InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mapped Life ❯ A Mapped Life: Chapter 9: Protecting what is not mine and drunk ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I DO NOT OWN Inuyasha or the Crew, Rumiko Takahashi does. But I do own my original characters.

Hey there, glad you could join us today, Pedro and I were just about to play a hand of Blackjack, sit down and watch,

-Dealer cuts deck,
-deals two cards Pedro two cards Pinkit,
-Pedro hits 7 of hearts, bust! 25
-Pedro looses $15.00 to table,
-Pinkit hits 3 of spades, Winner! 21
-Pinkit wins table jackpot! 245 page views, and a box of fresh strawberry Pocky!

Well then I must thank you all for supporting my little story here, I never though that I would receive so much attention, so that means that someone must like it, *smiles*

So maybe some of you might have something to say, but rather not leave a review, so how about you email me what you think? My email is p i n k i t 8 4 @ y a h o o . c o m (just remove the spaces, all types of feedback are welcome!)

Pedro asked me to sit and write just what he had thought up, so here is chapter 9 of `A Mapped Life´

A Mapped life:

Late the last night aboard the S.S. Faithfull, Kentaro dragged Kenichii out of the cabin they shared, and brought him along to his mix and mingle routine at the Bar on first class, they rented a pool table for 2 hours, ordered a few shots of whiskey and discussed marketing campaigns for the branch of home contractors they planned on establish in America.

“But Ichi think about the possibilities, now that we now that westerners have started to build their homes from wood and gypsum, it will be much easier, our Japanese builders will have a field trip building the project, only the foundation has to be in bricks and cement, along with the walls that are the primary dividers, the rest can be wood and clay! We will make millions in profit, and quick!”

“Taro, you must put yourself in these peoples´ shoes, how would it feel like to own a house made out of clay and sticks? Not so hot right? Well think about it this way, if you wouldn’t take the time to at least consider buying what you are selling, it is not worth it…or at least that is the way I look at things and that is the way I succeed every time I sign a contract and build.”

Kentaro growled in frustration, missing the eight ball by an inch, loosing his third game and having to pay the third round of shots, he laid his stick across the table and approached the bar, ordering another round as the took a glance over his shoulder, at none another than Lora herself, drunk as a sailor, and giggling madly at a guy flirting with her, he who was less than interested in a pregnant woman, youkai as a manner of a fact, just looking for a `quick screw´ probably mistaking Lora with one of the cabaret girls, who wore skimpy little dresses, obscene amounts of makeup, and odd color wigs.

He looked over to Kenichii who was arranging the table again, as he looked up feeling somebody’s eyes on him, youkai senses alert, he locked his steel gray eyes with Kentaro, who gestured over to the table where Lora and the drunk we sitting at with his clawed index finger.

The drunk had managed to scoot over next to Lora, close enough to slide his hand up the skirt of her dress, Kenichii narrowed his eyes to silver slits, and with all the grace of a full blown killer stalked over to the table and hauled the drunk out of his seat by his neck, punching him directly in the face, fracturing his nose, he threw the drunk in a heap on the floor. Lora giggled through it all, Kenichii pulled her out of her chair and picked her up bridal style in one swift motion, Lora braced both her arms around his neck and kept on giggling, he issued a low but deep growl in Inu ordering her to keep silent, she obeyed and nipped at his jaw and throat, looking for reassurance.

he buried his nose into her hair, only to find her fresh delightful fragrance opaque with cigar smoke, another mans´ sweat and hard liquor, he snorted, trying to get rid of the odor, and looked up to find Kentaro downing another shot, he growled in Inu, getting his attention, Kentaro looked up at him, “go ahead my friend, I’m sure you wouldn´t like to have Toga find her here like this at all, take her to her cabin and get her sober, I don´t think all that liquor she has inside is good for the child. Take care of her, Ichi I will be fine.”

Kenichii nodded, and walked toward the nearest exit, to take her to her cabin and get the liquor out of her before she digested it, with all that she drank it could provoke fever or even worst labor. And nobody would like to go into labor drunk right?

He sighed as he heard Lora purr into his ear and snuggle closer to his warm body, she was practically wearing nothing, “what were you thinking Lora, being pregnant and all are you trying to kill your child? I don’t think you have it in you, so that must mean that something is bothering you, but what is it koi?”

All he got as a response was a giggle interrupted by hiccups. He ran his hands along her frail form looking for the cabin key, finding it snugly fit in between her ample breasts he gulped and pulled it out, opening the door to the cabin, he walked over to the bathroom and turned the faucets on, drawing her a cool bath to get her sober, he sat on the covered toilet, with Lora in his lap, and undressed her, throwing her clothes in the trash, he stripped her down bare and forced his index finger into her mouth, making her dry heave twice he stood and let her kneel in front of the toilet, to throw up all the liquor, then he picked her up and carefully laid her in the tub, and poured a handful of cold water on her face, a harsh intake of breath on her part followed, signaling she was wide awake.

Lora coughed and inhaled gripping the side of the tub making her knuckles turn white, the porcelain cracked under her grip but didn´t give way, “Kami-sama! Kenichii what the fuck were you thinking! I could have choked! Then you would be in for it you idiot, Toga would have your ass if you kill his heir!” She said as she smoothed her blue grey hair out of her eyes, and sputtered more water.

“The same damn thing you should be thinking Lora, you just consumed two full bottles of hard liquor, you could have gone into labor alone, and died, and killed the baby when you transformed, or is that what you were planning?! God! I can´t believe I plan to have you give me children!”

He punched a hole in the wall of the bathroom, then he combed his claws through his hair quickly realizing he had said too much, he exited the bathroom and picked up the phone, ordering her dinner and a double black cup of coffee, he waited for room service and left shortly after it arrived, no note was left, and no flower this time, only the cabin window left ajar, to dispel the scent of him in the cabin, and he took the clothes soaked in bar stench, leaving no evidence of her entourage into the Bar at a full 8 months pregnant which was full term for Inu youkai, and due any minute.

That night Lora slept with what he had blurted out in the middle of their argument on her mind, “God I can´t believe I plan to have you give me children!”

She snuggled under the covers and caressed her belly lovingly, “oh my baby, I wish things could be different, that I could watch you grow, and teach you important things just like any other mother does to her child, I hope you forgive me for being such a fool, I love you baby, be well.”

“Kenichii, my love, is it true, that you desire me? That you wish me to have your children? Could it be that I have a future with you after my son is born? Well if you still want me afterwards, since I seem to screwing up all the time, I hope you still want me after what happened at the bar.”

Please Read and review people, or email if you wish, hugs and kisses Pinkit!