InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mapped Life ❯ A Mapped Life: Chapter 6: Why do I think about you... ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I DO NOT OWN Inuyasha or the Crew, Rumiko Takahashi does. But I do own my original characters.

I can´t hear you?! What did you say? 121?” Yes people only five chapters and 121 page views, oh and of course one very important review, I wish some of you other interesting people told me what you thought about my fic… Yep youkai exist in my fic that is what makes it all more interesting Ne?

*flashes an evil grin and my pink fluffy plot bunny curls up into heap in the corner*

“Now where did that rabbit go?”

Oh and on with the show, here is chapter six guys *smiles*

A Mapped Life:

Kenichii dragged Lora the last few steps to her cabin, while said bitch growled and lashed out at his arm, they passed a bellhop on the way into the corridor, the young man eyed Kenichii suspiciously, but disappeared rapidly as he pointed menacingly towards the corridor, understand the silent order to disappear.

“Goddamnit Lora! Stay still for a bit will you! I am not going to hurt you, I am just trying to help, Toga was about to turn full Inu on you back there if you didn´t submit, what were you thinking?!”

Kenichii loosened his grip on her arm and slouched against the wall, Lora rubbed the sore spot under her damp braid, where Toga had almost pulled her hair out by the roots, why was he helping her, he had seen how Toga had man-handled her before, and he had not said a word, but now, now he had got into it, and brought her up to her room, away from Toga, almost as if, he was saving her from sure doom.

Lora pulled her towel closer around her extended belly and rubbed her arm, swallowing a knot that seemed to appear suddenly in her throat, she turned around opening the door to her cabin, Kenichii a few steps behind her, she sat on the bed, her bathing suit being dry long before, as Kenichii shut the door behind him. She rested back against the wall and rubbed her extended belly soothingly.

“Are you O.K. Lora? Do you need anything are you hungry? I can call room service for you if you are you know…”

Kenichii was getting more nervous by the second, Lora smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder, “Kenichii, Kenichii I´m O.K. it´s just that I felt the baby move, do you want to feel him move too?”

He kneeled on the floor in front of her, looking directly into her green eyes, as she offered him a hand, guiding his hand to her belly, and placing hers on top, he waited expectantly, then he felt it, the infant moving around inside of her. His eyebrows shot up under his thick auburn forelocks as he looked up locking his steel grey eyes with hers.

He smiled as she blushed, “Kenichii, why do you help me? Why do you care for me? Why do you let me treat you so inferiorly all the time, if it would have been Toga, he would have knocked some sense into me a long time ago.”

Kenichii frowned and looked away, “I am in no position to tell you right now, please go change into something dry while I order some room service for you, I will leave after it arrives, go on…”

Lora blinked and granted him a shy little smile, as she slowly stood up from the bed, supporting her belly with one hand, and holding on to Kenichii with the other, she walked to the bathroom and drew a shower for herself, thinking about what just happened as she changed into something dry after the shower, she heard the door close, as she walked out of the bathroom, she saw a tray with assorted fruits, gouda cheese, sweet meat and white rice. Next to the tray there was a pitcher of pineapple juice, and a short stem rose of to the side.

She rolled the tray next to the bed and chewed on a slice of kiwi and cheese as she smelled the rose, recalling what he had said to her a few minutes ago, `Oh Kenichii, could it be that you and me could have a future together?´

Smelling the rose again she grinned and poured herself some juice as she thought, `Oh dear friend, I am in no position to tell you right now…´

Kenichii being just outside her door, rested his forehead on it for a moment, before deciding to walk to his cabin and try to forget what he just lived a few moments ago watching Toga humiliate Lora in front of him, forcing her to submit, it was just something that he would have to bide his time, until the child was born, and weaned off his mother´s milk, then, they would be divorced, and she would be free. Free for him to tell her how he felt about her. He sighed and ran a clawed hand through his auburn locks, growling in exasperation.

Why did his best friend have to stand in between him and the woman he was sure could be his potential mate for life? Why of all people and youkai on earth was it Toga?

He walked over to the wet bar in his cabin and popped open a bottle of wine, drinking the night away to numb the hurt, the feeling of complete uselessness.

While Lora that night went to sleep with the rose on her night stand and a smile on her pretty pink lips.


Toga retreated to his separate cabin, 3 doors down from Lora´s, a long while after looking for the little girl, but not being able to find her. `Who was she? Who were her parents? Was she traveling alone on the ship? ´

Some many questions flooded his mind that night, causing him a dreamless sleep. His final thought before falling asleep, `those lavender eyes…´


Izayoi arrived at her room inside her cabin, and only until she closed the door and secured the lock, did she close her eyes, and clutch her chest to try to normalize it´s irregular beating, `Oh Kami-sama! How could I be so careless, the poor guy got soaked wet because I was clumsy, and he called after me, he must be looking for me now, to tell on daddy about what I did to him, God! What am I going to do?´

Iza picked herself off the floor and changed into something lighter, then she called room service and ordered some chicken teriyaki, white rice, and chocolate cake. Putting the tray outside the door, she locked herself in her room and went to sleep.

Please Read & Review! I want to hear what you have to say guys, love Pinkit!