InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Lost Soul ❯ A Fatal Promise and An Ended Life ( Chapter 7 )
"Inuyasha are you sure you know where you're going?" "Yes, just a few more miles." He leaped through the air trying to catch Kikiyou's scent. "I found her!" He could smell her really close now. He leaped through some trees before landing in the shrine clearing where Kikiyou and Kikai were. "Kikiyou!" Inuyasha cried out, and she turned her head to face him. Kagome slid off of Inuyasha's back stepping away from him. "Inuyasha?" Kikiyou tried to get up but the force of the sword was keeping her from making any movement. "What are you doing here?" Kikai's words were deep as she gave him a scold. "Kikai don't do it you don't know what you're doing!" He called out. "But I do, Kikiyou deserves to suffer like I did so she must die!" The sword began to light up brightly blinding anyone who looked at it but they all turned their heads away from it. "Die Kikiyou!" Kikai brought down the sword slicing through Kikiyou. Kikiyou screamed in horror but it soon was lost and the light disappeared. Inuyasha and Kagome turned their heads back to see that Kikiyou was lying on the ground with a pool of blood surrounding her. Kikai dropped to her knees. "It's done finally she can be at rest and I can live without guilt." Her words filled Inuyasha's and Kagome's ears then Kikai picked up the necklace and put it around her neck. She pressed her hand over it to make sure that it was really there. "Father I'm sorry I couldn't come home to you, but it's just not my time and any ways I've got something I need to protect." She thought closing her eyes picturing her father then opening them again.
Inuyasha slowly walked over to Kikiyou's still body; he bent down looking over her. Then he fell to the ground wrapping his arms around the dead body. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, forgive me as I have forgiven you." He leaned in and kissed her cheek then placing her back on the ground. He rose to his feet and moved over to Kikai. "Why did you have to end her life?" His voice grew angry as her snorted with her. "It was her time to die, if it wasn't her fate then she would have fought through it, but she didn't so it wasn't me who killed her she killed herself." "Liar! It wasn't her time, why couldn't you have taken me not her?" He fell to his knees pounding his fists into the surface trying to fight back the tears. "It wasn't you time you can still have a normal life here with Kagome, but for her there was just no room for her anywhere, she was dead once and now she is dead again she can never come back. She has done wrong so she had to pay for her sins." Kagome blushed at the thought of Inuyasha and her being together. "Kagome, how could I have forgotten you, even when I said I loved you, am I losing my mind." He stopped hitting the ground to think of the moment when he had almost lost Kagome, his future. "She could have been forgiven though." His words now dropped softer. "I'm afraid she couldn't be, because you see she chosen her own path, her own way of living, no one not even Naraku could stop her from making those decisions. She made her own path to hell and that was exactly where she wanted to be and I just saved her the trouble and put her there." Kikai getting back to her full strength picked herself up and looked down at Inuyasha. "I'm sorry you had to go through all of this but like I said I wouldn't stop until I succeeded or was killed." Inuyasha looked up at Kikai with understanding eyes. "I know." He also picked himself up to his feet. "I have something else to keep me happy know." They both looked over to an over-blushing Kagome. "Who me?" She pointed to herself trying to act confused. "I guess I'll be leaving now, the suns already down and I really need to get back to the palace." "So you're really leaving?" "Yes, I feel that I need to go think about things and since my job was completed there's no need for me to stay here, so take care bye." She waved to them before jumping into the sky. "Thanks for everything!" Inuyasha called to her, her eyes shined in the moonlight as she gave him a wink. "Well I guess that's it, it's over, its really over." "But Inuyasha what about Kikiyou, I think we should give her proper burial." "Yeah I do to." He scooped Kikiyou into his arms as they walked away from the shrine.
Ten years later.
"Inuyasha, can you believe how fast time goes by." "No Kagome but it's been pretty good for us lately." He said wrapping his arms around Kagome as they sat on the edge of the spring looking out over the sparkling water.