InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Love that crosses time ❯ New Additions ( Epilogue )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I will never own Inuyasha, but I enjoy using the characters for my fan fics.
Well this is the end of “Never-ending Adventures” and “A Love That Crosses Time” But this is also the beginning of “The Elements of Time” It is fifteen years later and Inuyasha-tachi have a family and a semi-normal life. (As normal as life can be with youkai kids around the house.) This story is more centered on the new generation. And when they discover the secrets behind the bone eaters well. Their presence in the feudal era can either make or break the future. And what is Kouga up to. Enjoy and Review!
Dear Diary,
Hi, my name is Tashio Miho. I am fourteen years old. You don’t know me because you are new. I decided to start a new diary because of the new addition to the family. My oba-ue, is having her third baby with my oji-ue. Who is oba and oji you ask? Well their names are Hoshi Miroku and Hoshi Sango. They are the sister and brother of my parents, Tashio Inuyasha and Tashio Kagome. Sango oba-ue and Miroku oji-ue already have a son, Hoshi Akira he is my age and their daughter, Hoshi Kikuko is only four.
We all live on a shrine over looking Tokyo, Chichi-ue says that they had to expand the house because no one knows how to leave. If one more kid is born the house is going to explode. Luckily Haha-ue said it’s going to be awhile for my next brother or sister, she says that three is enough for her. But Chichi-ue wants another son, as if my twin brother isn’t enough. My twin is called Tashio Akio and my imouto-chan is called Tashio Chinatsu she is six. She is so annoying always following me around. But wait there’s more. I have another Oji-sama and Oba-sama, there names are Tashio Sesshoumaru and Tashio Satsuki. Oji-sama is Chichi-ue’s older brother. They have two children, Tashio Yuichi he’s fifteen and Tashio Izumi she is also six. Izumi-chan and Chinatsu-chan are practically inseparable. They both conspire together to find new ways to annoy me.
We have a really big Family, you might get lost, but try to keep up. We also live with my Sobo-san. My other oji-san, Higurashi Souta lives with his wife, Higurashi Hitomi. She’s expecting their first child very soon. Shippou onii-sama was adopted by Haha-ue when he was just a small child he doesn’t live in the same house but he and his wife, Rin onee-sama lives on the back of the shrine. They don’t have any kids but Rin onee-sama says she wants some soon. Jaken-san once the personal servant of Sesshoumaru oji-san but now he considered a great friend. He is always swooned over by Yagi-san, he just doesn’t get that she loves him. What a baka. We have a distant relative from Chichi-ue’s side, her name is Ayumi-san, she is my best friend besides Haha-ue and Akira, I tell her all my secrets. My great-grandfather sadly died a year ago. I’m just glad he didn’t suffer, I will miss his stories. Well if you are still confused I made up this handy chart enjoy!
I have white hair with brown eyes, I also have ears like Chichi-ue’s but mine are black. Akio-chan has black hair with yellow eyes he has ears that seem human but are pointy and furry, his are white. Chinatsu-chan is different though she has two of everything. Her hair is mostly white save for the black at the tips, she has Haha-ue’s eyes, brown with specks of yellow. Her ears are like Chichi-ue’s but the tips are black. We have to wear necklaces that are charged with concealment spells. These necklaces hide our true nature. Haha-ue says humans are the most intolerable when it comes to things they don’t understand. If our secret ever got out, we might be taken away.
Miroku oji-sama is a full human monk and Sango oba-sama was once a great youkai taijiya she is also human. Akira-chan has very strong holy powers, Miroku oji-sama sometimes says that Akira-chan might be even more powerful then himself. Chichi-ue goes through a time when his youkai blood becomes dormant and he becomes only human, this occurs during the new moon. Akira-chan and I go through the same thing during the full moon. Chinatsu-chan is very different from us. She changes to a human when her emotions are really strong, mostly when she is very sad. So she can change at anytime. But when she changes back I think her youki gets stronger, I wonder if anyone else notices. Shippou onii-sama is a kitsune youkai and Rin onee-sama is human, so their child will be kitsune hanyou. I hope they have a child soon, that would be fun!
“Miho onee-sama.” Chinatsu said, breaking her sister from her thoughts. “Will the baby be here soon.” Chinatsu was getting restless sitting in the waiting room with the rest of the children. All the adults were waiting outside the delivery room in another part of the hospital. Miho-tachi was picked up from school by Kagome’s Mother and quickly rushed to the hospital, where Sango was giving birth.
“I don’t know Chinatsu-chan.” Miho responded as she turned back to her diary. Before she could start writing again Kagome came into the waiting room.
“Haha-ue!” Chinatsu exclaimed as she wrapped her arms happily around her mother’s waist.
“Kagome oba-sama, is Haha-ue okay?” Kikuko asked, she had been resting in Akira’s lap worried something might happen to her mother.
“Sango-chan and the baby are just fine.” Kagome smiled. “His name is Kohaku.” Kikuko jumped out of her brother’s lap and happily jumped around the waiting room.
“Hooray! I have a little brother!” She cried. Akira quickly picked her back up, signaling that she had to quiet down.
“Hai and you can go and see him now.” Kagome said. Everyone quickly scurried out except Miho. Kagome turned to her daughter. “Aren’t you coming Miho-chan.” Kagome asked her daughter.
Miho smiled, “of course Haha-ue, I’ll be right there.” Kagome stood there puzzled until she saw Miho’s open diary. She smiled and left her daughter alone to finish her entry.
Miho finished her entry:
Well dear friend, I have to go. My new cousin is named Kohaku. Don’t worry I’ll be back I have lots to tell you. See Ya!
Higurashi Miho
Kagome watched her large family pile into the hospital room and surround the new baby. She thought of all the trials the have been through as a large family and she thought of the things that got them there. She thought of Sesshoumaru and Satsuki’s decision to live on the shrine and the home Inuyasha and Miroku had built on the shrine grounds. She thought of Kaoru a lot and thanked her everyday for restoring Tokyo and the feudal era. She thought of the day they returned home and seeing the happy faces on the street as if nothing had happened. She had friends who she could trust with her secrets and they even came by the hospital to see the new baby. Kagome thought of her children and what the future holds for them. But most of all Kagome thought of her dear husband and how damn cute he was holding that baby.
Inuyasha looked up when he felt Kagome’s eyes on him. He smiled and knew she was in heat. Tonight was going to be a good night.
Well this is the end of “Never-ending Adventures” and “A Love That Crosses Time” But this is also the beginning of “The Elements of Time” It is fifteen years later and Inuyasha-tachi have a family and a semi-normal life. (As normal as life can be with youkai kids around the house.) This story is more centered on the new generation. And when they discover the secrets behind the bone eaters well. Their presence in the feudal era can either make or break the future. And what is Kouga up to. Enjoy and Review!
Dear Diary,
Hi, my name is Tashio Miho. I am fourteen years old. You don’t know me because you are new. I decided to start a new diary because of the new addition to the family. My oba-ue, is having her third baby with my oji-ue. Who is oba and oji you ask? Well their names are Hoshi Miroku and Hoshi Sango. They are the sister and brother of my parents, Tashio Inuyasha and Tashio Kagome. Sango oba-ue and Miroku oji-ue already have a son, Hoshi Akira he is my age and their daughter, Hoshi Kikuko is only four.
We all live on a shrine over looking Tokyo, Chichi-ue says that they had to expand the house because no one knows how to leave. If one more kid is born the house is going to explode. Luckily Haha-ue said it’s going to be awhile for my next brother or sister, she says that three is enough for her. But Chichi-ue wants another son, as if my twin brother isn’t enough. My twin is called Tashio Akio and my imouto-chan is called Tashio Chinatsu she is six. She is so annoying always following me around. But wait there’s more. I have another Oji-sama and Oba-sama, there names are Tashio Sesshoumaru and Tashio Satsuki. Oji-sama is Chichi-ue’s older brother. They have two children, Tashio Yuichi he’s fifteen and Tashio Izumi she is also six. Izumi-chan and Chinatsu-chan are practically inseparable. They both conspire together to find new ways to annoy me.
We have a really big Family, you might get lost, but try to keep up. We also live with my Sobo-san. My other oji-san, Higurashi Souta lives with his wife, Higurashi Hitomi. She’s expecting their first child very soon. Shippou onii-sama was adopted by Haha-ue when he was just a small child he doesn’t live in the same house but he and his wife, Rin onee-sama lives on the back of the shrine. They don’t have any kids but Rin onee-sama says she wants some soon. Jaken-san once the personal servant of Sesshoumaru oji-san but now he considered a great friend. He is always swooned over by Yagi-san, he just doesn’t get that she loves him. What a baka. We have a distant relative from Chichi-ue’s side, her name is Ayumi-san, she is my best friend besides Haha-ue and Akira, I tell her all my secrets. My great-grandfather sadly died a year ago. I’m just glad he didn’t suffer, I will miss his stories. Well if you are still confused I made up this handy chart enjoy!
Children: Girls
Children: Boys
Tashio: Inuyasha and Kagome
Me: Miho, 14
Chinatsu, 6
Chinatsu, 6
Akio, 14 (my twin)
Tashio: Sesshoumaru and Satsuki
Izumi, 6
Yuichi, 15
Tashio: Shippou and Rin
none, yet
none, yet
Hoshi: Miroku and Sango
Kikuko, 4
Akira, 14
And now Kohaku, a few min.
And now Kohaku, a few min.
Higurashi: Souta and Hitomi
Tashio: Jaken and Yagi
(hopefully soon)
(hopefully soon)
none yet
none yet
Well there is no more procrastinating, sure I’m a fourteen year old girl. I go to school I have friends and a REALLY big, and VERY close Family. But I’m a girl with a really big secret. I am part inu youkai. That’s right I’m not human. Chichi-ue is hanyou, born from a human woman and inu youkai man. Sesshoumaru oji-sama is full youkai so is Satsuki oba-sama. Haha-ue is a very powerful miko Chichi-ue fell in love with. Because of this it takes a lot of concentration to fully control our powers.I have white hair with brown eyes, I also have ears like Chichi-ue’s but mine are black. Akio-chan has black hair with yellow eyes he has ears that seem human but are pointy and furry, his are white. Chinatsu-chan is different though she has two of everything. Her hair is mostly white save for the black at the tips, she has Haha-ue’s eyes, brown with specks of yellow. Her ears are like Chichi-ue’s but the tips are black. We have to wear necklaces that are charged with concealment spells. These necklaces hide our true nature. Haha-ue says humans are the most intolerable when it comes to things they don’t understand. If our secret ever got out, we might be taken away.
Miroku oji-sama is a full human monk and Sango oba-sama was once a great youkai taijiya she is also human. Akira-chan has very strong holy powers, Miroku oji-sama sometimes says that Akira-chan might be even more powerful then himself. Chichi-ue goes through a time when his youkai blood becomes dormant and he becomes only human, this occurs during the new moon. Akira-chan and I go through the same thing during the full moon. Chinatsu-chan is very different from us. She changes to a human when her emotions are really strong, mostly when she is very sad. So she can change at anytime. But when she changes back I think her youki gets stronger, I wonder if anyone else notices. Shippou onii-sama is a kitsune youkai and Rin onee-sama is human, so their child will be kitsune hanyou. I hope they have a child soon, that would be fun!
“Miho onee-sama.” Chinatsu said, breaking her sister from her thoughts. “Will the baby be here soon.” Chinatsu was getting restless sitting in the waiting room with the rest of the children. All the adults were waiting outside the delivery room in another part of the hospital. Miho-tachi was picked up from school by Kagome’s Mother and quickly rushed to the hospital, where Sango was giving birth.
“I don’t know Chinatsu-chan.” Miho responded as she turned back to her diary. Before she could start writing again Kagome came into the waiting room.
“Haha-ue!” Chinatsu exclaimed as she wrapped her arms happily around her mother’s waist.
“Kagome oba-sama, is Haha-ue okay?” Kikuko asked, she had been resting in Akira’s lap worried something might happen to her mother.
“Sango-chan and the baby are just fine.” Kagome smiled. “His name is Kohaku.” Kikuko jumped out of her brother’s lap and happily jumped around the waiting room.
“Hooray! I have a little brother!” She cried. Akira quickly picked her back up, signaling that she had to quiet down.
“Hai and you can go and see him now.” Kagome said. Everyone quickly scurried out except Miho. Kagome turned to her daughter. “Aren’t you coming Miho-chan.” Kagome asked her daughter.
Miho smiled, “of course Haha-ue, I’ll be right there.” Kagome stood there puzzled until she saw Miho’s open diary. She smiled and left her daughter alone to finish her entry.
Miho finished her entry:
Well dear friend, I have to go. My new cousin is named Kohaku. Don’t worry I’ll be back I have lots to tell you. See Ya!
Higurashi Miho
Kagome watched her large family pile into the hospital room and surround the new baby. She thought of all the trials the have been through as a large family and she thought of the things that got them there. She thought of Sesshoumaru and Satsuki’s decision to live on the shrine and the home Inuyasha and Miroku had built on the shrine grounds. She thought of Kaoru a lot and thanked her everyday for restoring Tokyo and the feudal era. She thought of the day they returned home and seeing the happy faces on the street as if nothing had happened. She had friends who she could trust with her secrets and they even came by the hospital to see the new baby. Kagome thought of her children and what the future holds for them. But most of all Kagome thought of her dear husband and how damn cute he was holding that baby.
Inuyasha looked up when he felt Kagome’s eyes on him. He smiled and knew she was in heat. Tonight was going to be a good night.