InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Lot About Love ❯ Temporary Difficulties ( Chapter 8 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Lime warning: There is Lime content in this very chapter, please read with a bit of caution.
Chapter Eight
Temporary difficulties
Inuyasha slept like a baby that night, sitting up, he smiled, knowing today was going to be a good day.
No erotic dreams, no annoying boys running around getting ready for school, and definitely no bothersome wenches in pissed off moods.
Then he remembered last night, and the events that took place between him and Kagome…
Yup, this was going to be a good day. Inuyasha stood up and quickly grabbed some clothes and headed for the shower.
Opening the door, he froze.
“Uhh…” he stuttered.
“Oh my god, get out!” Kagome screamed throwing anything she could at the peeping tom. “Get out, get out, get out!” Her sleek naked body was too…naked.
“I'm sorry!” Inuyasha slammed the door, blocking any other items Kagome had at her disposal from hitting him. Looking down, he noticed a brush, a toothpaste bottle, and one of her slippers that she had thrown at him.
He took a deep breath, when his eyes met her body, he lost control, he couldn't find it in himself to look away.
`What's wrong with me?' He sighed and shook his head with a small smile, `I have to stop hanging around Miroku.'
Inuyasha decided to have some breakfast before attempting to have another shower. Maybe this wasn't going to be such a great day after all…
Hopping out of the shower, he grabbed his towel and toothbrush. Scrubbing his teeth, he felt a whole lot better. It was surprising how clean teeth help when you didn't feel…just right.
Inuyasha grabbed his clothes, and walked out of the now hot and steamy bathroom. He watched the fog leave the doorway and he felt the chill of the cool air outside.
Suddenly, he was pulled out of his thoughts and jumped when he heard a loud smash of glass coming from the kitchen. Without thinking, he leapt down the stairs and found a girl sitting on the ground with her wrist in her mouth, or at least half way.
“Kagome?” Inuyasha asked, getting the girl's attention. “What happened?”
“I was carrying a plate, but when I grabbed it, it was really hot and I dropped it.” Kagome whispered through the skin in her mouth.
“Why are you bleeding then?” Inuyasha asked as he knelt in front of the miko and smelt the blood.
“Well obviously I cut myself.” Kagome said as if it were obvious.
Inuyasha stood and walked up and grabbed the first aid kit on top of the fridge. Sitting back down, he pulled the girl's arm away from her face and started to clean the wound and bandage it.
Pulling Kagome up, he walked her up to the bathroom. Inuyasha started the bath and ran her hand under the cool tap to get rid of the swollen area already starting from the burn on her hand.
“Better?” She nodded. “Good.”
“Thanks.” Kagome whispered as she felt her hand go numb from the cold water. The need to pull her arm out from the numbing water was growing, but looking at Inuyasha, she stuck it back under.
“No problem.” Inuyasha answered as he sat back up on the toilet seat.
Kagome looked up and finally realized what her `hero' was wearing--or not wearing--at that moment. She started to blush when she looked at the towel, not doing a very good job covering up his torso and chest; and if she moved just so, she could see down the towel as he sat with his legs spread carelessly.
The well-toned body was giving the poor girl shivers as she forced herself to pull away from his view as he handed her a wet cloth for her hand. The cold water just didn't seem so cold anymore…
Inuyasha smirked.
He knew she was ogling him, but he wasn't about to admit that it was giving him a sense of pride when he caught her blushing.
“Where's Souta?” Inuyasha asked, pulling the girl's attention away from his body and too his face.
“Oh, he went to work, he has to work Sundays since he has school.” Kagome mumbled as she recollected herself from the hormones rushing through her body. She suddenly had a fascination with the towel wrapped around her arm.
Inuyasha was having a hard time not keeping away from the girl, he had a new urge, an urge to touch her, devour her…
`I have to get out of here.' He thought to himself, as images of his dream/nightmare he had the other night was coming back to him. Inuyasha stood and scared the girl with his quick movements, “I've gotta get changed.” Then he left the girl, sitting at the edge of the tub holding the cloth he gave her to her hand.
He grimaced as he smelt her arousal on his way out the door. Inuyasha sighed in relief as he made it to his room and collapsed on his bed, staring at the ceiling.
Pulling a shirt and a pair of nice pants out from his suitcase, he smiled at the smell of the floral laundry soap Kagome used to wash their clothes. Since he came here, Kagome did the laundry; most of his clothes were secretly cleaned every day.
He turned to see Kagome standing at the door; thankfully, she waited long enough for him to change as she waltzed in and stood just before him, her cold cloth placed neatly on her arm.
“Inuyasha…” He gulped; hearing his name from her lips was, surprisingly, a big turn on.
“Yeah?” He swallowed hard.
“I wanted to say that I appreciate you being nice to me and helping me out and all…”
“Don't mention it; you're letting me live here till I leave.” Inuyasha shrugged, “It's the least I could do.”
“I want to still repay you.” Kagome continued to stare at the ground, or his feet, he wasn't sure.
Inuyasha looked at her, confused, but gasped when he felt her lips on his, melting into his form as she dropped the cloth and wrapped her still wet arms around his waist.
Inuyasha, lost in the kiss, pulled the girl closer and placed a hand behind her head, deepening the kiss. It was a first, usually he was the one to initiate anything, but with Kagome, he hadn't felt intimidated.
“Kag…ome…” he whispered in between kisses as he lifted her up, and smirked when she instinctively wrapped her legs around him.
Kagome felt herself collapse on the bed as soon as the hanyou carried her over; she smiled when she felt his body press against her, not letting go of her lips for one moment. She felt a nauseous feeling in her belly when she felt him pressed his groined near her nether area. Not being able to suppress the new feelings coming over her, she moaned and arched her back, wanting him to continue the ministrations.
Taking things a bit further, Inuyasha started trailing kisses down her neck, not wanting to push the girl too far. However, he almost growled when he felt Kagome stop and try to halt the hanyou as well.
He glanced up and saw tears in the girls eyes, his nose hadn't been able to pick up the salty scent as he let her go and watched her mumble an apology and run out the door without another word.
Sitting there on his bed, Inuyasha stared at his hands, confused. Staring down at his hands, he sighed in defeat.
`You baka, she wasn't ready, she doesn't intend on being with you…' Inuyasha argued with himself, `you pushed her too far you idiot…you can't even keep it in your pants…'
`But she started it…it's her own damn fault…'
That wasn't true. Inuyasha knew it.
Kagome sat on her bed in tears, she didn't know what came over her to start that, but she did it.
`What's wrong with me…I liked it, and I pushed him away because I'm a coward.' Kagome pushed the pillow into her face more to hide the tears. `I'm afraid…but why?'
She froze when she heard someone coming up the stairs, holding the pillow closer to her head, she thought of pretending that she fell asleep, but too late,
“Kagome?” She winced at the hurt tone coming from Inuyasha's voice.
She sat up, only looking at her hands placed gently in her lap, “Yeah?”
“…I just wanted to…say I'm sorry.” He whispered, he still hadn't come into the room, she could barely see him outside her door.
Kagome took a risk and stood up, she almost gagged at how sad the hanyou before her looked, “No, it's not your fault, I'm just too frigid.”
Inuyasha slowly walked in, and with a nod of her head he sat down on the end of the bed, still away from the girl who was still standing across the room, “Why would you say that; I pushed you too far.”
“I'm still sorry; I guess well…I'm not used to that kind of stuff, that's all.” She pulled the pillow closer in a self-conscious movement.
“I won't rush anything…if we even have anything.” He sighed.
“How about…we're both to blame, alright?” Kagome looked up at the boy.
Inuyasha met her gaze and his heart beat faster when she gave him a small smile, he couldn't help but return the tiny affection.
“Sounds like a good plan to me.” He nodded. “Do you want to do something; I'm not really into wasting the last bit of the weekend before you go back to work.”
Kagome giggled, “Sure, that's sounds good as well.”
Inuyasha hesitantly took the girl's hand when they both stood; he was a bit surprised when she gave him a soft squeeze.
They walked down the stairs, happily enjoying each other's company for the night.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Inuyasha characters, anime of manga. Rumiko Takahashi does and I'm glad she had the imagination to create such amazing characters to play with.