InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Marriage of Convenience for Whom? ❯ Talk to Me ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. That is the property of Rumiko Takashi and Viz Productions.
Thanks to everyone who reviewed, I'll try to answer your questions and comments next time. If no one reviewed, I hate to say it, but I really think I would stop writing, so your support means a lot.
Chapter 12
Inuyasha was still listening to Sango, who in spite of all of her formality, seemed to like having someone listening to her that didn't immediately brush her off. When he caught the bar clock, reading that it was almost ten, he swore under his breath. This was just fucking great.
“Hey,” he said suddenly, “is that Kikyou waving to you?” He pointed in a random direction. In the instant her back was turned, Inuyasha made a break for it, pushing his way thought the crowd, leaving Sango alone.
A quick stop in the bathroom to switch the spell and change his clothes, Inuyasha rushed outside.
Immediately, he saw Kagome, looking around worried. She was walking back and forth down the sidewalk that lined the club, her eyes darting in all directions. In his hanyou form, he could smell her anxiety, even a potent hint of sadness.
Moving quickly, he zigzagged to her, moving past the people trying to get into the club. Slinging the bag with his clothes over his shoulder, in the same motion he wrapped his arms around Kagome and pulled her to him.
Inuyasha could feel her stiffen for a moment, her unease growing. “I'm late, babe,” he whispered and immediately felt her relax.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome growled, pushing herself away and turning to look at him, her hands on her hips. “What do you think you're doing? I thought you were a mugger!”
Laughing, he took her hand and pulled her toward his car. “I know, but I saw you there, and I couldn't resist. Nice dress, by the way,” he said as he noticeably ogled her cleavage. Kagome wished her and her sister were closer to the same size.
She accepted his answer begrudgingly, fuming at his blatant staring, and followed him as he pulled her along. What was it about men named Inuyasha and the need to control her movement?
“So, do you have any particular place you want to go, Kagome?” Inuyasha asked innocently enough. However the question sent another pang of panic to the girl's gut. What if someone saw them? Could she risk going out in public not only looking like her sister, but also made to resemble Kikyou in dress, makeup, and clothes?
Kagome was struck with a sudden epiphany. I have an apartment. Granted her food had probably rotted and the place was probably coated in dust, but it was still hers. As part of their arrangement, Kikyou was to pay her rent and utilities as long as Kagome was not living there so that she did not lose the prime real estate for starving college students when she went back to finish her research.
“I have some place we could go, if you just want a night in.”
An hour later, after hitting the movie store and three take out joint, Kagome found herself turning her key in the rusty lock to her old apartment. She felt like she had been away for a lifetime.
And with the layer of dust coating everything, it appeared she had been. In addition to the grime, there was the distinct scent of old garbage and disuse permeating the air.
“Come here often?” Inuyasha asked with a raised eyebrow once he had stepped inside and surveyed the damage.
“I told you it was a hideout—I just haven't needed it for a while,” Kagome said, surprised with how easily the lie rolled off her tongue.
“Ah,” Inuyasha said, flicking on the light switch, which thankfully turned on. At least Kikyou is paying the bills so I'll have a home to come back to when this is all over….
Setting the movies down on her kitchen table, Kagome checked the fridge, but quickly shut the door when she saw what could have been an over-grown rat leering at her from the depths of the darkened icebox. Note to self: call exterminator before moving back in.
“So…you got a living room?” Inuyasha asked nonchalantly, his eyes moving toward the doorway leading out of the kitchen and into the rest of the darkened apartment.
“This way,” Kagome directed thought the door. Inuyasha scooped up the movies as he passed the table and trekked after Kagome, still holding their take out.
She blushed at the smallness of her home. There wasn't a living room, only her bedroom. While at school she wasn't one for entertaining, and before this she had never had needed to use more than the kitchen to occupy her guests. Ideally, she wonder what the other Inuyasha would have thought if she had brought him here.
Turning on the lights to her bedroom, she found it as she had left it only cleaner. It looked like someone had tidied up, picking up her clothes and making her bed.
Kagome quickly dusted off the television, perched precariously on her dresser opposite to her bed, before popping in the rented copy of Sin City. As she fiddled with the DVD player, she nervously glanced over her shoulder at the hanyou who had flopped down on her bed and was now taking up most of the right side and middle. Where am I supposed to sit?
I'm already causing so much trouble, I might as well take advantage of the situation, Kagome thought. Appearing as relaxed as possible, she plopped down next to Inuyasha who seemed a little taken aback by her forwardness but nonetheless wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close as the film began.
“What do you mean she's not there!” Kikyou screamed at her assistant over the phone.
On the other end of the line, Sango cringed. This was not good. This really was not good. She had been looking for Kagome for some time and the girl was nowhere to be found. No one had seen her for at least an hour and the person who last remembered glimpsing her said she had been driving away.
Sango told as much to Kikyou, but the actress was still angry. “This isn't like Kagome!” Kikyou declared in exasperation. “She knows better than this. If it was anyone else, I would think she was doing it to spite me, but I just can't believe my sister would have it in her.”
This was bad. This was very very bad. Kikyou paced her living room for a moment, practically growling as she stalked around. Not only bad, but also it was not something her sister would pull. Kagome was the good girl, the one who never stepped out of line. Why now on my watch does she have to start acting like a normal human being instead of a saint?
“Kikyou?” Sango's voice brought her back to the present. “I've said this before, but I think she's sneaking off to see a guy.”
Kikyou paused, weighing the idea in her mind. It didn't fit. Kagome like studying and her only hobby was acting. But who knew? She wasn't being herself anyway. “Alright Sango, I'll bite. Why—besides the obvious—would you think that?”
Sango stood outside the club, one hand clapping her cell phone to her ear, the other keeping a paparazzi in a chock hold. “Because I have a man here with some very interesting pictures of her leaving with a very attractive young man.” The paparazzi showed Sango the pictures he had taken of Kagome and Inuyasha on his digital camera as he pleaded for the assistant to let him live.
Kikyou was froze, her jaw dropped. She didn't know what to say. Little Kagome running off with a guy? Giving herself a shake, Kikyou began to strategize. She needed to know who he was, where he had taken her baby sister, and if there was any reason she needed to personally oversee his assassination.
Telling Sango as much, Kikyou dropped the phone back into it cradle and returned to the couch where her husband sat, waiting for her.
“Anything the matter?” He asked even though he knew there was.
“Kagome's gone MIA again,” Kikyou groaned. Her attention was focused on turning back on the movie they had been watching before the interruption.
“Is she ok? I thought I heard you say you needed to have someone killed.”
“As far as I know, she's fine. Sango's going to check back in when she knows more.”
Nodding, Mr. Kikyou realized he wasn't going to get any more information at the moment as his wife's eyes had glazed over, her attention on the movie.
Neither the actress nor her husband noticed the periodic clicking sound coming from the bushes outside their living room. They had no idea a lone stalk-a-razzi had made it passed security and was currently photographing the famous actress with an unknown man. The tabloids and morning talk shows were going to flip.
Sango flipped her cell phone shut angrily. This was sooo not her day. She knew Kikyou probably wouldn't fire her for this mess, but it was always a possibility.
Shoving the photographer she had been torturing away, she popped the memory card out of his camera and when back inside the club. One of the bouncers started to try and halt her, but his partner stopped him with a warning shake of his head.
A little shaken, Sango made her way to the bar. She was going to need a drink if she expected to get through the night.
After ordering a Yeager bomb, she slouched in her bar stool, relaxing for the first time in some days. She sighed in relief for just being off her feet.
The distinct pressure of a hand on her ass brought her back to reality.
With a speed that would have rivaled any demon, Sango had the pervert in a chokehold pleading for his life.
“Buddy, I've had a bad night, and it's only gone to get worse. Don't fuck with me!” She hissed into his ear. Giving his neck one final crushing squeeze, she let him go.
He stood quickly, taking a stumbling step away from her, his hands on his neck to assess the damage.
“I'm sorry, it was an accident,” he said, his voice a little hoarse.
It was then that Sango realize who he was. It was the guy who had been with Inuyasha at the television station that day.
“Its all right,” Sango said, trying to recover herself. She had to keep him around. “Happens all the time—just so long as you've learned your lesson,” she fake smiled at him and hopped back on the barstool. Not one for beating around the bush, “Can I buy you a drink?”
The man looked confused for a moment, but then shrugged. “Mama said to never pass up drinks from beautiful women,” he flashed her what he assumed was a charming smile. Sango rolled her eyes as she looked down a the black shot of Yeager and tumbler of Red Bull. Just what she needed. “I'll have whatever you're having,” he said not really paying attention to what exactly she was drinking.
Sango ordered him his drink and waited for the bar tender to bring it to him before she downed her own.
“I'm Miroku,” he offered as they waited.
“Sango,” she responded just as his Yeager bomb was placed before him. “Have you ever had one before?” She asked innocently.
Miroku looked confused. “Can't say I have.”
Sango smirked at his lost tone. Few of the Hollywood pansies she had as suitors could pass the Yeager Bomb test. She wanted this Miroku-guy around for information, but he was kind of handsome. “Then you're in for a treat. This is what you do:” she instructed, “take your shot, drop it in the tumbler, and chug—not sip, but chug. It mixes better and is easier to drink that way.”
Miroku nodded.
“Ok, on three. One. Two. Three.”
Chugging down their drinks, they finished at almost the same time. Feeling a bit of a head rush, the two looked at each her, matching smirks on their faces.
“You want another?” Miroku asked.
Sango's smile widened. “Of course, your round though.” He had passed the patented Sango Yeager Bomb challenge.
Kagome snuggled closer to Inuyasha. Burying her head in his chest just in time to avoid seeing yet another man being castrated by gunshot, she missed his look of surprise at her movement.
Inuyasha was enjoying himself. There was something relaxing about this whole…date.
If it could be called a date at all.
But that was not the point. The point was that just being with Kagome made him feel relaxed. Not just relaxed, but good about himself. He didn't have to focus on being any body else, on keeping up a persona. He could be himself. Things were just simple, and he liked it.
Kagome was nowhere near as relaxed as Inuyasha. She liked being with him, it was a nice change from the constant lights and glamour she had been forced into recently. That aspect at least was relaxing for the young actress.
But it was the guilt that was getting to her.
She wanted to come clean, but how clean was the question?
She couldn't say anything about Kikyou—those were Kikyou's secrets. If she couldn't say anything about Kikyou, then she couldn't say anything about marrying the actor Inuyasha.
Or could she?
“I'm marrying Inuyasha Takahashi the day after tomorrow as a stand in for Kikyou Higurashi.” She blurted out in one breath.
Inuyasha, who had been minding his own business smelling Kagome's hair and watching Sin City, was needless to say surprised at her confession. “What?
Kagome disentangled herself from his embrace. “You heard me,” she said, keeping her back to him. “I just wanted to you to know. I've been lying to enough people recently, and I want you to know where I'll be. I may not be able to see you for some time—if you want to see now.”
Inuyasha did not have the slightest idea of what to say. Never had he believed Kikyou would tell him the truth…even on this half-truth level. In a weird sort of way he was touched.
“First off, of course I'll want to see you again.” He smiled a little when she visibly relaxed. “But let me get this straight,” he said, falling into what he hoped was an appropriately surprised expression. “Because you're Kikyou's stunt double, you have to marry the guy she's supposed to be engaged to? That doesn't make any sense.”
Kagome hung her head but turned back toward him. “Its more complicated than that and I wish I could tell you every thing, but a lot of this mess is made up of secrets that are not mine to tell.” She looked up at him with uncertain eyes. “Inuyasha? Can you just tell me that you understand a little?”
Inuyasha nodded slowly. “I think I understand, there is always something strange going on in this town. Not that I'm happy about it, but get what you're saying. But.”
Kagome had known there was more.
“But I don't know why you're telling me this. Or why you're even here with me for that matter. You're getting married.”
“I know,” Kagome began. “And I know in light of the present conversation it probably doesn't mean much, but I usually don't do stuff like this. I don't usually sneak around with guys, but I, well, kind of like you.” She held up a hand when he started to protest. “And as far as me getting married, it's not my choice to do it like this. Marriage is supposed to be special, this is just a…job. But when I get married for real, I hope that it lasts and that it's with someone who loves me as much as I care about him. I mean, I don't think Inuyasha likes me that much. It would have been nice if my first wedding was with the person I really loved, but it can't be. I just have to live with this.” She forcefully brushed away a single tear and tried to give Inuyasha a brave smile.
It was unnerving how sad she looked as she spoke. Inuyasha wasn't sure what to say or for that matter think. Was Kikyou that upset by the idea of marrying him? Sure she had just said marriage was special, but it appeared she thought it was really special. He had never thought that much about marriage, and when he did it was usually to run away from it, but the idea of being married to Kagome did not sound that bad.
“If it's just a job, why can't you say no? You don't really seem happy about it. Is money really worth that?” Inuyasha asked the first question that came to mine.
For her part, Kagome was just happy he wasn't upset over what she was telling him. She had expected the throwing of objects, cursing, or even him storming out the door to never be seen by her eyes again. Inuyasha was being calm. It was unnerving and brought more questions to her mind.
Sucking in a deep breath, she tried to answer him. “I guess its more than a job.” She paused, thinking of what she could and could not say next. She couldn't reveal too much or she would be even more dead than she already was going to be when Kikyou got her hands on her. “Like I said, its complicated. If I could tell you more, I would. Maybe some day I can explain it all. Okay?”
Inuyasha smile, leaning in to peck a kiss on her lips. “I'll hold you to that, babe.”
“I hope so,” Kagome breathed a sigh of relief she didn't know she had been holding. I hope you're still around for me to explain everything.
“So,” Inuyasha said as he reclined them back against the headboard so they could finish watching the movie. “How long is the `marriage' going to last?”
Kagome shrugged against him. “I don't know. I'm just doing my part.” After thinking for a moment she went on. “I don't even know how much of a marriage its supposed to be. No one tells me anything,” she laughed.
Inuyasha nodded, letting the conversation go.
However, Kagome's words kept coming back to him. She seemed to really want to get married someday for real, and the fact that she marrying him—or at least the actor part of him—disturbed her.
Its not wonder, considering how you treat her.
Inuyasha was shocked by his own thoughts. Here he was about to marry a girl who was perfect for him if scent had any thing to do with it. Scent was more than simply smell. It was about compatibility. Mates with compatible scents had personalities that matched as well. And it was more than just her scent; it was the way that just being in the same room as her was soothing, not to mention that if as far as movies and food went the had very similar tastes. He knew had only just met Kagome as Kagome, but by her scent alone he knew he had a very good chance of falling for her.
And he was going to be married to her. In a way.
It then became clear what he had to do. He had to treat her better in his human form. If he could win her over that way, then maybe their marriage could become the real one she wanted.
Kouga stood out in the parking lot, leaning on the hood of his beat up Mustang. Arms crossed over his chest, he brooded on the light from the window in the apartment several floors off the ground.
He had seen Kagome take that hanyou up there with her, and now he was waiting for the little dog shit to come down.
It was getting late, but still Kouga stayed.
Finally, just as he was beginning to think the son of a bitch would be staying the night, the flickering light of what must have been the television stopped, and more lights were switched on. Kouga waited, bracing himself for the fight that would hopefully ensue. He would maim the man and scare away yet another one of Kagome's suitors.
A few more minutes and Kouga's waiting paid off. He heard the sound of a door opening and then the muffled exchanging of good byes. After a brief silence, he heard the voices again and then a door closing.
Feet on the stairs gave way at last to the man he had been waiting for.
Only it wasn't the hanyou he had been waiting for—it was another guy entirely, a human.
A guy he recognized. “Inuyasha Takahashi?!” Kouga gushed as he moved to meet the actor. “What are you doing here?”
Inuyasha cursed himself. He had known it was a bad idea to switch back to his human form so soon. Now he was standing face to face with the man who had been harassing Kagome the last time they'd tried to get together.
He had to think of something fast.
“Just seeing a friend,” Inuyasha muttered, trying to get away.
“Wait, I've seen like all your movies—can I at least get your autograph?” Kouga pleaded, falling into step with Inuyasha.
Inuyasha decided he'd do anything to get the guy off his back. “Sure man. You go a pen and paper?”
Kouga felt around in his coat pockets for a moment and came up with a hot pink pen and a crumpled dollar bill. He thrust them into Inuyasha's hands.
Unfolding the dollar so as not to tear it, Inuyasha wondered if he remembered correctly that it was illegal to write on money—defacing government property. “What's the name?”
“Kouga,” was purred back at him.
Scribbling a sloppy version of his name on the bill, he gave it and the pen back to Kouga. The other man however, did not seem to be ready to let him leave.
“Who were you visiting? I might know them.”
Considering how star-struck the guy was over him, Inuyasha decided to use it to his advantage. “Some girl. Kagome Higurashi.”
Kouga went from drooling buffoon to frozen in fear in three seconds flat. “K-Ka-Kagome?”
“Yeah, sweet girl.” Inuyasha continued, pretending not to notice Kouga's distress. “My friend is dating her, but there's some other guy I'm worried about—her ex. The guy gave them trouble a few weeks back when my friend was picking her up for a date. The punk had his hands all over her. My friend really likes her, and if I find out who that bastard is, well lets just say he would have his fair share of reasons to be seen anywhere but in this city. I take care of my friends, you know?”
Kouga nodded numbly. Mumbling something of a farewell, the ran off, tail safely between his legs.
Inuyasha smirked. Being famous for playing a bunch of fake bad asses did have its perks. He didn't think he would have any more trouble from Kouga. He would have to keep an eye out though. He didn't like the fact he had been waiting in the parking lot, looking ready to fight. Inuyasha shrugged, he would just have to be careful and wait and see.
Giving Kagome's window one last look, he began to make his way home.
A/N: Anyone care if I keep working on this and forego updating Better Things just a little bit longer?