InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Love that crosses time ❯ Confessions of mind and body ( Chapter 19 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Now I think things are getting interesting, I don’t know why I chose Ayumi to be the descendant maybe because she is my favorite out of Kagome’s friends. I was thinking about using Houjou but then I thought about Akitoki and decided against it. Anyway I’m trailing off when there’s a story that needs to be finished. Oh I had someone ask me if Kohaku is being evil on purpose, or is this a naraku thing where everyone betrays him. My answer: I’m not sure myself!
Kagome rode on her mate’s back, thinking of Sango and all the pain she had to endure because of Naraku. “She is the strongest person I know.” She said aloud looking to her Best friend and Sister.
“Eh?” Inuyasha grunted.
“Sango, I mean.” Kagome clarified. “After all this, Kohaku, her village, and now Miroku. She still keeps going.”
“Keh! It’s not like we would ever let her give up, even she wanted to.” Inuyasha huffed.
Kagome smiled, underneath his tough exterior he was a real sweetheart. They continued in the direction of the ominous cloud until the reached a large dark field. No flowers bloomed there, it wasn’t even grass. It was only dirt. Kagome looked around the forest they just came from was gone. There was nothing around them. The sky was black, no moon or stars. Just swirls of dark clouds. Kagome looked ahead to see that Sango running towards a slump on the groung. After looking a bit harder, she saw that it was Miroku.
“It maybe we’re to late.” Yagi said as she stood besides them. Inuyasha didn’t respond he immediately followed behind Sango.
When they reached the couple they saw that Miroku’s eyes were barely open. He was smiling at Sango.
“Did you like the lilies my dear Sango.” Miroku voice was weak.
“Yes, Thank you.” Sango said softly, Kagome was surprised that she could strongly smell the salt from Sango tears.
“I guess I wasn’t strong enough.” Miroku continued.
“Shut up baka.” Sango said angrily. “You will beat this, I won’t let you go!” Just as Sango screamed those words a bright pink light shined from her heart and entered Miroku. His eyes shot open as he took a deep breath of air. Sango didn’t speak as the pink light surrounded them both. She bent down closer to Miroku and gazed lovingly into his eyes. Miroku placed his palm on her cheek and wiped away a tear. Sango leaned in as Miroku lifted his head slightly to catch her in a kiss. As their lips met a burst of energy shot from their bodies and hit Inuyasha-tachi and caused them to feel a completely pure feeling, enough to bring tears to their eyes.
Just then the ground began to rumble and everyone watched in horror as the ground shifted and Naraku emerged. Sango stood protectively in front of Miroku, he slowly sat up, feeling like he had more energy then ever before.
“You won’t have him Naraku!” Sango screamed.
“Miroku, this is your world,” Yagi said. “He can be destroyed with your help.” Miroku nodded and closed his eyes. As Sango clutched her fist, her Hiraikotsu appeared. Kagome felt something heavy on her back, she realized it was her quiver of arrows and she had a long bow in her hands. Inuyasha’s tessiaga appeared on his hip, Inuyasha unsheathed it transformed and smiled. Shippou felt a strong energy grow within him, he felt braver, stronger, faster. He looked over to Miroku who was smiling back at him. Shippou smiled happily as he understood what was happening. Miroku stood and faced Sango. He gave her his shakujou and some ofudas to put on hiraikotsu. They both jumped on Kirara’s back and took to the sky. Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippou ran to face Naraku. Yagi stayed behind, knowing that this wasn’t her fight. It was only up to them.
“You can not defeat me!” Naraku said angrily.
“Well see about that!” Inuyasha yelled. “You guys ready!?” He called out.
“Let’s do it!” Sango called out from the sky.
Kagome drew an arrow and prepared to take a shot. Inuyasha lifted his sword, Shippou stood next to Inuyasha in a battle stance.
“KAZE NO KIZU!!” Inuyasha called out releasing a powerful attack.
“IKEI!!” Kagome screamed as she shot a strong purifying arrow.
“KITSUNEBI!!” Shippou called out surprised by his own strength and bravery. As he shot his fox fire.
“HIRAIKOTSU!!” Sango called out releasing her holy charge boomerang.
Naraku felt like he couldn’t move, he was hit with all four attacks but they felt like one crushing, powerful attack. He screamed as his body disintegrated. All that was left was a small black cloud, that tried to escape in the sky.
“Naraku prepare to feel the curse you conveyed upon me!” Miroku said as he removed the seal on his right hand. “KAZAANA!!” Miroku yelled as he sucked the shrieking Naraku into the void of his hand. Just as the last bit of Naraku’s spirit disappeared, Miroku’s wind tunnel disappeared. The sky became bright, everyone was standing on beautiful full grass. Kirara landed on the ground and Sango and Miroku got off. Sango looked at Miroku, he took her in her arms. “Sango, Thank you.” He whispered in her ear. He let his hand slide down her rear. But Sango beat him to it, gently squeezing his butt. Miroku smiled and said softly, “hentai.” Sango smiled and pressed her lips to Miroku. He lost himself in her kiss and closed his eyes.
When Sango released their kiss, Miroku opened his eyes. They were in the Higurashi living room. He was surrounded by all his friends and family. Miroku smiled happily and took Sango in for another kiss.
Sesshoumaru stood before Ayumi and her friends. His hand clutching Ayumi’s arm. Sesshoumaru stared at the flea demon that sat in Ayumi’s hair.
“It’s nice to see you again Lord Sesshoumaru.” Myouga said. Sesshoumaru released his hold on Ayumi, but she didn’t back away.
“You still live flea.” Sesshoumaru said with a strong nonchalance.
“Yes, it was a hard battle to win. I was passed down the Tashio line as a guardian after you and Master Inuyasha disappeared.” Myouga explained, he looked past Sesshoumaru to see Satsuki standing behind him. “Well Lady Satsuki, you finally found your way home I see.” Myouga said. “And if you’re here that must mean that the Tashio’s know of their origins. Against the Inu no Tashio’s wishes.”
“Have your eyes been closed Myouga.” Satsuki said. Toshi has returned.
It was true, Myouga was asleep for the most part. When he awoke to see Sesshoumaru and the others, he opted to stay hidden until Ayumi’s youki was discovered. “What! But that can’t be possible!” Myouga placed a tiny hand on his chin, deep in thought.
“He used Naraku’s soul as a anchor into the world of the living.” Satsuki explained.
“How is it you still live flea, I thought all youkai were extinguished.” Sesshoumaru asked cutting into the conversation.
“They were, I was safe within the Tashio family, because they appeared human. They weren’t exterminated.” Myouga explained.
“What happened,” Jaken interjected.
“At the end of the Sengoku Jidai youkai and hanyou alike all over the world were killed by the youso no itsutsu.” The flea continued.
“The Five Elements?” Satsuki repeated.
“Hie, they were five Humans that possessed taiyoukai power. I believe that they were descendants of Yukino Kouji.”
“That would explain Tashio Kaoru’s siblings disappearance in history.” Satsuki responded. Sesshoumaru was getting angry with all this useless talk.
“Enough drabble.” Sesshoumaru growled. “Why is this human is giving off youki!” From Satsuki’s explanation the other half of the Tashio family was human. It was faint but his keen senses could tell she was concentrating to hide all of it.
“Myouga, I thought Yasu’s descendants remained human.” Satsuki asked trying to keep Sesshoumaru calm.
“Satsuki do you really think Yasu’s powerful inu blood can be kept completely dormant.” After Myouga finished his sentence Ayumi opened the locket around her neck and turned the crescent moon so that it resembled Satsuki’s mark of the female inu youkai. Her friends watched in shock as Ayumi slowly changed, her hair turned silver. She grew fangs and claws. And her eyes turned yellow. Her youki became stronger but still not as strong as a full youkai. “Ayumi is hanyou.”
Kagura and Kohaku was watching the events from the top of a building across from the shrine.
“You think this qualifies as big news.” Kagura joked. Kohaku didn’t speak. “Do you even remember me Kohaku.”
“Yes, you died.” Kohaku said quietly. “You never said goodbye.”
“If you have your memories, then why did you kill your Sister.” Kagura asked puzzled. Suddenly Kohaku let out a painful groan, he could see Sango’s face, but it quickly disappeared again. He grabbed his head and fell down to his knees. Kagura watched in horror as Kohaku seemed to be fighting a one sided battle. “Kohaku?” Kagura muttered. Just as she spoke his name he stood again calmly. Using demonic speed he turned and took Kagura by the throat and lifted her in the air. Kagura was in complete shock, she couldn’t move, she couldn’t breathe. She looked down into Kohaku’s red evil eyes. She watched as what seemed like hundreds of tiny demons seemed to look back at her. Just as instantly as Kohaku caught her by the neck, he dropped her.
“I do not expect to have this conversation again.” Kohaku’s voice was harsher than before. “We will now return to the castle.” Kagura didn’t speak. She plucked a feather from her hair, a moment later they were in the sky, flying toward’s the castle.
Kanna sat in a empty room of the castle, far from Toshi. She looked into her mirror until Toshi’s face appeared. Kanna stared at the image for a long time, expressionless. Slowly the image faded. Kanna continued to stare at her own reflection. Slowly a white mist emitted from the mirror and entered her body. Kanna didn’t move, as she stared at the reflection life slowly began to form in her eyes. Kanna looked back into her own eyes, that now appeared human. Slowly and softly she cracked the smallest smile as Toshi’s image appeared once again in the mirror. She closed her eyes and pressed the image to her heart. As she did this she felt something strange grow within her, she felt happiness.
Kagome rode on her mate’s back, thinking of Sango and all the pain she had to endure because of Naraku. “She is the strongest person I know.” She said aloud looking to her Best friend and Sister.
“Eh?” Inuyasha grunted.
“Sango, I mean.” Kagome clarified. “After all this, Kohaku, her village, and now Miroku. She still keeps going.”
“Keh! It’s not like we would ever let her give up, even she wanted to.” Inuyasha huffed.
Kagome smiled, underneath his tough exterior he was a real sweetheart. They continued in the direction of the ominous cloud until the reached a large dark field. No flowers bloomed there, it wasn’t even grass. It was only dirt. Kagome looked around the forest they just came from was gone. There was nothing around them. The sky was black, no moon or stars. Just swirls of dark clouds. Kagome looked ahead to see that Sango running towards a slump on the groung. After looking a bit harder, she saw that it was Miroku.
“It maybe we’re to late.” Yagi said as she stood besides them. Inuyasha didn’t respond he immediately followed behind Sango.
When they reached the couple they saw that Miroku’s eyes were barely open. He was smiling at Sango.
“Did you like the lilies my dear Sango.” Miroku voice was weak.
“Yes, Thank you.” Sango said softly, Kagome was surprised that she could strongly smell the salt from Sango tears.
“I guess I wasn’t strong enough.” Miroku continued.
“Shut up baka.” Sango said angrily. “You will beat this, I won’t let you go!” Just as Sango screamed those words a bright pink light shined from her heart and entered Miroku. His eyes shot open as he took a deep breath of air. Sango didn’t speak as the pink light surrounded them both. She bent down closer to Miroku and gazed lovingly into his eyes. Miroku placed his palm on her cheek and wiped away a tear. Sango leaned in as Miroku lifted his head slightly to catch her in a kiss. As their lips met a burst of energy shot from their bodies and hit Inuyasha-tachi and caused them to feel a completely pure feeling, enough to bring tears to their eyes.
Just then the ground began to rumble and everyone watched in horror as the ground shifted and Naraku emerged. Sango stood protectively in front of Miroku, he slowly sat up, feeling like he had more energy then ever before.
“You won’t have him Naraku!” Sango screamed.
“Miroku, this is your world,” Yagi said. “He can be destroyed with your help.” Miroku nodded and closed his eyes. As Sango clutched her fist, her Hiraikotsu appeared. Kagome felt something heavy on her back, she realized it was her quiver of arrows and she had a long bow in her hands. Inuyasha’s tessiaga appeared on his hip, Inuyasha unsheathed it transformed and smiled. Shippou felt a strong energy grow within him, he felt braver, stronger, faster. He looked over to Miroku who was smiling back at him. Shippou smiled happily as he understood what was happening. Miroku stood and faced Sango. He gave her his shakujou and some ofudas to put on hiraikotsu. They both jumped on Kirara’s back and took to the sky. Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippou ran to face Naraku. Yagi stayed behind, knowing that this wasn’t her fight. It was only up to them.
“You can not defeat me!” Naraku said angrily.
“Well see about that!” Inuyasha yelled. “You guys ready!?” He called out.
“Let’s do it!” Sango called out from the sky.
Kagome drew an arrow and prepared to take a shot. Inuyasha lifted his sword, Shippou stood next to Inuyasha in a battle stance.
“KAZE NO KIZU!!” Inuyasha called out releasing a powerful attack.
“IKEI!!” Kagome screamed as she shot a strong purifying arrow.
“KITSUNEBI!!” Shippou called out surprised by his own strength and bravery. As he shot his fox fire.
“HIRAIKOTSU!!” Sango called out releasing her holy charge boomerang.
Naraku felt like he couldn’t move, he was hit with all four attacks but they felt like one crushing, powerful attack. He screamed as his body disintegrated. All that was left was a small black cloud, that tried to escape in the sky.
“Naraku prepare to feel the curse you conveyed upon me!” Miroku said as he removed the seal on his right hand. “KAZAANA!!” Miroku yelled as he sucked the shrieking Naraku into the void of his hand. Just as the last bit of Naraku’s spirit disappeared, Miroku’s wind tunnel disappeared. The sky became bright, everyone was standing on beautiful full grass. Kirara landed on the ground and Sango and Miroku got off. Sango looked at Miroku, he took her in her arms. “Sango, Thank you.” He whispered in her ear. He let his hand slide down her rear. But Sango beat him to it, gently squeezing his butt. Miroku smiled and said softly, “hentai.” Sango smiled and pressed her lips to Miroku. He lost himself in her kiss and closed his eyes.
When Sango released their kiss, Miroku opened his eyes. They were in the Higurashi living room. He was surrounded by all his friends and family. Miroku smiled happily and took Sango in for another kiss.
Sesshoumaru stood before Ayumi and her friends. His hand clutching Ayumi’s arm. Sesshoumaru stared at the flea demon that sat in Ayumi’s hair.
“It’s nice to see you again Lord Sesshoumaru.” Myouga said. Sesshoumaru released his hold on Ayumi, but she didn’t back away.
“You still live flea.” Sesshoumaru said with a strong nonchalance.
“Yes, it was a hard battle to win. I was passed down the Tashio line as a guardian after you and Master Inuyasha disappeared.” Myouga explained, he looked past Sesshoumaru to see Satsuki standing behind him. “Well Lady Satsuki, you finally found your way home I see.” Myouga said. “And if you’re here that must mean that the Tashio’s know of their origins. Against the Inu no Tashio’s wishes.”
“Have your eyes been closed Myouga.” Satsuki said. Toshi has returned.
It was true, Myouga was asleep for the most part. When he awoke to see Sesshoumaru and the others, he opted to stay hidden until Ayumi’s youki was discovered. “What! But that can’t be possible!” Myouga placed a tiny hand on his chin, deep in thought.
“He used Naraku’s soul as a anchor into the world of the living.” Satsuki explained.
“How is it you still live flea, I thought all youkai were extinguished.” Sesshoumaru asked cutting into the conversation.
“They were, I was safe within the Tashio family, because they appeared human. They weren’t exterminated.” Myouga explained.
“What happened,” Jaken interjected.
“At the end of the Sengoku Jidai youkai and hanyou alike all over the world were killed by the youso no itsutsu.” The flea continued.
“The Five Elements?” Satsuki repeated.
“Hie, they were five Humans that possessed taiyoukai power. I believe that they were descendants of Yukino Kouji.”
“That would explain Tashio Kaoru’s siblings disappearance in history.” Satsuki responded. Sesshoumaru was getting angry with all this useless talk.
“Enough drabble.” Sesshoumaru growled. “Why is this human is giving off youki!” From Satsuki’s explanation the other half of the Tashio family was human. It was faint but his keen senses could tell she was concentrating to hide all of it.
“Myouga, I thought Yasu’s descendants remained human.” Satsuki asked trying to keep Sesshoumaru calm.
“Satsuki do you really think Yasu’s powerful inu blood can be kept completely dormant.” After Myouga finished his sentence Ayumi opened the locket around her neck and turned the crescent moon so that it resembled Satsuki’s mark of the female inu youkai. Her friends watched in shock as Ayumi slowly changed, her hair turned silver. She grew fangs and claws. And her eyes turned yellow. Her youki became stronger but still not as strong as a full youkai. “Ayumi is hanyou.”
Kagura and Kohaku was watching the events from the top of a building across from the shrine.
“You think this qualifies as big news.” Kagura joked. Kohaku didn’t speak. “Do you even remember me Kohaku.”
“Yes, you died.” Kohaku said quietly. “You never said goodbye.”
“If you have your memories, then why did you kill your Sister.” Kagura asked puzzled. Suddenly Kohaku let out a painful groan, he could see Sango’s face, but it quickly disappeared again. He grabbed his head and fell down to his knees. Kagura watched in horror as Kohaku seemed to be fighting a one sided battle. “Kohaku?” Kagura muttered. Just as she spoke his name he stood again calmly. Using demonic speed he turned and took Kagura by the throat and lifted her in the air. Kagura was in complete shock, she couldn’t move, she couldn’t breathe. She looked down into Kohaku’s red evil eyes. She watched as what seemed like hundreds of tiny demons seemed to look back at her. Just as instantly as Kohaku caught her by the neck, he dropped her.
“I do not expect to have this conversation again.” Kohaku’s voice was harsher than before. “We will now return to the castle.” Kagura didn’t speak. She plucked a feather from her hair, a moment later they were in the sky, flying toward’s the castle.
Kanna sat in a empty room of the castle, far from Toshi. She looked into her mirror until Toshi’s face appeared. Kanna stared at the image for a long time, expressionless. Slowly the image faded. Kanna continued to stare at her own reflection. Slowly a white mist emitted from the mirror and entered her body. Kanna didn’t move, as she stared at the reflection life slowly began to form in her eyes. Kanna looked back into her own eyes, that now appeared human. Slowly and softly she cracked the smallest smile as Toshi’s image appeared once again in the mirror. She closed her eyes and pressed the image to her heart. As she did this she felt something strange grow within her, she felt happiness.