InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Marriage of Convenience for Whom? ❯ Male Stupidity Rears its Ugly Head ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Productions.
A/N: Sorry for all edits, but is cracking down on disclaimers—not only do I have to say that I don't own the show, and also who owns it. I get that, but what pisses me off is that while I was perusing my favorites to find a complete disclaimer to model my own off of, I found most people have less of a disclaimer than I do, some not at all. I feel like I'm on this site's black list. Moral of the story, don't have a potty mouth and update your disclaimers ASAP!
I've missed writing so much, and it's taken a really long time to get this chapter completed. School is really wearing me down this year, but I am about to graduate from college! Thanks so much to everyone who reviewed, and kept faith that one day I might actually update. It means a lot, and I promise to keep working.
On that note, by my rotation schedule the next fic for me to update is Better Things than You. I don't really care, but do you guys want me to work on this fic or Better Things? I may just follow the muse, but I want to know if you have an opinion.
Chapter 10
Inuyasha towel dried his hair. The red lights of the clock next to his bed declared the time to be sometime past three in the morning, but the hanyou could not sleep for the life of him. All he could think about was Kagome.
He had dreamt of Kagome, her sad voice on the phone replaying over and over again, leaving him no peace even in his sleep.
In the dream, it had been as though he was watching his body from a distance…
His eyes had bled red and he had leaped out of the window into the night seeking out the girl whose lonely voice called to him. Floating above his body, he had followed himself down one dark alley after another and then stopped short in front of a payphone.
There was a woman inside, and her head was turned away from him. She hissed words of pleading, and after a moment, Inuyasha floating about his youkai form, recognized them as the words Kagome had said when she called that night being repeated time and time again
“Inuyasha?” Her voice squeaked painfully.“I know you're not there, and I don't really have a way for you to reach me, but I…I guess I just needed a friend to talk to. I'm sorry things didn't work out between us. Don't worry. I won't bother you anymore…”
He had watched as his demon form had made a mad dash at the girl to protect her.
Before he could even get to her, the dream ended, and Inuyasha woke alone in his bed.
He needed to see Kagome again, but the matter how was a problem.
She might be using him for a good time, but there had just been something about her voice that night that made him want to ignore all the reasons that where forming in his mind as to why he shouldn't see her. She had called him, and for the moment, that was reason enough to seek her out.
Inuyasha the actor had an appointment with her that afternoon for some wedding planning where they would surely be photographed from paparazzi hiding in the bushes. Hopefully the woman who was there would be Kagome, and not Kikyou, the woman who had been with him on the talk show circuit.
If it wasn't such an impossibility, Inuyasha would have thought he was dealing with two different people. But it had to be simply one, strange actress.
Sango clicked her nails on the expensive wood of her desk in Kikyou's office. She was supposed to be making phone calls to confirm Kikyou and Kagome's appointments for the week, but she could not help the feeling that something was off. Seriously off.
It was the man she had seen at the talk show taping a few days ago that was throwing her for a loop. He was handsome to be sure, but that was not why she was interested in him. Well, not the only reason.
What she really wanted to know was why he had been there in the first place and then where she had seen him before.
To begin with, unless he had something to do with Inuyasha, he shouldn't have been at the taping. And Inuyasha was notorious for not having the entourage so typical of Hollywood starlets. With the security increase the suits on the executive committee had ordered to better protect Kikyou and Kagome's secret, Sango was unsure of how anyone who shouldn't have been there could have gotten on set.
He was not an actor Kikyou worked with, or if he was, he had not been her costar in sometime. Since Kikyou hit the A list, she carefully chose both her movies and coworkers, so the pool of men she played Juliette to their Romeo was very limited. Sango knew all acceptable costars by heart, and the mystery man was not on that list. He simply could not have been a man using his celebrity and connection with Kikyou to get on set.
The man could not have been on one the show's staff either for he had followed them to all the tapings they had taken and done nothing more than play with his hand held organizer and look as bored as herself.
That only left two options—both of which were unlikely.
One, Kikyou was having an affair. This however was a near impossibility to be happening under Sango's nose. When Kikyou had started dating her husband, she had been already involved with another man. It had been Sango's job to coordinate her schedules so she never slipped up. Kikyou clearly did not care what Sango's thoughts were on immorality—that was not what she was paid for—so it was more than likely not that her boss was bringing her boy-toy to work with her. Besides the extreme metro-sexual nature of the strange man was not Kikyou's type at all.
That left the other possibility: the man had been there with Inuyasha.
Her mind stretched out into her memories. He had been watching the couch where the costars sat closely; if his eyes had been anywhere other than his palm pilot, it had been with the supposedly happy couple.
Though they had often proved inept in the past, Sango was pretty sure the television station had not reached such complete incompetents to let stalkers near the celebrities. Therefore, the man had to have been there with Inuyasha.
Her manicured nails tapped over the glossy wood yet again, showing her frustration with her own memory's failure.
Where have I seen him before?
Turning back to her computer with an annoyed sigh, she decided if nothing else, she could do the job Kikyou paid her for. For a time at least she pushed the man from her mind.
Kagome checked herself out over her shoulder in the full length mirrors behind where she stood on a pedestal. Sango had pulled a chair up to watch the show, knowing never to let Kagome out of her sight after the time she had disappeared in the fitting room.
The gown was perfect, for Kikyou.
The wedding dress was so beautiful it would be perfect for any woman, but it had something subtle that screamed Kikyou.
It had been designed specifically for the actress….
Turning one last time for Kagome sighed. “The dress is nice,” she commented to Sango who appeared to be ignoring her.
Kikyou's assistant snorted. “Its more than nice,” but she did not look up. She went on to say some designer's name that Kagome was sure she could not pronounce much less remember. Kagome could only shrug and turn back to the mirror.
“So this is it?” Kagome asked, smoothing the silk of the skirt down with her fingers. She had already tried on what seemed like hundreds of dresses, and this was the one she liked best and Sango had thought Kikyou was most likely to approve of.
“Yes, if Kikyou agrees,” Sango finally met Kagome's gaze. “Do you like it?”
Kagome only shrugged again. “…its nice.” She sighed at last. “Its just not—not—”
“You?” Sango filled in the blank.
“But its perfect for Kikyou.” Kagome sighed in a breath, trying to reassure both herself and Sango she was making the right decision. Fidgeting with a stray piece of lace, she carefully avoided Sango's eyes.
“Yes,” Sango began at last, after watching Kagome pretend to ignore her, “its not like this is really you're wedding. And if you hate the dress so much, we can look for another…” she offered, trying to keep up Kagome's moral as much as possible. Though the last thing they needed was for Kagome to start looking depressed for the cameras, she really did want the younger woman to be happy.
Kagome turned the thought over in her mind. She would never have picked the dress for her own personal use, but as things stood, she was playing a role: she wasn't even herself. This was part of the experience she had signed on for.
“Its really alright Sango. It isn't my wedding, and I need to look the part.”
Sango nodded. She really couldn't press the girl anymore, so she made a motion for the seamstress to pack up the gown.
Stepping out of the limo, Kagome immediately felt as though she were being watched.
It was true that she was supposed to be watched, but that knowledge didn't stop her from feeling uncomfortable.
Today, “Kikyou” was looking at hopeful venues in which she could hold her wedding. It was true the real wedding location had already been booked and a deposit placed on it, but the press didn't know that tidbit of information. Yet.
Sango marched in front of her, leading the way to where Inuyasha was already waiting. The actor looked like he had just stepped out of a catalogue, with his faded jeans and t-shirt, both sporting a logo Kagome recognized, but couldn't remember the designer it represented. His flip flops only probably cost more than a month's rent of her shabby apartment. Looking both women over from behind his dark sun-glasses, Inuyasha already sported the appearance of annoyance.
“You're late,” he scoffed, turning back to look over the mansion grounds and gardens where the wedding would supposedly be held. He long black hair was tied back in a lose braid, and bits of stray hair were occasionally caught in the wind.
“Sorry,” Kagome muttered in her bored Kikyou drawl, “getting a wedding dress on and off takes more time than you'd think.”
“I guess I'll have to find out,” Inuyasha rose to her jib, and Kagome found herself blushing ever so slightly under the thick sunglasses Sango had insisted she wear. The large black contraptions of shaded plastic covered a large section of her face, and Kagome found herself suddenly grateful for the shield they offered from the curious gaze Inuyasha was giving her.
“Good day, Mr. Takahashi, Miss Higurashi, I am Chuck, your guide. If you'll come this way,” began the man appointed to lead their tour with a dramatic sweep of his arms. He was clearly expecting to be photographed with the way he held himself, the overly dressy clothes he sported in spite of the casual look to most of the other employees. “You'll see there is a fountain—imported from Rome—and this canopy is a favorite spot for most of our couples to hold their ceremony.” The man motioned to parallel rows of three trees, their branches interlocking so that they created the arch. Kagome thought it was beautiful, but she noticed Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
“If you stand just here,” Chuck directed Kagome and Inuyasha to stand centrally under the trees, “You can really get a feel for what the ceremony will be like.” He looked around nervously for a moment then leaned forward to join Inuyasha's hand with Kagome's. “See? It just has that wedding vibe about it.”
There was the distinct sound of cameras going off in the background, and Inuyasha jerked his hand out of Kagome's.
“Yeah, there's the breach of privacy and everything,” Inuyasha growled, and the guide paled, but tried to look like he hadn't heard the actor's comment.
“The reception hall his this way, if you would like to follow me,” he said, leading to where there would surely be more photographers hiding in the bushes. But that was the point, wasn't it? Kagome thought as she walked along next Inuyasha, trying to look the part of a woman in love.
If she had been playing herself in love with Inuyasha, she would have reached out her hand and taken his, but that was something Kikyou rarely did. So Kagome settled for walking as close to him a possible, occasionally brushing up next to him when they were close.
One of the times they stopped so Chuck could point out the view, Kagome found herself leaning into Inuyasha's side. He seemed to welcome the action, one of his hands coming across her back to grip her hip. She leaned further into the side-hug only to find herself abruptly pushed aside. Her head whipped around, questioning Inuyasha. He snorted and moved further away, leaving her to stand alone.
Kagome was puzzled, but tried not to show it as she continued to pretend to listen to their guide.
Inuyasha walked away from Kikyou. So far his plan was working as well as could be expected. He was going to get her pissed off and at the same time sabotage the studio's attempt to get their free advertising from the paparazzi. If all went according to his scheme, he would be able to get Kikyou alone, away from the cameras and her watch-dog assistant.
She seemed to do so much better—be the “Kagome” persona he liked so much more—when she was with his hanyou form. Granted it probably had something to do with the fact that he was more comfortable as a hanyou—without all the fucking of modern magic to screw with his system. Messing with his senses wasn't the best way to put him in a happy-cheery mood.
As their small group was passing a grove of trees, Sango and the guide walking ahead, Inuyasha made his move. Snatching up Kikyou's hand, he pulled her into the trees. The security guards who had been following exchanged looks, but continued on after Sango.
“What are you doing?” Kikyou hissed at him, when she saw that Sango was out of ear shot. She sounded pissed to Inuyasha, but then she was also blushing in the cutest way. He looked down to see that their hands were still joined.
“Aren't you the least bit tired of listening to that man drone on and on when the studio already has a wedding location for us?” Inuyasha growled back at her as he lead the way though the thicket. When they reached the other side, the couple found themselves in front of a massive stone arch. Kagome recognized it as a smaller version of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
What a romantic place to get married… Kagome mused, not really paying attention to where Inuyasha was leading them.
They stopped midway under the arch, and when Kagome finally let her eyes go back to Inuyasha she found him staring at her with his intense violet eyes. She couldn't stop the blush that instantaneously spread over her face. Nervously, she lifted the heavy sunglasses to the top her head, a nervous reflex as they stood in the arch's shade.
Before she could blink, Inuyasha had closed in on her with a speed she didn't know he had. Inuyasha kissed her hard, pushing her back again the arch's wall. Kagome hesitated for a moment, unsure of where this burst of affection was coming from—she had been sure Inuyasha was on the verge of disliking her and now here he was…kissing her. Her arms cautiously slipped up and around his neck pulling him closer. She could feel him smile against her lips, his own hands gripping her hips.
When he leaned into her to push her closer to the wall, Kagome wondered if she should resist, but there was something comforting—familiar really—about his smell, the feel of his skin. Kagome melted into his embrace.
As Inuyasha felt Kagome relax even more into his kisses, he knew it was time. As nice as this was, it would be even nicer when she was with his hanyou from. Hopefully. He knew he wasn't the brightest man when it came to women, and something about his plan screamed of stupidity, but still, he wanted to really be able take her all in. And as a human, he couldn't do that.
Besides, confusing the hell out of her might be fun.
Pulling back from her a little to lean his forehead against hers, Inuyasha sounded like he growled. He moved his lips down toward Kikyou's ear, nibbling the lobe. “Smile for the cameras, Kagome.”
Giving her one last peck on the cheek, Inuyasha couldn't help but smile at the shocked look on Kikyou's face. That should shake her up….
She looked like she wanted to shout at him, her face red with anger, fists clenched at her sides, but in the end, Inuyasha found himself watching her back as she ran away from him, in the direction of the mansion's exit.
Perfect, he thought as he quickly took off the spells concealing his from, and then using his superior senses to make sure there were no paparazzi he needed to dispose of. Once he was sure he had not been seen, he leaped in the air, heading in Kikyou's direction.
Kagome silently fumed as she made a mad dash for the parking lot and had almost reached it when she realized she didn't know where the limo was. The long black car was no where in sight. It was no wonder really since their tour of the wedding venue was supposed to last another hour.
She just wanted to go back to Kikyou's and crash. This acting thing was starting to take its toll on her, and Inuyasha's behavior wasn't helping. One minute he was kissing her, the next making her feel like a piece of meat for the paparazzi. She knew he might have only been making a friendly joke—people who stayed in Hollywood clearly lacked all their marbles. But it wasn't her way to just kiss a guy for the camera. And it hurt that when she was actually feeling emotion, it was all just and act for Inuyasha.
Brushing angry tears away, Kagome tried to pull herself together. Why do I care so damn much? Something about what he had said really bothered her, but she couldn't put her finger on it.
Walking quickly towards the road, Kagome readied her had to hail a cab when one suddenly pulled up in front of her.
She quickly slipped inside the air conditioned interior, leaning back into the seat as she gave the address to the house near Kikyou's. The press would love to see “Kikyou” being dropped off at her home in a banged up taxi.
It was a moment before she realized she wasn't alone in the cab.
Her breath hitched in her throat at the sight of the hanyou sitting next to her.
“Miss me?” Inuyasha's golden eyes flashed and he smirked as he moved across the seat to her.