InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Love that crosses time ❯ Good night sweet Kikyou ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Someday...Someday Inuyasha will be mine, oh yes he will be mine.
Sorry about last chapter, Miroku and Sango expressed their feelings and I left it at that. The truth is they were filled with so much happiness, they couldn’t control what they were saying. I’ll go more into they’re relationship as they become more comfortable with they’re surroundings. Mistakes were made please forgive.
I’ll Update soon.
“Wow!” The light stung Shippo’s eyes when Kagome turned on the artificial light. It took Kagome fifteen minutes to coax her friends out of the shrine. Everyone’s jaw dropped when they saw the massive buildings and the beautiful Higurashi Shrine. Sango was in awe of the wonders of Kagome’s home. A box that make moving pictures and large beds of cotton. Kirara was immediately taken with the family cat, Buyo. Buyo was more interested in Kirara’s even number of tails softly grunting while batting them.
Miroku eyed Kagome’s Mother but he just couldn’t do anything but be polite, which was completely out of character for him. But she was all of their Mother even though this was the first time they met. She welcomed them all into her home and didn’t judge them. She even asked them all to consider her their Mother, which they happily accepted. Kagome made up the spare rooms for the new occupants as her Mother promptly began starting dinner, introducing Sango to the wonders of the kitchen. Sango placed her hand inside the fridgerator and felt the cool breeze.
“A machine that makes winter?” Sango said puzzled. This is the place where Kagome’s Mom made all the delicious foods Kagome brought to the feudal era. Sango had to admit she wouldn’t miss the foods of the feudal era. Miroku quickly bonded with Grandpa sharing his secret sutras and the now ancient histories of the Kazaana. Shippo made quick friends with Souta, Kagome’s younger brother. Sharing his transformations and charms. Everyone seemed to find a friend. So why was Kagome so sad, she should be happy her friends found someone who could help them through this time.
“Hey Kaede-baba!” Inuyasha shouted as Kaede appeared over the horizon.
“Inuyasha, I thought ye went with my sister to the underworld.” Kaede said not to surprised to see the hanyou.
“Keh what would give you an idea like that.” Inuyasha huffed. He knew why she thought he would, Kagome. “Where’s Kagome?” Inuyasha asked angrily.
“She’s returned to her own world. Inuyasha, is there any reason why she would not.” Kaede asked, hoping Inuyasha would be honest.
“Yeah she has the Jewel. You’d think she at least wait for the others to return.” Inuyasha said trying to hide the real reason.
“She did,” Kaede explained. “Can’t ye feel it? Your friends are no longer of this world.” Inuyasha looked at the old priestess with shock!
“D-Dead?” Inuyasha began to shake.
“No, Inuyasha they went with Kagome through the bone-eaters well.” Kaede smiled. “You must have felt the effects of Kagome’s wish.”
Inuyasha seemed distant after that. He walked through the forest slowly, reliving the past. ‘That light, it was a jewel fragment?’ Inuyasha placed his hand over his heart. ‘Shouldn’t it had corrupted my heart?’ Inuyasha wasn’t angry but confused, he wondered what kagome wished. It was her right after all. Inuyasha found himself at the tree he called a prison for fifty years. It was the tree Kikyou sealed him to after they were deceived by Naraku. ‘If it wasn’t for Naraku I would have become human, and...never met Kagome.’ Inuyasha turned away from the tree. Inuyasha hid his tears, he thought of the many times he left Kagome to chase after Kikyou. He knew his feelings for Kagome but he was obligated to Kikyou, his first love.
Inuyasha walked and thought of the intimate moments he and Kikyou shared, and he thought of her final moments.
Inuyasha tried to sniff out Kikyou, but her scent seemed over powered by the beautiful scent of Kagome. She wore his Hakama during the battle with Naraku and her scent stayed with him. ‘Kikyou, where are you?’ Suddenly as if out of nowhere Kikyou’s Shinidamachuu appeared beckoning Inuyasha to follow. There was no hesitation within him, he immediately followed.
The beautiful Kikyou laid on a large tree branch her eyes were open but distant. She was so ghostly and sad. But Inuyasha still cared deeply for her.
“Inuyasha, you’ve finally come.” Kikyou voice was weak. Kikyou seemed unable to move. She was very weak from the battle with Naraku. Kikyou had allowed Kagome to take her powers within her, thereby strengthening Kagome’s power drastically. Together they destroyed Naraku’s heart while the others destroyed his body.
“Kikyou.” Inuyasha said softly. Actually seeing her stirred old emotions within him. She shouldn’t be on this worldly plane, she was unnatural but she was Kikyou. He loved her once. “I have fulfilled my vow. I came to say goodbye.” Inuyasha was pained with each word. She had no other purpose for this world and as long as she existed she would be there, an obstacle for he and Kagome.
Kikyou gave Inuyasha a sad smile before becoming stern faced. “Inuyasha have you forgotten your life belongs to me. You will come with me to the depths of Hell.” Kikyou seemed to float from the tree and stood now inches from Inuyasha. He suddenly backed away touching the hilt of Tessaiga. Inuyasha would never draw his weapon against Kikyou but she backed away nonetheless.
“Kikyou, I’m no longer bound to you by my vow.” Inuyasha said softly. “I-I love Kagome. And I will be with her only.”
Kikyou didn’t flinch at first. But soon she began to laughing maniacally. Inuyasha puzzled released Tessaiga’s hilt unknowingly leaving himself open for Kochou and Asuka, Kikyou’s Shikigami.
“Fool!” Kikyou exclaimed as Kochou and Asuka clutched each of Inuyasha’s arms as he felt the divine powers of the Priestess overflow him, the same feeling that filled him as he became bound to his forest prison. He couldn’t move as Kikyou moved towards him. “It isn’t a girl you love, it is my copy. You are not bound to her, but only to me!” Inuyasha could feel the ground rumble and shift as he struggled to get free. He couldn’t die, not now, not without telling Kagome how he felt about her.
‘Kagome.’ Inuyasha could here her name play over again in his mind. He could see her face, he could smell her hair, he could feel her touch. ‘Will I ever see you again, Kagome.’ Inuyasha said to himself as he felt the earth begin to swallow him. He looked into the sky as it became darker and filled with a strange blue light. Kikyou rested her head against Inuyasha’s chest and didn’t notice the change. Soon Inuyasha would be dead and her purpose in this world would be completed. Inuyasha and Kikyou were waist deep in the ground and Kochou and Asuka already disappeared within the earth. When Inuyasha called out the name of Kagome just as a flash of light came down hitting Inuyasha’s heart and blasting both Inuyasha and Kikyou from the ground.
“INUYASHAAA!!!” Kikyou screamed before suddenly turning into a pile of dust that gently blew away in the wind. Inuyasha couldn’t move, he couldn’t speak. He watched Kikyou die and blacked out.
Inuyasha was puzzled by the events of the night before. What killed Kikyou and why didn’t it kill him. Inuyasha made his way to the bone-eaters well. The others crossed to realms of time. ‘Was that Kagome’s wish?’ Inuyasha thought to himself. “Feh! Why didn’t she just stay here.” Inuyasha said looking into darkness of the well. “Keh’ I’ll show her. I bring her back here and destroy the well.” Said as he disappeared inside the well.
Of course Inuyasha could not feel the black eyes of the Demon of the Void watching his every move. Kanna watched Inuyasha go into the well and not come out.
“Kanna, the time has come for us to begin a new world.” A voice came from behind Kanna. It was the voice of evil, even fearful enough to make the demon of the void cringe. Go, awaken our comrades.” A tall shadow appeared from the woods, shrouding Kanna in darkness. “But first we must send a message to Sesshoumaru.” Another smaller figure appeared from the darkness. It was a beautiful woman with long red hair which she kept swept mysteriously over one of her dark red eyes. She looked human but was obviously youkai. On her forehead was a small crescent moon much like Sesshoumaru, although this one rested on it’s back. She carried a large sword on her hip and a round golden shield on her back. She wore a short black kimono, which complimented her tall beautiful legs.
“My lord.” Her voice was dark and seductive.
“Satsuki. Go, recruit our Sesshoumaru.”
I’ll leave this Chapter like this. Yes Naraku is dead and I don’t think he’ll be coming back but there will be a lot more chapters so be on the look out.
Sorry about last chapter, Miroku and Sango expressed their feelings and I left it at that. The truth is they were filled with so much happiness, they couldn’t control what they were saying. I’ll go more into they’re relationship as they become more comfortable with they’re surroundings. Mistakes were made please forgive.
I’ll Update soon.
“Wow!” The light stung Shippo’s eyes when Kagome turned on the artificial light. It took Kagome fifteen minutes to coax her friends out of the shrine. Everyone’s jaw dropped when they saw the massive buildings and the beautiful Higurashi Shrine. Sango was in awe of the wonders of Kagome’s home. A box that make moving pictures and large beds of cotton. Kirara was immediately taken with the family cat, Buyo. Buyo was more interested in Kirara’s even number of tails softly grunting while batting them.
Miroku eyed Kagome’s Mother but he just couldn’t do anything but be polite, which was completely out of character for him. But she was all of their Mother even though this was the first time they met. She welcomed them all into her home and didn’t judge them. She even asked them all to consider her their Mother, which they happily accepted. Kagome made up the spare rooms for the new occupants as her Mother promptly began starting dinner, introducing Sango to the wonders of the kitchen. Sango placed her hand inside the fridgerator and felt the cool breeze.
“A machine that makes winter?” Sango said puzzled. This is the place where Kagome’s Mom made all the delicious foods Kagome brought to the feudal era. Sango had to admit she wouldn’t miss the foods of the feudal era. Miroku quickly bonded with Grandpa sharing his secret sutras and the now ancient histories of the Kazaana. Shippo made quick friends with Souta, Kagome’s younger brother. Sharing his transformations and charms. Everyone seemed to find a friend. So why was Kagome so sad, she should be happy her friends found someone who could help them through this time.
“Hey Kaede-baba!” Inuyasha shouted as Kaede appeared over the horizon.
“Inuyasha, I thought ye went with my sister to the underworld.” Kaede said not to surprised to see the hanyou.
“Keh what would give you an idea like that.” Inuyasha huffed. He knew why she thought he would, Kagome. “Where’s Kagome?” Inuyasha asked angrily.
“She’s returned to her own world. Inuyasha, is there any reason why she would not.” Kaede asked, hoping Inuyasha would be honest.
“Yeah she has the Jewel. You’d think she at least wait for the others to return.” Inuyasha said trying to hide the real reason.
“She did,” Kaede explained. “Can’t ye feel it? Your friends are no longer of this world.” Inuyasha looked at the old priestess with shock!
“D-Dead?” Inuyasha began to shake.
“No, Inuyasha they went with Kagome through the bone-eaters well.” Kaede smiled. “You must have felt the effects of Kagome’s wish.”
Inuyasha seemed distant after that. He walked through the forest slowly, reliving the past. ‘That light, it was a jewel fragment?’ Inuyasha placed his hand over his heart. ‘Shouldn’t it had corrupted my heart?’ Inuyasha wasn’t angry but confused, he wondered what kagome wished. It was her right after all. Inuyasha found himself at the tree he called a prison for fifty years. It was the tree Kikyou sealed him to after they were deceived by Naraku. ‘If it wasn’t for Naraku I would have become human, and...never met Kagome.’ Inuyasha turned away from the tree. Inuyasha hid his tears, he thought of the many times he left Kagome to chase after Kikyou. He knew his feelings for Kagome but he was obligated to Kikyou, his first love.
Inuyasha walked and thought of the intimate moments he and Kikyou shared, and he thought of her final moments.
Inuyasha tried to sniff out Kikyou, but her scent seemed over powered by the beautiful scent of Kagome. She wore his Hakama during the battle with Naraku and her scent stayed with him. ‘Kikyou, where are you?’ Suddenly as if out of nowhere Kikyou’s Shinidamachuu appeared beckoning Inuyasha to follow. There was no hesitation within him, he immediately followed.
The beautiful Kikyou laid on a large tree branch her eyes were open but distant. She was so ghostly and sad. But Inuyasha still cared deeply for her.
“Inuyasha, you’ve finally come.” Kikyou voice was weak. Kikyou seemed unable to move. She was very weak from the battle with Naraku. Kikyou had allowed Kagome to take her powers within her, thereby strengthening Kagome’s power drastically. Together they destroyed Naraku’s heart while the others destroyed his body.
“Kikyou.” Inuyasha said softly. Actually seeing her stirred old emotions within him. She shouldn’t be on this worldly plane, she was unnatural but she was Kikyou. He loved her once. “I have fulfilled my vow. I came to say goodbye.” Inuyasha was pained with each word. She had no other purpose for this world and as long as she existed she would be there, an obstacle for he and Kagome.
Kikyou gave Inuyasha a sad smile before becoming stern faced. “Inuyasha have you forgotten your life belongs to me. You will come with me to the depths of Hell.” Kikyou seemed to float from the tree and stood now inches from Inuyasha. He suddenly backed away touching the hilt of Tessaiga. Inuyasha would never draw his weapon against Kikyou but she backed away nonetheless.
“Kikyou, I’m no longer bound to you by my vow.” Inuyasha said softly. “I-I love Kagome. And I will be with her only.”
Kikyou didn’t flinch at first. But soon she began to laughing maniacally. Inuyasha puzzled released Tessaiga’s hilt unknowingly leaving himself open for Kochou and Asuka, Kikyou’s Shikigami.
“Fool!” Kikyou exclaimed as Kochou and Asuka clutched each of Inuyasha’s arms as he felt the divine powers of the Priestess overflow him, the same feeling that filled him as he became bound to his forest prison. He couldn’t move as Kikyou moved towards him. “It isn’t a girl you love, it is my copy. You are not bound to her, but only to me!” Inuyasha could feel the ground rumble and shift as he struggled to get free. He couldn’t die, not now, not without telling Kagome how he felt about her.
‘Kagome.’ Inuyasha could here her name play over again in his mind. He could see her face, he could smell her hair, he could feel her touch. ‘Will I ever see you again, Kagome.’ Inuyasha said to himself as he felt the earth begin to swallow him. He looked into the sky as it became darker and filled with a strange blue light. Kikyou rested her head against Inuyasha’s chest and didn’t notice the change. Soon Inuyasha would be dead and her purpose in this world would be completed. Inuyasha and Kikyou were waist deep in the ground and Kochou and Asuka already disappeared within the earth. When Inuyasha called out the name of Kagome just as a flash of light came down hitting Inuyasha’s heart and blasting both Inuyasha and Kikyou from the ground.
“INUYASHAAA!!!” Kikyou screamed before suddenly turning into a pile of dust that gently blew away in the wind. Inuyasha couldn’t move, he couldn’t speak. He watched Kikyou die and blacked out.
Inuyasha was puzzled by the events of the night before. What killed Kikyou and why didn’t it kill him. Inuyasha made his way to the bone-eaters well. The others crossed to realms of time. ‘Was that Kagome’s wish?’ Inuyasha thought to himself. “Feh! Why didn’t she just stay here.” Inuyasha said looking into darkness of the well. “Keh’ I’ll show her. I bring her back here and destroy the well.” Said as he disappeared inside the well.
Of course Inuyasha could not feel the black eyes of the Demon of the Void watching his every move. Kanna watched Inuyasha go into the well and not come out.
“Kanna, the time has come for us to begin a new world.” A voice came from behind Kanna. It was the voice of evil, even fearful enough to make the demon of the void cringe. Go, awaken our comrades.” A tall shadow appeared from the woods, shrouding Kanna in darkness. “But first we must send a message to Sesshoumaru.” Another smaller figure appeared from the darkness. It was a beautiful woman with long red hair which she kept swept mysteriously over one of her dark red eyes. She looked human but was obviously youkai. On her forehead was a small crescent moon much like Sesshoumaru, although this one rested on it’s back. She carried a large sword on her hip and a round golden shield on her back. She wore a short black kimono, which complimented her tall beautiful legs.
“My lord.” Her voice was dark and seductive.
“Satsuki. Go, recruit our Sesshoumaru.”
I’ll leave this Chapter like this. Yes Naraku is dead and I don’t think he’ll be coming back but there will be a lot more chapters so be on the look out.