InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Love that crosses time ❯ A smile for Sesshoumaru ( Chapter 8 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha.
Sesshoumaru was silent as usual as he and Rin walked side by side. Rin looked up at her dear Sesshoumaru and smiled. Sesshoumaru returned the look sans emotion.
“Rin you know that my arm has been returned to me.” Sesshoumaru said looking up as he walked.
Rin smiled. “Of course Lord Sesshoumaru, it was nice of Satsuki to find it for you.”
“Well things are going to be different.” Sesshoumaru’s voice was serious.
“How My Lord?” Rin looked up puzzled. And as quickly as she could blink Sesshoumaru quickly scooped her up and began ferociously tickling her. Rin only reaction was to laugh as Sesshoumaru gave her a pleasing smile. Jaken watched the interaction in shock, then looked angrily to the smiling Satsuki who was enjoying the show.
‘That wench put some kind of curse over Lord Sesshoumaru, this isn’t him at all!’ Jaken thought to himself. Jaken gasped when the shadow of Sesshoumaru lorded over him.
“Jaken, is there something you wish to say.” Sesshoumaru said with a kind of warmth in his voice.
Jaken was afraid to tell Sesshoumaru his true thoughts of Satsuki. “Uh no, my Lord.” Jaken responded. Sesshoumaru stood and sniffed the air, it was another demon coming towards them quickly. Satsuki placed a knowing hand on his shoulder.
“It is Yagi, she’s my loyal friend.” Just as Satsuki said Yagi’s name she appeared from a green mist that seemed to disappear just as fast as it appeared. Yagi was a fox demon who once died. But she was mysteriously revived by someone even she does not know. Now she had powers others only dreamed of, the ability to travel between the three worlds (heaven, earth, and hell) And she could also break the barriers of time. When she was revived she couldn’t remember her past and didn’t know her purpose. That’s when Satsuki came and took her under her care, giving her the name Yagi and becoming something like a mother to her.
Yagi was slightly taller than Jaken but shorter than Rin. She had long tan hair and green eyes. She resembled Shippo in some ways. She wore a long pink Kimono and carried a scroll around with her at all times. The purpose of the scroll was to keep her abilities under control. Who ever gains possession of the scroll would become Yagi controller. Satsuki always tells Yagi not even to let anyone gain control of the scroll, even if she had to kill them.
“My Lady.” Yagi said softly. She had such innocence in her voice although she spends much of her time running errands for Satsuki in hell. “I come with news from the Lord.” Yagi looked up at Sesshoumaru who was towering over them.
“Its alright Yagi.” Satsuki smiled. “He’s Inu no Taishou’s son.”
“That is the matter that needs your attention.” Yagi continued. Satsuki frowned at this and looked up at Sesshoumaru. It was obvious he wanted to know what was going on.
“My Lord, please pardon me. I will return.” Satsuki bowed and then looked into Sesshoumaru’s eyes. He gave her a questioning glare, which ceased as she gently placed her palm over his cheek. “You are so like him but so different.” Satsuki smiled telling him that she just gave him a compliment. Sesshoumaru returned the gaze with the smallest knowing smile. Before he knew it both Yagi and Satsuki disappeared into the mist.
Rin ran up next time to Sesshoumaru. “Satsuki? Why did she leave?” Sesshoumaru turned and walked away having a seat on top of a nearby boulder. Here he would wait for her.
“Lord Toshi is angry, is he not.” Satsuki asked as she and Yagi walked slowly through the dark mist of the world between worlds. It was there where the dead who were lost wandered and the living came to gain their powers. Toshi sat in the darkness absorbing souls that would come too close to him. Satsuki knelt before him, fear in her heart. Had he’d seen the events the occurred the night before. If so would he kill her to prevent the birth of a child.
“Satsuki, he is not Inu no Taishou.” Toshi’s voice cut through her heart. “You have became to close to him. If you now carry a child it could ruin everything you work so hard to achieve.
“I know he is not Taishou. He is much different than his Father.” Satsuki defended her actions tearfully.
“It is just like you to run to the first Taishou who gives you attention.” Toshi stood and began to come closer to Satsuki, she cringed with another soul floated by and wailed as it to was absorbed by Toshi’s body. The light slowly began to draw up Toshi’s figure. Satsuki wanted to look away but she could not. Toshi stood before her in all his glory. He had long silver hair and deep yellow eyes. On each cheek was a purple scar like marking. Satsuki’s eyes began to water.
‘Taishou.’ She cried to herself. ‘No not Taishou.’ Satsuki forced herself to turn away from the demon who looked just like Taishou. Toshi took her face within his hands.
“Remember who saved you from death, Satsuki.” Toshi growled. “Remember that you are promised to me!” Toshi took one clawed hand and stabbed Satsuki in the stomach. She coughed up heavy amounts of blood and fell to the ground. Toshi stood a licked the blood from his hands. “Yagi, do not let her die. And do not let the thing that was growing inside her live.” Yagi nodded and placed her scroll over Satsuki’s wound. After a bright flash of light under the scroll, Satsuki woke up and gasped for life. “Satsuki, remember where your loyalty lies.” Toshi said as he once again disappeared into the darkness. “My brother is dead, but I still live.”
Kagome and Sango and their mother sat In the bridal boutique and Inuyasha and Miroku modeled tuxedos for them. Kagome and Sango decided to have their wedding at the same time. When Sango announced her and Miroku’s engagement at breakfast Mrs. Higurashi immediately started making plans for one big wedding.
“Inuyasha, stop being a spoiled sport.” Kagome snapped as Inuyasha slouched out of the dressing room in another tux. He was scratching all over.
“Hey it’s not my fault these things itch.” Inuyasha growled. “Don’t see way we hafta get all dressed up anyways. I’ll just marry ya in my own robes.”
“Oh no you don’t dog boy!” Kagome said angrily, towering over him. “I refuse to marry you in those dusty, ratted old robes of yours. NOW GET IN THERE AND TRY ON ANOTHER SUIT!!!” Inyasha quickly scrambled back into the dressing room.
Miroku strutted out of his dressing room in a deep purple tux with a big smile on his face. The moment he caught a glace at Sango darkened expression he immediately turned around and went back into the dressing room to try on another suit.
Souta held Shippo in his arms as they walked into a gift shop.
“Remember Shippo, not a sound.” Souta whispered in his new friends ear. Shippo was pretending to be a stuffed toy so he could out and get Kagome a present. It had been slow going at first, because of all the strange sights, sounds and smells, Shippo couldn’t help but move every chance he had.
“I know already.” Shippo huffed. Suddenly some young girls squealed pulling Shippo from Souta’s grasp.
“Oohhh. This is so cute!” They squeaked squeezing Shippo until he was blue. “Where on earth did you find it!”
“Hey give him back.” Souta yelled trying to take Shippo back before they caused a scene.
“I totally heard him say something. Where do you put the batteries. Does he have a remote.” They began turn him over and over until he became sick.
“Hey let me go you stupid girls!” Shippo finally snapped. Jumping back into Souta. At first they were pleased to be greeted by silent stuns. But soon were running out of a store full of screaming panicked consumers. They ran down the street and all the way back to the shrine. Passing Eri, Yuka and Ayume in the process.
Kagome and the others walked out of the boutique with their suits and dresses. As they walked they noticed news cameras and spectators in front of popular gift shop.
“Hey I wonder what everyone is gathered around for.” Miroku queried.
“Excuse me Ma’am what’s happened?” Kagome asked a nearby spectator.
“I big mutant squirrel attacked a group of young girls.” The woman said shaking her head.
“Mutant squirrel?” Kagome repeated.
“Yeah and little boy carried it off.” The spectator went on. “I bet it has something to do with the strange plants that starting showing up.”
“What strange plants?” Kagome asked. Suddenly out of the corner of her eye she notice one of the strange plants growing on a fence. ‘I know this flower.’ Kagome thought to herself reaching out to touch it until a police officer took hold of her wrists.
“Stop Miss please do not touch any of the plants, governments orders.” He said politely. Kagome smiled and nodded. As soon as he turned his back, she picked the flower and put it into her bag.
As she and the others walked back towards the shrine, Kagome notice more familiar plants growing all over the place.
“I can’t figure it.” Kagome finally said.
“Isn’t it obvious,” Inuyasha said. “Mutant Squirrel, Shippo must have left the Shrine.” He pounded his fist together. “When I get back there, I’ll pound that little runt into the ground.”
“No not that.” Kagome stopped and kneeled next to the same type of flower she pick before. “Sango look, don’t you recognize this plant.” Sango knelt down besides Kagome.
“Hey yeah we used this plant as an herbal medicine in the feudal era.” She said.
“We had better go check out the well I’m getting a bad feeling.” Miroku said. And they began to run home.
That’s right Sesshoumaru and Satsuki did the bump-bump! I wasn’t ready for you guys to know just then! Anyway there is a lot more to come. And yes, Toshi is Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha’s uncle!
Here is a quick glossary of Japanese terms. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong and Let me now if I left out something important.
Mononoke/Youkai/Oni – Demon
Daiyoukai – Powerful Demon
Hanyou – Half Demon
Kitsune – Fox Demon
Kitsunebi – Fox fire
Shinidamachuu – Soul Collectors
Shikigami – Servants
Kazaana – Wind tunnel/air void
Baka – Idiot
Miko – Priestess
Kotodama Rosary – Beads of subjugation
Jyaki – Demon’s essence
Shouki – Naraku’s poison
Hiraikotsu – Sango’s bone boomerang
Ogi – Inu or Sessy’s sword’s most powerful attacks
Sesshoumaru was silent as usual as he and Rin walked side by side. Rin looked up at her dear Sesshoumaru and smiled. Sesshoumaru returned the look sans emotion.
“Rin you know that my arm has been returned to me.” Sesshoumaru said looking up as he walked.
Rin smiled. “Of course Lord Sesshoumaru, it was nice of Satsuki to find it for you.”
“Well things are going to be different.” Sesshoumaru’s voice was serious.
“How My Lord?” Rin looked up puzzled. And as quickly as she could blink Sesshoumaru quickly scooped her up and began ferociously tickling her. Rin only reaction was to laugh as Sesshoumaru gave her a pleasing smile. Jaken watched the interaction in shock, then looked angrily to the smiling Satsuki who was enjoying the show.
‘That wench put some kind of curse over Lord Sesshoumaru, this isn’t him at all!’ Jaken thought to himself. Jaken gasped when the shadow of Sesshoumaru lorded over him.
“Jaken, is there something you wish to say.” Sesshoumaru said with a kind of warmth in his voice.
Jaken was afraid to tell Sesshoumaru his true thoughts of Satsuki. “Uh no, my Lord.” Jaken responded. Sesshoumaru stood and sniffed the air, it was another demon coming towards them quickly. Satsuki placed a knowing hand on his shoulder.
“It is Yagi, she’s my loyal friend.” Just as Satsuki said Yagi’s name she appeared from a green mist that seemed to disappear just as fast as it appeared. Yagi was a fox demon who once died. But she was mysteriously revived by someone even she does not know. Now she had powers others only dreamed of, the ability to travel between the three worlds (heaven, earth, and hell) And she could also break the barriers of time. When she was revived she couldn’t remember her past and didn’t know her purpose. That’s when Satsuki came and took her under her care, giving her the name Yagi and becoming something like a mother to her.
Yagi was slightly taller than Jaken but shorter than Rin. She had long tan hair and green eyes. She resembled Shippo in some ways. She wore a long pink Kimono and carried a scroll around with her at all times. The purpose of the scroll was to keep her abilities under control. Who ever gains possession of the scroll would become Yagi controller. Satsuki always tells Yagi not even to let anyone gain control of the scroll, even if she had to kill them.
“My Lady.” Yagi said softly. She had such innocence in her voice although she spends much of her time running errands for Satsuki in hell. “I come with news from the Lord.” Yagi looked up at Sesshoumaru who was towering over them.
“Its alright Yagi.” Satsuki smiled. “He’s Inu no Taishou’s son.”
“That is the matter that needs your attention.” Yagi continued. Satsuki frowned at this and looked up at Sesshoumaru. It was obvious he wanted to know what was going on.
“My Lord, please pardon me. I will return.” Satsuki bowed and then looked into Sesshoumaru’s eyes. He gave her a questioning glare, which ceased as she gently placed her palm over his cheek. “You are so like him but so different.” Satsuki smiled telling him that she just gave him a compliment. Sesshoumaru returned the gaze with the smallest knowing smile. Before he knew it both Yagi and Satsuki disappeared into the mist.
Rin ran up next time to Sesshoumaru. “Satsuki? Why did she leave?” Sesshoumaru turned and walked away having a seat on top of a nearby boulder. Here he would wait for her.
“Lord Toshi is angry, is he not.” Satsuki asked as she and Yagi walked slowly through the dark mist of the world between worlds. It was there where the dead who were lost wandered and the living came to gain their powers. Toshi sat in the darkness absorbing souls that would come too close to him. Satsuki knelt before him, fear in her heart. Had he’d seen the events the occurred the night before. If so would he kill her to prevent the birth of a child.
“Satsuki, he is not Inu no Taishou.” Toshi’s voice cut through her heart. “You have became to close to him. If you now carry a child it could ruin everything you work so hard to achieve.
“I know he is not Taishou. He is much different than his Father.” Satsuki defended her actions tearfully.
“It is just like you to run to the first Taishou who gives you attention.” Toshi stood and began to come closer to Satsuki, she cringed with another soul floated by and wailed as it to was absorbed by Toshi’s body. The light slowly began to draw up Toshi’s figure. Satsuki wanted to look away but she could not. Toshi stood before her in all his glory. He had long silver hair and deep yellow eyes. On each cheek was a purple scar like marking. Satsuki’s eyes began to water.
‘Taishou.’ She cried to herself. ‘No not Taishou.’ Satsuki forced herself to turn away from the demon who looked just like Taishou. Toshi took her face within his hands.
“Remember who saved you from death, Satsuki.” Toshi growled. “Remember that you are promised to me!” Toshi took one clawed hand and stabbed Satsuki in the stomach. She coughed up heavy amounts of blood and fell to the ground. Toshi stood a licked the blood from his hands. “Yagi, do not let her die. And do not let the thing that was growing inside her live.” Yagi nodded and placed her scroll over Satsuki’s wound. After a bright flash of light under the scroll, Satsuki woke up and gasped for life. “Satsuki, remember where your loyalty lies.” Toshi said as he once again disappeared into the darkness. “My brother is dead, but I still live.”
Kagome and Sango and their mother sat In the bridal boutique and Inuyasha and Miroku modeled tuxedos for them. Kagome and Sango decided to have their wedding at the same time. When Sango announced her and Miroku’s engagement at breakfast Mrs. Higurashi immediately started making plans for one big wedding.
“Inuyasha, stop being a spoiled sport.” Kagome snapped as Inuyasha slouched out of the dressing room in another tux. He was scratching all over.
“Hey it’s not my fault these things itch.” Inuyasha growled. “Don’t see way we hafta get all dressed up anyways. I’ll just marry ya in my own robes.”
“Oh no you don’t dog boy!” Kagome said angrily, towering over him. “I refuse to marry you in those dusty, ratted old robes of yours. NOW GET IN THERE AND TRY ON ANOTHER SUIT!!!” Inyasha quickly scrambled back into the dressing room.
Miroku strutted out of his dressing room in a deep purple tux with a big smile on his face. The moment he caught a glace at Sango darkened expression he immediately turned around and went back into the dressing room to try on another suit.
Souta held Shippo in his arms as they walked into a gift shop.
“Remember Shippo, not a sound.” Souta whispered in his new friends ear. Shippo was pretending to be a stuffed toy so he could out and get Kagome a present. It had been slow going at first, because of all the strange sights, sounds and smells, Shippo couldn’t help but move every chance he had.
“I know already.” Shippo huffed. Suddenly some young girls squealed pulling Shippo from Souta’s grasp.
“Oohhh. This is so cute!” They squeaked squeezing Shippo until he was blue. “Where on earth did you find it!”
“Hey give him back.” Souta yelled trying to take Shippo back before they caused a scene.
“I totally heard him say something. Where do you put the batteries. Does he have a remote.” They began turn him over and over until he became sick.
“Hey let me go you stupid girls!” Shippo finally snapped. Jumping back into Souta. At first they were pleased to be greeted by silent stuns. But soon were running out of a store full of screaming panicked consumers. They ran down the street and all the way back to the shrine. Passing Eri, Yuka and Ayume in the process.
Kagome and the others walked out of the boutique with their suits and dresses. As they walked they noticed news cameras and spectators in front of popular gift shop.
“Hey I wonder what everyone is gathered around for.” Miroku queried.
“Excuse me Ma’am what’s happened?” Kagome asked a nearby spectator.
“I big mutant squirrel attacked a group of young girls.” The woman said shaking her head.
“Mutant squirrel?” Kagome repeated.
“Yeah and little boy carried it off.” The spectator went on. “I bet it has something to do with the strange plants that starting showing up.”
“What strange plants?” Kagome asked. Suddenly out of the corner of her eye she notice one of the strange plants growing on a fence. ‘I know this flower.’ Kagome thought to herself reaching out to touch it until a police officer took hold of her wrists.
“Stop Miss please do not touch any of the plants, governments orders.” He said politely. Kagome smiled and nodded. As soon as he turned his back, she picked the flower and put it into her bag.
As she and the others walked back towards the shrine, Kagome notice more familiar plants growing all over the place.
“I can’t figure it.” Kagome finally said.
“Isn’t it obvious,” Inuyasha said. “Mutant Squirrel, Shippo must have left the Shrine.” He pounded his fist together. “When I get back there, I’ll pound that little runt into the ground.”
“No not that.” Kagome stopped and kneeled next to the same type of flower she pick before. “Sango look, don’t you recognize this plant.” Sango knelt down besides Kagome.
“Hey yeah we used this plant as an herbal medicine in the feudal era.” She said.
“We had better go check out the well I’m getting a bad feeling.” Miroku said. And they began to run home.
That’s right Sesshoumaru and Satsuki did the bump-bump! I wasn’t ready for you guys to know just then! Anyway there is a lot more to come. And yes, Toshi is Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha’s uncle!
Here is a quick glossary of Japanese terms. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong and Let me now if I left out something important.
Mononoke/Youkai/Oni – Demon
Daiyoukai – Powerful Demon
Hanyou – Half Demon
Kitsune – Fox Demon
Kitsunebi – Fox fire
Shinidamachuu – Soul Collectors
Shikigami – Servants
Kazaana – Wind tunnel/air void
Baka – Idiot
Miko – Priestess
Kotodama Rosary – Beads of subjugation
Jyaki – Demon’s essence
Shouki – Naraku’s poison
Hiraikotsu – Sango’s bone boomerang
Ogi – Inu or Sessy’s sword’s most powerful attacks