Oh wow his room is even more elegant than any other." She
sniffs the air softly. "And it smells so hmm... what's the word. I'd have to say musky.
This carpet is so plush. My feet feel like they are on a cloud." Her eyes sparkle as she
looks about the room. "I guess he's not here. I'll go and try to find out from a servant
around the castle.
Just as she is about to open the door a pair of strong hands rest on her shoulders
and she takes a deep breath. "What are you doing in here? You know it is not polite to
enter a room with out permission being granted." He says it in such a cold tone. "I..I
wanted to ask you a question but I'll go." "No just ask it." "I was wondering what time
dinner will be at." "If you are hungry just go ask the chef to make you something. There
is no set time for meals. You eat when you feel like it." She takes a sharp gulp. "All
right then. Arigatou Lord Sesshoumaru. I shall leave you now. Gomen nasai for entering
without permission." "Very well. Just dont let it happen again." "It won't I promise
Lord Sesshoumaru." The hands on her shoulders release and the door is opened. Quickly
she runs out of his room and into hers shutting the door tightly behind her.
In her room she takes a seat on the couch and takes in deep breaths. "He has
changed so much that it scares me. He seemed kind of sweet before. Now he seems so
crewel." She brings her knees up to her chest and holds herself tightly while lightly
rocking. Her stomach growls again this time a bit louder. "Well I might as well go eat
something." She drops her feet to the ground and walks out her door. She walks quietly
past the Lords room and down the hall till she reaches the foyer. She walks through the
foyer and over to the kitchen. Inside the kitchen she finds a servant. "Good evening me
Lady. What may I get for you this evening. Lord Sesshoumaru said to get you what ever
you desire." "I dont really care I'm just hungry. Anything will be fine as long as it is
meat." She chuckles softly. "Very well Lady and where shall you be eating?" "Umm.. I
guess I'll be eating in the garden in the gazebo if that's ok." "Hai Lady that will be find
the food will be out shortly." She courtesies and gives the chef an order. Falien then
turns and walks outside into the gardens.
"It is so lovely out this evening and ever so quiet. It never was like this back
home. I like it here all except the youkai." She chuckles softly as she walks through the
gardens smelling the flowers. As she reaches the gazebo she takes a seat in it. Just as she
takes a seat a servant girl approaches her carrying a tray of food. "Here you are me
Lady." She lifts the tray revealing a few slabs of meat some rice and a small tea kettle.
"Oh arigatou. It looks delicious." Falien smiles at the girl and starts to eat the food and
drink some of the tea. After finishing the meal the servant girl takes the tray and returns
to the house while Falien is left alone in the gardens.
Back in Lord Sesshoumaru's room he paces his floor. *How could that girl have
made me feel like that. It was near the same way I felt when I first met Rin. Arrgg.
Damn these humans.* He hears a soft knock on the door. "Come in Rin." The little girl
smiles brightly as she enters. "Rin heard another voice." "Hai Rin that was Falien she will
be staying with us for now." The girl brightened. "Where is she at Sesshoumaru-sama?"
"She is in the gardens." The girl smiled then ran out of the room heading towards the
As Falien was enjoying the peaceful night she heard feet heading towards here then
she saw a small girl smiling brightly as she approached. As Rin approached the gazebo
she saw Falien looking at her then she smiled and ran up to Falien. "Hello there little one.
Who might you be and what are you doing around here so late?" "Rin is Rin and
Sesshoumaru-sama said that you would be out here. Are you going to be Rin's new
mother?" "Umm..." Falien looked at the girl confused. "For now she will be Rin."
Falien looks up from the girl in shock to see Sesshoumaru standing there. "Yay Rin has a
mommy. Rin is so happy." Rin jumped up into Falien's arms happily. Falien looked at
the girl then at Sesshoumaru. "I..." Falien looked back down at Rin. Rin snuggled close
in Falien's arms. "Rin it is time for bed now." "But Rin wants to stay up with
Falien-momma." Falien looked back up to Sesshoumaru then back at Rin. "Hai Rin it is
time for bed it is very late. If you like I will tell you a story to help you get to sleep."
"Rin would like that momma." Rin smiled then jumped off Faliens lap and ran over to
Sesshoumaru and hugged his leg tightly. Sesshoumaru patted her head then she ran back
over to Falien. "Come mommy Rin will show you her room." Rin grabbed Falien's arm
and pulled her back into the house.
Sesshoumaru looked at Falien then followed the two inside to Rin's room. Once
in Rin's room Rin changed into her night clothes and jumped into her bed. "Rin is waiting
for Rin's story mommy." Falien smiled at her and walked over to her bed and lightly sat
down. Falien noticed Sesshoumaru standing at the doorway. "Alright Rin lets get you
tucked in and I will tell you a nice story." Falien tucked her in and started to tell her a
fairy tale. Rin just smiled and listened to the story. Sesshoumaru watched Falien and Rin
while listening to the story she was telling. *Hmm.. Rin seems to really like her maybe
that is a good thing and she isn't half bad to look at. Wait where did that come from.
Damn my mind. No human is good to look at but this one is different. Maybe.. just
maybe..* He shakes the thought from his head and looks down at the now sleeping Rin as
Falien finishes her story. Falien smiles at the sleeping girl then stands softly and walks to
the door stopping in front of Sesshoumaru. He looks at her then moves out of the
doorway shutting the door behind them. "Umm..." "That is a first." "What is Lord
Sesshoumaru?" "It usually takes allot to get her to go to sleep." "Well the story telling
always got me to go to sleep so I just did the same thing with her. She is really sweet.
But.." "But what?" "Why did you say that I would be her new mother?" "Because she
has no mother or father. I adopted her basically. She seems to really like you and I can't
always watch her so I say that you shall be her mother while you stay here."
Falien looks at him in shock then shakes her head. "Oh so what you say goes huh.
Well what if I had said no huh then what would you have done." Sesshoumaru looks at
her in shock. It was not often anyone ever argued with him. He growls at her then slaps
her hard across the face knocking her to the ground. "Never ever question me girl or you
will regret it." Falien feels tears start to sting her eyes as she trys not to cry. She gulps
then stands having trouble and runs away from him just as the tears fall from her eyes.
"Get back here girl I am not finished with you yet." He yells at her then runs after her
catching her quickly forcing her to the ground. He looks down at her smacking her hard
across the face again. "Never run bitch it only makes things wrong and never leave my
presence unless I say you can. Understand?" As she cries she nods her head. "Ha..hai
Lord Sesshoumaru." "Good now go to your room and stay there." He grabs her arm and
shoves her away from him. As quickly as she could she gets up and runs down the hall to
her room as fast as she can. Tears streaming her face as she does so.
Quickly she enters her room and collapses on the floor near her door crying
openly. She moves a hand to her face feeling it sting as she touches it. "How could he be
so mean. I can't stay here with such a monster. But if I leave that poor child will be left
all alone. What am I to do." She curls up into a tight ball crying harder than before. He
smirks watching her flee to her room. "That will teach the wench to talk back to me." He
smirks again then enters his room. As the night goes on Falien finally falls asleep crying.
As the morning starts her door opens and in walks Sesshoumaru. He looks down at the
girl. *She fell asleep crying. How pathetic she really is.* He walks over to her and looks
down. "Wake up wench." Falien softly opens her eyes and looks at him. "It's time to get
up. Rin will be up soon and I don't want her finding you like this." Her eyes just looks at
him. "Also if you tell Rin about what happened you will gratefully regret it. Understand?"
She looks at him then nods softly with a gulp. "Good now clean up and go to Rin. Do
what you want throughout the day but make sure she eats and stays out of trouble. But I
warn you now if anything happens to her you will pay with your life girl." She gulps at his
words. He smirks seeing her fear then walks out and down the hall. *Oh man what have I
got myself into. Oh well I best just keep away from him and be with the child at least she
is pleasant to be around.* She gently stands and cleans herself up a bit before going to
wake up Rin.
As days turn into weeks Falien keeps her distance from Sesshoumaru but remains
with the girl. Three weeks have past after having come to this era. Falien is out in the
garden watching Rin play in the flowers. Nearby she can hear people yelling at one
another and wonders what is going on. "Rin come." Rin smiles then follows Falien to the
front court yard to see Sesshoumaru and many others arguing including the girl she got
the jewel half from. She holds Rin's hand and approaches the people yelling at
Sesshoumaru. "What is it that you seek Inuyasha?" "I want the jewel shards that you
have. Kagome says that she can since them here." Just then the girl that Falien had seen
jump through the well leaving the jewel half behind looking at her. "Inuyasha." "What is
it" "That girl has the jewel shards." Inuyasha looks at Falien and starts to walks towards
her. "Give me the shards girl and I won't kill you." "Never these are mine and not yours
now leave." Rin looks at Inuyasha in fear. "Mommy don't let him hurt me." "I won't
Quickly Inuyasha grabs Rin and moves back. "Now give me the shards or I'll kill
her." Falien looks at Rin then at Sesshoumaru. She sees the look of anger towards her
and gulps. *I have to do something but what.* "Give her back to me now." "Give me
the shards." Falien starts to growl her anger growing then something snaps and the shards
around her neck start to glow very brightly. "Give her back you fucking hanyou."
Inuyasha looks at her smirking. "Nope just give me the shards." Falien growls then
quickly runs at Inuyasha surprising him and kicks him straight in the head knocking him to
the ground making him let go of Rin. Quickly she grabs Rin and moves away from
Inuyasha towards Sesshoumaru. Rin clings tightly to Falien. Sesshoumaru watches as
Falien knocks Inuyasha to the ground and retrieves Rin. He smirks at Inuyasha. "Now
leave my castle and my lands Inuyasha or die." Inuyasha gets up and glares at Falien. Just
as he is about to attack her Kagome yells "SIT." Inuyasha crashes to the ground hard.
"Inuyasha lets just leave we'll get the shards another time now lets go. She grabs his
collar and drags him along.
Falien looks at the intruders then looks at Rin and walks inside the house.
Sesshoumaru looks at Falien then follows her inside. *Well that was interesting the jewel
gave her power to hurt Inuyasha.* Falien not caring that Sesshoumaru is following her
she takes Rin to her room and sets her on the bed. "Are you alright Rin?" "Hai mommy."
"Good now its time for bed." "Hai mommy" Rin goes and changes into her night clothes
and settles back in her bed. "Ok mommy time for a story." Falien smiles at her and starts
to tell her another story as she had every night. Sesshoumaru watches her. Rin finally
falls asleep. Falien stands and walks to the door keeping her eyes carefully on
Sesshoumaru. He looks at her then moves aside to let her pass. He closes the door softly
behind him.
Well that is the first chapter I hope you liked it. Please R/R. All and any reviews are welcomed.